CameronMcDonald 147 Posted November 3, 2006 edit: now that we saw this pictures can weapons have their own lights? like flashlights in the weapon(working)? Well, not necessarily. It seems you can have rotating lights on at least a static weapon, but for hand-helds, who knows? Can't pull that conclusion from those screenshots. Also good to see the Abrams having a swim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted November 3, 2006 edit: now that we saw this pictures can weapons have their own lights? like flashlights in the weapon(working)? Well, not necessarily. It seems you can have rotating lights on at least a static weapon, but for hand-helds, who knows? Can't pull that conclusion from those screenshots. Also good to see the Abrams having a swim. well i thought so, but i hoped with this new engine would be possible. i was also wondering if placebo would come here and reply like he did while ago.. He seems to be so happy and kind (amável) today edit: typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted November 3, 2006 nice screens, some of the screens made me not believe that it was Armed assault especially the one with the cobra flying above the troops. btw cool that we will get search lights in arma no need to ecp hax the light houses anymore then the lightning is incredible on the troops and all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simulacra 0 Posted November 3, 2006 The 1440x900 res also shows off how the game looks in widescreen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Hate to be critical but there is another problem with the lighting effects other than the cone (probably related though). In these shots: the water behind the 'cone' shouldn't be illuminated yet it still appears to be when looking through the cone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirq 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Hate to be critical but there is another problem with the lighting effects other than the cone (probably related though).In these shots: the water behind the 'cone' shouldn't be illuminated yet it still appears to be when looking through the cone. I didnt noticed that but You are right, its a bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stegman 3 Posted November 3, 2006 Looks like I'm going to have to remove that goddamned light cone... again. First, OFP, now ArmedA... will my toil never end?- Also note that guy is manning a spotlight. Love it. Not sure about the casual way the guy is operationg the light though. Love the idea how ever, deploying lights on a besiged town/village. <----{only with a spot ligh.} Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llauma 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Nice screenshots but the proportions are terrible. It's wide but they haven't adjusted the FOV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redpride 0 Posted November 3, 2006 B.T.W. what is the official minimum system requirements for this eye candy wonder? Seems like with every screenshot/movie that comes out my PC's having a nervous breakdown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stelios 1 Posted November 3, 2006 Looks like I'm going to have to remove that goddamned light cone... again. First, OFP, now ArmedA... will my toil never end?- Also note that guy is manning a spotlight. Love it. Â Not sure about the casual way the guy is operationg the light though. Â Love the idea how ever, deploying lights on a besiged town/village. <----{only with a spot ligh.} Too bad most of the guys are wearing NOD's. So the light doesn't really helps them(it blinds them more likely). But searchlights are nice for attacking an enemy prison camp somewhere in the 1980's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crassus 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Too bad most of the guys are wearing NOD's. So the light doesn't really helps them(it blinds them more likely). But searchlights are nice for attacking an enemy prison camp somewhere in the 1980's. Yes, I was just going to write that I would first shoot the clown with the search light, for blinding me. The burning tank's(?) bad enough... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcus-Ergalla 0 Posted November 3, 2006 More than '14' new screenshots of Armed Assault. You can see them on, they were made by Cynamite. There is also a nice preview of Armed assault, unfortunately only in German. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Average Joe 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Afew new ones but old ones in their too. Thanks anyways Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcus-Ergalla 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Yes, I just found some of them in our gallery, but I think some of them are new Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berliner19 0 Posted November 3, 2006 A Couple of new Screenshots has being released. have fun Watch Here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Batukhan 0 Posted November 3, 2006 is it just me, or are the pictures TOO COLORFUL? Maybe they're photoshopped? In one pic, the tanks seems to have blue spray paint for exhaust gases Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcus-Ergalla 0 Posted November 3, 2006 A Couple of new Screenshots has being released. Old (watch two posts over yours) I don't know if some of them are photoshoped, but in the preview they say, that they've played Armed Assault at Bohemia Interactives office, so I think it is the latest version of Armed Assault. Other screens of the latest version were much better, so I would say that they were photoshoped, but I'm not sure...! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llauma 0 Posted November 3, 2006 It's obvious that those pictures are photoshopped. They look quite terrible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee 0 Posted November 3, 2006 They've definately photoshop'd them or passed them through some programme with a dodgy colour filter. There are a couple of 6-8 month old screenshots in that mix but the colours are nothing like the originals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcus-Ergalla 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Blackhawk, Blackhawk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
judge&jury 0 Posted November 3, 2006 HDR lighting has great potential to open up a new tactical dimension in ArmA. If spotlights, torches and the sun have a strong impact on soldiers' visuals, then it would be possible for a smart commander to use this to his advantage. Ambushes could be staged from elevated positions facing the sun. Spotlights and flares could be shone on a heavily defended position to provide cover for your own troops and confuse the enemy. And soldiers in a well-lit environment would have a difficult time spotting special forces hidden in the night's shadows. I can't wait to see what some clever mission makers will do with light and HDR. After all, it is a critical element of movie making. Why not mission making? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted November 3, 2006 That would be so damn cool! Trekking through a forest in pitch black when a flare springs up and blinds your squad. Seeing as the sun glares you, it would be cool if yours eyes took a few minutes to adjust to pitch black away from any towns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berliner19 0 Posted November 3, 2006 A Couple of new Screenshots has being released. Old (watch two posts over yours) I don't know if some of them are photoshoped, but in the preview they say, that they've played Armed Assault at Bohemia Interactives office, so I think it is the latest version of Armed Assault. Other screens of the latest version were much better, so I would say that they were photoshoped, but I'm not sure...! Ohh sorry didn´t see it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imported_bör 0 Posted November 3, 2006 More than '14' new screenshots of Armed Assault. You can see them on, they were made by Cynamite. There is also a nice preview of Armed assault, unfortunately only in German.  Quote[/b] ]Dafür punktet Armed Assault in anderen Kategorien. Bei der Fernsicht beispielsweise. Zehn Kilometer peilen die Programmierer diesmal für Rechner der 3,0-GHz-Klasse an. Und bei der Objektdichte: Die heimeligen Dörfchen von früher sind zu kleinen Städten gewachsen. In manchen Missionen tummeln sich gut und gerne 200 Fußsoldaten, Panzerfahrzeuge und Hubschrauber, knapp zwei Millionen Gegenstände, Tiere, Pflanzen und Personen haben die Leveldesigner platziert. »Im Editor gibt es nach oben keine Grenze. Mit der entsprechenden Rechenpower sind auch 500 Einheiten drin. ArmA has its strong points elsewhere, take the view distance e.g.: The coders' goal is view distance of 10km on a 3 ghz machine. Or take the object density: The little villages of OFP have grown into little cities. In some missions there are easily 200 soldiers, tanks and choppers. The developers have placed nearly 2 million objects, animals, plants and persons in the editor. "There's no limit in the editor. Preconditioned enough calculating power, you may place as well 500 units. Quote[/b] ]"Wir haben's mit der Havok-Technologie versucht. Aber wenn 50 Tanks gleichzeitig durchs Gemüse rumpeln und sich gegenseitig unter Feuer nehmen, bleiben auch High-End-Computer beinahe stehen.« Armed Assault verwendet deswegen eine überarbeitete Version des ursprünglichen Systems. Zwar insgesamt nicht übermäßig effektreich, aber in sich schlüssig und glaubwürdig. "We've tried to implement havoc physics. But if 50 tanks are rolling at the same time and start firing at each other, even high-end machines capitulate". So ArmA uses a revised version of the original physics system. It isn't rich of great effects, but it's authentic. Quote[/b] ]Hat man also nun vier Leben? »Das haben wir noch nicht entschieden«, antwortet Viktor. »Eine Idee wäre, dass man nur im niedrigsten Schwierigkeitsgrad noch wechseln kann, wenn man sich eine Kugel einfängt.« (regarding the "Change soldier"-feature) Have we got 4 lives now? "We haven't decided yet", Victor answers. "It would be a good idea, that you can only change your character if you got killed, if you're playing on the easiest degree of difficulty. Quote[/b] ]Während der Solokampagne (die mit veranschlagten 15 bis 20 Stunden Spielzeit nicht so umfangreich wird wie die von Teil 1) führt das Programm Buch über Waffen, Vehikel, Soldaten und Fronten. In the solo campaign (which will take 15-20 hours and thus won't be as long as the OFP one) the game will keep account of weapons, vehicles, soldiers and fronts. Quote[/b] ]Die Entwickler rechnen mit 64 Teilnehmern plus 100 bis 200 KI-Kämpfer, in Zukunft sind mehr möglich. »Der Flaschenhals ist die Netzwerktechnik. Unsere Engine verkraftet deutlich mehr Mitspieler, nur fallen Unmengen an Verbindungsdaten an, die via Internet kaum noch übertragen werden können«, erklärt Viktor Bocan.[...]Wir machen die ganze Insel zu einer Riesenarena, für die wir die Spieldauer auf gut zwölf Stunden schätzen -- inklusive Tageszeitenwechsel (about MP) The developers estimate 64 human players plus 100-200 ai combattants, in futere there may be more possible. "The problem is the network. Our engine can take a lot more players, the only problem is the sheer amount of data that can hardly be transmitted via internet", Vicotr Bocan explains. [...] We transform the whole island into a huge arena, we estimate that a game will take about 12 hours, including day/night changes. Quote[/b] ]Für Nachschub sollte gesorgt sein, denn Bohemia will einen allumfassenden Editor mitliefern (oder kurz nach Release). Die Mod-Community wird es außerdem freuen zu hören, dass sich alte Maps mit etwas Aufwand umschreiben lassen. »Vielleicht gelingt es uns, die Konvertierung zu automatisieren. Aber die Arbeiten an dem Tool kosten enorm viel Zeit.« A constant supply of fanmade mods should be ensured as Bohemia will supply an all-embracing editor (or release it shortly after release). The modding community will be pleased to hear, that old maps can be converted with some work. "Maybe we're successful in automizing the conversion. But work on this tool is taking a lot of time." Quote[/b] ]FAZIT»Im Prinzip ist Armed Assault nichts weiter als Flashpoint mit moderner Technik. Aber ganz ehrlich: Was anderes wünsche ich mir gar nicht! Endlich wieder in diese gigantischen Feldschlachten ziehen, endlich wieder mit den Kollegen im Kooperativmodus die KI das Fürchten lehren. Wenn der Multiplayer-Modus wirklich so cool wird, wie er sich anhört, kehre ich Battlefield 2 sofort den Rücken. Die behutsamen spielerischen Neuerungen begrüße ich. Mit einer Ausnahme: Ich hätte gerne wieder Charaktere, mit denen ich mich identifizieren kann.« Conclusion "In a sense ArmA is nothing more than Flashpoint with modern technology. But to be honest: I don't want anything else. At last I can participate again in those gigantic battles, finally I can again teach the AI a lesson with some friends in cooperative mode. If the MP-mode is really as cool as it sounds, I'll quit Battlefield 2 at once. I appreciate the gentle innovations, excluding one: I would rather have characters with who I can identify myself. Those are the most important points imho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted November 3, 2006 Blackhawk, Blackhawk Though things are still photoshopped probably,don't forget that that image of the blackhawk was before any vehicle had normal mapping applied,and at the same time there were no clouds or sky really so things were darker. But yeah I can see a few images that ran through.. Of course they could have done it so that it reflects what the game currently looks like,the south sahrani soldiers infront of the blackhawk makes more sense but the blackhawk image pointed out was eh...better left alone or they should have used a later one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites