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I can't believe this is the current development status.

It is not. It's as easy as that wink_o.gif

People from the Mapfact Workshop frequently reported huge improvements, I think even BIS claimed so themselves .. and Magnum juged the progess to be at about 25%.

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Quote[/b] ]anders^on Posted on June 27 2006,11:46


Quote (FCOPZ-Illuminator @ June 27 2006,17:05)

I can't believe this is the current development status.

It is not. It's as easy as that

People from the Mapfact Workshop frequently reported huge improvements, I think even BIS claimed so themselves .. and Magnum juged the progess to be at about 25%.

Since BIS knows the beginning and end of development, meaning the checklist of features to be added, I will believe only what they say.  All else is just someone's opinion or desire. (God knows I've enough of those with ArmA)    smile_o.gif

 Someone wrote not too long ago something like, 'For all we know, 95% of the checklist is 30 minute changes, the last 5% is 2 months per percent'..  Depends on how they look at it.  If they say it's => 75% then (IMHO) it's =>75%  wink_o.gif

(my account - $0.02USD)

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FPS games tend to have better graphic than MilSims... thats old news. But since when they also have superior physics? (Crysis, notice the jeep explosion at 3:00)

Crysis Vs. OFP/VBS/ArmA has been done to death.

Crysis simply does not offer the HUGE terrain that even OFP does. To have such high-fidelity physics in such a large environment would use more CPU power than we currently have avaliable.

But its getting better, fear not...

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It´s just that you see this kind of comments all the time, no matter how often it´s been stated that the curent review version is an alpha that a) does not show the current project status & b) is to be improved nonetheless.

Quoted for truth. This forum never ceases to amaze me with people just losing their minds over pre-alpha footage that is already waaaaay obsolete.

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Ladies and gentlement of the jury of Crysis vs OFP,please take a moment and think out what you say before you say it.

Armed Assault does not have top of the line graphics such as Crisis because BIS does not mainly go for graphics,sorry that all you kiddies out there won't get to have your super glassy reflectant metal,sorry that you won't get your water to be uber pretty and such. I am honestly starting to wonder,BIS is not for graphics so please just drop it already,if you want to compare AA to Cryisis then feel free to compare every single game that has a gun out there to it,do you do that? No? Do you usually compliment BIS on what their doing? No. "I can't believe this is the status" I can't believe your such a blind fool. You people say AA looks like Flashpoint,well you have obviously been playing with the modifications too long,you need to go back to how OFP originally was and you'll see just how foolish your statement was.

Those of you that complain about graphics..well..lets see...Alright lets take the general vacinity of the movement areas of these largerly graphicated games and compare then think of how they would be in a enviroment such as AA...I see nothing but the top of the line PC's running it then. So just remember,more graphics,less gameplay,and any true OFP'er would be more than willing to sacrifice graphics over gameplay.

If you are honestly worried about graphics then you would be quiet until you see the final product,not to mention what the community could do,I mean hell look at what they have done,broken so many limitations of OFP that we thought were impossible,but they did it just the same. Games are made for different purposes,Crysis being your usual FPS. If you try to run up to a guy shooting at you in flashpoint and stand right infront of him,your gonna die.

In terms of physics,we have heard of improved physics but seen nothing,the only people that have a slight idea would possible be the OFP:E players,and I'v said it once and I'll say it again,physics has improved,objects can be knocked over and rolled around,take a fuel barrel for instance. If you shoot it just right you can make it fall over and it might start rolling around. Use a vehicle and drive slowly with it,the barrel will roll with your vehicle or if there is a slight tilt,the barrel will roll away.

So no,AA opens more doors then you see,you are just too blind to see them at the present time,you are thinking merely about what you see,you are not thinking about what runs behind it,what lies in the future,none of that,think of the addons that will come out now,with OFP:E's upgrades and some of Game2's,it is almost like a new game.

Bottom line,if your wanting the best graphics such as Crysis,your in the wrong place,if you want Crisis graphics,go play Cyisis.

For those of you that think development status is slow,its not,BIS is just hiding stuff,afterall,what did happened to the amount of say..50% that they didnt show us? And what about game2? After analyzing the infantry models of game2,I found them to be exact matches of OFP:E and early Armed Assault,and yet we have heard nothing on other than a short video clip or two which showed a quick 2-5 second walk in the forest and a helicoper flying as well as some rocks on the beach and others. There is aLOT of evidence to support that the alleged OFP2 images were not Codemasters but Bohemia's,so where is this and why do I make these accusations?

Heres a slight off topic part but it helps to prove my point.




These three images show the Armed Assault humvee,or one of them.

Now heres Game2.




Game2's humvee,notice a similiarity?

Now Armed Assault was simply supposed to be OFP:E for PC,why do I think this? Because after OFP:E's release,there were images released of Armed Assault which looked closely related to OFP:E.

Now look carefully.


Could this simply be OFP:E? If thats the case,where is that OH-6 ingame? Now look here.

http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/8381/91462320050519screen0099km.jpg Notice something a bit off about these images? If not I'll point out some things.

for one,look at the bag on on the soldiers pants,notice how they are on both models? Now look at the animation,where the main hand components are,notice how,other than the fingers,they are exactly the same? Both are in the same pose in both images infact. Now look at the helmet,They look very close,other than the Game 2 one being a bit more round and somewhat flat. And not only that but if you look at the normal maps on the legs,you can see they are EXACTLY the same.

So Game2 was made all the way up there and the only time we heard about it was sometime last year along with Armed Assault,we have also seen a few 15 seconds or so of footage of Game2,the soldier in one of the video's being bulkier than the ones shown in the images. So the question is,If BIS has Game2 then why did they work on Armed Assault in the first place? Because Game2 was made to be more like a more realistic infantry sim,you can piss off AI soldiers and whatnot,however with this,would they not have more than What they show? Definatly. Think back to the renders,we have seen quite a few vehicles,featuring normal maps at that,and yet the renders released were less than what we saw,and they didn't feature normal maps either,the blackhawk looked like the one that was shown in late 2005. Now think back to the images such as the ones that brought up the big "shine" issue,they were then stated to be dated atleast 3 months back. So is BIS hiding stuff from us? I think so,Why woul they do that? To suprise us perhaps?

All I'm saying is don't judge what you see,as it may be months old,and its all still WIP,but theres more going on here than we think apparently.

Do not be so quick as to judge,and always remember its WIP.

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You studied hard I see.

I can see the sameness with ArmA and Game2 now.

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Crysis beats ArmA hands down. My brother went to E3 and got a interview with a Crytek employee and got some play time, and thought it ruled. It is a much more smooth game, better graphics engine, better physics, and yes, as everyone said 'no it cannot happen', you can have large scale battles. It does work, and not lag. So ladie and gentlemen, Crysis outclasses ArmA. In another note, ALOT of gamers now days, 70-80% look purely at graphics, 10% look at the gameplay, such as you here. And another 10% are kiddies buying barbie. The point is, alot of FPS Gamers go towards graphics, hell, you can say, "But ArmA has HDR and some other cool grass and stuff"... Well It does, well done! But it lacks graphic quality, such as FEAR, HL2 and Crysis. ArmA will be a good game, but I have shown screenshots on some of Australia's Top Computing forums, and people think it looks good, but lacks graphics. So - Go Crysis...

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Thank you Chipper,glad I could help with that a bit.

I'm also believing that we will probably see some more vehicles featured in the Game2 pics,perhaps the LAV as well,afterall,why would the Stryker and AH-1Z be the only marine vehicles there?

And for those of you wondering what I meant by the Blackhawk render looking like the mid/late 2005 one,this is what I mean.

26. 9. 2005 A batch of Armed Assault images are released,very early,when Armed Assault was (atleast noticeable to us) just starting to upgrade past OFP:E.

http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/2042/aashot45oc.jpg Note the blackhawk and especially note the soldier,normal maps match with above images from game2 and OFP:E.

2. 12. 2005 More images of Armed Assault are released showing massive landscape,new T-72,and oil derrecks,now look at the soldier in one of the screenshots. http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/165/armaprogress073or.jpg


8. 2. 2006 Two more images of Armed Assault are released,showing a hint of normal mapping,a blackhawk in a city and a T-72 with obvious normal maps. http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/2125/aashot526yp.jpg

11. 2. 2006 Three more Armed Assault images are released,mostly showing the UH-60,now look carefully.


13. 2. 2006 Several Armed Assault images are released with a Czech interview. Two of which will be shown.

http://img482.imageshack.us/img482/4841/aramatiscal35vy.jpg Note the OFP:E West Officer.

http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/4150/aramatiscal57bk.jpg Enterable building.

3. 3. 2006 OFP.info gets a review and more Armed Assault images are released. Various images are shown and one sets off the community,I believe we all recall this one. http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/5862/armaprogress112mx.jpg

http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/4532/ofpinfoshot022nu.jpg Also note the blackhawk.

6. 3. 2006 Images shown interview are allegedly stated as being outdated by atleast 3 months. http://img465.imageshack.us/img465/4861/image0xs.jpg

Proof http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9618

4. 4. 2006 William Porters blog is created and an image of Sahrani is released.

14. 4. 2006, 14:08:14 William porters blog is updated

14. 4. 2006, 15:44:39 Not even a full hour later,new images that kick off the start of the new Armed Assault,showing obvious normal maps and many other things.




17. 4. 2006, Images of a PC Format article ar scanned and submitted by surpher.

http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/8901/pcfmint46xc.jpg Note the stryker and especially note the Ural in the image,look familiar?


20. 4. 2006, 11:49:46 William Porters blog is updated,showing a few images.

http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/6282/wpblog10ph.jpg Is that guy wearing a jacket?

http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/1145/wpblog26yd.jpg And the civilian vehicles we have seen in no other image (or have we?) And the shadows as well.

20. 4. 2006, 16:48:43 Gamesradar appears with even more images.




25. 4. 2006, 15:27:55 "Donkey" Releases a google earth image of Sahrani in the William porter blog forum thingy,no leads are given as to its coordinates so naturally nobody else can find it.


27. 4. 2006 The Fisherman sends a video showing footage of Armed Assault from a Czech TV station,TopGames.

12. 5. 2006 Armed Assault E3 Trailer is released.

14. 5. 2006 WWIIEC presents a review on the demo with images as well. http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/8773/armae3wwiiec46tn.jpg Aside from weapon,the soldier looks eXACTLY like OFP:E's

15. 5. 2006 Loaded Inc's website talks about Armed Assault and releases images of the E3 demo,one screenshot most notable because of its OFP:E type loading screen.


17. 5. 2006 A video featuring an interview with Victor Bocan and very early Armed Assault footage (at the end) is released. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9886

20. 5. 2006 Magnumland releases images from Armed Assault Demo.

Two of which showing the M1A1 with the 50cal,though apparently bugged.



15. 6. 2006 Armed Assault renders are released showing no signs of normal maps on the renders,quite odd for a "Render".

Other things------------------

April 28th, 2006 William Porter gets his new Camera and takes iimages of a convoy going through a small base and of some blackhawks,normal maps evident.


May 2nd, 2006 William Porter takes down images because the "base commander" told him to.

May 16th, 2006 Will goes on Drill

June 8th, 2006 Frank appears in charge of Williams blog.

So no,tings don't add up and that is why I do not judge the WIP because I know its WIP and I also know it is not the real thing.

I'v also stated this before but there was an Armed Assault image that oddly showed soft shadows on everything.

<a href="http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/6914/armed059zo.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="http://img230.imageshack.us/img230....9zo.jpg</a>" http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/6914/armed059zo.jpg[

And tell me,is Crysis a console game or computer game? If its computer then its quite obvious that not everyone is going to be able to run it with all of what it shows,if its a console then thres your answer right there.

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It is a computer game, but if your a hardcore FPS fan and cant afford a graphics card to run Crysis, your a loser!

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Nice attitude ya got there. Unlike you I am not a hardcore FPS fan,I do not flock tot he next game that has the prettiest graphics,I do not insult others because they do not have equipment to run such things either,and this thread is not titled "crysis vs AA" so why don't you just drop the subject already.

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Crysis will be a beautiful game just like Far Cry before it. It will also have the play area limitations of Far Cry and will have similar silly monsters, machines and ridiculous guns and player abilities.

I want reality please! Give me ArmA any day! I'll probably buy Crisis just for the graphics, but will also probably be disappointed by a silly plot with ridiculous creatures and their weapons just as I was with Far Cry!   tounge2.gif

Bottom line: Crysis will not be a realistic, very large scale and editable military simulator. ArmA will win hands down here every time!  wink_o.gif

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It is a computer game, but if your a hardcore FPS fan and cant afford a graphics card to run Crysis, your a loser!

Say that to those kids whos parents aren't rolling in money.

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ALOT of gamers now days, 70-80% look purely at graphics, 10% look at the gameplay, such as you here. And another 10% are kiddies buying barbie.

By that analogy you may as well buy a fancy screensaver. notworthy.gif

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For me, graphics is one part of what makes or breaks a game.

OFP introduced free roaming play, the ability to use weapons and vehicles in many different ways and you were free to try whatever you wanted to achieve the set objectives.

Games like COD, COD2, MOHAA sees the player railroaded through a map to the different objectives with copius amounts of scripting in the levels. Although they may have looked good, the game play was not immersing enough by a long chalk.

OFP had so much replayability that it has remained on my PC for almost all of the time since I bought it. The flexibility in its design, the ability to use so many addons and the community produced content prolonged its life far outside of anything I could have expected from any other single purchase.

Something like BF2 tries to imitate OFP as far as the number of vehicles and weapons a player has access to and the size of maps (depending on No of players), but its still far too arcadeish and cartoony for my liking. MP OFP pits your individual skill and tactics against those opposing you. Its not a matter of who has the highest rank, better weapon unlocks or ability to exploit 'features' of the game to their advantage (ie: dolphin diving).

With OFP, its the ability of a player to think, plan and react to any situation that might occur. The scope of the game means that any incident might have a completely different outcome depending on the way you play through it. Its not predictable or repetetive.

As for comparing games, each has their own qualities and you'll always get fanboys on either side of the fence saying that theirs is better.

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Guest Ti0n3r

I guess we'll get that kind of advanced GFX & physics in Game2 (Next generation PC game from BIS)

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We'll definately get advanced graphics and physics in Game2, but by the time Game2 is released those won't be as good as contemporary games.

You have to remember that BIS is a small company they could devote all the development time to graphics and physics, but the result would be another Half Life 2 or Far Cry - pretty but linear boring games. BIS have demonstrated that the smaller details can be so much more important than graphics - the immersion created by the weather effects, animals, day/night cycles, tides, unrestricted environments all mean that the OFP:E world felt much more real than other games with photo realistic graphics.

Gameplay always beats graphics, which isn't to say graphics aren't important. If BIS could double their team and manage both I'd be happy, but we'd all pay much more for Arma/Game2.

Edit: Typo.

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Crysis beats ArmA hands down. My brother went to E3 and got a interview with a Crytek employee and got some play time, and thought it ruled. It is a much more smooth game...

And what kind of PC system did they use to make it so smooth? smile_o.gif

Also lesser graphical fancy stuff allow more ppl to play ArmA. I played Farcry, COD2 and forgot about them the next day this didn't happen with OFP.

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It is a computer game, but if your a hardcore FPS fan and cant afford a graphics card to run Crysis, your a loser!

Actually, you would need a better card for Armed Assault than Crysis to run in full detail.

Also, Crysis is a different game than Armed Assault.

Crysis - aliens and stuff.

ArmA -all real, none of sci-fi elements.

Maybe, just go play Crysis and stfu ?

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OFP introduced free roaming play, the ability to use weapons and vehicles in many different ways and you were free to try whatever you wanted to achieve the set objectives.

It´s still one of a kind!

Last week i "forced" a guy to play OFP on my PC to convince him. Eventually while doing the Ground Attack mission (after having done more than well in Ambush) he received way too much bullets so i told him to bail out, as he saw himself hinging in the parachute he prepared to stand up..

Teling him that nothing is over until he´s really died left a quite disbelieving expression on his face biggrin_o.gif

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It is a computer game, but if your a hardcore FPS fan and cant afford a graphics card to run Crysis, your a loser!

Would you mind elaborating on that statement.

As for my opinion I say gameplay over graphics any day, though I don`t mind some eyecandy.

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Maybe, just go play Crysis and stfu ?

Don't flamebait on these forums please.

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Quote[/b] ]As for my opinion I say gameplay over graphics any day, though I don`t mind some eyecandy.

i say only if t´s REALLY needed, like good compass, good sights on gun´s and in tanks helis, if you could see a explotinon 10.000 meters away would be very useful..

only the really useful thing´s

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I havn't seen any of these before (found the link on armedassault.org)

and you can navigate through them via the 2 buttons below the screenshots. there are about 40 new screenshots, except i can't enlarge them in a new window. anyone have the same problem?

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