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Some neat idea

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Why not give soldiers and civilians realistic human functions such as eating, drinking, and going to the toilet.

instead of islands that look abandoned (unless you add a bunch of civilans in the mission editor), imagine a interactive bar in the building and interactive toilets ect.

This is just a though, anyone like to go ultra-realism?

another good scenario is where you are trapped behind enemy lines in Bosnia as a NATO soldier and you try to survive in the forest without being captured.

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I do see any posts about toilets or food and eating. The search didn't get anything.

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I'm not a fan of something that realistic. Remember: it's a war sim; not a life sim. wink_o.gif

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If you ever read history you would see that the most powerful armies in the world were not defeated by bigger guns, but by simple things we do everyday. They lost mainly food supply, disease, and cold weather.

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That is true, but taking a dump being a part of gameplay?


This is more for NGPCG, since ArmA is still going to have normal single missions like OFP. NGPCG will be an RPG/War sim. smile_o.gif

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This is just a though, anyone like to go ultra-realism?

Not really...

Although using the bathroom and eating adds realism. to the game it takes away gameplay. There's a balance that has to be made between realism and gameplay, and I think adding things like eating and using the bathroom would take away from the gameplay.

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I can see what you're getting at, but it probably won't be in focus to do so. However, game 2 will simulator other aspects of a soldier's life, probably such as fatigue, sleeping and rest.

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nice artwork I can see where you used your photoshop skills to paint over the white bands. wink_o.gif

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I can see what you're getting at, but it probably won't be in focus to do so. However, game 2 will simulator other aspects of a soldier's life, probably such as fatigue, sleeping and rest.

I highly doubt that the soldiers will need to sleep. The game runs in real time so whether the soldier is tired and needs to sleep is up to you whether you need to sleep.

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I think OPF is very realistic, if i need to sleep, eat or use the bathroom i just leave the game, if you can set up a tent outside, use the bushes, buy some mre's, skip showering and play 16 hours a day you can have the ultimate combat simulation yay.gif .

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It really wouldn't work as well as one would think. Beside the lag issue, mundane tasks quickly get boring and give way to lacking gameplay in other sections.

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In a fantasy world, it would perhaps be nice to harbour down for the night, set up your sentries and then go into "Sleep Mode", then leave the mission and the computer, and see whether you're still alive when you get back...

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I am sure that the last game that kind of stuff was included, except for The Sims of course, was Ecstatica. smile_o.gif

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if your talking about people doing everyday things in cities and hiding when bullet start flying, i agree ,sometimes maps are too lifeless, but all this can be changed in the editor smile_o.gif.. a few actions like enter house open door etc would be nice tho. i know then can be scripted now but made easier ,they could add that speciial missing thing to new ofp. "CIVILIAN AMBIENCE" .

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rofl can you imagine the scene: "4 go to tree 2 o clock" (peeing on tree) "4 roger" "3 watch 2 o clock" "3 negative" or something like that biggrin_o.gif

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i would like an sas mission in which you have to cover your tracks whih mean you would have to bag up your excrement i think this would be cool

or slightly warm anyway

i think this would be fun

also you could sit for two weeks in a hole watching for enemy patrols

fun i think

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Peter Molyneux of Lionhead (TheMovies Black&White) and David Doak of Rare, but now Free Radical (GoldenEye, TimeSplitters)

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Ewwww... crazy_o.gif Why the hell would you wan't to pee & take a dump in a game? I'd prefer, let's see, for example a better simulation of aircraft before going any deeper with the human simulation.

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Eating would be cool, if you didn't eat enough your aim would be off and after a while you would slowly lose health. A bit like it was done in GTA. GTA also had sleeping; it was the 'save' option in every hideout.

But things like crapping, peeing and all that is totally uncessary; does it add anything entertaining to gameplay? I think not. Heh, if you would go that far you could also implement growing hair. 'After spending six weeks in the bush-bush private Yokle was considering the option of joining a rock band called 'operation grunge''.

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Civilian populated towns are going to be in Game2... and since its going to be a persistent world that the war is always going on in... things like eating, drinking, and sleeping will quite probly be included at least for the civilians. The one magazine article even said they will move around the map according to their desiers. Would look kinda stupid if they stayed in the same spot the whole time. Tho I wouldn't expect to see them going to the bathroom.....

As for things like this in ArmA... probly need someone to mod it in.

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Oh great, so now I'm going to have to scroll through an even longer action menu in order to tease my hair in a menacing way, or my character will walk awkwardly because I forgot earlier to [ctrl] [shift] (apply plaster to feet where its rubbing a little bit).

Do we really want this level of 'life' simulation in what is essentially a war simulator? (with potential RPG elements in Game 2)

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