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christmas eve would be mighty pleasant


Indeed it would.

I wonder what Easter-eggs there are in ArmA? Ever tried the xmas trees in OFP? (set the pc clock to 24th December, then go look at the small pine trees!wink_o.gifxmas_o.gif

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Always wanted to know what was inside the boxes, a new rpg perhaps, build your own M1A1?


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Daniel @ Nov. 02 2006,17:58)]So the CZ buyers are guinea pigs? tounge2.gif

Yep, Beta testers! I said that weeks ago! tounge2.gif

Looks like the buyers of German version will also be Beta testers.

Well I wish I could be one of those "Beta testers". sad_o.gif I hope 505 release it sooner than "Q1 2007".

i could not wait either , heres my next line of enquiry smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]You can try to order AA from www.jrc.cz or www.xzone.cz, but to be honest i don t know if they are able to sell outside of Czech rep.

Regarding demo - we don´t have specific date yet but we definitely plan to release it.

Best Regards,

Jiri Jakubec

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Both. Q4 for some countries and Q1 for others. North and South America are without publishers at the moment, as is most of Asia and Africa.

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Six more days for the first Official release in (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia)

I wounder if the game will be totally completed by then or BIS will be forced by publishers to seal/close (unfinished) ARMA before its completed?

Would be kind if this question was answered because i would like to see a finished and completed ARMA even if it takes alittle more time to complete (without any errors/bugs).

All this calm makes me feel that BIS need more time to finish/complete and optimize ARMA.

(if thats the case, plz take that time to do it)

hope im not concerning anyone else by posting this.

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I refuse to believe that is the case until I get official from BIS that it's true. That's how I've always been with this website, and that is this the way it's going to stay. Stirring up the rumor mill is just a sure-fire way to stir up controversy as well....

- dRb

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Well, afaik the Polish publisher LEM has moved the relase date to 24.11.2006, and It's not even official date.

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Six more days for the first Official release in (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia)

I wounder if the game will be totally completed by then or BIS will be forced by publishers to seal/close (unfinished) ARMA before its completed?

Would be kind if this question was answered because i would like to see a finished and completed ARMA even if it takes alittle more time to complete (without any errors/bugs).

All this calm makes me feel that BIS need more time to finish/complete and optimize ARMA.

(if thats the case, plz take that time to do it)

hope im not concerning anyone else by posting this.

It wont be, OFP wasn't, ArmA wont. Thats what patches are for.

All developers need more time to finish things, the secret is knowing when something is ready to be released, even if it isnt finished or perfect.

Yes, BI are most likely still working on ArmA, and Placebo has said that they wont stop working on ArmA once its released. And the release date is not BI's decision to make, its down to the publisher. And do you really think that a bunch of us fanbois asking to delay the release is going to make ANY difference? (Much in the same way that the previous begging for early release/more info/more features didn't make any difference either)

Seems to me that the only person really "concerned" is you wink_o.gif

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368 pages is a lot to read, so I'll just ask straight ahead wink_o.gif

Is it true that an english version will be downloadable sooner than the release of the box? If so, could somebody provide some references?

Gracias! smile_o.gif

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Hey there. It's currently unknown what the go with a downloadable version is... all we know is that such an option will be available. Where and when? Nobody knows currently, except BIS, of course.

EDIT: It's for sure that a boxed version will be available before the downloadable version, but it's also certain that this version will not be in English. Bummer, eh.

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I thought Placebo or JJ allready mentioned that 505's version will be released before the online distribution is going to happen. Just to protect the 505 sales.

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I thought Placebo or JJ allready mentioned that 505's version will be released before the online distribution is going to happen. Just to protect the 505 sales.

hm waiting for 505 as far as I may speculate on this new pc-games publisher is even gonna be far more frustrating than waiting for the pizza delivery man confused_o.gif

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Well, afaik the Polish publisher LEM has moved the relase date to 24.11.2006, and It's not even official date.

Camon... acording to this letter from Lem this date seems to be pretty official wink_o.gif ( i hope so whistle.gif )

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I thought Placebo or JJ allready mentioned that 505's version will be released before the online distribution is going to happen. Just to protect the 505 sales.

Well, if such a thing is true, so be it. smile_o.gif

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I thought Placebo or JJ allready mentioned that 505's version will be released before the online distribution is going to happen. Just to protect the 505 sales.

Yes you are right. I was told that an online download, would not be available untill after the release of the English version.

As the Czech release date gets closer, it is really starting to bug me, that i wont be playing this game in 7 days time. I have already pre ordered the German version and if there is away to get the Czech release, ill probably get that aswell. So thats like 3 copys of the game ill have by next year. Is anyone here from the Czech Republic?? from the posts i see i guess its mainly people from Germany. United Kingdom, USA, Australia.

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what does the guy being interviewed say ?

btw the extracted arma piece only is here


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what does the guy being interviewed say ?

"about this"

Quote[/b] ]

new scenes from ArmA INVEX build

stream video from "GAME PAGE" - tv program

DOWNLOAD FROM RAPIDSHARE.COM - grab by deanosbeano (thx)

note to stream video from official TV archive:

ArmA: 13:21-14:06 minutes of stream program


translated to english:

Reporter: We have Lada Hostafl here now, which he sit to ArmA. You like it?

Lada: Meanwhile it looks like as Flashpoint and it was good, because it was realistic. Flashpoint was copy of reality.

Reporter: You expect in the concrete from it?

Lada: I hope that will be there some new features.

Reporter: What you play in your home?

Lada: I play everything generes of games and I like all shooters and I can compare quality.

Reporter: Have you favourite game?

Lada: I don´t know ............. I think GTA.

sry, my english is not good

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lol i know he takling about the video , but what exactly he saying ,the guy who is playing the game ?

btw easier way to see here arma piece only here

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