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Eeeeee! Who'da thought,actual swimming in Armed Assault and you can easily see under water,this gives so many new possibilities to designing underwater life for a reason since the water is also transparent but reflective. I don't think rolling was in OFP:E and the helicopter physics do indeed seem to be improved. Seems BIS has released a few of their big secrets,glad that the aim goes to hell when you roll too,that makes it so much better. All videos are great but its the swimming one that really makes me squee. notworthy.gif And I love the effect on the new calm water,though I'm going to be anxious to see the stormy water waves,they were great on OFP and they will be excellent here. I know BIS is more about gameplay than graphics but it looks like they are doing an excellent job of balancing the two.

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Among videos, there is a one in which a chopper fires FFARs. What does it want to tell us? wink_o.gif

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That the blackhawk with rockets is back? :P the flight dynamics seem so much smoother,I think they used a joystick for that but I do know its not possible to bank that far to an angle such as that in OFP or OFP:E.

Not even the so called realistic bf2 choppers can do that without loosing a hell of alot of altitude and it will always try to change that by flipping.

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Among videos, there is a one in which a chopper fires FFARs. What does it want to tell us? wink_o.gif

They show us the water fixes...

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Among videos, there is a one in which a chopper fires FFARs. What does it want to tell us? wink_o.gif

They show us the water fixes...

it also show us a road under a bridge (also road), but i think thats not the point for this video.

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So we get following informations in the chopper video? thumbs-up.gif

a) A chopper can bank to some extent.

b) A water wave improves. It doesn't enter the river at all.

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I never expected so much from arma (and all done so fast).

Looks like im cursed with having no time for playing anything else (again).

This is just so worth waiting for inlove.gif .

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just watched those videos smile_o.gif

the destruction of the house look abit strange there should be

more stuff on the ground after such a big house has colapsed

think the flashpoint house looks better when they are destroyed.

but the swimming was amazing so ArmA is all good

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Quote[/b] ]think the flashpoint house looks better when they are destroyed.

Say what now!

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I really like the swimming; I just wonder what stipulations are in place regarding units and weapons, and features. Will Special Forces be able to carry weapons while swimming? Do units suffer from fatigue while swimming? Can we actually swim under the surface?

Regarding the building destruction, I think decals need to be placed when a tank shell hits the face of the wall, some indication that the building is under fire, that and more smoke would do it for me.


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It is truly fantastic that we now have swimming! Thank you BIS! ... No more killer water! ... Oh, wait ... I see a Jaws mod coming already! shark_attack.gif

I think I now see surf on the shores too! It's all coming along perfectly. I do think we need just a bit more rubble from those collapsed buildings though, otherwise thumbs up all the way!  Big-Thumbs-Up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]think the flashpoint house looks better when they are destroyed.

Say what now!

in flashpoint its a destroyed building, not so good looking but anyway

in ArmA the building disipears and left is a little pile of something, where did the rest of the building go,

and when its destroyd it looks like its just sinking in to the ground really fast

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All that is needed is a bigger pile of rubble! I'm sure it will get fixed ... or modded!

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when buildings implode, that's what it looks like.. I think they should really have varying amounts of building left standing, though.

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yeah like a standing wall, and they will probobly fix it like they did with all the other stuff

maybe they allready done that

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maybe what we see after 3 sabots its the end of the animation..

.. maybe we havnt seen the mid term destruction. wink_o.gif


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Omg bis people is mad I tell you.

This is just too much, they have created the

uber-game of all.

I like the house effect, it does look realistic in a way,

doesnt go down at once, sure it may not be realistic perfect

but man....oh man..beats the crumble paper look of OFP.

Thanks for creating the best game ever. inlove.gif

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yeah i think those where some work in progress anim for the house destruction , just more smoke or and bigger pile of ruins and some decals or holes in the walls when the house gets hit by heavy explosive stuff. smile_o.gif dude i was also thinking of a sea life mod with divers and stuff and sharks popping up at special locations to feast on the civilians swimming or navy seals swimming or other fish tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]and sharks popping up at special locations to feast on the civilians swimming

Who says there aren´t some animals in the sea aswell in Arma ?

I like surprises biggrin_o.gif

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One question @ BIS

How did you do the motion capturing for the swimming animation?

Did you just take Placebo and threw him into the nearest lake? biggrin_o.gif

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