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RHS Releases: T80 MBT Pack v.1

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Quote[/b] ]Shadow NX Posted on Dec. 03 2005,09:24


Quote (Clausewitz @ Dec. 03 2005,01:45)

So as we are near to x-mas, just posting wishes here...

A really good choice would be a BTR-80. This APC (not an IFV) symbolizes most russian forces to me.

Best one I saw for OFP is in AKM's APC Pack.

But these bunch of T-80 are very amazing. Don't want to ask for new stuff, but first for an update of the great T-64 pack.

A shame that there is no mission out with these excellent tanks.

Mission makers, another rare species...

But if you or able to help with that or know people who can and want to make missions with us then it would be very welcome


Sorry for that


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i tried you awesome stuff they are more than BEAUTIFUL biggrin_o.gif

but i came up one question how am i supposed to put fuel barrels on the tank??

i read readme and this thread carefully but couldn't find crazy_o.gif

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Havent read the readme myself but sounds like someone copied&pasted few parts of the T55 readme in there and forgot to delete the part with the fuel barrels huh.gif

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I think it is..

this exec "\RHS_Misc\RHS_barrelsOn.sqs" - show barrels

this exec "\RHS_Misc\RHS_barrelsOff.sqs" - hide barrels (default)

Give that a try

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If I replace the default BIS T80 model with a RHS T80B and I view it in multiplayer games the tank is floating about 3 or 4 meters in the air.

Ovbiously since this is happening its not good to use for unit replacement but...

Any idea why this is happening?

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I think that issue was mentioned earlier during beta testing but we never found a solution for it. It was either the T-80s or one of Kenji's addons, can't quite recall. Is it just the T-80B, or is it all T-80Bs, including the BV, and BVK? I assume since you say T-80B, it doesn't extend to the T-80U series.

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Isn't this floating in MP problem related to the spinning at a waypoint already reported bug ?

If the spinning problem is related to land contact as Thundermaker is suggesting, i imagine the floating in MP problem could have the same source

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I have not tried any other T80 tanks for this problem.  The only one I used was the T80B, but I will try other T80s just to see.

When this was happening it didnt seem like the tank was moving normally as it should.  When this happened I was flying a helicopter and when the tank would rotate itself to shoot at me it seemed to be spinning as it was floating in the air.

edit: Ok So I did test all of the T80's with unit replacement and all of them do not work. In multiplayer games they are always floating in the air.

mabey you should look at other tank addons such as ORCS T72 and see how they prevented this from happening? Because I use ORCS T72 as a replacement for my BIS T72 and i dont get any problems with it.

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when i confront a RHS t80 with a abrahams september, the last one eats the t80 with potatoes , does it happen like that in real life too? huh.gif

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it happens when you are against newest M1A2 SEP Abrams...

but if it would happen in real, SEPs would have to fight T-90s and then it would be a bit different... like T-90s would survive, oh, mostly it depends from terain on which are they fighting... abrams and bushy area are not best place for them smile_o.gif, while low siluated T-90 would use bushy place for sudden attacks...

smallest against titans...

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Talked with Kenji-san earlier today. Apparently the bug that causes the T-80s to spin is actually related to the maingun recoil, which I find to be just... an amazing example of "odd."

Now, he's fixing it up as we speak, but the issue was with the memorypoint for the maingun recoil (If I understand what he's saying correctly, because I am not an addonmaker) being *below* the tank, rather than the landcontact rig.

He (Kenji) described it as being "it most strange bug i ever see." I'd have to agree with him on that.

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Fantastic, will try these later, come back after one week in the sun in Tenerife and get this surprise.......


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Good news!thumbs-up.gif

Good that kenji is still doing those T-62s "out there some where".

M... i just wanted to know something about T-72s/90s... this project is delayed? when we shoud expect this project will be on your working table and many more things concerning this revolutionaire tank? icon_rolleyes.gifhelp.gif

I know question woun't help you... but maybe you need more answers giveing info, etc... whistle.gif

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Gedis, I'm not the guy to ask about the T-72/90 pack. As much as I'd like to see one (Because damn, it looked good), I don't know anything about that project.

As far as I know, Kenji-san continues work on his T-62 package. Recently he's updated the weathering on his vehicle textures.

Thinking that there'll be a T-80 re-release in the near future, once we ensure all of the bugs that cropped up have been ironed out. Because of the required model fixes, a patch would be essentially the same size as simply re-releasing it. Or so I'm told.

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Now, he's fixing it up as we speak, but the issue was with the memorypoint for the maingun recoil (If I understand what he's saying correctly, because I am not an addonmaker) being *below* the tank, rather than the landcontact rig.

I think he meant something else, as that would be a ''too obvious'' mistake. The memorylod-points are supposed to be on the same place as the maingun and never on another place (in normal use that is, not including fancy experiments whistle.gif ).

On a further note: Kenji has just informed me that the problem was due to a side-effect of the recoil of the main gun. It has been fixed.

I personally think Kenji should get some praising, because he worked 6 hours to track down the bug notworthy.gif

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Talked with Kenji-san earlier today. Apparently the bug that causes the T-80s to spin is actually related to the maingun recoil, which I find to be just... an amazing example of "odd."

I hope that this was the problem also for T80s driving over Mines; place a Mine next to a T80 and the Mine does not trigger; they drive over them as if they did not exist.

Anyway, nice Addon.

I guess that the T80B is the T80 model, that was used in the 1985 timeline?

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I've noticed that the barrel recoil and muzzle flash scripts for the T-55 pack (V1.21, which is the latest public release right?) no longer work for me.

Could it caused by the new RHS_Misc.pbo, or is it another addon conflict?

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Oh damn!!! That explained why in my mission the T-80's drove over my mines i had placed out when i was to ambush the tanks crazy_o.gif If the tanks where not having contact with the land biggrin_o.gif Big thanks goes to Kenji San for working on fixing 'em bugs thumbs-up.gif Nice to hear there's a possible update to the t-64's being worked on smile_o.gif

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Also it seems Kenji fixed all the bugs with rotating and not triggering mines.

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Not long ago almost anyone here used a christmas avatar at that time of the year...

Dont let the tradition die people! wink_o.gif

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Kenji also informs me that he has sorted the jumping when the main gun is fired. Down to a weight problem.

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