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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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BTW I'm talking about desert forces only;) I have found island DMA-Libya and it's just great (it's old CAT Afganistan 1.2 but with many great additions wink_o.gif )

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thats why the Asian crisis is out different nations download it, its great

Yes it would be good change russians with some china forces BUT with US forces on the other side;) From what I know Asian crisis is japanese VS china sad_o.gif

US Vs. China, the Chinese government isnt gona like that one wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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but if you make the config yourself and dont release it they wouldnt know and wouldnt care but you would have to learn how to config

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but if you make the config yourself and dont release it they wouldnt know and wouldnt care but you would have to learn how to config

I know how to config but it's long long work sad_o.gif

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then maybe if you just use an FFUR config.bin and just edit the units then it may cut down the time a bit

ive been thinking of making a British vs Iraqi config but i just dont know how to yet i know little things just not sure how to change units yet

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Quote[/b] ] Russians have sux firepower sux weapons sux everything. What about change russian army with afgan army? Or other army e.g. like enemy armies in Battlefield 2 Don't you think it would be much much much better? Your work is just great but I think It would be better to change russians with some more interesting nation with serious firepower;)

?? huh.gif ?? Man! OFP is a game based on REALISM, thats the way the world look like, there is US, weapons, and there is RUSSIAN weapons, and there is NOTHING, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, then there is , China, UK, France o others, sorry. unless u Want Starwars, or BF2. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] Russians have sux firepower sux weapons sux everything. What about change russian army with afgan army? Or other army e.g. like enemy armies in Battlefield 2 Don't you think it would be much much much better? Your work is just great but I think It would be better to change russians with some more interesting nation with serious firepower;)

?? huh.gif ?? Man! OFP is a game based on REALISM, thats the way the world look like, there is US, weapons, and there is RUSSIAN weapons, and there is NOTHING, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, then there is , China, UK, France o others, sorry. unless u Want Starwars, or BF2. smile_o.gif

I just want authors of FFUR to make Desert FFUR with US vs Afgan or China or Libya... like in BF2. Don't you thing this would be much better than russians with theirs funny helmets? I think if FFUR authors do it then it would be the most played OFP mod ever. No doubt about it. And if they won't do it I hope somebody will do something like that (e.g. authors of HI-OFP).

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What can I say: great stuff! Excellent sounds and effects. I have only tried the 1985 pack so far, but it was enough to revitalise my interest in OFP. Much less lag than with ECP... The only thing I miss is the AI chatter; would it be possible to incorporate that in the next release?

While the whole pack is amazing, I found one feature to be particularly thrilling: the Russian voicecomms. They are so much better than the "Abrahms, One Chundred!" Red Hammer comms. However, there are a few flaws.

1. Compared to the US comms, the Russian comms are a bit too soft and somewhat unintelligeble.

2. A number of commands are missing, for example "unknown", and "Team Red, Blue etc.".

Other than that, great work! Keep it coming wink_o.gif

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then maybe if you just use an FFUR config.bin and just edit the units then it may cut down the time a bit

ive been thinking of making a British vs Iraqi config but i just dont know how to yet i know little things just not sure how to change units yet

I know how to edit uncompiled config.bin but it's very long work if you understand what I mean. This can take maybe three hours to replace one soldier model with other one model because of OFP complexity.

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Quote[/b] ]BKF.1 Posted on Nov. 27 2005,16:58


Quote (t80 @ Nov. 27 2005,15:08)


Russians have sux firepower sux weapons sux everything. What about change russian army with afgan army? Or other army e.g. like enemy armies in Battlefield 2 Don't you think it would be much much much better? Your work is just great but I think It would be better to change russians with some more interesting nation with serious firepower;)

?? ?? Man! OFP is a game based on REALISM, thats the way the world look like, there is US, weapons, and there is RUSSIAN weapons, and there is NOTHING, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, and there is nothing, then there is , China, UK, France o others, sorry. unless u Want Starwars, or BF2.

I just want authors of FFUR to make Desert FFUR with US vs Afgan or China or Libya... like in BF2. Don't you thing this would be much better than russians with theirs funny helmets? I think if FFUR authors do it then it would be the most played OFP mod ever. No doubt about it. And if they won't do it I hope somebody will do something like that (e.g. authors of HI-OFP).

Yeah it would be fun with more nations, it was just that

Quote[/b] ]change russians with some more interesting nation with serious firepower;)
Thing. not so many nations have enough own weapons, even small arms, so they still have to use russian or us weapons, only change would be the helmets and the voice smile_o.gif but if you mean that home made slingshots and the faith of god is firepower(sometimes it is) then ure right xmas_o.gif

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Thanks for the nice comments, you're all very welcome!

Quote[/b] ]I just want authors of FFUR to make Desert FFUR with US vs Afgan or China or Libya... like in BF2

Making a total conversion pack that uses foreign oriental countries as main theme does require a lot of work at several levels.

-Political context and historian one. (In order to avoid the problems that occured a few weeks ago with our chinese friends).

-Military Research to establish a list of authentic military vehicles and units of both wanted nations that may replace the BIS ones.

-Then comes the "Addons selections" step.

-And Finally comes the pure technical step which requires an extensive amount of work during weeks and months.

Quote[/b] ]The only thing I miss is the AI chatter

We're waiting for the uncondensed version of ECP, because their current ECP scripting architecture is very complex, and breaking this complex architecture efficiently would need a lot of time.

Best to wait for the proper author decent version.

Quote[/b] ]1. Compared to the US comms, the Russian comms are a bit too soft and somewhat unintelligeble.

2. A number of commands are missing, for example "unknown", and "Team Red, Blue etc.".

Fixed, wait for the incoming FFUR 6.0 packs. (Check out this page for more infos about the FFUR 2005 envisaged features.)

Best Regards


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I think It would be enough just replace russian models with some like MiddleEastRebels 1.2 and maybe only erase russian stars from vehicles textures. I think Afgan soldiers use mostly soviet weapons so there is no needed to change vehicles models wink_o.gif BTW for "classic players" political/historical context is irrelevant because "classic player" wants one thing: good-playable game. You can e.g. release beta version what will be historicaly/politicaly wrong but playable for "classic players" wink_o.gif And I would say it would be highly playable wink_o.gif

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Fixed, wait for the incoming FFUR 6.0 packs. (Check out this page for more infos about the FFUR 2005 envisaged features.)

Best Regards


Hi Thunderbird84,

Regarding the new features. I read within this thread that you were planning on incorporating WGL weapon values. Now, it has been over a year and a half since I participated in the War Games League so perhaps things have changed, but the weapon values introduced by the WGL team were widely disputed back then. It took a good number of 5.56 rounds to the torso to disable a soldier. The assumption was that the 5.56 NATO round was developed to wound, not kill, because a wounded soldier was more cumbersome and demoralising to the enemy than a dead one. This assumption however was based on anecdotal evidence and hearsay. When the round was developed, the American government claimed it was a more 'humane' bullet because it was less lethal, but research and soldiers' testimonies proved the opposite. Nevertheless, the myth stuck around in the Army.

A few sources:



Besides the fact that the fundemental assumption of the WGL weapon values is simply untrue, it breaks the balance of gameplay. To compensate for the soldier's increased life expectancy, the WGL team introduced various scripts, such as blackout scripts, bleeding scripts, heartbeat drowning out sounds etc. All of them simulating the impaired fighting ability of the wounded soldier. The problem is, they do not work on the AI, seeing as the WGL mod was meant for MP. The player is thus at a disadvantage. Should one remove these scripts, then the game becomes very arcadey, stimulating rambo-like behaviour.

Again, I must note that this was the case 1.5 years ago. Perhaps the WGL mod has changed since then. However, back then the creators were quite adamant about their fundamental assumption being correct, despite clear evidence to the contrary.



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Fixed, wait for the incoming FFUR 6.0 packs. (Check out this page for more infos about the FFUR 2005 envisaged features.)

Best Regards


Hi Thunderbird84,

Regarding the new features. I read within this thread that you were planning on incorporating WGL weapon values. Now, it has been over a year and a half since I participated in the War Games League so perhaps things have changed, but the weapon values introduced by the WGL team were widely disputed back then. It took a good number of 5.56 rounds to the torso to disable a soldier. The assumption was that the 5.56 NATO round was developed to wound, not kill, because a wounded soldier was more cumbersome and demoralising to the enemy than a dead one. This assumption however was based on anecdotal evidence and hearsay. When the round was developed, the American government claimed it was a more 'humane' bullet because it was less lethal, but research and soldiers' testimonies proved the opposite. Nevertheless, the myth stuck around in the Army.

A few sources:



Besides the fact that the fundemental assumption of the WGL weapon values is simply untrue, it breaks the balance of gameplay. To compensate for the soldier's increased life expectancy, the WGL team introduced various scripts, such as blackout scripts, bleeding scripts, heartbeat drowning out sounds etc. All of them simulating the impaired fighting ability of the wounded soldier. The problem is, they do not work on the AI, seeing as the WGL mod was meant for MP. The player is thus at a disadvantage. Should one remove these scripts, then the game becomes very arcadey, stimulating rambo-like behaviour.

Again, I must note that this was the case 1.5 years ago. Perhaps the WGL mod has changed since then. However, back then the creators were quite adamant about their fundamental assumption being correct, despite clear evidence to the contrary.



Heh wow...THAT saga whistle.gif

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Heh wow...THAT saga whistle.gif

Hehe, indeed... The WGL mod caused quite a commotion at the SWAF headquarters. Still, can't accuse me of not supporting my claims, can you?

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Quote[/b] ]It took a good number of 5.56 rounds to the torso to disable a soldier.

We implented the updated version of WGL mod data, now ~3 5.56x45 bullets are necessary to take an enemy out at 300 meters by aiming to the torso.

~7 9x19mm bullets are necessary to disable entirely an enemy at 30 meters.

I noticed in several harsh "movies documentaries" that show some people getting executed by AKM/AK-47(7.62mm) at 5 meters, sometimes even 2 or 1 meter, people being under fire totally die after receiving as many as 10 bullets to the torso.

Maybe we would make a script that makes the enemy sit down once heavly wounded, it's quite harsh as animation, though.

But there are so many "realism maniacs" who would appreciate that.

Quote[/b] ] think It would be enough just replace russian models with some like MiddleEastRebels 1.2 and maybe only erase russian stars from vehicles textures. I think Afgan soldiers use mostly soviet weapons so there is no needed to change vehicles models wink_o.gif BTW for "classic players" political/historical context is irrelevant because "classic player" wants one thing

This matters a lot here,though.

We can not make such a total conversion pack, it's totally unrealistic and it doesn't make any sense.

OPFOR arabic terrorists don't have armored units or choppers. (fortunately,though) that won't be used as replacements instead of BIS ones, plus, we are focused on the new FFUR 6.0 packs now.


Best Regards


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This matters a lot here,though.

We can not make such a total conversion pack, it's totally unrealistic and it doesn't make any sense.

OPFOR arabic terrorists don't have armored units or choppers. (fortunately,though) that won't be used as replacements instead of BIS ones, plus, we are focused on the new FFUR 6.0 packs now.


Best Regards



And what about Iraq forces? Something like Gulf War theme wink_o.gif Or simple replace russian units with china units from your Asian FFUR wink_o.gif Ok forget it I know you won't do anything like that :/

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This matters a lot here,though.

We can not make such a total conversion pack, it's totally unrealistic and it doesn't make any sense.

OPFOR arabic terrorists don't have armored units or choppers. (fortunately,though) that won't be used as replacements instead of BIS ones, plus, we are focused on the new FFUR 6.0 packs now.


Best Regards



And what about Iraq forces? Something like Gulf War theme wink_o.gif Or simple replace russian units with china units from your Asian FFUR wink_o.gif Ok forget it I know you won't do anything like that :/

show us a mod that has every iraqi stuff we need confused_o.gif

the main problem is that we would need something that covers all of one army, air force, ground vehicles, normal army vehicles, boats, quite a few different infantry men

i mean for asian crisis the team made extra blackhwak textures for the japanese and some other things, but for an iraqi theme there is too much missing

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Quote[/b] ]But there are so many "realism maniacs" who would appreciate that.

i was infact going to mention that idea

where if you are heavily wounded you cant just drag yourself through the firefight you must lye there in pain screaming for a medic it would be so much more realistic

also how about some new death anims instead of just the boring BIS ones where they lye on the floor maybe more relaistic ones

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Hmm BUG??

when i change from 2005 to any other of the 85, the AKM-spetznatz get the 2005, AS Val..

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I think there are addons with all you need... try e.g. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?oblast=news&search=iraq and you can see how many Iraq units are created for OFP. Maybe some units aren't created but I think there are enough addon-makers which would create missing units. BTW aren't you czech? Your nick seems to be something czech wink_o.gif


There are ONLY "realism maniacs" around OFP and that is good for your historical/political (and whatever) correctness but bad for "classic players" who wants to play and they don't care about e.g. Afgan terrorists actually don't have Mi-8 helicopters... You know since OFP was released I wanted to make some coop missions (to play with my friends) and with easy addon installing/using + ingenious editor what OFP has I can do maps in minutes/hours instead of days/months. But because OFP's very bad graphics quality (yeah I know it's simulation first and game second so graphics quality is irrelevant) there was only waste of time because nobody wanted to play graphically such a bad game. Now thanks to your FFUR (and author of DXDLL of course wink_o.gif ) it's different because OFP it's now a game with very nice graphics details (+ ingenious OFP gameplay options). BUT who wants to play with modern US units against russians. Maybe that's why e.g. in BF2 there aren't russians (only china units - but I think china units are similar to russians but not the same wink_o.gif ).

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Quote[/b] ]I think there are addons with all you need... try e.g. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?oblast=news&search=iraq and you can see how many Iraq units are created for OFP. Maybe some units aren't created but I think there are enough addon-makers which would create missing units. BTW aren't you czech? Your nick seems to be something czech

No, there aren't enough, and we've already thought about making a GWC total conversion pack, but most of iraqi addons released until now aren't quite decent to be used for such a purpose, plus a lot of them are still missing.

And you have to know that OFP is totally different from BF2, it has nothing to do with it, although it appears to, but trust me, a lot of gaming-experienced people of this forum may confirm it.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe that's why e.g. in BF2 there aren't russians (only china units - but I think china units are similar to russians but not the same


The current Chinese army (PLA) has its own weapons inspired from occidental and russian weapons, the same goes for the rest of their equipments.


The QBZ-95 looks like to the french Famas.

The PLA Forces uniform is an US modified one.

The ZTZ99 seems to be a combo of Leopard & Abrams tanks.

The WZ10 looks like to the european Tiger with a french 'Dauphin' touch.


Quote[/b] ]Hmm BUG??

when i change from 2005 to any other of the 85, the AKM-spetznatz get the 2005, AS Val..

This is not a bug, 'Spetznatz As val' units logically carry an As Val, but the incoming 6.0 packs will update a couple of things. (The vintorez instead of the val for FFUR 2005, the number of ammos decreased to 20...etc)

Quote[/b] ]where if you are heavily wounded you cant just drag yourself through the firefight you must lye there in pain screaming for a medic it would be so much more realistic

You should call this 'interactivity', not realism.

The animation that we will use if we would make this script will represent a '90% dead person'... just a person who's trying to still stay alive...That's why I'm defining it to be 'harsh'.

Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ] No, there aren't enough, and we've already thought about making a GWC total conversion pack, but most of iraqi addons released until now aren't quite decent to be used for such a purpose, plus a lot of them are still missing.

And you have to know that OFP is totally different from BF2, it has nothing to do with it, although it appears to, but trust me, a lot of gaming-experienced people of this forum may confirm it.

So it seems you should ask some addon-makers;) I'm almost sure it will be honor for them to make their addons for your damn-good mod wink_o.gif

And I know quite well that BF2 has nothing to do with OFP because it's created on totally different engine wink_o.gif and BF2 is totally uneditable (when I confront it with great OFP editation possibilities) wink_o.gif I just like units in BF2 wink_o.gif And the battlefield "flag-capturing" gameplay of course wink_o.gif I have seen some BF-gameplay scripts for OFP but there were many bugs :/

BTW have tryed Chameleon game? It's another army game developed in our country wink_o.gif I think you may like it wink_o.gif It's something like Hitman and Splinter Cell wink_o.gif screens are here: http://games.tiscali.cz/clanek/screen.asp?id=9595

Quote[/b] ] No.

The current Chinese army (PLA) has its own weapons inspired from occidental and russian weapons, the same goes for the rest of their equipments.


The QBZ-95 looks like to the french Famas.

The PLA Forces uniform is an US modified one.

The ZTZ99 seems to be a combo of Leopard & Abrams tanks.

The WZ10 looks like to the european Tiger with a french 'Dauphin' touch.


It seems you are real war fan smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Quote

Hmm BUG??

when i change from 2005 to any other of the 85, the AKM-spetznatz get the 2005, AS Val..

This is not a bug, 'Spetznatz As val' units logically carry an As Val, but the incoming 6.0 packs will update a couple of things. (The vintorez instead of the val for FFUR 2005, the number of ammos decreased to 20...etc)

Sorry it was misstake by me, mixed upp some missions that im doing banghead.gif yeah the vintorez look very nice, hope it feel good to, cant wait to try it. anyway i did a mission, and have used the As val a LOT, man this is an very effective weapon, dont think u can manage to finnish my mission without it, it will be to hard, i tried many times with both Spetznatz-handgun and PSO, and they suck, in comparison to As val witch i think must be one off the best spec ops weapons in the world(what i know)if it feels like this in reality. Very good in close combat. well here it comes again(suggestion) smile_o.gif change the vintorez for the handgun,(AK-74-su)witch i think is useless and have the same use as a shotgun, very close range. worst case change PSO and keep the As val. if not, then is it possible to change the name off As val addon, so i can keep it like extra addon to 6.0 without overwrite the vintorez? if possible i need to know the name off As val addon, or just add vintorez and keep As val, as i can see the US have five or six spec ops, so why can Russia only have three, there so many nice weapons that dont get used. that was all..... no wait one more, remove the crates, anyway notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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I have heard great things about this mod from sooo many people that I had to come back to OFP after a year away to try it!

Now that I have finally figured out how to get it to work, all I can say is .. WOW! its GRRRREAT!! Certainly gives OFP a big boost!

Two questions:

A) Anyway you can use other units like in ECP and FDF mods? It seems I can not use USMC units or BAS os or any other units for that matter? Anyway around it?


B) Speaking of realism .. any chance to have HD High Dispersion units (like Jam) in mod? So you don't get killed from a mile away!  pistols.gif

Sorry for the basic question.    smile_o.gif

Thanks and great job! Can't wait for version 6!!

Captain Bravo

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