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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Sorry but we can't please everyone,

Thats why im make my own config, youd be bored to tears if i listed every little technicality i find in everything whistle.gif

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In the Desert Pack , Crew using the XM the textures are missing on the weapon itself . Any ideas on whats causing the weapon textures to not show ?

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Guy. Is able to fly urals?   rofl.gif


LMAO - that looked Awesome! biggrin_o.gif

...The driver jumping out before it exploded rofl.gif

The G's it was pulling he probably got motion sickness. smile_o.gif

Off-topic, but that would be hilarious to pull on an opposing team in multiplayer, as a prank.

Have a whole bunch of those trucks at your end, then fire them towards the opposing team.

A gigantic WTF reaction as they see these trucks hurtling towards them. :-D


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Guy. Is able to fly urals? rofl.gif


LMAO - that looked Awesome! biggrin_o.gif

...The driver jumping out before it exploded rofl.gif

I'm curious. Could mass be turned down in soldiers to produce a sort of ragdoll effect?

No, "moving" corpses are only calculated when the type of bullet impact is an explosion (fixed in the readme)

VME did it with their machine guns, when two of those tore up on a squad it was as if the gates of lagging hell got opened...

same in multiplayer, and it didn't mixed with Y2K3 too (noisy explosion sounds)

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To the Whole FFUR Team: THANK YOU for all of your hard work! Thus far I've only been able to try out the Woodland, 2005 and Asian Crisis versions, and they're pretty amazing compared to the good old original OFP.

Unfortunately, I now believe that I fall within the 1% who can't get the Winter or Desert versions of FFUR to work. sad_o.gif I have gone through Thunderbird's detailed walkthrough on how to address this problem twice for each version, and I've yet to have any success with getting them to work, and that's even after downloading Thunderbird's config.bin file he supplied for the Desert version. Needless to say, renaming the files to include an "@" symbol, retargeting the startup icons, unpacking and repacking the PBO files, combing through and changing lines in the configs takes up a lot of time in and of itself, but to do it twice for each version, and to have no luck is pretty frustrating.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong? confused_o.gif

I'm hoping that sombody would be generous enough to generate the new configs and pbos that are needed for community members who unfortunately suffer from the bizarre 1% bug for both the Desert and Winter settings, and then supply a download link at this thread. I'm confident that most everyone has the skills to rename their folders to include an "@" symbol, and to redo the targeting of their startups on their own. wink_o.gif

If someone could do this for us poor "One Percenters" I'm sure we'd worship you in a hearbeat! notworthy.gif

Before I go, I've got a bug to report as well as a possible solution for how the AI use machinguns in the game.

BUG: Using pistols excessively

Yes, I know that this bug's been reported before, but I'm specifically citing the times when the Special Forces use them. It seems like every time I play "Clean Sweep" my comrades would prefer to use them over their MP5s! Perhaps the settings for when the AI feel compelled to use their pistols should be adjusted, especially if they're using submachineguns. The pistol should be very rarely used by someone who's already equipped with a submachinegun.

Machinegun AI use special 5 round burst mode

The creator of the superb "Revolt 1998" campaign integrated the use of machineguns that were specially designated to fire only five rounds at a time. My recollection is that the AI did quite well when they were assigned to use these modified machineguns. The smaller bursts allowed them to aim more accurately, allowing them to be more believably effective. Two versions of each type of machinegun were supplied to the screen where gear could be assigned: one machinegun operated normally for player use, and right next to it would be listed the five round burst AI version. If you're interested in how the Revolt 1998 author did this, then check out this thread: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=48053

Hope it helps!




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I didn't see this on your page 13 list, but are you going to see if you can fix the sound for the M16? I dunno if I'm the only having this problem (argh, so many pages), but after I fire there seems to be another sound a 1/2 second after.

Yeah, we will decrease it a bit.

Quote[/b] ]In the Desert Pack , Crew using the XM the textures are missing on the weapon itself . Any ideas on whats causing the weapon textures to not show ?

This should not happen if you don't have any duplicated addons.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

No, but I think we'll use another way which will allow you using the desert and winter packs without any problem for the 1% of people who're encountring difficulties with these both packs.

Quote[/b] ] The pistol should be very rarely used by someone who's already equipped with a submachinegun.

Definately, this isn't due to FFUR but to OFP, the same happens even with OFP and there's nothing we can do, as far as I know, there is any line of the cpp which allows defining a such thing.

But we'll remove the pistols from all regular/specops soldiers and we'll keep their use only for officers.



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I don't know if anyone here has seen ofp.gamezone.cz , but I think the FlashFx team has set a new record! biggrin_o.gif

Well done!


Quote[/b] ]Guy. Is able to fly urals? rofl.gif



ROFLMAO!! rofl.gif

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Quote[/b] ]FlashFx team



Quote[/b] ]FlashFx team has set a new record!

My sincere apologies to ofp.cz :P



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On the desert ffur, in the american campain. One of the missions wont work becuase there are no tree's that give u cover and stuff.

Mission Name: Rescue - No cover, ure post to wait for T80 to blow up by resistance helpers. But, attention is atracted to you right when the mission start's, so the T80 go's after u and mission fails.

Please fix.

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This mission works perfectly with the desert pack and will all packs as well, at the begining of the mission you must go prone immediately in the goal to avoid to be detected then report all targets in front of you.

Once the T-72's destroyed, advance with your teammates and save the civilians.



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The wreck of BMP-1 has an "aura" around it stopping bullets.

Very annoying when using it as cover.

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A lot of models, even BIS ones have some invisible parts which stop bullets when you open fire being hided behind destroyed vehicles.



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Awesome Mod so far TB, but ive run into a couple of problems along the way, one was that fuel truck problem, but thats already been said, n the other was a problem with the BMP-2, when i turn out, none of the crew "move" at all, so u get a really bad view of what should be the interior, ive only gotten this on the 85 woodland pack so far. Still, a great effort, n lookin forward to the shilka bein replaced finally lol.

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Quote[/b] ]none of the crew "move" at all, so u get a really bad view of what should be the interior

This bug exists since 2 years, and you're the first one who reports it publicly :P

Even EECP/Y2K3 have the same prob cuz both of them do use the same concerned CSLA models.

Hopefully we'll get ride of it in the incoming patchs expected within a few weeks.



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I thaught i'd heard about it b4 sumwhere, but anyway, i was also curious about the XM sounds, because it sounds really "airy" if thats a way to describe it, it sounds more like a blowdart being fired than a rifle, i dunno what it sounds like in real life, but to my ears it needs to sound a bit deeper, but thats just my opinion.

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One question, is this MP compatable at all? Any specific problems you'll run into if you try it in MP?

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One question, is this MP compatable at all? Any specific problems you'll run into if you try it in MP?

All of the packs have been done specifically for the single player aspect of the game, not for the multiplayer side. However, we expect to release later an extra config pack which will add a few modified configs for each conversion pack to allow players to use FFUR online.



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However, we expect to release later an extra config pack which will add a few modified configs for each conversion pack to allow players to use FFUR online.

Somehow that sounds like a long ways away crazy_o.gif

I guess me and my friend will have to attempt to make it MP compatable for private use. wink_o.gif

Anyways, I look forward to trying this out.

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Ive run a number of MP missions with ffur with no problem so far, must be an mission with stock BIS units to work even tried MCTI for about 8 hours. A lot harder due to the enhanced AI on both sides when inner town fire fights ensue. a slight bit of lag but its a full three sided battle with east weat and resistance going with air armor and infantry..

Really happy with it was worth dling it eight times till got a good copy. only gripe is the ironsites on the M60 in FFUR1985 having been married to the M60 since 1986 its a bit off, the SBJ seems the better of them besides the INQ iron site of the M60 machine gun. It has a flip up ladder adjust able site for when its carried our mounted in a T & E.

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I found another slight "odd" problem with Desert Island on the winter pack, i dunno if this has been reported or not, there's a texture bug with the snow, it has a sort of "barcode" effect on a couple of the edges, its easily noticeable from the air, just thaught u might like to know.

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Sorry to hear that there's no "quick" solution to not getting the Desert and Winter worlds working for us One Percenters. sad_o.gif But am I happy to hear the hope filled statement that there may be a way to get them to work with a next release. Good news as far as I'm concerned. smile_o.gif

Suggestion for using pistols

If pistols are going to be removed due to the fact that there's no way to solve BIS' default programming, then I'd like to suggest doing a "surgical" removal, meaning that the pistols are left in the game for cosmetic purposes (after all, many soldiers do arm themselves with pistols in real life) but the AI would not have ammo with which to fire the weapon. Now, if I'm not mistaken about this matter, if the AI is out of ammo, it will not try using the weapon. If my observations are correct on this matter, then we may have a solid middle ground both aesthically and functionally. The AI would look belieavable because we could see them carrying a pistol, but they wouldn't use it in a silly fashion because they don't have ammo. To me, it would look a little strange to see a machinegunner or sniper running around without a sidearm. But I'd rather have models with no sidearms than AI who use them in a poor fashion.

More believable loadouts

I find it entirely unconvincing to enter a Campaign or Single Player mission with only 3-4 magazines of ammo, yet I have 5-6 grenades to toss around. If possible, please increase all loadouts to include at least seven magazines' worth of ammo, and 2-3 grenades. After all, what soldier in his right mind would enter a battlefield with only 4 magazines of ammo?

I still hope my reference to the Revolt 1998 campaign's approach to better controlling AI use of machineguns proves frutiful.




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It also makes the AI more fun to play with. It's not that enjoyable to be fighting in a town and have the AI continually tossing grenades without firing a shot.

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Everyone will already know this already i'm sure but i've done a test with the grenadiers and they don't use the M203 until the enemy is about 50 metres away or less. I know this is an OFP problem not FFUR, but even ECP fails to correct this. I was wondering if there was any way of fixing this issue like you can with soldiers who carry pistols as a secondary weapon. AFAIK they can have there pistol use set to a certain distance. I suppose what the AI is doing is seeing the grenadelauncher as just a normal thrown one so they use it at a short distance. Now we all the whole point of the grenadier is to use the M203 before the enemy get too close. I suppose the only thing that lests OFP down as a military simulation are the support ellements of your squad IE: machinegunners and grenadiers.

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I think I just found a bug with the Hi Res islands. If you set up a fight in a wood, let say two enemy squads, the AI can't see the enemy; they keep running at only a few meters the enemy soldiers and don't shoot or see them.

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i dont know if this is a bug or not, f16 doesn t have tracers,

since i got ffur i play it almost all the time i stop olny to go to the bathroom hehehe tounge2.gif

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