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Marines v1.1

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Also keep in mind that a lot of those guys in those pictures ane not Marines. No Marine Gunny worth is salt is going to let someone wear a baseball cap in uniform. Just because a MEU is onboard doesn't mean that it's made up of only Marines. There are a lot of other operators that get underway w/ them.

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The photographs of the guys wearing ball-caps and punisher patches were confirmed as members of the FORECON platoon underway with the MEU. The Eo-Techs are a dead giveaway, I've never seen SEALs using them.

From what I'm told, a MSPF is normally made up of a Direct Action Platoon, (The Force Recon unit), a trailer platoon from the Infantry Battalion, along with a sniper element.

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those guys arent just force recon, in war not only marines fight with marines, & not only army fight with army, joint task forces are assigned to different branches to carry out certain functions.

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The concept of urban camo is pretty ridiculous, since buildings tend to have different paint schemes, brickwork, etc.

The best "urban camo" is the fashion of the common man in the city.  It allows you to blend in with the people, since you can forget about blending in with the buildings.

The urban MARPAT probably hasn't been adopted because it simply doesn't work.

The new Desert Marine pattern, as busy as it appears to be, seems to work very well in Iraq. It seems to have proven itself.

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That fact was acknowledged in the 1998(?) wargames which featured primarily urban combat. Even in a gray environment, you can see Urban-T camo from a mile away simply because you can't disguise a human shape in an urban enviroment. It works with grasses, bushes, and all manner of vegetation and lack thereof, but not in an actual urban enviroment. Your best bet is shock and awe, lots of artillery Zhukov style with armored and air support and hunter-killer teams to clear or mark individual buildings for artillery or air strike.

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Awesome, Now we really need some same nice USMC combat armor vehicles to match them in game! I know somebody just is making amphibious armor vehicle now...

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Any other versions aviable SJB weapon pack seems to be broken between v 1.0 and v 1.2 and doesn't work on our OFPMP server anymore thus no Marine units. Jackle has no clue what is wrong and already DLed the weapon pack over a dozen times and reinstalled and deleted it over and over again and no dice.

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It just occured to me, if its a Linux server, the files will need to be renamed to contain no UPPERCASE letters, even in the PBO exntension - that might be the problem.

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the version 1.2 .exe unpacks a file and then turns around and compresses it, leaving you with a "SFTY_usmc.pbo.bak" file in your addon folder. confused_o.gif

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the version 1.2 .exe unpacks a file and then turns around and compresses it, leaving you with a "SFTY_usmc.pbo.bak" file in your addon folder.  confused_o.gif

i think thats just a back-up, i ran the update and the collar is fixed, i remember that UnPBO made a backup like this updater did

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the version 1.2 .exe unpacks a file and then turns around and compresses it, leaving you with a "SFTY_usmc.pbo.bak" file in your addon folder.  confused_o.gif

i think thats just a back-up, i ran the update and the collar is fixed, i remember that UnPBO made a backup like this updater did

Oh, I see the normal .pbo now. Thanks. These are great units. I wish they were compatible with Sanctuary's "next gen" animations. sad_o.gif

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In what way are then not compatible? The whole "broken-back" deal again?

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Well I play every night on the server with DMA Anim pack, works good for me.

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In what way are then not compatible? The whole "broken-back" deal again?

With Sanctuary's new at rest posture (gun in hands but pointed low instead of on your back) the marines' hands are detached quite a ways from the arm. Very minor issue and probably not worth changing, but I just wish all add-ons were using the same new anims.

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how do i make the nvg be used at night using a code?

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In what way are then not compatible? The whole "broken-back" deal again?

With Sanctuary's new at rest posture (gun in hands but pointed low instead of on your back) the marines' hands are detached quite a ways from the arm. Very minor issue and probably not worth changing, but I just wish all add-ons were using the same new anims.

impossible though.

with so many different anim packs out, how is it possible to cater for them all? It's like choosing a M4 pack to use - everyone has the favourite.

there is only one standard anim that should be catered for, and that's the BIS ones.

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In what way are then not compatible? The whole "broken-back" deal again?

With Sanctuary's new at rest posture (gun in hands but pointed low instead of on your back) the marines' hands are detached quite a ways from the arm. Very minor issue and probably not worth changing, but I just wish all add-ons were using the same new anims.

impossible though.

with so many different anim packs out, how is it possible to cater for them all? It's like choosing a M4 pack to use - everyone has the favourite.

there is only one standard anim that should be catered for, and that's the BIS ones.

Well, that's what I mean. I wish there was a new standard, because BIS anims suuuuucccccckkkkkkk. wink_o.gif

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true... but like i said, it would be hard to create one, as everyone has their own personal taste - i love sancturys anims, but they're not catered for bull pup weapons (SA80) and hence are awful for the ukf stuff (not his fault of course, as the majority of weapons are the standard rifle design - M4 etc)

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didnt ORC have anims for every weapons in there Russian Naval infantry pack huh.gif

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I really dont know how u say its messed up... im using the same aminations that u are and it looks fine...

And i think you should stop complaing to safety like this when u should be helping the animation pack to fix that problem.....

And if its about the guns, then... dont talk to jackal about it... he is busy making secerts i can not concern u regular people lol well.... yah...

Id just be happy with what i got and stop complaining... at lest he is not making u pay for the addon, Just be happy he is doing this for free is all i got to say.

CWO2 EvenLease USMC *Salute*

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I really dont know how u say its messed up... im using the same aminations that u are and it looks fine...

And i think you should stop complaing to safety like this when u should be helping the animation pack to fix that problem.....

And if its about the guns, then... dont talk to jackal about it... he is busy making secerts i can not concern u regular people lol well.... yah...

Id just be happy with what i got and stop complaining... at lest he is not making u pay for the addon, Just be happy he is doing this for free is all i got to say.

CWO2 EvenLease USMC *Salute*

Thank you for the absolutely worthless feedback on my comment. I didn't ask, demand or complain. I simply made an observation. I'm perfectly happy with the Marines as I think they are great. In fact, I believe I already said so.

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