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Stargate Mod Released

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Can anyone provide me with a link for the incoming wormhole alert sound?

I'm not meaning this one, I can find that a lot on the internet, I'm meaning the other one (longer sound) which usually turns on when the SGC gets an incoming wormhole.

I can't believe that sound isn't available on the internet (at least not on the various stargate websites I searched).

try :


or :



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boo-dro please don't hotlink images greater than 100kb.

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cant wait till sgc smile_o.gif thursday is release right? or is that only the stargate thatwill be released?

plz tell me smile_o.gif "sweating like hell! because of tentions" :P

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cant wait till sgc smile_o.gif thursday is release right? or is that only the stargate thatwill be released?

plz tell me smile_o.gif "sweating like hell! because of tentions" :P

it's very nice if sgc base is realase thusday !!! but is it right ?

please confirm !!! notworthy.gifhuh.gifwink_o.gif

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i had an idea for a mod, but...

im not to sure about the legalitys of making my mod bigger,

if you already own them on dvd you could build on my mod

(using it as a Template) to enlarge, add more of your own stuff

but to release a big version maybe be iffy

(so i made a template for personel use)

its got a couple of intro tunes so far & some phrases

(detaild readme files Enclosed with mod)


worth a look smile_o.gif

could make mission scripting more fun

keep it up guys, quality work notworthy.gif

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A sound addon is a really good idea. I ripped a few more sounds, would you be willing to add these to your next addon version? If yes, how can I send you the files and what format should they have?

I could make a seperate addon but it makes more sense just having one so people don't get confused.

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First mission is done. It's not very long and it lacks an intro/outro but I didn't want to spend too much time on it since I know there aren't many missions out yet and many are eager to get something to play with so don't expect a superb mission, it's just something that introduces the player easily to the Stargate Mod. Due to that, you don't need any addons except the Stargate Mod (DSFProductions), the SG Soldiers addon, the Jaffar addon and the F302 addon.

With the new mod version (once it's released) I might add the rest. For now, it only supports single player mode.

It still has a few bugs/errors I can't seem to fix myself which seem to have to do with the gate itself. Hopefully that's fixed on the upcoming version. wink_o.gif

Simply copy the pbo file into your missions folder.


Required addons: Stargate Mod (DSFProductions)

SG Soldiers addon

Jaffar addon

F302 addon

All of these addons can be found throughout this thread.

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neat mission smile_o.gif but only one problem those staffweapons are to good me and my get killed within 5ec when they come sad_o.gif

staffweapon is just to strong

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if you download the original SG-teams form http://bxbx.atrey.vdsoft.org/ you get a weaker shot from the staffweapons and the mission still works cos i got it. also you do not need the DSf stargate to run the mission as i have the original as i refuse to use the DSF one cos it kills your team when they come through. they should change it relli so that it doesnt kill Ai players. but anyway great mission mate. any more to come? and why dont u use the Lukemax stargat island as it is much better cos you can have loadsa different worlds so moe situations.

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May I reiterate that the whole DSF gate killing people thing is based on stargate wormhole physics?

You cannot have 2 way travel through an open wormhole.

It is widely accepted that if anything fully enters the event horizon of the other gate, therefore having nothing outside to pull it back, that it will be destroyed.

Evidence of this is a MALP falling back into a wormhole was destroyed, but people putting their hands into it are still able to remove it and have it reintegrate.

Another note on compatibility. The DSF gate uses a different dialling script. This means that any mission that uses relay.sqs cannot work with the other gates.

On yet another note, 1.2 is coming along and will kick some serious arse when it comes out!

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Can I point out that the one-way travel through a wormhole is actual physics, not just stargate physics tounge2.gif

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and can i reiterate that the DSF gate makes the game kida crap cos u cant have teams go through the gate as the Ai DIE!! this means that you have to do a mission on your own and is poinless. im not askin for 2 way travel just not for the dam gate to kill all of my men cos the Ai is so thick that it dicides to turn around when it comes out.

and is V1.2 released today

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oh and mr Walmis how is the puddle jumper coming allong?

quite slow confused_o.gif Need to sort out some problems

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and can i reiterate that the DSF gate makes the game kida crap cos u cant have teams go through the gate as the Ai DIE!! this means that you have to do a mission on your own and is poinless. im not askin for 2 way travel just not for the dam gate to kill all of my men cos the Ai is so thick that it dicides to turn around when it comes out.

and is V1.2 released today

If you do not like the do not like the DSF version then don't use it, if you had wished to improve it you should have used our forum and submitted a bug report rather than complaining about it like a baby.

Now being more civilized i'd like to point out that others had thought of reporting it so it was fixed in v1.2 which should be released later tonight or tommorrow morning.

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neat mission smile_o.gif but only one problem those staffweapons are to good me and my get killed within 5ec when they come sad_o.gif

staffweapon is just to strong

Well, just like in the show; if you get hit, you get hit badly. wink_o.gif

A little hint: no one forces you to face the fight with a dozen of jaffars in my mission. wink_o.gif You could also just kill a few and run off or so, I intentionally left that choice to the player actually. I know, some probably expected a big fight but I saved that for future missions.

About the DSF gate: I said it's required because that's the one I used when creating the mission. If the other gate works, too, so much the better, then it's up to the player what gate he wants to use.

Since Deepsmeg pointed out that "relay.sqs" won't allow using either gate I might keep using startai.sqf (as I did in this mission) to ensure compatibility for both gates, though personally I prefer the dsf gate.

Now about dsf gate killing the ai: during my testing I ran into a few problems, sometimes indeed the AI getting killed. However, from what I experienced, it seems to rather be their own stupidity than the DSF gate since they keep running back and forth a bit and well, running back into an incoming wormhole is not quite healthy. I am not sure whether DSF can be "blamed" for that.

And even if it's only the DSF gate, keep in mind these guys do a very diligent and important task by advancing the stargate mod for ofp (if I'm not mistaken they're the only ones right now doing that) and they never said their mod is finished yet so of course it can still contain bugs. I didn't report any bugs yet since v1.2 is about to be released so I'll wait with that till the new version is out, just in case you wondered, Dingmatt. wink_o.gif Keep up the good work. smile_o.gif

By the way, nice to read a few of you like the map. When I started working on it I didn't know about Lukemax' island yet. Also, since I wanted to give players a chance to actually play a mission with the stargate mod as soon as possible I decided to start with a very small mission which won't require too many addons so people can have an easy start with the Stargate mod and get easily introduced to it.

Future maps will most likely take place on the Stargate island and will probably be longer and more detailed. So keep in mind this mission is just a small, introducing start up for more missions (not just by me). smile_o.gif

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A sound addon is a really good idea. I ripped a few more sounds, would you be willing to add these to your next addon version? If yes, how can I send you the files and what format should they have?

I could make a seperate addon but it makes more sense just having one so people don't get confused.

yip i figure mission sizes will end up realy stupid after a while

hence the audio idea smile_o.gif

you could take it over if you want (if you have free time)

or you could mail me them  rogerbleep@hotmail.com

and ile add them when i can

im still a noob with audio   crazy_o.gif

(some of the Directional stuff needs tweeking)

enviroments are a pain and im to thick to work the hight distance out lol

my airwolf addon has 400+ phrases so far  tounge2.gif

problem im finding is other addons Volume level and bittrate

can conflict with some other mods sounds

but the basics is set up for the StargateFxandAudio.pbo

if you fancy taking it on  wink_o.gif

i could always sort more music to, mail me when you get a chance and when i can we could sort something if you want

time wise i have a lot of work on with the airwolf audio pack

and my other stargate work (link on my sig)

but i can always find a few hours here & thier to rip some bits


audio file types sent can be anything

well anything Besides Real Player  lol


biggest problem is getting the key phrases with no music in the background,

i dont no about Stargate but German episodes of airwolf had

much less music making it easy to get key sound fx,

but useless vocal phrases  rofl.gif

and the Stargate Worlds island is cool yay.gif

look forward to playing this new mission pistols.gif

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Nice mission Landorin, I'm glad someone made a mission, as I'm too noobish to do it myself. I really liked it...It would be awesome to incorporate Walmis' GDO/IDC when you retreat, when its out of course!

Its people like you that keep SG fans like me alive!

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