Joe_1911 0 Posted August 17, 2005 This is definately one of the coolest addons I've seen to date. I'd keep it low profile though, MGM are real pricks when it comes to Mods making SG related games. Your one up on them though, as you have your addons out. Can't wait for a MP Version =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyVCB 0 Posted August 17, 2005 yea, 2-3 mods for HL2 have been shut down by MGM, even though im not sure its legal thy can do that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hornet85 0 Posted August 17, 2005 that cant be legal? can it bekus we do every thing for free when we make mods oki we might use a copyrighted name or some thing some times but closing down a MOD? wtf is that and guys in the SG team if they come on to you just change the name of the mod or some thing every one knows what it is any way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted August 17, 2005 officialy when you change the name its not good enough (althoug some company's tend to say thats enough) the point is you are using there concept (they are making their own game you know) and implented it inside a game not wearing there name and permission. at least give them full credit for the concept and maybe change the name to starportal or something, that would keep them sattisfied for a while (unless they are real super bitchy about the concept thing) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 17, 2005 Any company that stops a mod teaming making a mod outta their film/tv show deserve to be shot.. out of a cannon.. into the sun.. I cannot comprehend why someone would want to curb their fans like that by stoping them being creative, and advertising their program. For example, normaly when Stargate is on TV (Not that I watch TV more than about an 30mins a week, if that), I'll pretty much never both to watch it, but after seeing this stuff, I'd be tempted to watch an episode... How long before compays start puting disclaimers up "If you wish to create a mod even remotly like this [tv show|film|game|monkey], you MUST contact us, cheques made payable to [insert company name here]".. Hurray for capatalism - Ben PS, sorry for the half-oftopic post, as I doubt the SG mod will get any bother from whatevercompany owns Stargate, and if they do, I suggest the name "Starygate" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyVCB 0 Posted August 17, 2005 yeah i know it sucks, people like george lucas lets people use his concepts and copyrights as long as they dont make any money from it, why do others like MGM have to be so damn tight about it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 18, 2005 Any company that stops a mod teaming making a mod outta their film/tv show deserve to be shot.. out of a cannon.. into the sun.. Hehe that episode of futurama was on last night Anyways, if anyone tries to shut down this mod, they will have to deal with US first, isn't that right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exigent 0 Posted August 18, 2005 MGM? What/who is that? Do they stop mods from happening or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colonel_klink 0 Posted August 18, 2005 MGM? What/who is that? Do they stop mods from happening or something? MGM = Metro Goldwyn Mayer = movie production company = creator of Stargate movie and series hmmm. MGM logo link gone already... Klink waits for MIB or other movie mogul type hitmen Oops! Linking to MGM logo could mean Klink is a dead man walking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted August 18, 2005 Oops! Linking to MGM logo could mean Klink is a dead man walking It could atleast kill your'e bank account, so watch it colonel Well, IF MGM decides to meddle with this mod's business. Which I doubt they will. A slight namechange never hurt anyone. Stardoor, Starentrance, just pick something that sounds good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colonel_klink 0 Posted August 18, 2005 LOL Hey have you ever noticed where MGM got the original idea for a circular Stargate from? Take a look at their trade mark logo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 18, 2005 LOLHey have you ever noticed where MGM got the original idea for a circular Stargate from? Take a look at their trade mark logo  Well the show is based on the movie, and I don't think that MGM did the movie... Or, ack I dunno I don't know much about all of this legal stuff... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunnder Bunny 0 Posted August 18, 2005 What it seems to come down to is money. MGM knows that fans can do a stargate game better than they can. Look at the recent problems with the official stargate alliance game. The company who made it is renowned for making bad games to start with. And the fact it took this long for them to make an official game tells me that MGM must be out of touch with their fan base. I was wondering how long be for a discussion about the legality of mods would take place in the forums. Especially after the GTA hot coffee uproar. But I think it's place is in off topic. The basis for for all stargate mods is a working stargate and luckily this kick ass mod team delivered it first. If something bad would happen the community might be able to work out the rest if need be. But lets hope it doesn't come to that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 18, 2005 I doubt MGM will bother with a game that is 4 years old, HL2 is a new (And very popular) game. The Hot Coffee mod, IMHO, was the extension of the news/media blaiming "Violent video games for youth violence" etc. If the exact same thing happened to HL2 ( ), it wouldn't have been nearly as big a deal, as people don't "hold a grudge" against HL2 (By people I mean those who use GTA as an "excuse", or reason) Anyway, this is getting pretty oftopic.. Anyone made any missions using these yet? (That are released/can be released) And has anyone worked out how to sync the starting of the stargates in MP? - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 18, 2005 Another addon by me and another MUST HAVE for any stargate mission: BD SG Team Group Names Readme: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BD SG Team Group Names - by Big Dawg KS Instalation: Put it in addons folder. Instructions: This adds some stargate group names to OFP that you can assign to groups in the editor using the following line: In a unit's init field - this SetGroupID ["Name1","Name2"] Name1 is anything from this list: SG SGC Tokra Jaffa Goauld Jack Samantha Tealc Daniel Captain Major Colonel General Oniell Carter Jackson Stargate Serpent Horus Name2 is anything from this list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ONiell Carter Jackson Hammond Guard Command Please report to me any problems or if any of these names are not working. Email/MSN messenger - AIM - bigdawgctikaos ICQ - 229-352-023 or contact me on the Official BI Forums, I go by the name KyleSarnik. Download BD SG Team Group Names [4 KB] - Hosted by Rapidshare ( Also, share your opinions about what names I should include next because I know some of you will come up with some more names, so I will start compiling a list of ones you guys post here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikki191 0 Posted August 18, 2005 A great and welcome addon kyle. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 19, 2005 I updated the M2 SG. Download BD M2 SG.rar [72 KB] - Hosted by Rapidshare ( Fixed several fire geometry/geometry LOD bugs, removed headlights, changed armor, it no longer explodes when destroyed, and also added a normal version (using BIS model) with the same fixes (no headlights, won't explode when destroyed, etc...). **Note: you may have to open up your mission.sqm (for missions you had used this addon in before) and remove "BD_EDFMG" from the required addons list (I had the wrong name for CfgPatches in the last version, fixed it now). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted August 19, 2005 I once came across a FarCry Mod that been told to cease and desist by MGM. Â Before their forum was closed, the fans came to the conclusion that MGM was having a Star Gate game made and they didn't want competition from a free modded version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunnder Bunny 0 Posted August 21, 2005 Has anyone been able to get their gate horizontal yet?  There was an episode where the gate was laid on its side.  Kinda looked like a coy pond. And does anyone think it might be hard to work in the new enemy's of SG-1 like the  ORI Or the PRIOR'S The prior would have to be heavily scripted I would think, as they have no real physical attacks that we've seen anyway.  Mostly telekinesis that can lay waist to worlds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted August 21, 2005 I supposed it'd be a case of editing the model, and getting the distance of the unit to the object, and the height, if it's < say 2, teleport them (So if a unit is flying over it, their height will be 20, say, and wont get teleported) Only problem is what happens when you teleport back to the horizontal one, you'd get stuck Neither of those links work, on isn't found, and the other one is being very slow, only text loaded up.. - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted August 22, 2005 Has anyone been able to get their gate horizontal yet?  There was an episode where the gate was laid on its side.  Kinda looked like a coy pond.And does anyone think it might be hard to work in the new enemy's of SG-1 like the  ORI Or the PRIOR'S The prior would have to be heavily scripted I would think, as they have no real physical attacks that we've seen anyway.  Mostly telekinesis that can lay waist to worlds. Why would you want to fight the Ori? I mean there is no way to fight them conventionaly, its just not fun. Fighting goa'uld and Jaffa however, is much more feasible and alot more fun. Although it would be cool to have one of those new Super-Gates... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunnder Bunny 0 Posted August 22, 2005 Sorry about the links they worked for me.....kinda strange? They were pages of a stargate omnipedia. And your right about the ori/prior's, the story hasn't progressed far enough to see what they even can do yet. As for the gate on it's side, I don't remember allot of that episode or why it was like that. Just that it looked cool If anyone remembers Joe lemonade's MARV addon's. I think you'll find them very useful in bringing firepower through the gate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deepsmeg 0 Posted August 22, 2005 One thing that would make this mod übercool... The gates dialled by the DHD don't need to dial, the chevrons lock straight away. It seems wierd having to spend a long time dialling out from Abydos... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pipo1nsano 0 Posted August 22, 2005 One thing that would make this mod übercool...The gates dialled by the DHD don't need to dial, the chevrons lock straight away. It seems wierd having to spend a long time dialling out from Abydos... I agree with that, makes it alot more realistic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted August 22, 2005 One thing that would make this mod übercool...The gates dialled by the DHD don't need to dial, the chevrons lock straight away. It seems wierd having to spend a long time dialling out from Abydos... I agree with that, makes it alot more realistic lol, realistic ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites