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I notice the DKM MI28 there. If you intend to use it, it would have been nice to have recieved some PM/Email asking for permission, out of common curtesy huh.gif

I assume you have edited the config to make it appear in your pack, which counts as editing the addon. I also assume you are going to be using some custom editor names, such as FFUR > Air for it, and together with the fact that in the pictures of this aircraft there is no mention of it being already available and by DKM, it would be easy for someone to overlook the fact that the addon is by DKM.

Of course if you had asked you would have gotten permission, but it would have been basic politeness to ask or at least notify us you intend to use it in your pack. I am not familiar with FFUR but I hope at the very least it is standard practice for you to include EVERY addon maker whos work is featured, and not use the excuse of some "mods" that there is too many people involved to credit them all.

I hope you can appreciate my view, I am only doing this so the hard work of Rastavovich and Carnage, the MI28's authors is recognised as it deserves to be.

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@thunderbird84 - Since this is going to be such a large release have you thought about using bit torrent to distribute it? May be the best way..

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also wich packs were those island packs that im talking about since i would love to download them for normal ofp anyway

good work

edit - oh and are the special forces being able to swim in all the packs if so how about some new water effects like reflective or that clear water pack i saw ages ago

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I notice the DKM MI28 there. If you intend to use it, it would have been nice to have recieved some PM/Email asking for permission, out of common curtesy huh.gif

I assume you have edited the config to make it appear in your pack, which counts as editing the addon. I also assume you are going to be using some custom editor names, such as FFUR > Air for it, and together with the fact that in the pictures of this aircraft there is no mention of it being already available and by DKM, it would be easy for someone to overlook the fact that the addon is by DKM.

Of course if you had asked you would have gotten permission, but it would have been basic politeness to ask or at least notify us you intend to use it in your pack. I am not familiar with FFUR but I hope at the very least it is standard practice for you to include EVERY addon maker whos work is featured, and not use the excuse of some "mods" that there is too many people involved to credit them all.

I hope you can appreciate my view, I am only doing this so the hard work of Rastavovich and Carnage, the MI28's authors is recognised as it deserves to be.

If you'd tried and read the previous FFUR's readme, you'd have known that Thunderbird gives as much credit as possible. It's one of the first things mentioned in fact, in the list of improvements icon_rolleyes.gif

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I notice the DKM MI28 there. If you intend to use it, it would have been nice to have recieved some PM/Email asking for permission, out of common curtesy  huh.gif

I assume you have edited the config to make it appear in your pack, which counts as editing the addon. I also assume you are going to be using some custom editor names, such as FFUR > Air for it, and together with the fact that in the pictures of this aircraft there is no mention of it being already available and by DKM, it would be easy for someone to overlook the fact that the addon is by DKM.  

Of course if you had asked you would have gotten permission, but it would have been basic politeness to ask or at least notify us you intend to use it in your pack. I am not familiar with FFUR but I hope at the very least it is standard practice for you to include EVERY addon maker whos work is featured, and not use the excuse of some "mods" that there is too many people involved to credit them all.

I hope you can appreciate my view, I am only doing this so the hard work of Rastavovich and Carnage, the MI28's authors is recognised as it deserves to be.

If you'd tried and read the previous FFUR's readme, you'd have known that Thunderbird gives as much credit as possible. It's one of the first things mentioned in fact, in the list of improvements   icon_rolleyes.gif

yes but he wanted a PM/Email asking for permission to use the addon in the first place smile_o.gif

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i remember you saying that you will be releasing an update pack for those who have already installed FFUR woodland like me wich will get rid of the WGL islands and fix that BMP anim bug

but are you still doing it and if so when will it be released will it be with all the other packs ? or is there any chance of getting it sooner ?

Edit - And how can i get rid of that crouch walking animation where it looks like hes curled up in a ball and is walking ?

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Hi all,

Quote[/b] ]Hello.

I notice the DKM MI28 there. If you intend to use it, it would have been nice to have recieved some PM/Email asking for permission, out of common curtesy huh.gif

I assume you have edited the config to make it appear in your pack, which counts as editing the addon. I also assume you are going to be using some custom editor names, such as FFUR > Air for it, and together with the fact that in the pictures of this aircraft there is no mention of it being already available and by DKM, it would be easy for someone to overlook the fact that the addon is by DKM.

Of course if you had asked you would have gotten permission, but it would have been basic politeness to ask or at least notify us you intend to use it in your pack. I am not familiar with FFUR but I hope at the very least it is standard practice for you to include EVERY addon maker whos work is featured, and not use the excuse of some "mods" that there is too many people involved to credit them all.

I hope you can appreciate my view, I am only doing this so the hard work of Rastavovich and Carnage, the MI28's authors is recognised as it deserves to be.

Sure mate, well I was expecting to add you to the credits of course , and I haven't changed anything in your addon, though , just replaced BIS V-80 by your Mi-28 for the FFUR 2005 variant, FFUR isn't a mod like wgl which adds "extra" units but it's a replacement mod which replaces BIS stuff by high quality addons done by the community and suited to the wanted era , in any way , my apologies , I'll make pms to ask you if I'd expect to use more of your stuff.


Quote[/b] ]i remember you saying that you will be releasing an update pack for those who have already installed FFUR woodland like me wich will get rid of the WGL islands and fix that BMP anim bug

but are you still doing it and if so when will it be released will it be with all the other packs ? or is there any chance of getting it sooner ?

We have done a bunch of enhancements since the latest release , sorry but it's best to download again that pack to avoid "problems" , it'd worth it ...

Quote[/b] ]also wich packs were those island packs that im talking about since i would love to download them for normal ofp anyway

Well , just wait a bit , I'll regroup'em all in a "Extra Woodland Island pack 1.B"

Quote[/b] ]@thunderbird84 - Since this is going to be such a large release have you thought about using bit torrent to distribute it? May be the best way..

Don't worry about that because there won't be only "Full" packs , there would be also "themes" packs , e.g

If people'd like to grab only the FFUR suprise without having to download the whole FFUR PACK then they'll be able to do it.


Best Regards


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okay ill wait for the next version

also is there anyway i can get rid of that crouching walk animation i even deleted the anim.pbo to have normal BIS anims i got them all but i still had that damn crouching walk anim how can i get rid of it i just hate it for some reason

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Quote[/b] ]@thunderbird84 - Since this is going to be such a large release have you thought about using bit torrent to distribute it? May be the best way..

Don't worry about that because there won't be only "Full" packs , there would be also "themes" packs , e.g

If people'd like to grab only the FFUR suprise without having to download the whole FFUR PACK then they'll be able to do it.


Best Regards


I still think distrubuting it (as an option, not a "only avalible on bittorrent" thing) via bittorrent is a good idea, it'll save a lot of bandwidth, then, when seeds die of, people can download it of the proper servers

Quote[/b] ]Edit - And how can i get rid of that crouch walking animation where it looks like hes curled up in a ball and is walking ?

Orr, maybe use the Itwea's Ninjas crouched walking animations? The only-going-forwards crouch-walk is annoying, as soon as you press W and A (or D), you stand up.. But with the Ninja ones, you can move all directions and still stay crouched biggrin_o.gif

- Ben

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Quote[/b] ]crouching walk animation i even deleted the anim.pbo to have normal BIS anims i got them all but i still had that damn crouching walk anim how can i get rid of it i just hate it for some reason

Maybe because its so unrealistic? Its painful to walk like that for a long time without anything on your back or in your hands. So having soldiers do it is very unrealistic.

Its good to look and laugh at though rofl.gif

Not to bash the animation, its good, but it should be in a ninja mod or something, not this mod.

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Quote[/b] ]Its painful to walk like that for a long time without anything on your back or in your hands. So having soldiers do it is very unrealistic.

Uhm... well... I think you're not talking about the same animations that 456820 mentioned, the crouch anims incorporated in FFUR have been carried out by Sanctuary and they work perfectly in game, he just said he doesn't lik'em

Btw there would be after the release an extra config pack with several different configs.

Quote[/b] ]I still think distrubuting it (as an option, not a "only avalible on bittorrent" thing) via bittorrent is a good idea, it'll save a lot of bandwidth, then, when seeds die of, people can download it of the proper servers

...then we'll do it... wink_o.gif

Best Regards


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just replaced BIS V-80 by your Mi-28 for the FFUR 2005 variant

And I'm guessing with all these nice replacements we are STILL giong to have the same old dull "apache" right confused_o.gif

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those pictures are real nice. I hope those are real in game pictures and not photo shopped to improve the look on the stuff. Becuase i really like how u did that. notworthy.gif

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i sure hope this surpise pack is a surprise rofl ... i have a feeling what it could be tounge2.gif so if it is ill be happy biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Btw there would be after the release an extra config pack with several different configs.

cool what are these then ?

also ive found out to get the normal islands back just copy and paste the real islands from your plain ofp worlds folder into the ffur folder and normal islands

also how can i get rid of that anim then i looked in the editable config didnt find anything that usefull and why is that anim stil there if ive deleted then anim.pbo is it an addon ?

anyway sounds good and cant wait

Edit - Just then i was playing 5.0 Woodland and on the CWC campaign Alert mission when your in Morton and its supposed to be quiet An enemy BMP is reported 2000 metres away then i hear some explosions and some dust clouds behin me

then just before we disembark the M113 near the jeep we get blown up by a BMP or some sort or was that an RPG from quite far away wich isnt supposed to happen

and when units are in combat they seem to just want to lye down and not get up or if they do they dont stay up for long

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just replaced BIS V-80 by your Mi-28 for the FFUR 2005 variant

And I'm guessing with all these nice replacements we are STILL giong to have the same old dull "apache" right confused_o.gif

Replaced by Hfk one.

Quote[/b] ]also ive found out to get the normal islands back just copy and paste the real islands from your plain ofp worlds folder into the ffur folder and normal islands

It doesn't work as that , you have to open your cpp and to change some lines in the cfgworlds , and I recommend to avoid this way because it would be a source of problems , especially "can not load ffur/intro.wrp"... that's why I recommend "overwriting BIS islands" for people who do like too much wgl islands.

Quote[/b] ]cool what are these then ?

Perhaps a multi config -> without crouching,rolling and leaning anims and with only model changes, but this isn't too important right now .




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about those winter soldiers, they wouldnt have their body armor on the outside...the white camo is just a cover, like a jacket & pants type of thing, you ewar it over whatever.

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That would be an upgrade from the current option (AH-64), but the RAH-66 project was terminated by US Army in Februrary of last year. So ultimately if you're going for accuracy that wouldn't be it.

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Comanche program has been cancelled the last year, so we will still use the Apache as D variant for the FFUR 2005,

Quote[/b] ]Just a question do you think use DMA Anim Patrol V1.0 instead of Sanct Anim

DMA animations are in fact Sanct ones and we do use the patrol version,though.

I'd like to inform you that I will use the F117 instead of BIS A 10 LGB even for the FFUR 1985 because it was allready used secretly at that era... like the V-80 for soviets (...which becomes ka-50 later).

Quote[/b] ]The F-117A production decision was made in 1978 with a contract awarded to Lockheed Advanced Development Projects, the "Skunk Works," in Burbank, California. The first flight was in 1981, only 31 months after the full-scale development decision. The first F-117A was delivered in 1982, operational capability was achieved in October 1983, and the last delivery was in the summer of 1990. The Air Force denied the existence of the aircraft until 1988, then in April 1990 an example was put on public display at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, attracting tens of thousands of spectators.


Best Regards


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If you're gonna equip the F117 with Nukes okay... but with normal bombs only it's usless, it is no ground fighting plane and tank killer.

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