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Italy vs. Vatican State?

I can just imagine it now - "This summer, it's time for Benedict to fill Il Papa's shoes. It's time for him to kick ass in the name of the Lord, facing such threats as SECULARISM and PAGANISM!"

*Camera turns to Benedict, the new pope, with a shotgun in one hand and a cross in the other. The commercial ends with Benedict looking at the camera and saying "Hail to Il Papa, baby!" in a German accent*, and he shoots out the camera.


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Martians vs Terrans, with resistance being played by a small colony from Luna.


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I don't know about any of you guys who are using the 5.0beta version, but so far this past month I've been getting CTD errors every single time I play, sometimes 5 to 15 minutes into playing. Whether it's through playing the BIS single missions or through the mission editor this is annoying as hell.

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The resistance will still be FIA because the islands will still simply be "Malden,Everon,Nogova and Kolgujev"...

Quote[/b] ]HATED the shouting and "go, go, go" that the soldiers did.

I hated the reticule, prefered the original one

We removed all useless scripts in the goal to reduce the "lag" once in game, we also fixed all bugs and errors that people reported (just check carefully this thread),reticle replaced too, and we reached all wanted objectives, just wait and see...

Quote[/b] ]Can someone give me the link for the woodland pack please? Thanks

It would be best to download the incoming packs instead of the old ones.

Quote[/b] ]When is it out ?

... once totally tested and finished...

Quote[/b] ]but so far this past month I've been getting CTD errors every single time I play, sometimes 5 to 15 minutes into playing.

Fixed since a while ... Don't worry about bugs , a bunch of people reported'em all and we fixed'em all ... (just check carefully this thread)

and we expect to spend few days on beta testing before the release..

In any way , it's quite funny to see your bets buddies.... : P

stay tuned


Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]Italy vs. Vatican State?

I can just imagine it now - "This summer, it's time for Benedict to fill Il Papa's shoes. It's time for him to kick ass in the name of the Lord, facing such threats as SECULARISM and PAGANISM!"

What about Palestine vs. Israel?  (without the need of suggestive religious slurs to justify the all too justifiable scenario).

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Quote[/b] ]What about Palestine vs. Israel?

... being a bit logical , you may know that Palestine doesn't have any combat choppers or jet fighters , or even tanks... so how can one do replace the Mi-24 or the V-80 or the T-72 ? plus there's no "decent" palestinian addon until now except some fighters carried out a few months ago...

the same for belgium or italy , the same for vatican and Italy , the same for germany;...etc

All these countries you reported don't have enough of gear represented in OFP to be used instead of BIS stuff...

except one proposal...

and it was the right one...hehe...

Wait and see mates wink_o.gif



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I thought the beta was pretty cool - the only trouble is for me is that there is no way I can play OFP without ECP sad_o.gif - if only there were a way to make them compatible. I would like the best of both of them. tbh I didn't like the crosshairs either I am afraid but the vehicles etc were cool. <- just read you fixed the reticle.

P.S. did you know of the main menu bug where the mouseover stopped working on the selections?

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I thought the beta was pretty cool - the only trouble is for me is that there is no way I can play OFP without ECP sad_o.gif - if only there were a way to make them compatible.

Well sorry mate but FFUR is based on modified FlashFx effects... but EECP is based on ECP , and Kurayami seems working on replacing BIS stuff by addons of the community using ECP effects.



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Murmur2k had that error before too, although it hasn't happened to me in awhile now. Mainly it was the CTD errors (which thnderbrd said was fixed in the upcoming release).

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Quote[/b] ]P.S. did you know of the main menu bug where the mouseover stopped working on the selections?

Launch again the beta pack you're currently using , then press with your mouse slowly and calmly the selection you want to open then everything would work perfectly .




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Yeah I used to get it working that way - real slow but just mentioning incase you didn't know of some problems with it.

Also - I understand about the ECP thing smile_o.gif just seeing if there was any chance of a merger wink_o.gif

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I think for all the ecp effects all you have to do is change the eventhandlers around, but depending on how you've done FFUR, it might be difficult.. And some scripts might not work with eachother etc etc. But really, if you JUST wanted ECP effects, it could be done by changing the eventhandlers.

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Woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm lovin that man. notworthy.gif I cannot wait till this comes out! Literally counting the seconds here. Great work FFUR and this is another great reason why I still play OFP.

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The new screenshots are just amazing to drool over.

So, the Surprise pack is one based on recent 2000-2005 real world events? Then here's my revised non-Star Wars guess:

USA--> USA 2005

USSR--> Iraq

Resistance--> Kurds

In regards to the shouting and the "Go, go, GO!" recordings, I liked them a LOT. They're much more believable and immersive than the almost completely monotone default recordings that BIS had structured.

I'd keep them.



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beh I prefer the ECP ones better. It's a lot more realistic when the AI sees armor and several different soldiers say "Armor!", another says "We got armor!" compared to the old FFUR AIs going into combat mode and screaming a bunch of random shit like "Everyone out" ,"Go, go, go" its just annoying as hell cause they never stop saying the shit.

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Ahh, I didn't realize that you were comparing the "extra speaking" to ECP's work, in which case I completely agree with you. ECP did a fantastic job of setting up the AI so that the extra communication is not only very immersive, but also hugely useful in its level of conveying critical information.

ECP most definately set the benchmark on this regard. It'd be great if FFUR matched and/or exceeded this lofty and worthwhile goal.



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After several months of OFP's enhancing... my philosophy became the following one :

Less scripts -> Safety and unlagy game.

That's why we've decided to take out all useless scripts in game from the fifth beta (...soldiers shouting, police men arresting... auto smoke for tanks or surrendering scripts...etc ).

But we kept several nice ones and enhanced'em a lot to reduce as maximum as possible the lag in game for low comps.

And we reached this goal cuz now even with my 1.5 ghz , 448 sdram I'm able to play quite big maps without getting any troubles ....

Trust me, the incoming release would be awesome , especially the surprise pack.though...


Best Regards


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The new screenshots are just amazing to drool over.

So, the Surprise pack is one based on recent 2000-2005 real world events? Then here's my revised non-Star Wars guess:

USA--> USA 2005

USSR--> Iraq

Resistance--> Kurds

In regards to the shouting and the "Go, go, GO!" recordings, I liked them a LOT. They're much more believable and immersive than the almost completely monotone default recordings that BIS had structured.

I'd keep them.



He said me in that topic "No americans, no China and No France !"

So... The surprise will be big

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