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WAHOOO looks bloody amazing i cant wait one bit

also ive been fidling around with ECP's AI talking and trying to get it into FFUR ive found out i have to copy the sounds from the config's then im going to have to do a hell load of editing in the effects.pbo to extract just the main script wich only executes the DSAI.sqs script

just one thing does anyone know what to do now do i have to put a new line in the config to run that script from the addon ?

also will i have to ask for permission ?

cant wait screens are beutiful

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That's why we've decided to take out all useless scripts in game from the fifth beta (...soldiers shouting, police men arresting... auto smoke for tanks or surrendering scripts...etc ).

Will there be the option of having them for those of us with powerful Pcs tounge2.gif

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WAHOOO looks bloody amazing i cant wait one bit

also ive been fidling around with ECP's AI talking and trying to get it into FFUR ive found out i have to copy the sounds from the config's then im going to have to do a hell load of editing in the effects.pbo to extract just the main script wich only executes the DSAI.sqs script

just one thing does anyone know what to do now do i have to put a new line in the config to run that script from the addon ?

ECP guys explained how to incorporate their scripts in other mods configs on their OFPEC page, just follow the instructions then everything would work perfectly, but make sure before to remove FFUR EH to avoid getting errors messages.

Quote[/b] ]also will i have to ask for permission ?

Well you don't need't mate , that's for your own use,though...


Quote[/b] ]Will there be the option of having them for those of us with powerful Pcs tounge2.gif

One config for all comps mate ... then perhaps there would be also an extra config pack with several configs after the release.



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Quote[/b] ]ECP guys explained how to incorporate their scripts in other mods configs on their OFPEC page, just follow the instructions then everything would work perfectly, but make sure before to remove FFUR EH to avoid getting errors messages

cool were do i find this ?

also is there any ETA on the release or is that being kept a suprise too ?

I cant wait

Edit - Ive had a go with this i un-pboed the ECP_effects addon found the init.sqs deleted the rest apaer from its config then i edited the init.sqs so it ran the DSAI_Handle.sqs script

i then copied all the sounds into the FFUR config and put down ECP_effects in the addons like in the ECP config

i ran ofp with FFUR no error messages but also no AI speaking ?

im not sure what ive done wrong in theory it should work the addon is loadd runs the ECP_Dsai script with FFUR playing

also what is the path i use to refer to addons from the FFUR addons folder ?

like OFP/FFUR/Addons

like that but how do i use it within scripts ? i think that may be the problem

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I somehow missed the fact that American forces are not part of the Surprise release, so now I'm at a loss as to how it's going to be set up, lol. Laser's recent work on the British troops is just flat out amazing, and if the Surprise release is centered on Laser's units, then I'm more than happy to dive into it. The DMA mission I've played thus far featuring his work is a VERY nice change of pace.

All this talk about ECP and FFUR makes me wonder what could be accomplished with a merger of the two. Yes, it'd require a pretty beefy system to run, but that would be an incredible release, wouldn't it? It'd probably be the most lauded mod ever made. And if we're going to dream, let's dream BIG for a moment, shall we?

Could you imagine what a tightly integrated amalgamation of DMA's, ECP's, and FFUR's work would look like? If it was carefully plotted out so as to avoid "breaking" any of the SP missions, it'd be a [/i]most immersive experience. I'm not sure who started the whole "pick the time of day and weather conditions" menu that appears on quite a few of the best missions (BAS?), but to have that kind of leeway along with the capability to call in artillery/missile/air support/troop support/armor support would be a game player's dream come true, especially if the AI could call in extra support as well.

Just imagine!



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I forgot to ask this question regarding AI:

Since it's known that using the AI that can lean (a.k.a. "leaning AI") is demanding on performance, I'm just curious as to whether or not there's a trigger to activate WHEN the "leaning mode" is used. I'm wondering if the performance hit can be reduced by making the AI think about using buildings and objects for cover when they're only close to such a structure, say, 2 meters (six feet)? That way the entire number of active AI aren't always "thinking" about whether or not they'll lean during the course of an entire battle. That'd be a waste of resources. Instead, they'd only start thinking about leaning when they're actually close to cover.

Just curious...



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ArmA would be out well before your magical 'ECP+FFUR' merger so don't put all your dreams on it ;D

Looking forward to FFUR. Being getting some random crashes while playing with it so it will be interesting to see what the next version holds.

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hi dish smile_o.gif

remember according to BIS it shouldn't be too hard to port them to ArmA wink_o.gif

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Yes but one of the main draw cards of ECP and FFUR are the upgraded graphics, effects and models. Will they be up to scratch with ArmA comes out with its upgraded features?

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That's why we've decided to take out all useless scripts in game from the fifth beta (...soldiers shouting, police men arresting... auto smoke for tanks or surrendering scripts...etc ).

Will there be the option of having them for those of us with powerful Pcs tounge2.gif

9800 pro 128 (at 384), A64 3200+, 1go kingston and with the 5.0 (and all the scripts) on every campaigns with a bit of scripts i run at 20 fps !

Because ofp engine is not really optimised and are really sollicited with the mods

Let imagine HL1 with hl2 models, lighting and co ! The engine will fail and your comp burn :d

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Would it be possible to replace the BIS AH-64 with Franze's new AH-64A (1985 version)? I've found that to be the best Apache addon out there!

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"Yes but one of the main draw cards of ECP and FFUR are the upgraded graphics, effects and models. Will they be up to scratch with ArmA comes out with its upgraded features?"

The question you ask is a key one. There are aspects of the screenshots that have been released so far that have really caught my eye in an appreciative fashion, but then there are others that make me wince. Thus far, in my opinion as a professional artist who has had literally half a dozen figure drawing classes, the US infantry look anatomically incorrect, especially where the shoulders meet the arms. Honestly, if I had to choose between having models in my game that have bizarre body joints versus having models with (possibly) fewer polygons yet were anatomically correct, I wouldn't hesitate to use any of this community's supberb work. Polygons aren't everything; what's important is how they're used, and the work of individuals such as Laser proves this. His masterpiece creations don't have weird shoulders, that's for sure.

To make my point crystal clear, please take a quick look near the bottom of this website's page: http://home.wnm.net/~bgriff/MW_NordF.html

It is a website featuring the work of B.E. Griffith, who works professionally and has created a number of superb mods for Morrowind. The heads he created to replace the default ones are far superior than the default ones, and are actually made up of fewer polygons.

At this point in time, I feel it's still too early to sharply compare how OFP's mods are going to hold up when integrated into Armed Assault's work. There are models, scripts, effects, and more to consider. Will AA's AI be significantly improved and capable of close quarters battles? Will the player and AI be able to lean around obstacles? Will it have more dynamic missions?

For me, there's much more to a game than looks, and I have a feeling that large endeavors such as FFUR and ECP will have value once AA is released. I'm certainly looking forward to see what this community's mod makers are going to do. So many GREAT things have been made by BAS, DMA, and others that it's hard to imagine not seeing their work integrated into AA.

Exciting times are ahead, that's for sure!



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As a very serious amateur artist, I cannot agree with you more about the superiority of the 3rd party morrowind content. I think it would be prudent to add, however, that the fact that they look better is a function of design and texture depth, and very little to do with polycount. It looks like the original artists was not going for a realistic style, and it looks like he or she (most likely, they) had very strict texture depth constraints.

I also agree that this game is quite realistic in philosophy that it does deserve anatomically correct content but I would like to point add that texture depth is just as killer on the gpu as policount- perhaps moreso on newer cards.

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As a very serious amateur artist, I cannot agree with you more about the superiority of the 3rd party morrowind content. I think it would be prudent to add, however, that the fact that they look better is a function of design and texture depth, and very little to do with polycount. It looks like the original artists was not going for a realistic style, and it looks like he or she (most likely, they) had very strict texture depth constraints.

I do admit, though, that this game is quite realistic in philosophy that it does deserve anatomically correct content.

I would also like to point out that texture depth is just as killer on the gpu as policount- perhaps moreso on newer cards.

Yeah it look really more nice due to the quality of the new texture... Otherwise, it will look pretty same smile_o.gif

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Gentlemen , this is a very nice discussion over here , I agree with you about the fact that textures are very important as main visual thing in game.... but please , don't go too much far from the main subject of the thread .

thx alot


FFUR has its own effects mainly based on FlashFx ones , and ECP has its own too though, we think after so many months of polishing and enhancements... we reached the wanted result in this way because we killed the lag , fixed 99,9 % of errors messages and erased CTDs




Stay tuned , the incoming release will be really "INTERESTING".



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I think that the tie in would be that no amount of graphical detail is free in terms of performance, so that regardless of the actual technique used in content upgrade mods such as FFUR, there will be some increase in the number of cycles required.

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this has to be soon if 99.9% of all errors have been fixed

WAHOOO cant wait this is going to be good well atleast i hope it will it sure looks it

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wow_o.gif how did he do that ? now everyone should be excited

maybe some FFUR Memebers should show some shortcuts smile_o.gif hehehehe ... but no ..... maybe ... SOON smile_o.gif

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wow_o.gif how did he do that ? now everyone should be excited

Well I got some connections, and ofcourse Im magic wink_o.gif

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Hi mates,

Here's the final version of 1985 movie showing FFUR 1985 packs done by Pierre (FFUR Movie maker)...

-> FFUR 1985 Trailer

There would be very soon some movies about 2005 and the surprise pack too


Stay tuned

Kind Regads


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