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also they would just take the sounds from the ofp campains and add them in to the AA ones, there not going to change the campaigns storys maybe fix a few bugs in the missions.. thats why they are adding a new camapign and a new island.. to make it more interesting  notworthy.gif

?? and why is this smillie called 'notworthy'  notworthy.gif when it looks like a prasing yesslo thing [bowing or whateva] lol

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Guest Ti0n3r
I feel bad fer that soldier,he twisted his wrist >.o

That picture would look twice as good if they used realistic animations. rofl.gif

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I love that pic, the textures on the soldier are amazing. I think that with the right graphics and performance upgrade, gameplay improvements and a great new campaign ARAS will grow into a very solid release, especialy because there is no competition other than BF2, wich is arcadish and lacks a solid SP and coop elements. Now add 1985 and resistance has a bonus and this makes for a very generous game content wise without even mentioning user made material.

The only thing that seems to be missing this far is more footage, pics, interviews and especialy media coverage and hype, that is very important for a successfull release confused_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Heatseeker Posted on Aug. 07 2005,14:39


The only thing that seems to be missing this far is more footage, pics, interviews and especialy media coverage and hype, that is very important for a successfull release  .

Yes, that was bugging me too, but I wonder if they are firming up publisher relationships, deciding to hold off and let THEM handle the publicity.  If so, it's a bit late for a Q4 release don't you think?  confused_o.gif  I'd like to see a few more screenies and movies before release.

Quote[/b] ]Matt Rochelle Posted on Aug. 07 2005,13:17


?? and why is this smillie called 'notworthy'   when it looks like a prasing yesslo thing [bowing or whateva] lol

From 'Wayne's world' movie/Saturday Night Live skit where they would bow like that before a guest and say "We're not worthy!" (i.e. To be in your presence)... Not that I EVER watched such drivel..  whistle.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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I love that pic, the textures on the soldier are amazing. I think that with the right graphics and performance upgrade, gameplay improvements and a great new campaign ARAS will grow into a very solid release, especialy because there is no competition other than BF2, wich is arcadish and lacks a solid SP and coop elements. Now add 1985 and resistance has a bonus and this makes for a very generous game content wise without even mentioning user made material.

*chokes on tea* BF2 competition against AA? I think you'r overestimating their chances,BF2 cannot compare to AA nor can its community,most people in the game do very idiotic stuff and its always teh same thing,3/4 of the team are special forces and use the C4 to blow up a damn tank.

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*chokes on tea* BF2 competition against AA? I think you'r overestimating their chances,BF2 cannot compare to AA nor can its community,most people in the game do very idiotic stuff and its always teh same thing,3/4 of the team are special forces and use the C4 to blow up a damn tank.

Yah, but im talking numbers here and BF2 is competition, when OFP came out and introduced itself with new features never seen before in fps type games, everyone wanted to try the game where you can fly helos, planes, drive tanks, etc. Now we have to consider that these are no longer exclusive and are available in other games too, plus made specifically dumb enough to please the average joe, i was thinking about sales numbers, competition, etc and i think the SP aspect could be ARAS strong advantage smile_o.gif .

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Don't forget,the main reason lots of people moved to BF2 was cause they liked the graphics,which is why people these days shun OFP,but whe AA comes out I think it would get more publicity,lets just hope we don't get a bunch of idiots along with it.

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look on my site link is in my signature and tell me if these are armed assault pictures or ofp2 im starting to confuess myself and need to know the pictures are on the on the latest news topic on the main page, if they are armed assault its looking very nice.

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Guest Ti0n3r
look on my site link is in my signature and tell me if these are armed assault pictures or ofp2 im starting to confuess myself and need to know the pictures are on the on the latest news topic on the main page, if they are armed assault its looking very nice.

This one is from Armed Assault;


The other ones are from Game2. smile_o.gif

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I thought so I was getting extremly confused when looking at the armed assault website and seeing that photo I think a lot of sites are getting the photos mixed up on game2 and ArA. Better edit my news bahhh

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Armed Assault shows soldiers in woodland camo and OFP2 shows soldiers in the digtal desert camo.

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You just confused me even more so the 2 on the right of my page are ArA and the two on the left are Ofp2 or game 2?? BTW I have hotlink protection on my site.

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crazy_o.gif woops ermm....well most of what we seen in AA is woodland so heres me guess.

http://www.deltastriketeam.com/FTP/Ofp2screens/opf22.jpg AA

http://www.deltastriketeam.com/FTP/Ofp2screens/opf24.jpg OFP2 and maybe AA but probably mostly OFP2 as I'd be guessing the xbox soviet soldiers are in AA.

Reason I'm guessing that first one is AA is because of this. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics2/xboxnew3.jpg

http://www.deltastriketeam.com/FTP/Ofp2screens/opf21.jpg I'd say this if OFP2 or bis is playin a trick on us.

http://www.deltastriketeam.com/FTP/Ofp2screens/opf23.jpg This I would say is OFP2 note the building

http://www.gamespot.com/xbox....page=76 Heres the russians I meant.

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Guest Ti0n3r

I dunno...I can't see much of a difference in uniform between the AA and OFP2 ones of the soldiers.

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The reason im so confused is that there on the cz site saying game 2 when i thought one of them was definatly ArA.

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Atleast one of them is. The one with the jeep. When I see Silent and Deadly Online i'll tell him that and maybe he will change it.

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Atleast one of them is. The one with the jeep. When I see Silent and Deadly Online i'll tell him that and maybe he will change it.

Yea I'll have to hit him in the back of the head for that tounge2.gif but its actually the site that the other pics were on that messed it up, its got one of the ArmA pics in with the new OFP2 ones, I'll tell him when he gets on.

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it would be nice to see something new on the website, or some new screenshots of whats new biggrin_o.gif

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i doubt we'll see any thing for a good while yet confused_o.gif it seems BIS are keeping there plans and any infomation intill later, as in a few monthsor maybe weeks from release, intill then we'll just have to frame and mount on a wall what pics we have to remind us that every day is one day closer to more BIS goodness! wink_o.gif

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Their holding back alot of information that way the day its released we won't be fully prepared for whats gonna happen and we may have a heart attack over it.

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Yes if they hold back information untill just before its released the game wont sell well becuase no one will know anything about it.. i only came about OFP a year after it was released becuase some TV show where they have LAN Battles they used ofp and i thought it looked good...

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Hey ppl! What if ArmsA is OFP2? Who knows biggrin_o.gif

Maybe that other forum Next Gen. PC-Game is just cover?

Becouse when i look ArmsA and OFP2 i see that they both look almoust the same.

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