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UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

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The smilies rock mang! withstupid.gif

We need the apc though from the opflashpoint.org forums.

But to return on-topic. BB, I thought you were gone and never coming back, and then out of the blue here you are with some really elite units.

I really like the woodland/desert combo on the para's.

Seen 'em using it in A-stan a lot(at least british units, dunno if it were para's though). But is the real reason behind just that they were out of desert parka's/bdu's or a more tactical reason? Maybe because Afghanistan and Iraq do contain a lot of vegitation(more than one would think sometimes).

(if the official reason was already posted, excuse me, I missed it)

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Holy crap, new emoticons! rofl.gif

The pack looks great BB, keep up the good work!

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peace.gif  more smileys every second. notworthy.gif

Ranger both of those were cited as the reasons, but i`ll repeat what i believe to be the official reaon, 2 piece breaks up the human form more, especially in an environment where your seeing sand with alot of greenery in.

Wa_Va_Voom, don`t worry about SFwannabe, hes just being his usual friendly self. smile_o.gifwelcome.gif

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haha sweet new emos baaa.gif

but yea lets stick to the topic at hand and try to keep this topic unlocked thnx

BB units look elit hope to see um soon yay.gif

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Ranger both of those were cited as the reasons, but i`ll repeat what i believe to be the official reaon, 2 piece breaks up the human form more, especially in an environment where your seeing sand with alot of greenery in.


Although that's true for afghanistan it's not for Iraq. In Afghanistan they made the choise to go in using mixed camo (often using DPM jacket and the rest desert-DPM). In Iraq they wanted everyone to use full desert-DPM, but there weren't enough desert-DPM for everyone (and not enough desert-boots ect ect).


These units look so good the regular OPFOR soldier in OFP will go ttt.gif

I love the new smilies icon_mrgreen.gif

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SFWanabe please consider this your final warning, repeatedly you have displayed a poor attitude to fellow posters, you have been asked by a moderator to stop posting in such a manner, if it continues you will be post restricted.

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Everyone, please use the emoticons in a reasonable manner. They're supposed to reflect your mood, not your entire life history  wink_o.gif

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SFWanabe please consider this your final warning, repeatedly you have displayed a poor attitude to fellow posters, you have been asked by a moderator to stop posting in such a manner, if it continues you will be post restricted.


Quote[/b] ]Wa_Va_Voom, don`t worry about SFwannabe, hes just being his usual friendly self.
You couldnt resist could ya? tounge2.gif

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Lets stick on topic.

Blackblood these units look fantastic and i can't wait for their release (ideally now so I can use them over the weekend). Keep up the great work!

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to quote fat comic book store guy

" there is no emoticon for how i feel ! "

loking forward to the release m8 , job well done , buy yerself a crate of amber ... you deserve it .

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Well me Busy schedule I have not the time to play ofp and have actually deleted it but for this pack I might have to install it once again

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Update on the individual dummyanims: It's a no go. Followed the BAS example down to the last letter. Didn't work. My guess is that their 'dummy-anim' is a very visual one (moving the backramp up and down) and mine is just an invisible untextured point. Meaning the LOD doesn't need to update visually when then anim kicks in...

I'm not gonna waste more time trying to fix it.

Alrighty. I'm gonna continue the 'whaddyawant'-trend and give you guys the option of choosing the layout.

Here goes (using the Paras for this example):

Displaynames for use in the editor:

Para Rifleman (web,hlm) or

Para (web,hlm) Rifleman

Paras comes with webbing or assault vests. So do you want to sort it clotheswise or weaponwise?

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I'd go for Para Rifleman (web, hlm).

But really it's not that big an issue what the sequence is.

How does it work for the SAS? web, hlm too?

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Update on the individual dummyanims: It's a no go. Followed the BAS example down to the last letter. Didn't work. My guess is that their 'dummy-anim' is a very visual one (moving the backramp up and down) and mine is just an invisible untextured point. Meaning the LOD doesn't need to update visually when then anim kicks in...

I'm not gonna waste more time trying to fix it.

Alrighty. I'm gonna continue the 'whaddyawant'-trend and give you guys the option of choosing the layout.

Here goes (using the Paras for this example):

Displaynames for use in the editor:

Para Rifleman (web,hlm) or

Para (web,hlm) Rifleman

Paras comes with webbing or assault vests. So do you want to sort it clotheswise or weaponwise?

I think clothwize would be better.

That way they will be sorted on both weapons and cloths;

for example;

Para (vest,hlm) Grenadier

Para (vest,hlm) Machinegunner

Para (vest,hlm) Officer

Para (vest,hlm) Rifleman

Para (vest,hlm) Sniper

Para (web,hlm) Grenadier

Para (web,hlm) Machinegunner

Para (web,hlm) Officer

Para (web,hlm) Rifleman

Para (web,hlm) Sniper

instead of;

Para (vest,hlm) Grenadier

Para (web,hlm) Grenadier

Para (vest,hlm) Machinegunner

Para (web,hlm) Machinegunner

Para (vest,hlm) Officer

Para (web,hlm) Officer

Para (vest,hlm) Rifleman

Para (web,hlm) Rifleman

Para (vest,hlm) Sniper

Para (web,hlm) Sniper

I think the first is better and easier to see the difference, since they are nicely grouped.

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SAS and SAS2 (just different looks)

SAS: patrolpack, shemaghtype 1, standard goggles

SAS2: bergen, shemaghtype 2, 2 types of sunglasses (actually 6 - black,blue and yellow lenses)

No helmets for the SAS. Sue me...

So with the option of putting weapon first it's gonna look like this in the editor:

Para Rifleman (web,hlm)

Para Rifleman (web,beret)

Para Rifleman (web,hlm,brg)

Para Rifleman (vest,hlm)

Para Rifleman (vest,beret)

... I could ofcourse make a universal unit (P:UKF style)

with hidden bergens and helmets. Needs no additional modelling since it's already there.

...keep posting your opinions so we can finally have these f***ers crawling in the sand of (input desert map here)...

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How about having a script that let's you ether cover your face with the shemega or let it hang wraped around your neck like the guy in your sig has it. smile_o.gif

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@Cpt. FrostBite

I see your point. There's an additional beret and/or bergen class too. I could do it your way and have the helmet removable turning it into a beretwearing guy. (takes away the beret class in the editor)

Stupid problem or as we say in Sweden:'lyxproblem'.

@SF wannabee - regardin shemagh ON/OFF

That option is already there. Has been since day one.

This is about the Paras and RMC since they come with different wears. SAS is for now only with assault vests.

For any newcomers check this old thread. Answers a lot of questions. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....+grunts

...a small portion is however obsolete.

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would be nice to have that take off and put on helmet option and on all of ur units, also the SAS wink_o.gif now that would be awsome keep up that hard work thumbs-up.gif

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I'm a bit confused however. The SAS still features that random look, but now you dont have to(or are not able) configure it yourself?

Mang, now that I've got OFP up and running again I just simply cant wait for these buggers, they are so elite.

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great looking units, cant wait to get me hands on em.

regarding the naming, i dont think it will be too much of an issue for anyone, everyone just seems to want them. However the way you have in your post seems fine to me.

the bergens, are they useable? for example can u put stuff in them and can you drop the bergen. I know it was talked about in the previous posts, but not sure what finally happened.

great work BB

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sounding real nice mate smile_o.gif, you planing any woodland guys as a possible future exention to the pack? smile_o.gif

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I dont know why he would since there is a woodland pack already.

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It was just a question SF huh.gif


I think there was something said about this in the old thread, you might wanna check there smile_o.gif


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I'm a bit confused however. The SAS still features that random look, but now you dont have to(or are not able) configure it yourself?

*WARNING* Repeating myself. *WARNING* whistle.gif

Yes you can. If the random script gives you a bergen, you will get an option to drop the bergen. If the script gives you a wrapped shemagh you will get an option to unwrap it and so on. Additionally you have full control of the final outlook thru simple init variables.

Regarding the bergen.

The ammo predefined in the ammo-array can be dropped on the ground one by one. The bergen itself can be dropped on the ground and turned into a static ammocrate with a loadcapacity of 24 mags + 1 weapon. If any ammo was left in the bergen when dropped, that ammo will be automatically loaded into the bergen-ammocrate.


The ammobearer script is in use and works if you keep the AI bearer close to you.

It's very much possible to make a bergen that can be picked up and carried on back. But once again, sue me. I really don't have the time, hence the SEMI-OPEN ADDON thingy.

Yep, I'm a total...

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