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UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

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have you got a shot of the bergen and other rucksacks?

What kind of packs does the British army use? and how much Liter can go into them?

all notworthy.gif  BB

Somewhere between 90-120 litres I think.

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BB mate if i knew where u live id send u over a truck full of beer or anythin u want keep u happy with yoru friends for a long time wink_o.gif

on track with the topic this units lookin and soundin better ever y time i look back at the thread

gonna have soem huge battles on afghanistan with these pistols.gif

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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon

Hell you guys should have on the UKF team notworthy.gif


I ment to say you guys should have BB on the UKF team.

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Maybe you should release two versions, 1 with ukf weapons 1 without so people who already have them dont have to download them again?

Hes been given permission to release the UKF weapons with addons so people don't have to re-download them...

Don't you chaps read?! tounge2.gif


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And Munk knows that and is suggesting a version released without the weapons so that those who already have UKF DPM pack 1.1 dont have to download a weapon pack they already have. icon_rolleyes.gif

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well ukf will make an additional rar with just ukf weapons if its gonna be a problem

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In fact I think it would be wise to make a version without weapons at all, so people could decide for themselves what weapon addon they want to use.

Looking good as always BB, I already got some nice ideas for missions with these guys.. pistols.gif

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y not release it with the weapons pack, c'mon guys its what like few extra MB's whats the problem lol   wink_o.gif

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UKF weapons rar'd = 5.86mb

To somebody on 56k that could mean an extra 20-30 minutes of download time. Only recently upgrading from 56k I know how they feel so I made the simple suggestion of 2 packs... 1 with the ukf weapons for those who dont have the DPM Troop pack, 1 without for the people who already have them. Rocket science at its best icon_rolleyes.gif

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I think Swifts solution is the best, just make an additional seperate RAR available. If you have UKF stuff, you only need to download the grunts, if you dont, you dont need to download the whole DPM pack (although you should, its brilliant), just the weapons. smile_o.gif

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I'm with Swift. It's a good thing to keep the size down and have a separate RAR for the weaps. Only question is: With your next release (UKF) will you keep the classnames for backward compatibility?

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I'm with Swift. It's a good thing to keep the size down and have a separate RAR for the weaps. Only question is: With your next release (UKF) will you keep the classnames for backward compatibility?

theres gonna be no-class name changes.... just additions....  tounge2.gif

but im not gonna go into detail.....

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hehehe... BB, like swift said, the next weapons update is only additions etc - all the classnames are backwards compatible i assure you.... you can even fly over here and kick my ass if they aren't...

the seperate weapons PBO sounds good to me... granted, it would be quite fun to have everyone download the DPM pack so we got a little more coverage tounge2.gif - feel free to rar one up when you send it to ofp.info etc - remember you'll need both the ukf_ukweps and ukf_slmg pbo's smile_o.gif

at the end of the day, we're quite happy BB's decided to use our weapons.... means we're doing something right.


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Weaponpack seperated sounds good.

I'd not like to see unarmed ones or standard BIS weapons,

as british troops should be equipped with british weapons.

Everything else could be maybe good for individuals but more work to the mass, which would like realism as standard and

modification as addition.

just my opinion

btw BB outstanding job you did there - i hope that my upcomming middle eastern buildings i'm working on will be worth getting protected or attacked by those guys smile_o.gif

~S~ CD

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all the classnames are backwards compatible i assure you.... you can even fly over here and kick my ass if they aren't...

Do you really want that? The only pair of shoes i've got is steelplated. Besides I'd probably take the boat. I'm a security hazard onboard flights because of my stunning looks...  icon_rolleyes.gif

..sorry peeps no updates. At work right now. Will be back after 17:00 CET.

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one problem........ JAM is needed too.....

Really dont think thats a problem

Jam is like the defacto download these days.

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true that

with jam3 coming up

sounds should improve aswell

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Wait a minute. I smell a rat. UKF guys are a little too cooperative. *Checks doorlock* *straps on kevlar* biggrin_o.gif

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*runs away*... It may seem as a shock... but we are just trying to help you release mate

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see this is what i like to see, mods helping addon makers its a good thing. , good work bb! notworthy.gif good work.

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Wait a minute. I smell a rat. UKF guys are a little too cooperative. *Checks doorlock* *straps on kevlar* biggrin_o.gif


lets say we have some releases coming up that could utilise some well made desert troops whistle.gif

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whistle.gif That would be ****** great!

A new landy would be fully sick...


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