MontyVCB 0 Posted May 25, 2005 u ppl need to grow up, who cares about a goddamn name i don't buy a game becuase of its name. BIS are make a sequal to ofp and i will get it i could'nt care less if it wern't called ofp2...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HUNTER- 1 Posted May 25, 2005 According to the article at ofp.infoso basically it seems they have dumped BIS and are trying to profit off the name. complete with BIS's title for the changes we have been looking for?We have alot of feedback from the community about what they want to see in the game and this has been incorporated in our Design and Development process and we will deliver on the promise. They are lying allready, THEY didnt get S..t from the "community" BIS got all the feedback they just took it! Battlefield Flashpoint    URRRGHHHH! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InqWiper 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Maybe some of us should buy CMs game just to join the servers and tell everyone about the real OFP2 (maybe a few wont know)Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireLord 0 Posted May 25, 2005 In my opinion both games should do well, I just hope that the release dates are a good distance apart to give both games an equal chance. However, i do agree with Ace from the CM forums: Quote[/b] ]OFP was BIS's game their vision their work , i trust them to come up with a better sequel as they know how it works. So far i havent seen a single game out there that matches it so how do you suppose we can trust a distributor who are essentially in it here for the money rather then making someone they have envisioned (like a creator) to produce such a game for a niche market? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted May 25, 2005 para-trooper share your opinion by all means, however please refrain from flaming and posting in an aggressive manner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antichrist 0 Posted May 25, 2005 para-trooper share your opinion by all means, however please refrain from flaming and posting in an aggressive manner Any comment on the topic? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gadger 0 Posted May 25, 2005 The same happened in the case of Sports Interactive and Eidos. Eidos had the rights to the name championship manager, SI split from Eidos and could no longer use the name for future products. SI released FM2005 earlier this year, Eidos was claiming to release a new champ manager, with a new development team 6 months before the release of SI's FM2005. 1 year of PZ magazine's running a campaign of hate against the publishers Edios, which convientley let the public know what was happening in regards to the publisher/developer situation and a 1 year delay in Edios' product saw FM2005 released to critical acclaim whilst Champ Manager getting slated at every turn. The release of AA later this year is becoming much clearer now, this release will not only drag current OFP fans over to a whole new product but also set its own fan base. Now when CM's OFP2 is eventually released only the naive will buy it (as, really, unless a whole lot of work has already been put into the game, we are not going to see it in 2006) as the released of AA2? will most likely superseed it. The only thing that has me worried, for the future and success of BIS, is the possibility of IS' Enemy in Sight being used by CM as an OFP2. I don't think I need to comment on the rivalry between IS & BIS anyway (I'm sure its friendly ). Anyhow, as your average gamer this could be perfect, 4 years waiting for another game like OFP and in the space of 24 months there is the chance that 4 turn up in the same time period. Those 4 being: - BIS' AA & AA2, IS' Enemy in Sight and CM's OFP2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted May 25, 2005 The possibilty of CM coming up with a game by Q2 2006 make's me laugh my head off. Shows the effort they are putting in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted May 25, 2005 if this is all true ,that is Codemasters owning up the tiletle Ofp2 and using it for an own product ,then i am quite mad on them for that. Yes from a legal point of view CM has the rights and then some urge to give them credit and see what their Ofp 2 looks like,but for a designer and consumer point of view this a horrible situation. This debacle ,especially when CM releases a Ofp2 before BIs does ,will affect BIS in sales for their upcomming sequel ,undoubtedly.Yes BIs has a staunch community ,but one has to take the community in it's right value.The forum of a site like has 5000 members ,i figure BIS forum's itself have a few 10.000's + a few 10.000's lurking as guest.A topic like "OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?" had 40.000 views of wich many looked at the topic multiple times.Ofp sold AFAIK about 1.5million copies.The spread of information from BIs site will reach a few 100.000's of people ,but never the full 1.5Mil. I would purely guess about 40 to 50% of the Ofp fans won't know about this debacle when a CM releases an Ofp2 ,and will rely more gaming magazine's and on the spot analyses to figure out that CM Ofp2 is not BIS it's sequel.Atleast informing the game magaine's thuraly about this debacle so that they mention it could be important. Atleast in the marketing sector it's AFAIK a common perception that changing the brand name of something very succesfull is probably going to hurt it's sales. Another thing is that noone of us really wants CM to produce a Ofp2 ,sure they might do a better than half assed job ,but still ,who wants to see a star wars film not directed by george Lucas or a civilization copy not touched by Sid meier? I do not want any other Dev team than Bis one's. Yet i think that a Bis sequal to OFP that amazes anyone who reviews it will sell majorly whatever really ,BIS made their first succes withought much name or promotion neither. In the end though ,if this story of CM owning "Operation flashpoint" and wanting to release an own sequal is true then all i can feel is that this is extrememly stupid unwise ,IMO Both BIS and CM can only be hurt by this ,but CM is bound to be hurt more ,while coorperation or for ex. allowing BIS to buy up the operation flashpoint name could be atleast profitable for both. Obviously ,a game released by BIs with the nmae Operation flashpoint 2 that stun's everyone on seeing or testing it will ultimatly sell a excessive number of copies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stealth3 0 Posted May 25, 2005 What if CM publishes Enemy in Sight with the name of OFP2. That is the only way they can get a game out by Q2 2006. Lets not forget that BIS is a more fragile company than CM. While CM, might suffer more, it has the potential to recover, but for BIS to recover, it will be a hard strugle. Who knows, Codies probably own the OFP engine too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gadger 0 Posted May 25, 2005 What if CM publishes Enemy in Sight with the name of OFP2. Â That is the only way they can get a game out by Q2 2006. Â Yep, ironically EiS is slated for a relase between Q4 2005 and Q2 2006. I made the same point a few posts up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Â This will confuse a lot of people. Â Especially the ones not around the community or following the game. Â If codemaster's "OFP2" will be shitty, the reputation of BIS's "OFP2" will also go down. Â Remember that the average Joe doesn't follow the OFP news. Â The competition will come down to motivation, money, and technology. Â No two games will every be alike, so there will be some differences and one of the two companies will get a lot of money from the game, and one will lose a lot, unless the quality is super good for both Well OFP1 sold that many copies purely on it's quality ,it hadn't have a famous name then ,it was made by an unknown studio and promotion was minimal almost. We bought Ofp1 becaus it was so original and true to our desire's of an FPS game ,if BIS make's it's future game as attracting in it's time as Ofp1 was then it will sell over the million copies easily. If people will see astonishing ingame footage of a BIS sequel wth equally astonishing game feature's then name won't matter much to someone who even maybe never played ofp1. But the new BIS game needs at least a bit of promotion ,if it can get a very good review from game review site's and magazine's then it will probably sell a lot regardless of other factor's. There are also quite some fans of Ofp1 on the game magazine's staff's ,they might know the BIS-Cm story and probably would prefer BIS over CM to.If much of the gaming media is on BIS side then OFP1 true sequal will have much less problems ,however while some game reviewers prefer to praise the truly good games ,others probably wouln't mind to take some cash from a publisher to put a certain game more in the attention ,some game review site's are even blatantly the promotion guys of some publisher(s). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted May 25, 2005 What if CM publishes Enemy in Sight with the name of OFP2. Â That is the only way they can get a game out by Q2 2006. Â Yep, ironically EiS is slated for a relase between Q4 2005 and Q2 2006. I made the same point a few posts up. Â You think EiS could be CM's Ofp2? Some info on EIS and it's Dev's: Quote[/b] ]Atari has announced Enemy in Sight, an all-new PC shooter that will take place on huge battlefields of some 100 square kilometers in size during a fictitious, near-future war that will span all of Europe. The game is in development at none other than Illusion Softworks, the Czech studio responsible for such games as Vietcong, the Hidden & Dangerous series, and Mafia. Enemy in Sight will feature a goal-oriented single-player campaign--which takes place in deformable environments that can be traversed with drivable vehicles--along with team-based multiplayer modes Hmm ,the makers of hidden and dangerous and mafia series ,not exactly a tottaly small frie in the gaming developing industry i'd say ,and while some of the feature's are similar to Ofp's other's arn't (like deformable terrain) ,i figure especially since EiS is already announced under the destinct name of Enemy in Sight that therefore it won't change ,and was never ment to be an Ofp2 in name ,but it's screenshots look very similar to Ofp ,and it could be that the EiS developers have gotten some mterial of the BIS engine from CM? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acecombat 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Can someone confirm if Posieden is copyrighted and solely belongs to BIS? I mean VBS1 users or anyoneknow about this? I'd hate it if CM has Posieden for themselves too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PainDealer 0 Posted May 25, 2005 when I first read about this I had only one thing to say: greedy bastards. so nothing is safe on this planet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-ASO- Farandir 0 Posted May 25, 2005 how would vbs1 users know about that? the VBS1 engine is kind of the OFP engine. but VBS1 is developed by BIA, which is Bohemia Interactive Australia, so basically BIS, too. And they must have very close contact when you compare the contents of the OFP sequels and VBS1. back to topic: as said somewhere else, I can't imagine CM making something else than a copy of what OFP1 was and BIS' OFP2 will be. How else could they try to live up to the statement that this game they're doing is going to be one for the flashpoint fans? I think they have to say and show us something official before they make anymore proud statements in some forums. BIS has done that and the community obviously likes it. So if there is a competition, BIS has made at least the first points Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gadger 0 Posted May 25, 2005 What if CM publishes Enemy in Sight with the name of OFP2. Â That is the only way they can get a game out by Q2 2006. Â Yep, ironically EiS is slated for a relase between Q4 2005 and Q2 2006. I made the same point a few posts up. Â You think EiS could be CM's Ofp2? Some info on EIS and it's Dev's: Quote[/b] ]Atari has announced Enemy in Sight, an all-new PC shooter that will take place on huge battlefields of some 100 square kilometers in size during a fictitious, near-future war that will span all of Europe. The game is in development at none other than Illusion Softworks, the Czech studio responsible for such games as Vietcong, the Hidden & Dangerous series, and Mafia. Enemy in Sight will feature a goal-oriented single-player campaign--which takes place in deformable environments that can be traversed with drivable vehicles--along with team-based multiplayer modes Hmm ,the makers of hidden and dangerous and mafia series ,not exactly a tottaly small frie in the gaming developing industry i'd say ,and while some of the feature's are similar to Ofp's other's arn't (like deformable terrain) ,i figure especially since EiS is already announced under the destinct name of Enemy in Sight that therefore it won't change ,and was never ment to be an Ofp2 in name ,but it's screenshots look very similar to Ofp ,and it could be that the EiS developers have gotten some mterial of the BIS engine from CM? That's my point Apollo, where as IS are perhaps one of the top developers in the PC Industry (H&D, Mafia, etc) Atari certaintly are not huge developers, I'd atleast think of CM as bigger developers. Well, I guess time will tell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. Ionio 0 Posted May 25, 2005 I'm praying that before CM release their bastard OFP2, that EA will take the over and cancel all of CM games that were in development. It won't be the first time that has happened with EA. I don't think that anyone who is a OFP fan will buy the CM version, we'll all buy the BIS one. Didn't CM make the "Red Hammer" campaign, and to be honest that was a fairly weak campaign compared to the "Resistance" and "Cold War Crisis". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garcia 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Competition is good  "Competition"... there will only be one game for me, and it will be made by BIS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bn880 5 Posted May 25, 2005 One thing is for sure, BIS has some balls if this is all true, and it appears they also have some good plans. So a toast to BIS from Mr Bn. (My opinion on the Codemasters thing; I doubt anything substantial will come of it, they can _possibly_ get an army of workers, but they'll botch it all up anyway... this is about a work of art, and an idea not to be messed with. I assume it to compete only with OFP1.5 AA, not OFP2. ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PainDealer 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Competition is good "Competition"... there will only be one game for me, and it will be made by BIS I hear ya. BIS are working their asses off and have already provided us with top class gaming experiences so I'll stick to what ever they have for me when ever it's ready. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WargamingNor 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Have any of you been following this thread over at the CM forums? Zzzz posted this earlier today; Quote[/b] ]Quote:Originally Posted by Ace What credits? CM didnt do any programming for OFP1 they were distributors only not developers , they might have had a hand in a few things but that doesnt account for 50% of all the work in that title. It took Spanel brothers years to make that up and you give half of it away to CM for just distribution and telling them to dumb down the game for the average gamer or should i say immature CS'que style gamer. Following on from these posts: We did actually do a lot more with the game development then you give us credit for. The in game credits highlight this, we had a design team of around 8 - 10 guys working with BIS plus a whole host of QA team throughout the Development working with BIS. Add to that the marketing (and I mean selling through to retail, the public, etc) and we did do quite a bit. Programming wise, the core engine is all BIS and was a revolution at the other game matched it. Core gameplay was BIS with a little help from the Codies team. Storyline and characters, Codies again did alot of this with Marek and Viktor. i worked on this game throughout it's time in QA, seeing the end of CWC, worked throughout Red Hammer and was even core to the Resistancee expansion once it came through our doors. We have alot of the original team here that put the game ideas into Flashpoint and we are passionate about the game. We will endeavour to make the best game we can...that's all we can offer....whether you believe we can is another matter and there is very little I can do (at the moment at least) to persuade you otherwise. As the last poster said, only time will tell. Hopefully we won't disappoint ___ Interesting Quote of my day: "Faults and defects every work of man must have" - Dr Samual Johnson ------------ Miker_CLO Community Liaison Officer Action/Strategy Games Codemasters e-mail: [email protected] For any technical problems and assistance email [email protected] I'm really not sure what to make of anything at the moment... I'm basically just waiting for CM or BIS to give us the story straight - should be interesting if we get the whole truth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Be it as it may that CM did some work at OFP to ,nevertheless the nature of their work doesnt grant them that much slack as concerning campaigns ,well ,we all can make campaigns.The Spanel brothers engineered the engine and the core wich was essentially the most selling part of this game. This does remind me with what happened to Sid Meier's team a bit after civilization 2.Then there was a whole debacle with the publisher about the name to ,it posponed version 3 of the game and in the meantime psuedo clones came out like Civilization : call to power. Not that these clone's were entirely bad ,there were some good elements in it to ,but consumer support was bad and probably sales to.Civiliation III however ,the new version created by Sid Meier (a saint in the strategy gaming world ) sold millions of copies in virtually no time ,becoming one of the most big gaming franchise in the industry. But then ,long lasting fans of the Civ game's knew who was the creater of this jewel ,and like i most of these people in the 90's would have bought anything with the label on it "Sid Meier presents..." ,because anything with that label had to be just a fantastic game (thing's like pirates or Gettysburg) .About any gaming magazine out their mentioned in their reviews that civilization : call to power was not a Sid meier product when it was released ,and the large majority of the civ comunity knew what that ment. What i mean is in the end people prefer to buy quality and most of the time's they know quality when they see it.When BIS released their OFP1 demo it paved the way for hughe sales ,because the demo was so obviously fantastic.If BIS creates an equaly innovative game in 2006 then it's demo will convince large numbers to buy it anyhow ,and this debacle will have been irrelevant. The best way for BIS to solve this problem is simply to release a game that is as equally impressive or better as Ofp1 was at the time of its release ,and that is not nessecarily bad for the community ,though i trust BIS to be on the good way anyhow.Atleast ,the debacle about the 2 versions might inspire BIS to overload us with screens and game media. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildo 0 Posted May 25, 2005 my sight is plainly set on BIS's game and not CM, CM have stooped to low this time, way to low, Red Hammer was exceptionally poor compared to Resistance, i wish the best of luck to the Spanle brothers and eveyr other employee of BIS / BIA (except placebo and his damn 100Kb rule! joke joke.....i believei n you to paul ;) .....) Wildo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gadger 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Just another case of a struggling publisher trying to take a shit on a glorious developer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites