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Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

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hm my suggestion fpr AA


A litte bit real weapon sounds

Transportable vehicle, for example, a jeep in a C130

and (when possible) sub command. So you can split your team. For example: a twelve man team split in 2x6 man so you assing 5 man to one man (F7) and now you can command the second team only with botton F7 without pushing 9 (team) x (color). The other 5 man will follow number F7. when possible

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Oh, well my list of wishes contains this:

<ul>[*]Improved netcode

[*]Improved AI

[*]SpeedTree RT trees

[*]Dynamic Destruction Simulation (Like in VBS1, not like in Soldner)

[*]DirectX9c-based graphics (Well I'm pretty confident AA has that already)

[*]Improved physics and support for Ageia's PPU

[*]Interactive and Dynamic cockpits (I want to see working FLIR-screens/warning lights and of course being able to use your mouse to interact with cockpits and control consoles of tanks/cars/planes/helicopters, etc)

Now that is something that would really interest me!


[*]Better flight physics (Eitherway better than in OFP, preferrably like those in LOMAC of the Enemy Engaged games)

[*]Better driving physics (Like something in FarCry/Half-Life or something where driving really was like a dream)

[*]Compatibility with TrackIR would be nice

[*]Postions outside vehicles like sitting on top of a T-55 turret and being able to shoot and useing your own weapon.

[*]Working BMP infantry gunports, like what the manual claims to be a feature in Flashpoint CWC.

(For n00bs: It is a hole in a BMP with a window where soldier inside the BMP can shoot through to something outside the BMP. In short: It gives greater firepower.)

[*]Ability to swim

[*]Things like chaffs/flares for helicopters and smoke gens/grenades for tanks

[*]Tank Turret-mounted MG's, which are only accessible when the user is "turned-out".


[*]Ejector seats!

[*]Artillery support, I loved CoC!

[*]Deformable terrain

As you might notice, there are alot of flightsim-like and tanksim-like features...

But what are your opinions about the Interactive- and dynamic cockpit/control consoles/dashboards??

Well actually I was looking for the OFP2 section, just can't believe I just posted that in the wrong forum :P.

Anyways if these functions are in AA that would be great though :P.

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something that i havent seen mentioned yet, and really needs to be done

anything with mutiple guns that fire at the same time should all fire at the same time, if you know what im saying

shilka - 4 guns, but in ofp only 1 really fires - one stream of bullets

pbr dual 50cals, same thing, one one stream of bullets coming out

i know there are many others to

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fixable bayonets please.

can't beat a bit of cold steel.

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A long list but All this would be great in AA or OFP2:


* Greater number of represented nations.

* Support for multiple weapon positions on vehicles.

* Improved collision detection (particularly inside buildings).

* Apparently we want more realism! More realism! More realism!

* Simplified modding ability.

* Dynamic campaigns (both single-player and multi-player).

* Co-operative campaign.

* Improved AI: Role specific AI (soldier, sniper, pilot); Non-scripted, convincing civilian behaviour.

* Backwards compatibility with OFP addons.

* Forget FPS squad-based combat. OFP2 should apparently be an RTS.

* More convincing physics engine.

* Opportunity to take on a greater variety of roles in the single-player campaign.

* Ability to move around freely in/on moving vehicles.

* Improved damage model for infantry (and vehicles).

* Modern conflict based in real-world hot spots.

* Improved AI for non-player vehicle positions.

* Improved AI targeting priority (particularly tank gunners).

* Objects have realistic penetration values (ie. so you can shoot through a wooden door, etc.).

* Allow people with handguns to move as fast as those equipped with rifles (more of a fix to the current system).

* Boggy terrain areas where men and vehicles are slowed.

* Certain soldier classes cannot operate certain vehicles (ie. regular infantry or tank drivers cannot pilot aircraft, at least not without a severe penalty).

* Certain soldier classes receive lesser penalties for using specific weapons (ie. a machinegunner will suffer less recoil when using an M60).

* Modeling of underground tunnels.

* Trench warfare (presumably both graphically and in respect to AI).

* Vehicles able to be loaded into larger carrier vehicles.

* Voice-Over-Net factoring in proximity for volume control.

* Animals inhabiting the terrain.

* Remove collision LOD for incidental objects (eg. tent ropes).

* Improve the inventory system insomuch as the way weapons are picked up and exchanged.

* Greater number of civilian models (eg. different body types such as fat, thin, short and tall; children; etc.).

* Wounded soldiers are incapacitated and show signs of pain both visually and aurally until killed, healed or otherwise unconscious.

* Wounded soldiers should die or enter a state of unconsciousness for the remainder of a mission if left untreated.

* Infantry banter on the battlefield.

* Ability to travel between different maps during the one mission.

* Pizza eating contests and combat chopsticks.

* Improved visibility from inside vehicles (or more accurate situational awareness through audio. ie. sounds indicating engine state in aircraft).

* Ability to place objects (eg. sandbags, fences and machineguns in defensible positions).

* Passenger positions on top of vehicles (like tanks).

* Refined movement speed for infantry (similar to Splinter Cell's implementation of the scroll wheel).

* More involved/detailed training levels at the start of the single player campaign (maybe with the ability to skip training altogether for seasoned players?).


* Support of greater player numbers (supported by official servers).

* Join-in-progress option (although another user expressly stated they don't want this option).

* Improved multi-player interface.

* Vehicle respawn (or simplified methods thereof in the mission editor).

* Game mode that includes weapon/vehicle/object purchase options (a more RTS style of game).

* Ability for CO's to 'paint' the map to communicate orders/tactics to the men.

* Better/Easier voting system for kicking/banning.

* 'Persistent' online battlefields.

* Online statistics tracking of players (to recruit players of certain capabilities).

* Skip intros in MP games.

* Missions and addons downloadable from server while joining missions.


* Modeling of proper urban and indoor combat.

* Effective inter-squad communication.

* Calling for air Support and artillery strikes.

* Improved flight control system for fixed-wing aircraft.

* Realistic aircraft avionics.

* More realistic aircraft control (and of all vehicles, flying or otherwise).

* Simplified orders menu/system.

* More accurate behaviour of support units (medics for example).

* Weapon jamming.

* Ability to command at platoon or company level.

* Ability to order men to carry objects (eg. carry ammo crates to a new location).

* Hand signals.

* More units allowed per squad.

* More groups allowed per side.

* Include morale as a more distinct component of the AI.

* Allow tactical planning during briefing.

* Ability to dig trenches/foxholes (sounds like more fun than playing missions).

* More logical control over AI targeting menu.

* Realistic loading times.

* More accurately modeled damage depending on munition type (eg. the difference between AP and HE).

* More functional (read: realistic) vehicles.

* Realistic laser targeting.

* Possibility of overheating engines.

* Allow soldiers to roll while prone.

* Ability to roll handgrenades.

* Ability for soldiers to swim.

* Ability for soldiers to climb trees and houses.

* Ability to administer first aid.

* Steerable parachutes.

* Infantry lean function.

* Automatic switching of primary to secondary weapon upon depletion of ammo (even if the feature can be toggled from the option menu).

* Morale and competency checks for AI when their CO's are killed.

* Greater AI ability for suppression fire.

* Greater AI situational awareness (ie. no standing around as they watch Barry die next to them).

* Separate handgrenade key (instead of switching to them as a primary weapon).

* AI will destroy a building or tactically enter one when aware of the player's presence.

* Ability for infantry to carry any ammo type regardless of current weapon load.

* Ability to carry more than one primary weapon (encumbrance penalty may occur?).

* Level design should limit the improbable (eg. a plain soldier being able to infiltrate a base, steal a chopper and clear a map of enemies).

* More realistic base layouts and armament.

* Greater stealth ability (including stealth kills).

* Hand-to-hand combat.

* Coordinated AI squad movement.

* Realistic radar modeling.

* Increase sniper performance.


* Realistic damage modeling for vehicles and buildings (objects blow apart, glass shatters, bullet holes).

* Buildings and vehicles burn appropriately when destroyed.

* Improved, detailed textures.

* Complex/realistic terrain.

* Larger terrain.

* Larger cities.

* Improved weather effects.

* Realistic gore effects (eg. dismemberment, accurate entry/exit wound textures).

* Improved/Realistic explosions.

* Secondary weapons displayed on units (eg. handgrenades).

* Deformable terrain.

* Destructible trees (ie. within forests)

* Grass depicted as physical object rather than a plain texture.

* Tall grass.

* Quality voice acting.

* Improved vegetation (at least to the standard of Ghost Recon... I thought it was going to be a 2006 game?)

* Greater variety of skins/textures (particularly for infantry).

* Better looking hands on infantry models.

* Improved night vision.

* Modeling of thermal vision.

* Modeling of mirrors.

* More animations.

* Moving foliage (ie. in the wind). For both visual effect and it "reduces the eye's sensitivity to motion".

* Denser forests.

* Make the ironsight view a 3D object with greater parallax when moving.

* More realistic rifle recoil (manually pull the weapon back down).

* More foliage.


* WYSIWYG editor for briefings (preferably integrated into the mission editor).

* WYSIWYG oriented mission editor.

* In-editor scripting support.

* Deformable terrain editor.

* Better control over vehicle/unit behaviour.

* Easier control over objectives.

* Fluid camera scripting for complex scenes.

* Lip sync tools.

* Simpler error reporting system to determine errors.

* Ability to place all objects available in the game.

* Include simple campaign creation options within the editor.


* Flame-thrower.

* Aircraft carriers, submarines and greater naval forces in general.

* Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) weapon support.

* More/Greater variety of units in general.

* Booby traps.

* Small scale artillery (eg. mortars).

* Heavy lifting aircraft (eg. vehicles slung under choppers).

* Torches.

* Knives.

* Greater variety of 'Eastern' weapons and vehicles.

* Interchangeable hardpoint options (eg. Humvee with choice of .50 cal or TOW).

* Body armour for infantry (but leads to slower speed and fatigue).

* Radio operator.

* Greater variety of mines.

* Greater variety of ordnance carried by aircraft (specifically bombs; napalm, cluster, anti-runway, anti-bunker).

* Hardened fortifications.

* Flashbangs.

* Modern anti-vehicle weapons.

* Pill boxes.

Big thanks to Longjocks smile_o.gif



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Wow thats kind of impressive list! Now we will have to wait till 2010 for AA and OFP2 :P .I would add one little thing - binding command executions to keys. For example you would have to add in init.sqs:

bind "left control" nameofunit setpos (getpos player)

bind "h" [player] exec "myscript.sqs"


This would for example simplify all attempts to create better squad commandig engine (CoC's for multiple squads, Sui's from Wrestling with the bear or The black gap, General Barron's from Realistic Combat Patrol  - all are useing radio interface, which isn't too friendly).

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(* Greater number of represented nations) this will be great,thunderbird84, but think about so many diffrent uniforms. a lot of friendly fire victims. biggrin_o.gif

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Quite a shoping list you got, I'm impressed too wink_o.gif

Some of those can be made in a mod, but the rest smile_o.gif

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... i just hope, since its DX9 compatible, it uses different color map extensions ... like TGA, or DDS, ...

to use normal maps as bump maps, and/or use normal maps on low poly model based on high poly model ... that way it`s less poly to count; but all this to work, we must have per pixel lighting cobined with normal maps support in our beloved game/s.

i would love to see this, and in Armed Assault and in `New Game` but considering view distance more then 1000m and number of units on a battlefield doubt it`s usable.

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Quote[/b] ]* Pizza eating contests and combat chopsticks.

An obvious must biggrin_o.gif

Seriously though Thunderbird84's list is a good one. smile_o.gif

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I hope I will not disappoint you too much by closing this topic. The reason for closing it is we are certainly not able to bring not even a substantial fraction of features suggested here in Armed Assault. It seems most people are posting the same suggestions which are already posted in OFP2 forums, leading to duplication and confusion - and I have to say the lists are quite ... how to say it ... not exactly modest wink_o.gif .

We will post more detailed ArAs specifications,feature lists and roadmaps once the release will be getting closer.

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