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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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I think the fire coming from the back of the missiles (mavericks especially) is a bit toooooo much. The simple white flash is enough for them and the white trail afterwards thats how it goes in RL as well. The rest look fine but the tracer effects somehow remind me of runway lights .... crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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MHHH Green tracer's? i though the primer in a bullet will burn yello like a flame not really green also how about an extra config file one with the clean editor and one without becuase i would really love a clean editor i would edit it my self but i dont have a clue what todo in config files

EDIT - Also those tracers on the chopper look a bit to near its a 30mm cannon were dealing with hear well on the MI17 im not sure but everything else is like a mini gun has barrels in a circle. and the AA effect on the Vulcan's and Shilka's i dont like it makes me wonder where the choppers are coming from

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I think the fire coming from the back of the missiles (mavericks especially) is a bit toooooo much. The simple white flash is enough for them and the white trail afterwards thats how it goes in RL as well. The rest look fine but the tracer effects somehow remind me of runway lights .... crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

Argh , ECP comes tounge_o.gif


Nah seriously trust me , the tracers are a lot better in game . it's a bit hard to show something with only one pic wink_o.gif

the missile effects seem also better in game though...

456820 , Each side's its own tracers colours based on Nato data, you'll notice it in game. wink_o.gif

Best Regards


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NO SHUT IT GUYS! Thunder its fine, its bloody great! Now lets see it at filefront smile_o.gif

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The launch seem to be OK

Lets see how the trail realy in the game.

TB about the UH-60 olive of CSLA guys, its a GO?

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Guys, give him things to do AFTER it is released.

We just want 5.0 now, keep giving him ideas.


Let him upgrade the NEXT patch, not 5.0,

We want 5.0 NOW

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So every one.. I tryed DLing 3.5 again, and it did the same



So, can we get 5.0 released please.

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Sorry thunder, but i like this mod alot.

And ever since i deleted 3.0.

i want it back, now 3.5 wont work, so.

I want 5.0

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'm glad that you like the FFUR mod but please stop asking every hour about the release date , let us carry out a decent installer...

and why the hell are you still trying to get the FFUR 3.5 in spite of the fact I told ya to wait for the incoming FFUR 5.0 ??

It's 5:25 am Middle European Time. as I see you have swiss and french addons , so you must be european tounge_o.gif

Why not to get some sleep , It'd be better for ya bud , trust me smile_o.gif

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could you also have a DL in RAR format i seem to allways have troubles with the exe wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Thunder, ive slept for 15 hours today, right now its 9:45 PM, i dont feel.

LIKE sleeping any more, Sorry for asking so much about 5.0 but it really shocks me to see a mod go this far.

Please, tell us u are ready for release ?

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Ok, is there a way to make a patch for 3.0 to 3.5 ?, becuase.

3.0 works for me , but not 3.5

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Please stop spamming every mod thread that you are interested in demanding its release (this and ECP that I've noticed). You taunting those modmakers isn't going to make it come any faster and its pretty rude.

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For someone who's 16, you're acting more like a 5 year old.


Who the hell do you think ure talking to

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EvEnLeaSe44 is this the 4th time I've had to speak to you now? There won't be a 5th.

I know you're young and enthusiastic etc. but you need to learn to stop spamming and stop fooling around on the forums, if you don't learn that quickly I'll have no choice but to post restrict you.

As I said previously, read the forum rules and follow them.

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could you also have a DL in RAR format i seem to allways have troubles with the exe wink_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Perhaps, but not initially. The release of the mod will be on a .exe installer, but if I have free time I'll make it a .rar and upload it. We're also going to be doing a version using 7-zip (ultra compression - sometimes 65% ratio) to allow smaller downloads, but that will come later too. Our primary aim is for the .exe, since it's the most user-friendly.

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a complete .exe is not neccesarily the most user friendly way to present a mod/addon, i for an instance always install .exe files apart from my flashpoint folder, then copy the content that is installed somewhere else to the appropriate mod folder, and finally deinstall the mod/addon again, since i want to see what is installed and where (and i dont want my software section in windows all corwded up)

so concluding i would say that a .zip file would be the most user friendly way to present a mod/addon, since its possible to extract the content directly from within wink_o.gif

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hurry and release 5.0!!! but dont rush it ether , cos rushed projects blow biggrin_o.gif

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hurry and release 5.0!!! but dont rush it ether , cos rushed projects blow biggrin_o.gif


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Hi mates ,

Don't worry about the incoming installer because it'd be a lot different than the old one, we'll try it carefully to be sure that there won't be any problem.

Just trust us smile_o.gif

Best Regards


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