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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 Version 7.3

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By showing "porn" i presume you mean the girl showing a bit of her arse! It's just that after reading you're post i franticaly searched said site and that was the only pic that vaguley resembled porn! Get a life "mate"-By the way that's a reply to Olle Stolpe's post

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I patched it to 7.1 and I don't have grenades anymore, atleast their invisible and there is also no explosion. crazy_o.gif


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Yup. That was what I mean. The girl showing off her ass (and there has been more explicit pics there). That's porn.

What does naked/seminaked girls have to do with OFP?

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if you read on his site, you'd know that it was just for people to keep coming back to his site. and by the way, that's soft-porn. showing an ass is not porn unless the "crack" is shown. if you dont like it, just right click and select do not show pictures from that site the pic is at. or just be mature enough to just not look at it if you don't like it. and if it pertains to the site, why not do it in the "chat box" or on the forums at his site? so please dont cry about it on the official forums.

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anybody know a dl mirror for the full 7.0 install?

currently there isn't one. everyone is uploading it to their servers :-P

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What does naked/seminaked girls have to do with OFP?

Not a lot, but frankly I don't care - http://sjb.gotf.net/gui/index.html

On another note, I hope someone has the bandwidth/webspace to spare to mirror the full installer of the latest version, as I really want to try it out, but can't find a working mirror.

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What does naked/seminaked girls have to do with OFP?

Not a lot, but frankly I don't care - http://sjb.gotf.net/gui/index.html

On another note, I hope someone has the bandwidth/webspace to spare to mirror the full installer of the latest version, as I really want to try it out, but can't find a working mirror.

nice GUIs Jackal (besides the "censored" thing) tounge_o.gif

i cannot see a problem there too.

and i found no problem on the patch (besides the famous bn tracers error of course)

all what was reported here worked fine for me biggrin_o.gif

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actualy it has nothing to do with OFP but if you read my site at all you would know Too-Tall Inc is for Y2K3, my person ablog, my soapbox (where i comment on news headlines that need commenting on), and my web and graphic design site.

its an all in one. and the pics of angilena.. .are softcore.. the "pic of the day" where i got that one.. had much more colorful and explicit pics.. i went with softcore. i added that along with world headlines to entice return visitors.

about the full install i got people workin around teh clock to get mirrors up for that. should be sometime today smile_o.gif

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ATTENTION.. MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE... and all your porn too tounge_o.gif

ok anyway. edgefiles has started being nice it seems. and the full installer is available to download form edge files now

Downloads Page

patch is linked to ofp.info's ftp server 2. and the full installer is linked to edgefiles. sorry for the inconveince folks. all links are working now smile_o.gif

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downloading now, should have a mirror up soon! but then again, i can only get a 50/kb sec max sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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Just downloaded the patch and installed it, though I can't get things to run that well. I keep getting a "Script \bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf not found" error at the start up page and when trying to preview having added basic units in the mission editor. Please help me figure out what's going on, thanks Pappy

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what version of y2k3 did u try to patch? rock.gif the bn_880 tracers addon was added in 7.0 so if u have 7.0 installed you should have had that addon already. if not then i suggest you try the full installer and try a fresh install

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I had 7.0, that is weird. Yeah I guess I will try a fresh start by doing the entire mod download. Thanks

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What happened? Don't you like the RHS Motostreloks?

i saw no reason to change them. the motorized infantry works just fine.

if it aint broke dont fix it.

that aside: i did look into it for a moment until i realized its pbo size was almost twice the motorized infanty. and since i coudlnt find a compelling enough reason to change them... i didnt.

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Hi Pappy smile_o.gif

Realy nice Pack, good work man smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

But one problem:

Now my Sniper AI would't shot the enemy sad_o.gif More than 500 - 550 meters he don't shot. sad_o.gif That work perffect with 7.0 pack, he kill a man at 1800 meters, now only 500 - 550 meters. Thats the hole point with a sniper. He can kill a man from far distance. The SVD is optimistically credited with a maximum effective range of 1300 meter. And my sniper are using a  Barrett M82A1 .50 cal BMG(12.7x99mm) has a effective range of 1830 meters.


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you know having read your comments in another topic about that i went ahead and tested that in Y2K3 on the desert island and with the sniper armed with the M24 he engaged the enemy at 1000m

however the east sniper with the svd wouldnt engage anything farther then 400m

now thats with standard BIS settings. i increased their visual and hearing capibilities to give them enhanced visiion and hearing... thinking that it would give them even more of an advantage.. . but it didnt even scratch the surface. the svd sniper wouldnt engage past 400 and the m24 past 1000.

so tbh i was surprised with your posted results from before. perhaps config your own custom sniper unit in your config for your rifel, ill be glad to help you with that if you want. and then give him the stock BIS settings that i used from before

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The SVD isn't known for being accurate beyond 500m. It was the "poor man's" designated marksman rifle, and was never supposed to be as capable as the Remington 700 class. It just wasn't made to those tolerances. This was in keeping with Soviet sniper doctrine, which placed a different emphasis on the role of the sniper. They had sharpshooters mixed with infantry at the squad level, providing a lower-range precision shooting capability. The Soviet "sniper" wasn't a "best of the best" ghillie-suited, super crackshot, equipped with a precision shooting instrument. He was a basic infantryman who was the best shot in his squad, and forced to carry the most accurate weapon in his squad- which happened to be the only one equipped with optics.

This dotrine had both plusses and minuses. The primary benefit was that there were therefore, tens of thousands of Soviet sharp shooters compared to the elite few in Western military services. They also had the support of their own squad, for additional covering fire. Western snipers were specialists, the best shots in the service, and had only themselves, and a spotter to defend with. They could ( and still do ) engage at much longer range, hitting with their first and only shot, and then out of necessity- melt back into the countryside with superior skills in camouflage, and fieldcraft.

So, BIS got it right for the most part. Every Russian squad should have an SVD shooter, who engages at 400-500 meter range.

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oh, well then thank you for clearing that up for us smile_o.gif in that case i ofer no complaints on sniper realisum smile_o.gif

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Hey, Pappy. Great addon, as always. =)

Quick problem I've encountered (which, now I've checked back a bit, someone else mentioned, too): I'm sure'll have an easy fix, but regular infantry (the BIS replacements, US side, at least) don't seem to be throwing grenades for me. You can select a hand grenade, and you can "fire" them, but nothing is thrown - no visible grenade, and no explosion, despite the animation effects for the soldier model being in-place. You can, however, "reload" hand grenades - hitting the reload key brings up a sound akin to the reloading of a 203, which is where I'm assuming the config prob must be.

Not sure if this is an issue with just how I installed things or not, of course - fresh install of Resistance, then applying the 7.0 pack, followed by the 7.1 patch without running 7.0 before it.

Hope that's helpful feedback in some way, anyway. =)

- Grif

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ok i just did a quick test. east west and resistance and all 3 threw the hand grenade and it exploded 6 seconds later (timed fuses)

so i dont know what to say crazy_o.gif

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Great stuff, just did the fresh reinstall and everything works great. There still is some conflicting issues with the ECP intro not showing up on the start up page, but hell that's something that I can live without, especially after seeing the tracer effects, shockwaves and the deception mode. Thanks pappy, this update rocks!

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