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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 Version 7.3

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@ May 23 2005' date='14:21)']well regarding capital letters:

if its just about filenames, try LupasRename (Link).

its a great freeware tool, which allows u to mass rename files which dozent of options.

its also recursive and and very fast. i did this capital things for campaigns - several 10000 thousand files and it took only some seconds  wow_o.gif

give it a ago if thats what u need  smile_o.gif

sorry for OT but:

i could´v needed that tool two months ago when i had to rename like 100 missions manually on our server crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

anyway im sure this will come in handy, more missions are already waiting. thx alot IT|Q biggrin_o.gif

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Hi Pappy!

There's a new news item just appeared at ofp.info / ofp.cz talking about a Y2K3 7.1 patch just being released... are they just Waaaaay behind??? It's exactly the same patch you released a while back rock.gif Instinct took over and I downloaded it anyway... Guess there woulda been more noise here if it had been something new...

PS - think you're right about the new Lasers Rangers... they're great, but it's a HUGE download just for 1 black op model... and they've been fooling with the head model... not only do my custom face textures not match, but the head model makes my mate's face (he's a BIG guy too) look as if he got it caught in a vise! It's really funny, but he doesn't think so!

Hope you're doin OK

See ya


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no that ofp.info post was a huge mistake on the part of several operatives. its been fixed now. that was the old beta patch that ive since takin out of service in preperation for the final patch.

the final release as i said will post a full installer and a patch.. as well as ill be changing the topic's title and first post accordingly.

and im sorry im makin everyone wait so long.. im basicly done. im only waiting on locke's final animation mod. thats it. i mean i have lean and roll and all that implemented.. but yall want pistols and RPG leans too.. so im just gonna go ahead and wait smile_o.gif

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Thanks for the superfast reply Pappy...

Ofp.info post is gone already!...

You take your time and do what you feel is right mate... when you're happy with it - we will be too...


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So, these new shell-casings - which look very nice, I might add -, who made them? Just thinking about using them myself. They look really nice.

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So, was 7.1 just a big joke ?

or is it real ? and out there ?

7.1 is real.. and will be released promptly after locke finalizes his animation mod... what ofp.info caught wind of was the discontinued beta patch. but the final 7.1 patch is nearly ready i assure you smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]So, these new shell-casings - which look very nice, I might add -, who made them? Just thinking about using them myself. They look really nice.

well the model is the BIS model... but the textures are my doing smile_o.gif so technicly.. they're mine tounge_o.gif and upon release you may deffenitly use them. took me awhile to perfect them to the right shade. first they were too bright.. then too dark.. but im confident they are just right now smile_o.gif

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after I installed the 7.1 update to the mod, when I start OFP using this mod I immediately get a windows error message and my game closes right away...

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unfortunitly that patch is unsupported at this time..

but for the helluvit.. what was the error? out of memory? theres several posts about how to resolve that error.. including on avonladys help site smile_o.gif

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I get a .P3d error when I use the default grenadier. I can maually select the Inq. M4/M203, no problem.

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are you using the INQ_Weapon Pack supplied with Y2K3? or another downloaded version? becuz the one in Y2K3 has an M16/M203 that i imported from WGL (im pretty sure it was from there).. but since it used INQ textures i felt it fitting enough to supply it in the INQ weapon pack.

check your other mod directorys.. make sure the only INQ_Weaponpack.pbo is the one in Y2K3\Addons directory

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Yours is the only mod directory I'm using. I did DL the most current ver. of Inq's Weps Pack, to fix the problem after DL'ing "7.1" ( Thanks a bunch OFP.cz! rock.gif )

So, I could either, A) DL the WGL grenadier ( I'll need a link... ) or, B) wait for you to release the real 7.1 patch. I understand you're waiting on Locke.... ETA perhaps? BTW, the fake patch does have some neat animations which seem to be the current version of Locke's walking crouched animations. They look great right now. You might not want to wait too long, unless the finalized animations are going to be the Second Coming of Christ, or something.

Hey, Pappy? Huge thanks for your work, dude. You've made the OFP experience better x 500, I shit you not.


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contact me via messenger and ill send you the INQ_Weaponpack.pbo file for you to use. until 7.1

or you could just wait for 7.1 cuz i will ofer a full installer.. and you can try a reinstall  Army73.gif

oh and the reason im waiting on lockes final... cuz the final will have leaning for RPG and pistol weapons.. as well as standing, kneeling, laying with RPG... and possibly a special reload just for machine guns. but thats all uncoroberated at this point.

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depending on lockes answer to my PM.. i might end up releasing 7.1 now.. and then patching it later with his latest version of the animation mod when he finishs it.

we will have to see in a few days smile_o.gif

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Nice.. I still think u should continue to use the LSR SF insted of BAS ones, just an opinion.

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Hi all...

On the choice of SF units for use as BlackOps... I've been fooling around with a few options... I REALLY liked Lasers SF as BlackOps in our current Y2K3, so when Pappy said he was gonna drop them, mainly because of the huge download it would involve us all in if he used Lasers latest version - all for the sake of one unit! - I figured I'd check them out anyway - maybe tweak the config and include them for personal use if I really liked them...

Well... I DID like them! They are truly awesome units! But I'll either be going with whatever Pappy decides on, or maybe doing a retrotweak back to the old Laser units...


Check this out...


The unit on the right is an HYK Ranger wearing one of my clan buddys faces... the unit on the left is one of the new LSR Rangers units... WEARING THE SAME FACE!!!

The whole pack uses a new head model... I thought it was the one Llauma was working on, but I've been told a couple of other stories too... the bottom line is... even though the BIS default head model is pretty crude - it's average! It'll fit most replacement face textures and at least give a recognisable result... These new heads only suit a certain shape of face and that shape is seriously NOT average...!

I dunno how important this is to most Y2K3 users?? I use Y2K3 pretty much only for 1-on-1 or small-scale online black-op co-ops and we're kinda used to being able to recognise each other with a glance - it just doesn't work when everybody is transformed into some kindof evil twin!!! and you get killed cause you're standing there thinking "Who the f**k IS that???"

Long story short - I'm now back on LSR's previous SF guys for now and I'll be VERY interested to see what Pappy's planning for 7.1, but my vote (if I get one?) says NO to Evil Twin Dudes!

See y'all


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The one on the left is much prettyer tounge_o.gif . *jk*

I think Pappy will use the BAS SF´s so you shouldnt have any problem.

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I was wondering, since the USMC pack updated the Javelin ATGM, so that it could be effectively fired by the AI, shouldn't it replace the Dragon ATGM currently carried by the West AT soldiers?

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The one on the left is much prettyer  tounge_o.gif . *jk*

I think Pappy will use the BAS SF´s so you shouldnt have any problem.

i havnt used the bas sf unit since version 2.0  crazy_o.gif

im using the HYK ranger unit... its already included in the hyk solder pbo file.. so i dont need a special file.. or in the case of BAS 18 differnt files  crazy_o.gif

and dont get me wrong here people.. i got no beef with BAS... but BAS did fantastic helos. thier pilots were nice. they REALLY shoulda stoped there. thier deltas and rangers where hig-quality when combared to stock BIS stuff mabe... but compared to HYK, or ORCs units... they ar ethe ugliest thing out there.....Y2K3 is about improving visual quality too... using a BAS sf unit is deffently 12 steps in the wrong direction.


i posted this weeks ago

right now im waitin for a fella to sign on to test the 7.0 to 7.1 patch... but the full installer is ready to go. 612-MB for the full install 58-MB for the patch. this week you can expect a release.

there will be 3 configs to choose from too

Exploding Bodies

No Exploding Bodies

Unit Replacment

the first 2 are obvious. the 3rd one is purely a unit replacment. animations retained.. but no scripts used at all. well.. the fire script for the "fire" (camp fire) to give it flame... other then that no vehicles or units use any type of script whatsoever. its purely unit replacment smile_o.gif

custom icon for the shortcut.. an actual working shortcut.. a buncha new features and changes that i will list later

soonest possible release date is monday. this coming week for sure thou.

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Quote[/b] ]

i havnt used the bas sf unit since version 2.0

smile_o.gif sorry my mistake. I saw the pic some weeks ago and I knew that you were using HYK, but somehow I wrote BAS crazy_o.gif .

I stil want the LSR units thought tounge_o.gif

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I stil want the LSR units thought tounge_o.gif

well you cant have them, i ate them tounge_o.gif

Shame on you biggrin_o.gif

If I only know how to change them, and use the LSR ones sad_o.gif

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