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Thx Frostibite! wink_o.gif

Hey guys,

here is a couple of questions for you:

1)I tried to put the "vyfuk start" and "vyfuk konec" points in the memory LOD in order to get some exhaust smoke. Nothing happens. Did I forget to do something? Oxygen gives me a new challenge everyday...  crazy_o.gif

2)Do you prefer I configure the addon with BAS Soar Pilots instead of default pilots?

3)I'm undecided about the right side of the M134 version. I'd like to maintain model simmetry installing a static minigun, but the M134 structure is pretty complex and COULD cause some lag problems. So i don't know if i should install a static M2 or leave empty and even remove the weapon support. Obviously, this is for aesthetical purposes you know. I think the second option could be acceptable, but I'd like to know your opinion. What do you think?

1)I'm not sure, but I think the engine-smoke only works on CAR and TANK class. I believe you need a script for this. I assume BAS has such a script (smoke was included on the blackhawk)

2)This is what I prefer; THe BAS soar pilots, but with the SOAR patches removed and with a MARPAT helmet cover to make sure you recognize them as Marines! wink_o.gif

Not sure if you could do this though. Anyway the quick way would be to just code the choppers to have the SOAR for pilot. Anything is better than the default pilots smile_o.gif

3)You could install the entire weapon point and just remove the M134 itself. This way you still have some of the stuff on that side, but not the actual weapon. I prefer this over having two different weapons (M2 and M134) or not having anything on the other side.

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prep, PLEASE don't use the BAS pilots...they built them to go with their "nightstalker" blackhawks and wouldn't really be realistic putting army pilots in a marine helo. I'd just go with the default pilots...

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Hey hey guys...calm down! biggrin_o.gif

I already thought about FFAR rocket pods...It shouldn't be hard to implement but obviously, the release date will be delayed until all versions are completed (...and I have to study for 4 exams in this period!).

I think 4 versions are enough:

- unarmed

- M2

- M134


I'm sorry but I don't think version 1.1 will contain marine pilots. There's enough work to do on the helicopter at this moment!

I would like to mention that the Huey can have both the M134 and rocket pods, also there is a video somewhere of a CNN or NBC reporter flying with a huey while they are attacking iraqi army positions in the beginning of the war. With rockets even guided rockets, and rocket pods, but there are also minigunners onboard!

Plz make the version FFAR M134 that would be teh elite, cuz the 50cal isnt that usefull I need more powerrrr! crazy_o.gifghostface.gif

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Quote[/b] ]prep, PLEASE don't use the BAS pilots...they built them to go with their "nightstalker" blackhawks and wouldn't really

be realistic putting army pilots in a marine helo. I'd just go with the default pilots...

I agree. I'll use default pilots...I think it's the most flexible solution...  wink_o.gif


I unpbo-ed some helicopters that have exhaust smoke (Nh-90 csar and Ch-53) but i can't find a file with the script. Anyway, i

just took a look at the names and i didn't open the files...tonight i'll give a check.

The empty weapon mounting point is pretty ugly i think...However, i'll try to remove the weapon and see what i get...

Quote[/b] ]Plz make the version FFAR M134 that would be teh elite, cuz the 50cal isnt that usefull I need more powerrrr!  

I don't think it's possible...The gunner must seat near the m134 and would not be able to fire FFARs correctly from that

position. It should be possible placing the gunnerview point in the observation periscope, but the aim-view of the m134 would be sacrificed. The only way to obtain an acceptable solution would be to allow the pilot to control the FFAR while the gunner uses the minigun normally...and game engine limitations do not permit to do this (anyway i'm not sure).

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I finally found the exhaust smoke script in the AH-1W addon (that's the one Bobcatt666 modified). I would like to use the script (there is also a nice FFAR sound), but i'm not sure this addon is open source (and I don't know if Bobcat, who's working on it, agree with this idea) . Can i take it?

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Don't think so either. And even if you had both, it's still impossible to fire both weapons at once. (A shame really)

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I agree. I'll use default pilots...I think it's the most flexible solution...  wink_o.gif


The empty weapon mounting point is pretty ugly i think...However, i'll try to remove the weapon and see what i get...

Quote[/b] ]Plz make the version FFAR M134 that would be teh elite, cuz the 50cal isnt that usefull I need more powerrrr!  

I don't think it's possible...The gunner must seat near the m134 and would not be able to fire FFARs correctly from that

position. It should be possible placing the gunnerview point in the observation periscope, but the aim-view of the m134 would be sacrificed. The only way to obtain an acceptable solution would be to allow the pilot to control the FFAR while the gunner uses the minigun normally...and game engine limitations do not permit to do this (anyway i'm not sure).

first; it's your addon, so you must do what you think is best. I'm just telling you what I like, but don't ever let that stop you from doing things.

Default pilots is ok by me, but someone should make a USMC pilot pack based on them one day. It's not even thatmuch work; change the patches, remove the NV-goggles and gove the helmet a MARPAT cover and you're done.

About FFAR and other weapon;

The AI can use this correctly and has no problem with it. The 'Our Weapons mod' Mi-2 pack has a version with machinegunner and a heavy gun. Works perfectly.

When the player is the gunner, he can't really use the missiles, but who cares?

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i dont really know but, is there a version IRL with both FFARs and M134 mounted on the sides? as they had on some hueys in vietnam...

eg not a doorgunner with m134...

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Prep H:

I've been following the thread for a bit, and look forward to the release.  I really appreciate you taking everyone's opinions and doing what you can.  Of course, I had to finally put my 2 cents in...

Please do use the flares, and just turn down the probability of missing.  Like it was mentioned, a 30-50% prob of missing is pretty good.  As Deadmeat posted, the Huey's are equiped with the ALE-29/39/49 system, as are just about every other Naval (Navy and Marine) helo.  Now strictly speaking on the realism side (and not the OFP engine side), something to keep in mind is that combat helos also have an IRCM system, and depending on the generation of the missle, the combination of the IRCM and the ALE system means you can spoof SAMs with reasonable success in real life.  So for the people that are saying "you'd never be able dodge missles fire at you so don't put flares in"...that's just not right.

Another opinion on the pilot selection. Obviously anyone who makes a mission can just put anyone they want in an empty aircraft, but as for the default pilots for your mod, I would request using the BAS Soar guys. Yes, their helmets don't look like a Marine's helmet, but otherwise, a desert flight suit in the Army is the same flight suit that's in the Navy and Marines. The Marines use the same AN/AVS-9 NVGs that the SOAR guys use, that "looks" right as well. Again, it's your mod, so do what you wish, but the BAS pilots just look so much better than the default guys.

Also, I just can't not say it...Bobcatt, I can assure you that no Naval aircraft uses the same paint that they use to paint ships.  It may be a similar color, but that's it.  The Navy uses the standard two-tone gray-blue scheme on all it's aircraft, and I believe the Marines are similar if not the same.

But I digress.  Keep up the great work, and thanks for making the changes you are.

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Quote[/b] ]first; it's your addon, so you must do what you think is best. I'm just telling you what I like, but don't ever let that stop you from doing things.

No problem! I just wanted to know what people thought about it 'cause I was undecided. Don't worry, obviously I'll do what I like! wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]The AI can use this correctly and has no problem with it. The 'Our Weapons mod' Mi-2 pack has a version with machinegunner and a heavy gun. Works perfectly.

When the player is the gunner, he can't really use the missiles, but who cares?

I tried that addon some time ago...I thought it was impossible to manage both weapons at once playing as a gunner and decided to install FFAR and M134 in two distinct versions (in fact the FFAR + M134 version was one of the first ideas i had when decided to work on 1.1 update) . Anyway you said the right thing: who cares to fire FFARs? When you pilot the helicopter, the gunner manages everything for you and, when you're the gunner, you fire only with M134. Good idea Frostbite!...You solved the problem with a simple "who cares?"...Great! biggrin_o.gif

I think it's time to start working on the fifth version (just copy/paste and it's done)... wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]i dont really know but, is there a version IRL with both FFARs and M134 mounted on the sides? as they had on some hueys in vietnam...

It would be my dream but I don't think USMC uses such a powerful version (sincerely i hope i'm wrong... tounge_o.gif )...

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Quote[/b] ]I really appreciate you taking everyone's opinions and doing what you can

I just add things i think useful and that I'd like to see in my addon wink_o.gif (and things that are simple to implement! ;P ). Anyway I want to create a pretty complete pack 'cause i don't think i'll work on 1.2 version for some time.

Concerning the pilots, I think it would be better to use the default pilots 'cause it's the most flexible solution. Everyone can substitute them in the editor with what they like...

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Quote[/b] ]i dont really know but, is there a version IRL with both FFARs and M134 mounted on the sides? as they had on some hueys in vietnam...

It would be my dream but I don't think USMC uses such a powerful version (sincerely i hope i'm wrong... tounge_o.gif )...

how about FFARs on one side and M134 on the other???

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Quote[/b] ]i dont really know but, is there a version IRL with both FFARs and M134 mounted on the sides? as they had on some hueys in vietnam...

It would be my dream but I don't think USMC uses such a powerful version (sincerely i hope i'm wrong... tounge_o.gif )...

how about FFARs on one side and M134 on the other???

I don't know about the M134, but in Iraq they did use versions with both FFAR's and M2's on both sides.

About FFAR's on one side and M134 on the other;

I think that will look silly, but it's worth a try and a an other idea. Who knows.

Quote[/b] ]You solved the problem with a simple "who cares?"...Great! biggrin_o.gif
I'm glad this solved it smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I really appreciate you taking everyone's opinions and doing what you can

Concerning the pilots, I think it would be better to use the default pilots 'cause it's the most flexible solution. Everyone can substitute them in the editor with what they like...

That's a really good point. I usually hate addon dependency, but since I have all the BAS stuff, I didn't think about that.

Can't wait for the release.

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Prep H,

The eng smoke script that is on the AH1W was from another aircraft, if I'm not mistaken, I'd have to talk to NZXShadows to make sure, but I beilieve thats where it came from. I don't see any harm in using it for the UH1N. It was a creation of the USMC Mod (NZXShadows mainly) when I was the mod team project leader. Just put credit to the script designer in your readme...the script author should be written at the top of the script.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't see any harm in using it for the UH1N

Thanks mate!  wink_o.gif

There is no name at the top of the code...I'll credit USMC Mod and NZXShadows then..

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The exhaust script is actually reworked from the ground vehicles,

Its preaty much standard on most new choppers, should find it and the dust scripts if you look at the ones for FLASH FXmods 1.8 to get everyting you need for helos but the start up scripts. The dust scripts is way more worked over to look great without being a resource hog,.

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Quote[/b] ]i dont really know but, is there a version IRL with both FFARs and M134 mounted on the sides? as they had on some hueys in vietnam...

It would be my dream but I don't think USMC uses such a powerful version (sincerely i hope i'm wrong... tounge_o.gif )...

how about FFARs on one side and M134 on the other???

I don't know about the M134, but in Iraq they did use versions with both FFAR's and M2's on both sides.

About FFAR's on one side and M134 on the other;

I think that will look silly, but it's worth a try and a an other idea. Who knows.

Quote[/b] ]You solved the problem with a simple "who cares?"...Great!   biggrin_o.gif
I'm glad this solved it  smile_o.gif

This is right, there are UH-1N with M134 and FFAR

Photo 01

Photo 02


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Prep H, i allow you to make a version with both FFAR and M2 .50cal mounted on the sides facing forward..... but then the chopper HAVE to engage soft vehicles and soldiers with them....

as it is now AI very rarely engages soldiers on the ground... and that doesnt really matter if its a addon or bis chopper...

there must be some kind of solution for this...

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Quote[/b] ]Prep H, i allow you to make a version with both FFAR and M2 .50cal mounted on the sides facing forward.....

Mmm...Do you mean fixed M2 without gunner? It seems pretty strange. Anyway does anyone have a picture of that version in real life?

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Quote[/b] ]Prep H, i allow you to make a version with both FFAR and M2 .50cal mounted on the sides facing forward.....

Mmm...Do you mean fixed M2 without gunner? It seems pretty strange. Anyway does anyone have a picture of that version in real life?

those were used in Nam, but are not used these days

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Frosty please also check the topic about the Apache gunship coming soon!

And on topic, yeah on atwar there is this movie from Heuy attacking iraqi forces with m134 and also FFAR rockets...

I though also other weapons like a hellfire can be mounted to that pylon but they are mostly seen with FFAR pods, like on the pictures posted other page!

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The Marines used a aviation version of the M2 with a shorty barrel, with a shrowd of some sort attahed to the barrel. I think I got pics of it someplace, used more on the big choppers like CH46/53 that can handle the recoil issues better. I can get a list of side arms for the birds later.

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Frosty please also check the topic about the Apache gunship coming soon!

And on topic, yeah on atwar there is this movie from Heuy attacking iraqi forces with m134 and also FFAR rockets...

I though also other weapons like a hellfire can be mounted to that pylon but they are mostly seen with FFAR pods, like on the pictures posted other page!

Not going to dig through 15 pages for a gun, dude wink_o.gif

I know the US Army uses a .50 gun like this on the OH-58 (also included in the BAS addon).

I don't know about the USMC and I don't know if this .50 is actually an M2 machinegun. wink_o.gif


You are talking about the normal (and not static) .50? This indeed has a barrel-jacket. It's also used on the UH-1, but AFAIK the barrel is just the normal size.

In the official USAF vid about Aeriel Gunners, you can see this one being fired from the ramp of an H-53 (impossible to say which version). It seems to have the same ROF as the normal M2.

There is also a version of the M2 which has almost twice the ROF of the normal one, but this one wasn't used much.It was the .50 M85 MG nicked the 'Chinese Overdrive'. A true killer

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M-240 7.62mm machine gun or

GAU-16 .50 caliber machine gun or

GAU-17 7.62mm automatic gun

All three weapons systems are crew-served, and the GAU-2B/A can also be controlled by the pilot in the fixed forward firing mode.

The helicopter can also carry two 7-shot or 19-shot 2.75" rocket pods.


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