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Usmc uh-1n

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Quote[/b] ]Indeed anyways you could check "Apply to all LOD's" to be sure that all LOD's will be scaled equally.

Yeah, right! I didn't remember that option! tounge_o.gif

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no discussion of converting models from VBS is allowed.

Who says anything about converting?? I just want to know how they are built. Just wanna see one in oxy.

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You guys and your VSB1 issues. Gawd makes me want to vomit everytime I hear the mention of VSB1. No, I had all the spare parts left over from making a AH1-Z, applied them to the UH-1N, boom now have a kinda ok looking UH1Y. I ran the CAF griffin through the same type of abuse in O2, when I was bored.

I still think its annoying that stuff can be taken out of OFP1 over to VSB1, Anytime OFP1 seems to gain a edge above, well it holds a severe edge above VSB1 still, being a bit more player friendly, and not a major dent ont he wallet unless your military and get it free.

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while we should'nt be talking about vbs1 in the first place, the reason it has the edge over ofp, is that its still being developed and worked on, ofp is not, can we please stop this VBS Vs OFP talk (and vbs flaming its ofp devs ur talking about too wink_o.gif ) mad_o.gif

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Thats incorrect OPF1 is still getting improved just not by the dev team who created it. so much stuff gets ported from OFP1 to VSB1, even more so its is only a tweaked mod of the OFP1 engine.

Quite sure the BIS guys get peaved cause somebody will break a limitation on OFP1, that wasn't even going to happen on OFP2, then everything is gotta stop so it can be added cause it will be expsected to be on the new engine. ;)

Now back on topic, the bird should be cool once the new updates from Pre H came through..

Adding flares is kinda a waste cause the missile is still gonna strike the bird reguardless not being armored it will brlow up with a SAM hit usualy on the first shot, most of the proximity fused SAM addons you get smoked real fast. More effective skiming the earth using the trees and hills as protection.

The Sam is carried by a man your dead, if its launched by MCAR scripted unit your dead also. Launched by plane or other chopper you might survive slightly longer but usualy AI blow the wad on you if it spots ya, thus your gonna die.

If a chopper flew at 600 mph it be useful when flying jets your mostly dodging the path of the missile than anything.

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Thats incorrect OPF1 is still getting improved just not by the dev team who created it.   so much stuff gets ported from OFP1 to VSB1, even more so its is only a tweaked mod of the OFP1 engine.

I agree with you. VBS1 is loosing ground to OFP. OFP even without engine improvement looks if not better than almost the same as VBS. Just take a look at CSLA's Operation Lancerta or tons of other mods, addons etc. The only true difference are just high res textures used on VBS1 and great faces. But I think that at the end of this year OFP will exceed VBS quality. So I totaly agree with you. VBS1 is just overpriced crap.

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you guys are like a bunch of old women, whinging your arse off, working your selves up over the merits of a couple of GAMES....

You guys crack me up,

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Looking at the first several posts and pages of this thread I was surprised to see more criticism for this helicopter then praises. True scaling, shadows, etc should be revised/fixed, and other versions can be made but I remember when people were begging NXShadows to finish and release his USMC UH-1N. As SgtEversman said it's been 2 years something for someone to make this. I'm not here to kiss ass, rather give appreciation. Sure there are some things that could be fixed, but I had no part in making or helping of this unit therefore I think people should express more gratitude than their criticism...that is unless they themselves can come out with something better. I guess what I'm looking for is more of a compromise, voice your criticism or recommendations if you want but be sure to thank the addon maker. Obviously I'm aware there were only a few who this applies to, as mostly everyone is grateful. And on the note of USMC I'm sure we all will see some eye openers when Fischkopp has more free time. So PrepH's Huey should have some company in the skies in the near future.

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I thought that most of the criticism was mixed with praise.

I was a bit harsh at first when I saw the muzzle flash and BIS logo bugs...I thought that was some huge bug that just ruined it, plus at the time he hadn't joined the thread and had posted on OFP.info that he was not going to update it. So basically I was hoping that someone else would fix it and indeed several people jumped in to fix the various bugs. But then I found out later that it was just a conflict with PhilCommandos sailing ship and I clarified that it wasn't his addon's fault...furthermore the other addon makers by contacting Prep-H I think made him realize how much interest there was in his helicopter and that I think gave him some encouragement. Once he jumped into the thread, people realised he was back in action and everyone has been pretty helpful to him I think, so really I don't see what the problem is.

The whole purpose for addonmakers to post their stuff here is so that it will get a good beta testing and be critiqued for bugs. Prep-H seems to be handling the critiques just fine and I don't think anyone has been rude to him or anything. Only Bobcatt got upset for some reason and apparently decided not to release his USMC helicopters because he doesn't like criticism. Why he decided to post his decision here I have no clue.

At any rate, I think Prep-H knows that the OFP community is pretty thankful for his helicopter. But any good addon maker should also know that they are not the only one who can make these things. Frankly I'm surprised that nobody took the LoBo UH-1N and reskinned it into a USMC UH-1N.

I should add however that I'm very happy that Prep-H made this UH-1N and is fixing up and updating it. He didn't have to do that, but I'm glad that he is taking the time to do this. We do most definitely appreciate his hard work.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thank you Miles...

I thank you for your appreciation Marine26 but I think there's no problem with the wide variety of comments I received.

My addon had a great (and really really unexpected) success (look at the survey on my site at http://ofpwhq.altervista.org/). Almost everyone in this forum, as Miles said, mixed criticism with praise. For that reason I decided to register here and post, and even to update my addon.

As you know, after the 1.0 release, I decided to abandon this project and focus my attention on something else. One day, I accidentally came on this forum and read what people thought about the Huey...I was enthusiastic! People wrote many positive comments and filled their posts with interesting suggestions. So, then, I decided to work on 1.1 version, 'cause these guys made me realize how they were interested in this addon and 'cause they undoubtedly encouraged my work!

Furthermore, many guys offered their help to the project with pictures, ideas and even with oxygen hints and lessons! Without this help and these comments, the releasing of 1.1 version would not be possible!

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Well Yes its good addon with several bugs but all of them can be easly fixed. But to all of those hurrey-guys who say that there isnt enough praising and hailin I can only say, that sure its good addon, but its not a breakthrough! I can congratulate author for his great effort and well made addon, but it does not change ofp so much that it should be praised and hailed.

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Nah praise and hailing is all good.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Even when Footmunch was just starting out making very basic crude aircraft, I still praised and hailed alot just because he was such a nice guy.  I'm glad I and others encouraged him because now he's a fantastic aircraft addon maker and has brought alot of joy to the OFP community.  I hope that Prep-H will continue his great work and likewise become one of the top OFP addonmakers like Footmunch became.   But for right now, I'm just happy to have a UH-1N for Suchey's Marines.  It goes very well with the AH-1W Super Cobra addon put out a while back.  These kind of two-ship teams are what the USMC used to fly over Fellujah. One trolls for fire, the second attacks and kills the militants firing at the lead gunship.   I can't wait to have one with the minigun on it!  

That and the fixed nose will make it one heck of a great UH-1N.   Also someone mentioned about flares being worthless.  Flares and other types of IR suppression work great.  The few times they've failed on US aviation units in Iraq were when the SA-7  were fired at very close range just barely within their minimum firing range in which the IR suppressive measures didn't have time to react.  

At any rate, flares are not a waste.  They do make things uneven sometimes in OFP, but if the auto-flares are spaced out a bit, usually it works fine giving the AA missile crews on the ground about a 20% probability of a hit.  Also AA guns like the ZSU-23 usually have no trouble bringing down the choppers.   Likewise, put enough enemy PKM gunners on a mission and the chopper will go down.

At any rate I won't be disappointed if it doesn't have flares.

Either way is fine with me.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I think what I ment to say that there was more of recommendations that other variations should be made rather than thanks when the first addon came out. Before the criticisms came out many people were asking gunship variations, this and that. I agree criticism is needed as well, obviously for an addon to improve and healthy constructive criticism. Miles Teg I didn't mean to strike a chord with you, rather whenever I say something as I first posted it's rather to cover a group, not one person so hopefully no offense was taken. When I first saw the UH-1N addon I was surprised and happy since no previously visible mention of the project was widely covered or announced. So when it first came out I was too busy playing with it to notice the fixes needed, and certainly the first thought into my head was not which other versions need to be be made, but rather busy in my world using the addon. Again no offense or criticism of any one individual. It's just that since seeing all the addons coming out, a lot of times I've seen some real unappreciative members voicing their opinion on a certain project, again not referring to this particular one. Thanks

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But for right now, I'm just happy to have a UH-1N for Suchey's Marines.  It goes very well with the AH-1W Super Cobra addon put out a while back.  These kind of two-ship teams are what the USMC used to fly over Fellujah. One trolls for fire, the second attacks and kills the militants firing at the lead gunship.   I can't wait to have one with the minigun on it!  

Well maybe Prep-H can finish this USMC AH-1W Super Cobra, because as I remember from what I read in readme, it is now publicfree addon as its long time after maker set himself a deadline to finish this baby and let it to be finished by community in case he doesnt have time to do so. It is even in MLOD format, so maybe someone can finally finish this?

So, I would also like to see some good Iraq-map-island with deserts, oasis, bridges, highways, towns, etc. Somehow I cant find any good island addon that would have at least some iraqi feeling :/. Just use Tonal for iraqi missions sad_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ]Well maybe Prep-H can finish this USMC AH-1W Super Cobra

Mmm...I don't think I will work on it. I think I will focus on some Italian Army addons after releasing the Huey. I love to play OFP under my nation's flag and there are many vehicles and units to work on.

Anyway, I have to say some time ago I excluded further releases of the UH-1N after version 1.0...and you know how the story ended... tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

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Preparation H

Quote[/b] ]Mmm...I don't think I will work on it. I think I will focus on some Italian Army addons after releasing the Huey. I love to play OFP under my nation's flag and there are many vehicles and units to work on.

Of course, but there is, for example, a PedagneMOD, which makes the italian vehicles and units...

But nobody wants to work on USMC modelling. As I remember, there were only few addons of marines units. From vehicles the best (and too pity - unfinished) is AH-1 Cobra by NZXSHADOW.

And there is no USMC troops at all sad_o.gif S&E Marines looking too ugly and unrealistic; guys from the CodeBlue Mod cannot release their US Marines for several (nearly 3, if I'm not mistaken) years (yes, its really crap. I simply cannot understand, why not to release the addons seperate from whole mod, like most addonmakers wisely do); USMC Mod cannot find scripters for their choppers and APC's to release these stuff...

Everything is "great"...

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Quote[/b] ]Of course, but there is, for example, a PedagneMOD, which makes the italian vehicles and units...

Yeah, I know, but I wanna build some units ASZ from PedagneMOD doesn't plan to make such as IX Rgt "Col Moschin" (Italian Army special forces) and some choppers. Since G8 Mod closed, ASZ is the only guy working on italian units. I finished the UH-1N 'cause it was an unfinished addon I started more than a year ago! As I said I enjoy playing with italian units... and I'd like to use them instead of Delta Force or Rangers. I hope you understand my reasons. I cannot exclude the possibility of an AH-1 project but it's not in my plans at the moment...

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Even more so that the Cobra was mostly completed but not released yet, And your moaning and harassing another person to finish somebodyelses work. Who has other plans for things not being made in the OFP spectrum. Hell The bird only needs some texture work now. Even has pilots for it. =P Didn't we go through this crap with the CH53 and 46, hijacking the thread for other addons was discussed as bad? Maybe you should contact NZXSHADOW's and get on his back which will mostlikely be a waste of time considering he linked up with Combat Mod, the Cobra will be far better than anything he could do on his own I hoighly sugest you wait for it.. Instead of picking on Prep H for things that do not even belong to him?

Hell Vit even released a beta of the AH1 cobra, mostlikely why it isn't finished cause people are so quick to back stab the addon maker or too impatient for the addons, rather that rlease something that gonna generate 10 pages of complaints make sure its 100% before release. Be nice if he was allowed to finish the first addon which was the UH1N.

this turned from just fixing the few bugs to demanding he creat a massive pack with 20 laggy features to it. Mostly don't really work just eye candy before you still get shot down. Thus now this addon is laged for rlease now cause he has to learn to addo make fixs everthing you re... No now demand of him to include, and you wonder why turn around time on these things usualy increases when somebody now has to learn scripting and other lthings to put in their addons, usualy cause there is nobody to help them.

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Dude chill out before you have a heart attack or if you're drinking, stay away from the keyboard. lol

People are helping Prep-H. Yeah I agree with you that the Super Cobra is an easy fix. Heck, I might even fix it...its just a few missing textures on the pilot's cockpit. I suppose I can rip them from the BIS cobra or something. But since I don't usually fly the gunships in OFP (I just call them in for Close Air Support or use them for escort) its not a big deal.

Also I don't think anybody demanded Prep-H put in tons and tons of scripts. I couple of mentioned a flare script but thats not too laggy and its easy to implement.

All he's making are like 3 versions I believe, not 20 different versions.

I believe he mentiond that someone else is doing some parallel scripting on it as well. Hopefully eventually that other person's work will merge with his new version of the UH-1N.

Anyways, I think most of us will be happy with whatever Prep-H had time and energy to do.

At any rate, I do agree with you that its pointless begging him to work on USMC stuff. Plus I thought that the comment made about Earl & Suchey's Marines being ugly was a pretty stupid comment. They're not perfect, but they are still pretty damn good in my opinion. Anyways I won't say anymore as I don't want to go way off-topic.

Back on topic, does anyone have any good UH-1N sounds? I'm assuming that it sounds like a regular Huey but with a louder jet engine sound?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]does anyone have any good UH-1N sounds? I'm assuming that it sounds like a regular Huey but with a louder jet engine sound?

Looks like I chose the wrong time to leave my "home" videos in the UK - loads of footage from inside and out of the 212 in Brunei. They don't sound louder, just different - mainly the tail-rotor interaction with the main-rotor downwash. My son - then 4 - could tell the difference between our 212s and the Singaporean 205s (UH1H) when they flew over.

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Hey guys, calm down please...

As Bobcat said, the release will probably suffer a delay due to the new features I have to add to the chopper. Anyway, most people in this forum just suggested some ideas for new features, nobody asked for them. The release will be delayed 'cause I accepted to work on these new ideas, not because I'm forced to implement them. Remember that I'm free to refuse those requests I don't want to work on (i.e. marine pilots).

Unfortunately, you'll have to wait to fly the new UH-1N but, when you'll try the 1.1 version, you'll surely have a complete project . When I decided to work on this big update, I already thought about making M134 and FFAR versions, 'cause a simple bug fix work would be a loss of time. I wanted to take advantage of this second opportunity to give you a flexible product (...furthermore there's no comparison between the M2 and the M134 experience tounge_o.gif ) 'cause I don't want to start workin' on 1.2 version the day after the releasing of 1.1.

About the AH-1...I agree with Bobcat...I don't blame stanley for asking me to work on it but, stanley, why don't you try to fix that almost finished project? As Miles and Bobcat said, it's an easy fix and I'm sure guys would help you in the same way they're helping me.

Back on topic then...here's a list of what I've done:


- USMC fonts

- tail rotor now is in the right side

- tail rotor and main rotor rotate correctly

- hovering pilot and hovering gunner

- bis sign

- clan sign

- lighting problems

- model scaled down

- removed the windows above pilot and copilot seats

- extended nose

New features:

- shadow

- realistic mounting points for weapons

that's all folks...

Time to go...there's an M134 waiting for me! wink_o.gif

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Preparation H

Quote[/b] ] don't blame stanley for asking me to work on it but, stanley, why don't you try to fix that almost finished project? As Miles and Bobcat said, it's an easy fix and I'm sure guys would help you in the same way they're helping me.

Oh, I didn't actually ask you to finish AH-1 smile_o.gif I only noticed, that there are a small number of good finished USMC-theme projects.

And my experience in 3D modelling/texturing to small to finish even somebodies projects...

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