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Usmc uh-1n

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Quote[/b] ]I fear it's what it means... i don't see the purpose, but well, enjoy the rest smile_o.gif

Looks like my materials did not make it to the config...

I never played OFP in mp so i didn't know clan sign was so important...i just removed it 'cause in the first release it caused some problems and i believed it was expendable.

About your materials, i'm terribly sorry...i focused on your fix suggestions and i forgot to add that line on the config file. I apologise.

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@ Mar. 06 2005,19:03)]
nice work smile_o.gif

does "- clan sign removed;" mean that individual squad pics don´t work in mp rock.gif

I fear it's what it means... i don't see the purpose, but well, enjoy the rest smile_o.gif

the purpose is a: personalize it in MP by adding a peice of your own personal artwork to it without modifying anything and for me at least, when playing in the MP editor you feel ALOT more confident seeing that sexy logo on the side wink_o.gif

What i did not see was the purpose of REMOVING it ... duh !

Quote[/b] ]About your materials, i'm terribly sorry...i focused on your fix suggestions and i forgot to add that line on the config file. I apologise.

No prob at all, i was not complaining.. but instead gave a temporary solution for those willing to have some materials. anyway, this addition is far from complete and perfect, but i thought that ppl are grown up enough to know if they want to use them or not ;)

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Possible bug report - Maybe it's my setup, but when AI are flying these and you are a grunt on the ground, gun reloading and threat warning reciever sound is as if you were in Heli (i.e. loud) no matter how far away UH1 is.

But great work so far, really fun, and a nice set of loadouts, beautiful modelling and texturing.

mirror (http)


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good work, made sure to delete my versions of this bird but the Y model got tons of work in that.. Can easilly swap out fuselages to correct it and make it up to date with the current birds.

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Quote[/b] ]Possible bug report - Maybe it's my setup, but when AI are flying these and you are a grunt on the ground, gun reloading and threat warning reciever sound is as if you were in Heli (i.e. loud) no matter how far away UH1 is.

I tried and i have the same problem...it could be my setup too anyway...If you guys want to give a check i'll fix this problem (how? rock.gif).

Mmm...i think we'll need a little update with restored clan sign, Lupus materials and this sound problem fixed...anyway, you could find some other bugs so i want to wait a couple of days. Just a couple I promise, not another two months bug fix session! wink_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sound[]={"\prph_uh1n\sounds\flare.wav",db+40,1};

and such,

as far as i remember, this wont work and make a sound audible no matter the distance. better have a well maximized/normalized sound and have a db level no higher than 0.

I also see lots of db+99 ... not really what value is recommended, but i remember we had a similar issue with high values on the Famas and some other weapons in OFrP mod.

edit oh and wav is a real framerate killer in ofp, think of all the people with low end pc... maybe it would be a good idea in a future release to use wss sounds.. don't hit me... just my .02€ ;)

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Really lovely bird! unclesam.gif but i noticed one problem that i think is more problem than the flare sound bug tounge_o.gif

is that i can't get the a.i pilot to not flee like a chicken when in combat crazy_o.gif

I have either the version with m136 minigun or the one wiht both ffars and minigun and use a search n destroy waypoint and have allowfleeing 0 in the initfield of the chopper but the chopper still flies away out to sea and doesn't fly back to where he is supoosed to do search n destroy tounge_o.gif

he just stands still out at sea and well waiting for his fuel to go out i dunno but the fun thing is the enemy a.i soldiers that have long range weapons like MG's fire like crazy on the chopper but the chopper just hovers at sea waiting to be killed or having the fuel go empty biggrin_o.gif

plz fix that little thingy, because i really want to be able to use these birds for some CAS runs and not chicken runs tounge_o.gif

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Just tested the UH-1N a bit before hibernating for the night and i like it.

With some easy sound conversions from .wav to .wss (and maybe some of the remaining .tga converted into .paa) , it will be a very good new addon to join the USCM mod folder on my OFP install wink_o.gif

Great work icon14.gif

Oh and please addons makers , stop compressing those pbo , notice that the .rar format can compress your .pbos with the exact same result for your uploads.

And it is always better to have uncompressed addons in addons folders when you want to speed up your OFP startup time.

Having uncompressed .pbo files will allow OFP to not have to uncompress them all itself.

While maybe the time you gain like this is unnoticable on the super computers the majority of people seems to have , when you have a middle or low end system the difference can be important when you have a lot of addons.

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Good Work smile_o.gif

only where is this texture  rock.gif  

Fix it fast im waiting to this baby smile_o.gif


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The new versions tend to drop the texture in the distance past 300 meters and look like the UH1H with white doors. Need to check the lods in O2 Mostly the M134 version with FFARs

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Great chopper!

But why didn't you include one of the new tracer scripts for the M134?

The BIS standard tracer looks just ugly mad_o.gif

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love the chopper

but its really hard to kill ground troops using the miniguns and m2 even the ai can't really killem

anychance of the m2 and minigun able to shoot better like the bas choppers? if not, it's still goodwork!

now we have a usmc chopper for transport and support

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Both tracer scripts had issues when the lists of scripts came out, most of the time they don't even work if you don't have the correct spec machine.

Just took them into an area with four squads of enemy infnatry running around, the gunner had little problem mowing down a fair number of them with the M134 and M2, the BAS config for their stuff was far more tweaked than these guys the BAS helo is a special operations bird after all they are going to have better targeting capabilty thatn standard infantry..

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Nice chopper, but there is still a problem with scale. Just look at abnormally far distance between the feets of sitting soldiers and sledge runners of the chopper.

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I just wanted to say, while there may be a few tiny issues, this helo is very close to perfect. Most people in here aren't complaining, just pointing out little things they've noticed, in hopes of possible fixes, as this group is made up primarily of perfectionists. smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Both tracer scripts had issues when the lists of scripts came out, most of the time they don't even work if you don't have the correct spec machine.  

Just took them into an area with four squads of enemy infnatry running around, the gunner had little problem mowing down a fair number of them with the M134 and M2, the BAS config for their stuff was far more tweaked than these guys the BAS helo is a special operations bird after all they are going to have better targeting capabilty thatn standard infantry..

were u using jam units?

were the helos being flown by ai?

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Thank you very much Prep H and all the others for another great addon!!!

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Thank you for all these compliments guys! biggrin_o.gif

I just started fixing those problems you noticed: i've removed TGA files and converted WAV to WSS, textured those sidedoor rims, added Lupus materials (:;):) and corrected sound problems.

I've encountered some problems with clan_sign...i just tried to copy /paste from SelectThis helicopter but they don't work. Any suggestion on how to do that?

Tonight I'll take a look at the config to tweak the A.I...i don't know how to do that anyway! tounge_o.gif

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I just started fixing those problems you noticed: i've removed TGA files and converted WAV to WSS, textured those sidedoor rims, added Lupus materials (:;):) and corrected sound problems.

Thank you a lot for trying to solve those possible problems , your helicopter was really great when i tested it yesterday night.

With those last minor problems corrected , it will remain forever on my hard drive, as i can see a lot of situation i will use it on my skirsmishes.

Great work to you and to the ones that helped you, the UH1N is superb icon14.gif

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Great work here Prep H(and staff). Great addon, cheers tounge_o.gif

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It's addons like this that keep me coming back to OFP even though i've got VBS1. And i personally think this version is better than the VBS1 UH-1N. It's a shame i'm no good at porting this over to my VBS1 addons ( missing textures) or it would be in there now and getting some heavy use for sure.

Two thumbs up from me Preparation H

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Thank you for all these compliments guys! biggrin_o.gif

I just started fixing those problems you noticed: i've removed TGA files and converted WAV to WSS, textured those sidedoor rims, added Lupus materials (:;):) and corrected sound problems.

I've encountered some problems with clan_sign...i just tried to copy /paste from SelectThis helicopter but they don't work. Any suggestion on how to do that?

Tonight I'll take a look at the config to tweak the A.I...i don't know how to do that anyway! tounge_o.gif

I think you need to add it to CfgModels section, altough I didn't have clan sign with original version. It was probably an conflict with other addons.Anyways you don't need to have texture with "BI Studio logo on it, you can map the BI texture and then have empty texture the size of BI Studio one replace it. It's important to have it in CfgModels section and that it's named in Named Properties as "Clan" and if you want the players name under it you should make another one but named "Clan_Sign". I'll make an example pic for you in a moment. Anyways great work, since I'm 56k-er I won't download this version but when the updated one comes out.

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