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Usmc uh-1n

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eh, leave Lupus to recover and quit harrasing him the man is sick enough that he's in bed then not well enough to screwing with an addon ya gonna rush him on and maybe screw up something..

I think lupus is wize enough to know if he should work or not. Remember that this 'work' is actually a hobby and is also fun to do. That's at least how I feel about it.

Staying in bed the whole day and doing nothing is one of the most boring things you can do.

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I agree... Lupus isn't going to let a bunch of online OFP nuts tell him what to do. If he's up to it, he'll work on it. He's not checking this thread for our commands. HeHe

We all need to just sit back and see what happens. It'll definitely be worth the wait. smile_o.gif

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Well as far as the scripts that I have been working on for this helo, my computer crashed hard and I lost all of my work. I am will to have to start from scratch with all of the scripts I was working on and modifying. I was only waiting for the new updated version of the UH1N to come out so I could add them and test them out on it. I will be getting back to work on them asap.

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Quote[/b] ]Well as far as the scripts that I have been working on for this helo, my computer crashed hard and I lost all of my work.

Noooo! sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

Yesterday Lupus sent the models he modified...i just have to do some fixes he suggested, binarize and prepare everything for the release. Anyway, i'm a little busy this week-end, so i don't know if i'll succeed to release the addon within tomorrow...i'll try to do what i can!

We have to resist just a little...we're almost there guys! wink_o.gif

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yes great work!


yeah PC's alway fuck everything up when they crash. Yesterday I had finished A report I had to type up, didn't hve alot of time so I started from scratch and then I was fixing the font, preparing to prent then my PC crashed and I lost it all!!!

so nw lets get back on topic before I get in trouble.  smile_o.gif

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After losing all my data twice, I became a sort of backup-maniac! tounge_o.gif

For example i keep 4 copies of the Huey... 2 copies on 2 different ZIP disks, 1 copy on my USB-key and another copy in a hard disk partition!

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Like the way I'm doing my backups... DVD, Datastick, HD and second PC at my brothers home (from DVD oder Datastick).

For some people to don't get crazy: My brother would never play OFP and is not online.

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have some much ofp and work stuff ...my wife got me a Mirra Personal Server and we have it set for nightly backup ...ion my desktop i have a 250 gig external HD ..one touch back up

good things to have

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Quote[/b] ]Any news PrepH ?

I've almost completed the fixes Lupus suggested...

Without particular problems I should release my baby VERY soon! wink_o.gif

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VERY soon? Please, don't say it would be on the 8th of March smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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After two months of hard work, it's time to release the 1.1 version of my UH-1N! biggrin_o.gif

Let's take a look to what i've done to the dear old 1.0 version in this long period:

Bug fixes:

- real USMC fonts;

- tail rotor ;

- now tail rotor and main rotor rotate in the correct direction;

- hovering pilot;

- hovering gunner;

- extended nose;

- clan sign removed;

- BIS sign removed;

- Irregular lighting corrected;

- Model has been scaled down (0.85);

- general model optimization, face/normal fixing by Lupus[WD];

New features:

- New realistic weapon mounting points;

- Shadow LOD;

- Incoming missile audio warning;

- Flares;

- Spoof-missile script;

- Empty shell casing script;

- FFAR version;

- Unarmed version;

- M134 version;

- M134 + FFAR version;

- Exhaust smoke;

- Each version has its own number;

- Rotating periscope under FFAR and Unarmed versions (FLIR);

- Engine power-up sound;

- Weapon have new firing sounds;

- Added green glasses above pilot and co-pilot seats;

Here are some screenshots:





This is the download link (i hope to get a mirror as soon as possible):


...there are some guys i want to thank ( wink_o.gif ):

SelectThis - He made the nice original addon and gave me the permission to modify it.

Lupus[WD] – for his oxygen hints, his precious help and for the OUTSTANDING optimization work he made... and above all for kindness and patience he demonstrated to have wink_o.gif .

TheMarshal – for his really precious info and support and for the permission to use the exhaust smoke script.

DeadMeat – for the permission to use BAS rotorwash script and empty shell casing script.

DrFin – for beta-testing

SgtEversman - for his incalculable support tounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

(I hope there’s no one I forgot to mention)

I wanna thank all the guys that offered their help to improve this addon with info, images and addon-making experience and all them that supported my work in this forum or by mail. Without you and your comments, ideas and support, this 1.1 version wouldn’t be possible. Thank you very very much! wink_o.gif

...Have you finished to read this huge post? What are you waiting for? FLY THAT DAMN HUEY! tounge_o.gif

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Great stuff PrepH and all those who assisted - thx

Mirror Here


Rats 404

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Great!!!! Dl'ing now. I'm gonna try it even though it's 0.30 at my place and I've got to show up at work 8 hours from now tounge_o.gif

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WOAH i come home and check ofp and poof!

great work!!! smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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nice work smile_o.gif

does "- clan sign removed;" mean that individual squad pics don´t work in mp rock.gif

I fear it's what it means... i don't see the purpose, but well, enjoy the rest smile_o.gif

Looks like my materials did not make it to the config...

Ok for people who know what they're doing here's a LINK.


Totally unedited bonus pic:


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@ Mar. 06 2005,19:03)]
nice work  smile_o.gif

does "- clan sign removed;" mean that individual squad pics don´t work in mp  rock.gif

I fear it's what it means... i don't see the purpose, but well, enjoy the rest smile_o.gif

the purpose is a: personalize it in MP by adding a peice of your own personal artwork to it without modifying anything and for me at least, when playing in the MP editor you feel ALOT more confident seeing that sexy logo on the side wink_o.gif

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Preparation H this is fantastic stuff. Now can you fix the AH-1W cobra? We would love you even more biggrin_o.gif

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