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And leaving your ipad on the bike is not a good idea.

Depends on where you go though.

I avoid Amsterdam, I spent a long weekend at Hell's Highway. I guess it's "countryside" in Netherlands. At least I saw lots of farms.

But what I studied from this weekend very well: the Dutch are not Germans. They don't speak English, drop the litter on the street and never stop at the red light. Just like in Hungary :)



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Donald Tusk -  EU parvenu, social climber and careerist, oligarchs friend, former Polish PM and intendant of German interest in Poland sees his country as a trampoline. He describes Brussels as top of his ambition and paradise. No, it wasn't Poland. Brussels was his aim since the beginning.

It was well played by Merkel over the years to install a loyal boy in the EC so in fact Merkel can control the narration coming from the Pres.of the EC, Tusk is perfect for her, speaks German, of German origins, not really active and not really talkative, will do what he is told to. 




It's sad how all government and Civic Platform affiliated media unfolded an umbrella over this miserable yet loyal to Germany politician allowing him to keep bouncing off the Polish trampoline for almost eight years. One thing is for sure - we will never see this rat back in the country. His doors of return has closed for good. This reminds of people  called "acting as Poles" from communist times that after their time of "Polish service" (to Soviet Russia off course) they were retiring in Moscow. 

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But what I studied from this weekend very well: the Dutch are not Germans.

they are fairly close, to be honest. Just don't tell them.


They don't speak English, drop the litter on the street and never stop at the red light. Just like in Hungary :)

are we talking about the same country? Maybe not in the farms, but they do speak English, especially in Amsterdam. And far too well; much better than the average German.

Compared to Munich streets are definitely less clean, and people stop less at traffic lights, but it's still definitely above decency levels, at least for me. And again this is more in Amsterdam, I'm quite sure smaller towns are different.

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are we talking about the same country? Maybe not in the farms, but they do speak English, especially in Amsterdam. And far too well; much better than the average German.

Compared to Munich streets are definitely less clean, and people stop less at traffic lights, but it's still definitely above decency levels, at least for me. And again this is more in Amsterdam, I'm quite sure smaller towns are different.

Yeah, I know. This is why I tell you, I was not in Amsterdam (what is a cosmopolitan metropolis), but in the countryside: Arnhem, Nijmegen... etc.

And what I mean "they don't speak English", when I stop someone on the street and ask him/her "Sorry, do you speak English" always answered "No" and walk away. But if I ask directly my question in English, they understand and answer in Dutch what was easily understand by English (of course I had very simply questions, like "where is Oosterbeek").

About the garbage: I was there in the birthday of your queen and most Dutch was drunken all day(s)... ;)

And the traffic lights: in Hungary we the bicyclist are in danger, because car drivers don't care the rules, because they are the stronger. As I experienced, in Netherland the bikers were very rude with everybody else. They ignore mostly the red lights. But I saw cardrivers too to drive through the red light. My most shocking experience was, when I follow a local biker in the bike road and one pedestrian look something and accidentaly step into the bike road. In Hungary we horn to them, but this guy simply kick him off the bike road, what was very rude.

Summarize: I really enjoyed your country (specially as a bicyclist - the bike roads was a dream!) and like the historical sites. But I found more differences from Germans as I stereotypized before. Probably you right and there is more same than different, but in my opinion I found more difference.

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And what I mean "they don't speak English", when I stop someone on the street and ask him/her "Sorry, do you speak English" always answered "No" and walk away.

that's strange


About the garbage: I was there in the birthday of your queen and most Dutch was drunken all day(s)... ;)

That's not strange. That's actually a complete mess.


And the traffic lights: in Hungary we the bicyclist are in danger, because car drivers don't care the rules, because they are the stronger. As I experienced, in Netherland the bikers were very rude with everybody else.

ah, the bikers. Yes, they don't stop. There is this stupid law that bikers are right by definition in case of accident. Police stop them every now and when. Mostly it's not a problem though.


Summarize: I really enjoyed your country (specially as a bicyclist - the bike roads was a dream!) and like the historical sites. But I found more differences from Germans as I stereotypized before. Probably you right and there is more same than different, but in my opinion I found more difference.

Sort of my country. I have been living here for 14 years. Not sure what my country is anymore.

It also depends on where in Germany you look at. Munich is definitely different, but I have been told Berlin is actually quite similar. A very good and reliable source told me "it's like Amsterdam, but bigger". Berlin must be cool.

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Poland. One of the main characters in loud "tape affair" (Civic Platform head officials recorded during their machinations, dividing and conquering and doing business with the oligarchs) ex-foreign minister Radoslaw SIkorski becomes a lecturer at Harvard University, Boston.

Sikorski - educated in London, posed as gentleman and distinguished person on front of the cameras turned uout to be a total lout, using a plebeian and bum language. Despite being a rich man able to paid for his 500$ luxurious dinner he was using taxpayers money to cover these expenses. 




Fantastic acquisition Harvard University, reaching for a fallen and corrupted angel of Civic Platform! Crooked and depleted Polish politician lecturing American students, great...

I think Harvard was some sort of elite school, but nowadays they must be really desperate if they are reaching for crooks like Sikorski.  

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German intel was spying Polish Min of Int Af. and not only Polish but also Austria , Denmark, Croatia and ... US

but not big surprise because most intels are for it just what is curious - they not spied Russia ( we are in NATO, teoretically such intel should spy Russia)





i do not know if this topic - a regular civil war in Turkey - Kurdish areas 

Turkish army shells Kurdish towns 

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So, one bunch of stupid and corrupted crooks replaced another one, business as usual.

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So, one bunch of stupid and corrupted crooks replaced another one, business as usual.

give it time, things don't change overnight

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I dont understand why there is no gigantic media uproad about the whole oppression of kurds by turkey... In any other country we would have a mainstream media uproar if there was such oppression of an ethnicity.

They almost behave like Poland 1930

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I dont understand why there is no gigantic media uproad about the whole oppression of kurds by turkey... In any other country we would have a mainstream media uproar if there was such oppression of an ethnicity.

They almost behave like Poland 1930

what ?

you meant Germany probably 

in case of Kurds there is no even oppression but there is artillery used and Merkel chats with Turkey about EU join in far future 

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I dont understand why there is no gigantic media uproad about the whole oppression of kurds by turkey... In any other country we would have a mainstream media uproar if there was such oppression of an ethnicity.

Here's one of the reasons.

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the reason is that Turkey is NATO country plus its role is to cut USSR and now Russia from Mediteranian Sea, 

also there is big German-Turkish friendship, gun trade etc. 

thats why we do not read in mainstream press of Turkish artillery shelling Kurdish villages , so far Kurds are only ones who fight ISIS on ground and Kurds should get help instead of press silent when their village is shelled with howitzers of Turkish Army, 

some conspiracy theory military geopolitical analysts claim big role of Turkey to support ISIS (apart from Saudis) and that Turkey does it to make ethnic cleaning of Kurds , at least such articles i have read from military and geo-political analysts website , 

Germany has huge Turkish minority, maybe politicians in Germany afraid of Turkish riots in case when "west" would strongly support Kurds and condemn Turkey  ?

having big minority of nation of the country that you want to "fight against" (in political sense) is not easy, 

Turkey has predecessor - Ottoman Empire , that ruled and enslaved other nations in that region , but opposite to "west" they do not have "post colonial guilt complex" , rather opposite and despite of what they do , many German politicians chat with Turkey about eventual future EU join (which for me would be unacceptable) Turkey also stil deny genocide on Armenians (Christians) during WW1 time

Turkey is example of western politics hypocrisy and double standards , Kurds should have their own country long ago

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From anti-Polish times of Civic Platform government in Poland...


Polish people are deeply touched to what happened to innocent people in Paris, another day is passing while thousands of candles are slowly burning in front of French embassy  in Warsaw, more and more are arriving. 


The video below shows how flowers and lights set to commemorate tragically died president Lech Kaczyński were "brutally" cleaned up and thrown away by city services under the protection of city police - only a few hours after Warsaw citizens laid the flowers and lit the candles. Growth of patriotism and care about the country, not to mention memory about president Kaczyński among the citizens really worried Civic Platform who ordered quick clean-up.



It would have been a disastrous time for Poland to have now ex-president Komorowski and Civic platform in the saddle for another five years. 

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Poland's new government rejects migrant quotas after Paris attacks             





Words of Polish minister are commented in Asian press as well. I can recommend reading some comments there. 




One example...



Dr. Rajendra L. Banerjee

Poland is the wisest of all the European countries in this regard. Those countries who are accepting Syrian refugees will definitely regret their action later. The Syrian refugees contain lots of Trojan horses among them. 

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if voting was today - newest poll:

new government party 44 % (few percent more than they get), previous gov 17% (few percent less), left wing (not met parliament barrier) even less


(damn logged by browser again with wrong account - sory)

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o my god 


court take away child from mother and gave it to homosexual couple in UK :o

o my god, west is really mad, from one side support something really weird like this from other hand islam , crazy, totally crazy 

i cannot imagine 2 guys or 2 women giving child family and teaching about normal life relations (male, female duties) comments of people "oh fuck, what the fuck goes wrong with this world", majority people in my country (do not know about Slovakia, Lithuania or Hungary) do not understand what happens in EU nowadays, 

what happened with Europe 

man in skirt with beard and mustache calls himself woman (guy who doesn't even fall under "shemale" category in porn) 

2 guys are called family to have child

feminists telling to fertilize via invitro without husband

lonely mothers more and more popular

muslims which we fought centuries ago now becoming more and more numerous 

drugs legalized in some countries, 

people who do not work having more money than working, 

all on debt , less in cash, 

self defence dislegalized more and more

thieves with lower and lower sentences

what the hell happened with Europe which it used to be century ago - nations, morality basing on Chrisitanity, harsh punishments, role of husband, role of wife prescribed, keeping own tradition, property and safety defense at highest level, education as value to get good paid job,

where the hell we live in this EU , 

sometimes i understand why Muslims see Europe as rotten place gosh, we should return some decades ago, the older i am the more conservative i am , the less i understand EU

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If the child was misstreated in it´s old family and now has people who actually care about it then nobody should give a shit if it is with a homosexual couple. I bet the child doesn´t.

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but what they will give to child as example of how man and how woman should behave and what duties has which one in home ? 

how such child will have its relations with surrounding world later ? will this girl be in future normal wife 

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Here's a very good example of EU border control and how useless it's against any threat.

"French police stopped three times the car that Salah Abdeslam and two other guys used to get back from French to Bryssel. Car was let to continue everytime."

Well here's the catch:

"...it was knew that he had been fighting with ISIS in Syria."

And we are supposed to have open borders so those people can move freely. Countries can't force them away from EU any way. If someone is forced out of Sweden for example, he can get a place from Great Britan. Helps so much... EU is just backing terrorists.

I wonder if those people would've been for example separtists from Ukraine. I bet they aren't allowed to get in any EU country. But when they're freaking jihadist ISIS soldiers, they're taken here with open hands. That means EU is literally backing ISIS and giving them homes. Russia was judged hard backing separtists in Ukraine but at the same time we're backing ISIS.

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And we are supposed to have open borders so those people can move freely. Countries can't force them away from EU any way. If someone is forced out of Sweden for example, he can get a place from Great Britan. Helps so much... EU is just backing terrorists.

The way agencies operate is embarrassing. Everyone is watching his own little corner. Not even after Charlie Hebdo they tried to fix it. And border control is the greatest shame ever. No wonder the French are mad.

I would also like to know how the supposed military support is working, after France used the Lisbon treaty. I read that basically nothing is happening. It seems that even Germany didn't offer troops for Mali, which I had read. Not sure what the situation is.


This is real solidarity. Let's close everything and let's go home, I say.

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The way agencies operate is embarrassing.



everyone knows who is jihadist and shouts for shaira and let him act - i would say



This is real solidarity.


the same when it comes to Nordstream when Germany want to have good business with Russia


when  you will understand that "united people" is utopia ?

every region /nation/city has its business and competee for his own proft

if it was not like this - you would have similar salary in Poland and Germany and Luxembourg and similar health care and social care - and EU Commision would not be closing Polish ship plant to donate German ship plant, when French farmers throw food from trucks police not reacted - what solidarity if police not defended our pigs in that truck while our police fired rubber balls in such situation when your truck is attacked by protesting farmers destroying property ;)

now there is no solidarity just EU is more and more German owned marxist state fighting for not real utopia with bigger control

solidarity is when you help me and i help you when we both WANT TO help each other but you are honest to me so than i am honest to you,

only than

now EU is "few stronger dictate to dozen weaker" and "rich become more rich, poor become more poor"  so thats why it won't work, solidarity won't work when people competee instead of cooperate ,

but till you are more rich than me - till solidarity won't be working (i use you and me as metaphor for regions./countries/nations/industry not as person metaphore)

the same why multiculti will not work - people competee , even in sex, women see guy with dark eye/skin/hair/taller more atractive, maybe he has longer dick, so for us such guy is danger and we do not want him - because it is competition we cannot win, so solidarity would be that this guy pickups girl, drunk her, leaves her for me to fuck - this is cooperation

but in life it doesn't work like this - thats why unity of different nations, multiculti - will never work

only thing that works is competition, the more poor people are - the more harsh and brutal competition is ,

and due to "Wall Street banksters baked crisis" people are more poor,

life is competition , we cannot change nature, thats why someone in past invented "nations" as "bigger family" (cause we help family and we keep close with family)

but on bigger scale it won't work, simply it is uthopia

just like utopia of sharing doesn't work

i gave example 10 times, i repeat example 11th time

- i had friends from block of flats, one studied very hard, became lawyer and has loooots of money,

other friends were drinking, playing on playstation, going to parties to dance, laughing and calling me and this lawyer "suckers, iditiots, no lifes" because we studied,

now they earn 300 euro, have kids and live in poverty and they claim benefits, they shout for bigger taxes,

answer me - why i should share with them - if i worked hard and studied while they were only playing on playstation ?

why i should pay bigger tax because they are poor and need benefits - but when i was learning from books , they were dancing at music show,

why i should pay because they were lazy ?

socialism say to share in such situation , so people oppose and become right wing (i was socialist in youth and i argued 5 years ago with Americans that now i agree with)

in solidarity and cooperation- i share with you models - you do configs and scripts for my addon - than it works

in real life - if i pay bigger tax for them, they (those "my friends from youth" should share something they had when i was than learning from books, but they hadn't share it, they would just laugh that i am "sucker" cause i study so hard, but they are now first to look for money in my pocket, but if i would say "you were on parties, now share girl for sex" they would refuse, but when i studied and when i work hard 7 days a week they say "you have money, share" )

this is simply utopia, politician slogans,

politicians say such slogans for very simple reason - POWER - and the more politician say about sharing - the less he would share himself !


solidarity in Poland worked in 1980 for one reason - majority hated communism - so people cooperated against common enemy - communism, red nobles (their idea are now ideas of some EU leaders),

there would solidarity against jihad possible of course, but you do not call jihad evil - you call racism and evil anyone who oppose jihad

solidarity is when people help each other

you know what my previous government did in last day of being in power  - they ordered Military Police training exercise , scenario of training was "migrants that are settled in area commit a lot of crimes, they rob stores, rape women, local people come to asylum camp to lynch bandits, army has to defend asylum camp and stop people by force" - how this comes to solidarity ? instead of train to stop wave of crimes, they train to stop victims from demanding justice ?

how does it come to solidarity when politician who say to disarm Europeans even from legal weapons (Bienkowska is in EU commision) and politicians who say to "share" and take "refugees" (Civic Platform) have huge money and eat in restaurant paying from Ministry pay card and they eat 1 dinner for money that people here earn in 1 month (300 Euro bills for visit in restaurant  )

why  ? cause people are greed and competee

look at lies of Schultz - he says "Poland should take refugees cause we help Poland when they wanted more NATO troops" - lol - it was Germany to vote to expanding NATO bases, it was EU that stopped US from some bases deploying here

how Schultz words are to reality ? it is alternative reality , it is simply lie, only thing that happened is Nordstream2 deal which may harm economically Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine - as transfer countries that now are used for Russian gas transport,

your politicians lie, your politicians lie - 10 times repeating , politicians lie


if you want real solidarity in EU - we should build such solidarity on every area - maybe lets start from you taxed to fund me flat (if i worked in 1 job only i would have 650 EU per month) ;) ... ooo won't happen ?


one thing we should do is really fight jihadists, extreme radical islamists - can we do it ? or again you will say that arresting someone cause he demands sharia and support jihad is racism ?

you said it  or IndeedPete ?  when i said we should arrest and outlaw such things as jihad , you said "they not commited any crimes so it would be racism" (something like this)



we arrest skinhead for Hitler symbols, we arrest skinheads for demanding to gas chamber Jews, but we do not arrest neither commies who praise Stalin nor hate preacher immams and jihad propagators - we should fight those 3 groups on the same level : nazis (real ones who support Hitler and Himmler ideology), commies (we know crimes of Stalin) , jihadists - but you want only fight 1 of those groups , would you vote to ban marxism, stalinism , communism ideas to be outlaw (in few postcommie countries they are formally banned just as hitlerism) but hi, wait a moment, Spanish communists are in EU Commisions and they are on high ranks - for Poles, Czechs, Romanians, Hunagrians - they are as evil as guys who would be praying to Hitler,

otherwise it won't work, especially when you denied colony-like activity of yours corporations that should SHARE their profits on local market - not transfer profit abroad so you have better equipped hospital in your town for profit which was earned here

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EU is planning to ban half automatic rifles (even shotguns are in threat). It has been now rushed on the table because of the recent events. A law that won't help anyone and terrorists get their gun in different way. Even deactivated guns will be collected from people.

You know what that would mean in Finland? We would likely need to do volunteer army because there wouldn't be any way to let reserve train with guns. Also every dam hunter has likely a half automatic rifle or shotgun so goodbye to that. Those guns would be collected from over 70K people and when a guy is a hunter or some shooter hobbyist you know that you can likely multiply that number at least by two to get the number how many guns needs to be collected from people in here.

The gun control law here is already very tight probably one of the tightest in the world so this new law would kill everything. Conscript army will be thrown in the trash bin and volunteer army is made which is more expensive, shit ton of guns will be bought out from civilians (even professional competive people belong in this category) and that requires likely millions from the nation, hunting will take big impact naturally especially if the shotguns will be in the same category and so on.

Nobody wins, everyone loses, expect those who will buy the collected guns so that would likely mean that those guns are sold out of the EU. Well fucking played who is trying to rush that law.

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