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OFP Community Census Project

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I like the idea too

Quote[/b] ]You have already posted your data - only one input per person is allowed.

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Quote[/b] ]Great idea, but it complains about having already posted.

Ditto sad_o.gif

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By the way, you need to put Bush or Kerry and then Other, as those who don't like bush will HAVE to put "Not bush" and not reflect their actual wanted president.

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Yeah, I'm getting the same problem as everyone else; its not letting me post. And is this supposed to be a biased census? Because the question about the US elections is presented in a biased manner. It should be "(a) Bush (b) Kerry © don't like either one (d) no idea/no preference".

I think some other good questions would be "what other OFP sites/boards do you frequent" (choices like OFPEC, OFP.info, some non-english sites, etc); "what's your favorite aspect of OFP" (mission editing, scripting, addon making, playing missions, playing w/addons, etc. Maybe this is too similar to which board you like the most though...); "military experience" (none, prior service, currently serving, etc); "education level" (1-12th grade, X-yrs college, etc); "significant other?" (spouse, boy/girlfriend, none, wrist, etc).

Now if you wanted to make this like the US census, you could add some questions in there like "how many toilets do you have in your house"... but I don't think anyone wants that.  tounge_o.gif


On the race thing: I don't see how that matters. Personally I wish we didn't label each other according to what our skin tone is, and asking that question only keeps us doing it. I long for the day when I don't see questions about my skin color on the census, school registration papers, polls, etc.

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Interesting idea.

All worked, data submitted, although I was a bit surprised it only were that little data you asked for smile_o.gif

When can we see results ? biggrin_o.gif

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All worked, data submitted, although I was a bit surprised it only were that little data you asked for  smile_o.gif

It's because I'm not sure that enough people are interested in participating. If we get a lot of replies and people like the results, then we can make a bigger one. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]When can we see results ?  biggrin_o.gif

I was thinking about posting a link to the current results, but it's probably best to wait until enough data is collected. If people see the current results before they vote, they can be influenced by it...

How about a total of 100 replies or a few days - whichever comes first?

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Nice idea, but I too found that very little data was asked.

Some suggestions:

-languages spoken

-level of education


-marital status

-OFP versions/expansions owned (CWC, Red Hammer, Resistance, VBS1)

-military experience

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Nice idea, but I too found that very little data was asked.

It's because I don't know if we'll get enough replies. More questions --> more data needed.

If this one turns out well, we'll make a bigger one, with more general and relevant questions.

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Yeah I see your reasoning, I was posting before you told Balschoiw the same, but left the post for the sake of the suggestions smile_o.gif

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There are two kinds of people.....


The above is a clustering of the responses received so far (10), so it is just representative of the people that have responded, not of the OFP community as a whole, as there is too little data now to go on.


The above image is the result of clustering, i.e grouping things according to similarity. I chose to get it divided into two clusters. In the pictures, the black dots represent people that have responded. The color scale represents what they have responded. The black line is the border between the clusters. The second graph from the top, labeled "Clusters", shows the actual clusters.

As for the values of the other plots (i.e the color scale on the plots):

Age -  the plot shows the age of the people that responded. The color map is mapped directly to the age.

EU military superpower:

1 = Yes

0 = Don't care

-1 = No

Bush or not

1 = Yes

0 = Don't care

-1 = No

Favourite forum

0 = OT

1 = Addons & Mods Complete

2 = Addons & Mods Discussions

3 = Mission Editing

4 = User Missions

5 = General

6 = Other

Where are you from (since most here are either Europeans or Americans, I wanted to have a visual differentiation between them, hence the odd coding)

-5 = Europe

-2 = Australia

-1 = Africa

0 = Asia

2 = South America

5 = North America

Are you religious

1 = Yes

-1 = No

Warning level - direct mapping

Post Count - direct mapping

Since how long have you been playing OFP? - direct mapping


The current two clusters are:

Cluster 0 - the cluster marked with blue in the "Clusters" plot:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

33 -5 2001 298 0 6 -1 0 -1 Killswitch

27 -5 2001 3392 0 0 -1 1 -1 denoir

33 -5 2001 3275 1 0 -1 1 -1 Balschoiw

26 -5 2001 550 0 0 -1 1 -1 Turms

26 5 2001 4007 0 1 -1 1 1 Hellfish6

22 5 2002 2947 0 0 -1 1 -1 Tovarish

18 -1 2002 145 0 0 -1 1 1 python3

Cluster 1 - the cluster marked with redin the "Clusters" plot:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

17 5 2001 4020 4 1 1 0 -1 blackdog

15 5 2001 252 0 1 1 0 -1 oyman

.... however, remember that this data is not statistically representative of the entire community or forum. More replies are needed to do that. Right now it is only representative for the people that have replied.

When/if we get more data, then we can get a much more interesting picture - and divide the data into more relevant clusters.

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Do you plan on updating the graphs on a regular basis?

Yepp, once or twice a day.

Here are the current reuslts:


The clusters are as follow:

Cluster 1 - marked as red in the "Cluster" plot


Strong European crowd.  Higher than average age. Strong preference to the offtopic forum. Against Bush. For EU becoming a military superpower. Not religious.

Cluster 2 - marked as orange in the "Cluster" plot


Non-Europeans.  About average age. Preference to the offtopic forum. Against Bush. For EU becoming a military superpower. Spiritual beliefs above average.

Cluster 3 - marked as yellow in the "Cluster" plot


Americans.  Below average age. Preference to the addons and mods forums. Pro-Bush. Not caring or against EU as a military superpower Spiritual beliefs around average.

Cluster 4 - marked as blue in the "Cluster" plot


Mostly Europeans. Below average age. Mixed forum preferences. Against Bush or not caring. Against EU as a superpower or not caring. Spiritual beliefs below average.

and finally

Cluster 5 - marked as grey in the "Cluster" plot


Europeans. Old ones wink_o.gif Have prference for another forum than the five ones that were listed. Against Bush. Pro EU-military or not caring. Mixed spiritual beliefs (above average)


For an explanation of the color values, see:


Other suff that can be extracted from the data:


Slightly above average age.

Strongly above average against Bush.

Above average positive to EU as a superpower.

Strongly above average not religious.


Average age.

Split 50-50 on Bush (above average pro-bush relative to the other members)

Below average positive to EU as a superpower (but still mostly positive)

Religious around average.

People with hight post-counts

Slightly below average age.

Above average warning levels.

Slightly negative to Bush (below forum average)

Above average positive to EU as a superpwer.

Above average religious (although still a minority)

People that prefer other forums than Offtopic

Average age

Slightly below average post count.

Slightly above average warning levels.

Below average negative to Bush (negative though)

Below average positive to EU as a superpower (negative)

Slightly above average religious.

People over 30 years old

Strongly above average post count.

Average warning levels.

Strongly above average negative to Bush

Average positive to EU as a superpower.

Slightly above average religious.

People under 18 years old

Below average post count.

Strongly above average warning levels.

Strongly above average postive to Bush (positive to him)

Strongly below average negative to EU as a superpower (negative to it)

Strongly above average religious.

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Thats interesting, people who cant vote are strongly pro bush. Thank god.

I'll submit mine now biggrin_o.gif

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