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FischKopp HMMWV

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  (@cero @ Aug. 20 2004,19:24) said:
How can you even tell where that unit with the MG is seating on, it could be a donkey as far as we know, or the HMMWV that Flaber and Boobcatt(spell?) were working on crazy_o.gif

Lol, biggrin_o.gif  

I can tell, because I knwo this desert HMMWV pack. It is the only vehicle for OFP with that amazingly ugly M249 tounge_o.gif

It's from a VERY old HMWWV pack in which they used Marfy desert HMMWV textures.

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Well until Hmmve's reskins come out i think i can live with these little beauties..

sideview.jpg  frontview1.jpg

and if this is the "M249" Cpt. FrostBite is on about then it's not that ugly...


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The propostions on those HMMWV's are wrong.

The textures on the M249 are very ugly. They are from a very old M249 addon for counter-strike. The model is good, but the texture on the heatshield/handgrip around the barrel is completely wrong. That's just my opinion, though.

The pack is very old and for it's time it was quite good. But nowadays it's a bit outdated. The HMMWV textures are good, but those are Marfy's, so no wonder that they are that good.

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  (Cpt. FrostBite @ Aug. 22 2004,23:31) said:
The propostions on those HMMWV's are wrong.

The textures on the M249 are very ugly. They are from a very old M249 addon for counter-strike. The model is good, but the texture on the heatshield/handgrip around the barrel is completely wrong. That's just my opinion, though.

The pack is very old and for it's time it was quite good. But nowadays it's a bit outdated. The HMMWV textures are good, but those are Marfy's, so no wonder that they are that good.

burn!!! biggrin_o.gif lol j.k yeah i agree i dont like those too

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Beggars can't be choosers, you know.

I think that Bobcatt666 and Flabers version its not bad at all.

I know that its not really their's, but after all they had done to them it belongs more to Bobcatt and Flaber than to their original authors. biggrin_o.gif


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It seems that hmmwv can stop his work ... COMBAT! work on a Hmmwv pack with woodland and desert (!) Tex. Cos everybody use the best one (me too).

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I´m still alive. I´ve made some of textures but the problem is that I haven´t enough time to spend making them; right now i´m very very busy in other things. Maybe late september I could resume the work. Anyway I wish to have them finished and ready when fischkopp release his USMC pack.

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  (FischKopp @ Aug. 23 2004,11:40) said:
It seems that hmmwv can stop his work ... COMBAT! work on a Hmmwv pack with woodland and desert (!) Tex. Cos everybody use the best one (me too).

Its ok to have one more hmmwv pack, this one will be army with desert cammo so its cool but dont put your work down like that. COMBAT! made some great addons but they too werent perfect and had some bugs.

My point is your hmmwv's are a dream come true for me and many other OPF fans and the amount of detail and quality shows, not to mention very good performance.

I would like to have a marine desert or OD green version of your hmmwv's for the desert marpats and i will definetly keep these in my folder, we all look forward to more marine addons from you Fischkopp (desert or not) smile_o.gif .

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  (Heatseeker @ Aug. 23 2004,23:29) said:
My point is your hmmwv's are a dream come true for me and many other OPF fans and the amount of detail and quality shows, not to mention very good performance.

yep smile_o.gif , you've really outdone yourself in this pack Fischkopp. People of your talent are very short in supply.

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What exactly is the difference between USMC and US Army HMMWVs, besides an insignia hidden somewhere?

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Marine humvees have the fording kits installed almost all the time. Notice the high exhaust pipe and engine intake on Fischkopp's vehicles. The US Army rarely installs these kits.

Really, that's the biggest difference. There might be smaller things too, like differing equipment inside (GPS receivers, radios, etc.). I only say that as it seems the Army spends more money for stuff like that than the Marines do. But that's just an assumption.

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  (Hellfish6 @ Aug. 24 2004,03:35) said:
Marine humvees have the fording kits installed almost all the time. Notice the high exhaust pipe and engine intake on Fischkopp's vehicles. The US Army rarely installs these kits.

Really, that's the biggest difference. There might be smaller things too, like differing equipment inside (GPS receivers, radios, etc.). I only say that as it seems the Army spends more money for stuff like that than the Marines do. But that's just an assumption.

thats y FischKopp should keep this vehical for USMC mod smile_o.gif

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man I love theese biggrin_o.gif and the whole "hummwe's sux" has changed completly biggrin_o.gif how about the russian counterpart? wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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I too have the 'no sound except a low hum' issue. Engine noise was almost non-existant as well, until I turned off ECP-DR. I'll wait until the re-ship and see what happens. I too have an nforce2 soundstorm.

Bigger issue that I haven't see posted is when I'm in 'sights', first, or second views as gunner, the suspension goes all wacko, with the whole body rocking front to back. Switching to third-view and back cancels it, until I move the turret again.

Here's an idea from left-field... is it possible to make certain components, such as the fording kit and stretcher seperate objects that can be proxied in? That could cover the major difference between the USMC and ARMY variants.

Thanks for your work. They look great.


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I'm getting the no-gunfire sound from both the M2 and M109 when I fire them. Instead I get a low hum and a clicking from my speakers. Engine sounds work, but the only problem so far has been from the guns.

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i didnt want to spam up the spanish marine thread.. so heres my question: HMMWV.. are you still making desert versions of these??

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Hmmwv should make his own HMMW, cos he is a great fan of the vehicle and i think he will try to make it more accurate as my was. Beside that ... it will give an update of these ... like i have promised ... not yet but with the USMC MOD

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  (FischKopp @ Oct. 16 2004,11:06) said:
Beside that ... it will give an update of these ... like i have promised ... not yet but with the USMC MOD

Hmm, this will take time though im sure it will be well worth it, out of curiosity is there a list of estimated included units and size of the mod? I take it this mod will be one sided (USMC) only too, right rock.gif .

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If i can´t find more people to help me with my MOD, i´ll left it and i will help FischKopp and the USMC Mod with all he wants; models, textures or whatever.

But first of all let see if I can go ahead with my MOD.

About Your humvees, man is very very difficult to make them better than yours! wink_o.gif

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  (cribban @ Aug. 24 2004,09:10) said:
man I love theese biggrin_o.gif  and the whole "hummwe's sux" has changed completly biggrin_o.gif  how about the russian counterpart? wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

You mean something like THIS?


Yeah, so many humvees, no GAZ-3937 Vodnik... sad_o.gif

Edit: And it can swim as well! biggrin_o.gif

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