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sputnik monroe

BF42 is the most realistic military game

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OMG! who ever started this thread obviously has missed something...

sure when i first tried bf42 i was shocked, and engaged, but soon i grew unfond of its limitations and went back to ofp.

OFP greatnesses outweight its limitations, and completely put BF42 to shame, for a intellegent individual anyways...

BF42 is an arcade game, OFP is a military simulation.

BF42 just has better physics for the vehicles, but their soldiers look rediculous, just like BFV, the VC have huge muscles etc. gimme a bloody break.

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This is because the show filter is voted by the community on their websites. I hate that show, because all it really reflects are the current most popular games and not the real realistic ones.

When I saw that episode i got pissed at myself, turned off the tv, and never watched that show again.

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the most realism that comes with call of duty is the kind of shock (dunno how the exact name in english is) you get, if a grenade explodes near to you or sth like this

Shellshock is the term, and it is one of my favorite parts of the game.

Another game that has been realistic RECENTLY...if anyone has played it within the past month or so is WWIIOL. This game had a bad start but is starting to shape up into a really nice game. Here's my top 5 only as far as first person shooters go (I play alot of flightsims like Il2, but those are a different category)

1. flashpoint


3.America's Army

4.Rainbow six III: Raven Shield

5. Call of Duty

I'm sure there are more realistic games, but I've never played them. I think this is why bf1942 ended up on top, because like I said before it is voted by the community.

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Personnally, I think Ghost Recon is more Realistic than OFP, we are not talking about the Modifications, but the Actual In the box game. Even with Modifications, Ghost Recon is better, it has Mods also and they rock.

Ghost Recon has better AI, better Graphics and Better Details than OFP, but OFP as a more Grand Scale.

OFP owns BF1942 though. No contest.

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Quote[/b] ]Gollum1 @ July 09 2004,02:54

LOL, sorry man, but you come off as the biggest nerd I've seen in a long time. It's just a game.

WTF? Nerd? I happen to be a prior-service US Army soldier that knows what realism is about! I play games for realism, that is always my highest concern.

Yes yes, just joking. wink_o.gif It's just an article by some ignorant fo's, no need to lose your head over it. wink_o.gif

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Personnally, I think Ghost Recon is more Realistic than OFP, we are not talking about the Modifications, but the Actual In the box game. Even with Modifications, Ghost Recon is better, it has Mods also and they rock.

Ghost Recon has better AI, better Graphics and Better Details than OFP, but OFP as a more Grand Scale.

GR realistic crazy_o.gif , you mean more tactical right? I mean i play OPF without a crosshair and in GR they atached one to my head, also the engine is awfull, theres lotsa small hills you cant climb and overall the models and texturing make it looks horrible, ever noticed the looks of the hind helicopter or those civie cars in GR, disgusting.

Also i cant find a game where we can switch player betwean 6 units realistic, its very tactical but considering the small maps it renders they could have made it look half decent and the a.i. just shoot acurate and run towards you. GR was a very poor achievement...

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I think the problem here is what people mean when saying realistic: most mean just more 'real life'-like, better looking graphics and effects. They don't see artificial map borders and other limitations as 'unrealistic'. They don't care wether a weapon or the environement is realistically simulated as long as the bang's big enough.

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BF42 has the M1 Garand for the americans  rock.gif

umm. didnt the amerians use the M1 garand. Or u mean British using the Garand wink_o.gif

I blew money on BF:V and BF1942. This game and FSW are the only good games i have played in years.

My list

1-Operation Flashpoint: Cold war crisis

2-Operation flashpoint- Resistance

3-Full Spetrum Warrior

4-Opeartion Flashpoint-Red hammer

5-Tom Clancys-Rainbows 6 3


6-M1 tank platoon 2

7-Team Apache

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6. Jane's USAF.

That's a good one, but I like I said earlier I play tons of flightsims and those are in a different category. My top 5 favorite flightsims are probably:

1.Aces High


3.Jane's USAF

4. WWIIOL (even though it has a crappy fm)

5. MS flightsimulator

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the most realism that comes with call of duty is the kind of shock (dunno how the exact name in english is) you get, if a grenade explodes near to you or sth like this

Shellshock is the term, and it is one of my favorite parts of the game.

No. That is not shellshock. Shellshock was what is now called post traumatic stress disorder. The way people get stunned and dazed after being in one explosion is called being stunned and dazed.

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Hi all

As Baron Hurlothrumbo said said Shell Shock is Post Traumatic Distress disorder.

It is what happens to you when you see people around blown to bits while hearing more shells one of which may do the same to you. It is enduring the sound of your friends sceaming because their limbs or guts have been spread around a field while knowing it could happen to you in the next second constantly knowing that for possibly hours at a time

You fight flight reflex is triggered and you are adrenalined off your face but there is no where for that adrenalin to go you must stay in your fox hole while the adrenalin triggers every muscle and nerve of your in your body to overheated strain, your heart lungs and brain into working in overdrive.

Your whole body violently shakes with the tension; what people often mistakenly call shaking with fear. Fear does not make you shake, fear freezes you, the shaking is the adrenalin looking to get you ready to act.

It does not take much imagination to see that somone caught in this chemical need to act yet paralised by fear to move that stresses both mind and body thus causing physical and nervous colapse.

There are methods that can teach you to control your adrenalin output but of course thay will not deal with the psychic shock of seeing people rent to screaming pieces before your eyes. If you are the person who deals out the dammage to others you may often be more psychicly damaged by it. This psychic damage is real problem it what causes veterans to beat their spouses and children are become adicted to mind numbing substances.

Only perhaps 5% of people can do violence to others and not feel anything about it. Millitary training is believed to boost that to perhaps as much as 20% but an awful lot of soldiers just fire over the enemies head. Divorcing the person from violence with drills to make the violence unthought or by technology through buttons and video displays may also help.

Part of the function of relligion is to help people cope with this hence the prevalance chaplins in armies. Recently doctors and pychiatrists have become involved in the same area.

Kind Regards Walker

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4-Opeartion Flashpoint-Red hammer

Come on, Red Hammer can be called lots of things but realistic surely isn't one of them...

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Wow, how pathetic.

And I wonder who the judges were for picking the top 10.  A bunch of people who don't know shit about shit.

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LMBAO....BF42..realistic...now I've seen EVERYTHING..this is what happens when Counterstrike nerds rank games....Now I LOVE OFP but It wouldn't be number 1 in my book either..that honor is reserved for Brothers In Arms that isn't out yet(I hope I'm not putting my foot in my mouth biggrin_o.gif )

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lol... Putting Battlefield 1942 at first place in a list for most realistic military game among Operation Flashpoint and Americas Army? That's just stupid. In Battlefield 1942, you can get in a tank and go outside your base and hit the slightest bump and if the tank bounches just a little, it will get damaged. Also, you can use your parachute anytime. You can get up on top of a house, jump off and deply your chute. Even though in the 3rd person view you have no parachute on your back, you can still use it anytime you get thrown up into the air.

Although battlefield 1942 is not realistic, a few of its mods are.

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Hi all

As Baron Hurlothrumbo said said Shell Shock is Post Traumatic Distress disorder.

It is what happens to you when (...)

there are more ways someone can get it, for example by getting raped, or mutilated , or abused / turtued as an child or adult.

the effects become more heavy as time progresses, instead of it fading away if only gets worse.

males are more badly affected by this as they are NOT willing to talk about being humilliated , raped or tortued , there are good therapies now , so... uhm... isn't this offtopic? crazy_o.gif

bah, anyhow, uhm.... it's clear, people made it a vote , so kids just vote on what they play.... mad_o.gif

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It's deomcracy gone mad! Battlefield is like cartoon violence "realism". Saying it's realistic is retarded, fun and fast, maybe (for a short time... capture point, hold, kill, lose point, die, respawn, capture again, hold, kill...). Some of the mods are realistic anyway. They should have ranked them on what can be done with the game, something OFP would beat pretty much everything hands down.

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It's pretty obvious EA has a lot of money to throw around to get good PR for their products. However even despite that, we've come into an age where the computer gaming demographic has undergone something of a change.

As pc and gaming in general have become more socially acceptable, and gamers are no longer looked upon so much as being apart of the fringe of society, you start seeing individuals whore are not only mindless consumers of mainstream media garbage. However they're also fucking nerds as well.

Which is in my opinion a million times worse than the fanatical PC flight sim, or civ nerds that you'd see ten years ago. I knew this was especially true when PC gamer magazine underwent a radical change from being staffed by writers who were true gamers. Not corporate pawns, or casualties of mainstream media with atrociously bad taste.

This is a joke. I think in part these people are part of the reason why I've steadily become less and less interested in gaming altogether. They've caused a shift in the industry towards crap software.

Even the Desert Combat realism mod for BF:1942 falls ridiculously short of creating a semblance of a realistic simulation.

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Have you tried going right to the source?


It's a bunch of arguing and unintellegent nonsense, so you know how the results became the way they are.

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Are you sure they put in the wrong word? BF1942 over AA? It's obvious people didn't bother reading the list and just put up BF for popularity. Was this a poll? If so, what made them put BF on there?

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Have you tried going right to the source?


It's a bunch of arguing and unintellegent nonsense, so you know how the results became the way they are.

Daaaaamn, that thread makes me wanne kill something fluffy and innocent. (by the way, what happened to our lovely fluffy bunny?)

Those guys are so irritating that it isn't even funny anymore... especially that DesignatedJerk... Sheeeesh

Hasn't even played BF42 yet but it LOOKS realistic to him haha funny guuuuuy!

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Daaaaamn, that thread makes me wanne kill something fluffy and innocent. (by the way, what happened to our lovely fluffy bunny?)

Placebo's fluffy?

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First someone has got to tell me why "BF194 whatever" is realistic.

I can put simple factors why OFP has realistic components

1. Balistics

2. Weapon Aiming & potential accuracy

3. terrain & orientational tools

4. human's physical limitations

(aiming while running, aiming after running, aiming after a hit)

5. vehicule damage accuracy

6. Squad commands

and hell you DIE after one bullet, isnt that realistic enough

I guess those reporters bought the game and tested it in "deathmatch" mode.

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