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About Rishon

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    From now on i shouldn't care about what you think? Well ,won't be much of a change.... In any case ,you were very fast to call in youre war veteran brother just to make me shut up about a point i was wanting to make ,so did you use youre own alleged experiences to try to force youre points onto others. Whether or not youre a real Iraq vet ,such forms of conduct in debate won't spawn much respect by others posted ,as mentioned by others. lol, Seriously, I could post some pictures, but Pictures are forgeable. I don't want anyone to go off on a tangent with "Hey, you stole thost pictures!". It's just not worth it. I brought up my own experiences to use as evidence but, I suppose that was to my own downfall.
  2. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Now you write: What is it now ? You have been to Iraq ? Your brother is in Iraq ? Noone of you is in Iraq ? I also assume your job description in the military job thread is faked too, right ? I just don´t think it´s ok to lie at us here at the forums. If you do, your reputation is down before it even evolves. Think about it. Please. Yes I have been to Iraq, but my main occupation at the time was not talking to Iraqi's and Training them, sure I patroled Baghdad, but I never wanted to talk to them. Don't call me a faker. I consider that offensive, I've been shot at numerous times and to be called a faker by someone who's most probraby never even been shot at, is offensive. Do me a favor and shut up, I don't need to hear this from paranoic "OMG, He's a Poser!" People. Next time you ask me something don't expect an Answer. You disgust me. First off, it does seem odd that first you mention yourself and later on your brother, it would have been natural to say "My brother and I", so it's very natural to question it. Instead of being pissy why don't you try to provide us with something that would prove you and/or your brother have been there? Because right now it just looks like you're pissed that your cover got blown. Second, if you had been here for any amount of time you would know that Balshoiw HAS been in combat, and HAS been shot at. Well, I didn't know that he had been in combat, for that I apologize. I won't give you proof, as I have none, but, I don't care what you people think or not. I messed up writing a bit, and I guess it is natural to question it. But, as I said, I don't care what you think, you can believe me or not. If you think this reason enough to believe I am not a soldier, thats fine. If you think I am a Soldier. You believe me, cool. It's that simple.
  3. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Now you write: What is it now ? You have been to Iraq ? Your brother is in Iraq ? Noone of you is in Iraq ? I also assume your job description in the military job thread is faked too, right ? I just don´t think it´s ok to lie at us here at the forums. If you do, your reputation is down before it even evolves. Think about it. Please. Yes I have been to Iraq, but my main occupation at the time was not talking to Iraqi's and Training them, sure I patroled Baghdad, but I never wanted to talk to them. Don't call me a faker. I consider that offensive, I've been shot at numerous times and to be called a faker by someone who's most probraby never even been shot at, is offensive. Do me a favor and shut up, I don't need to hear this from paranoic "OMG, He's a Poser!" People. Next time you ask me something don't expect an Answer. You disgust me.
  4. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Well, thats not exactly what I ment, I mean they Legitimately sell us oil, and we train them and sell them weapons. I don't agree with the other way.
  5. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Seems like a fair trade, Oil for Weapons and Training. They won't have to, Iraq is one of the potentially richest Nations in the world. If they get an Oil Industry up, they could be a larger supplier than Saudi Arabia. Making them a BIG world player. IF they want us to leave, we have to, or face a UN retaliation.
  6. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Dur, Insurgents is what I'm talking about. Well, If they want a religious government, they can vote for it huh? Elections will be held soon, and hopefully the iraqi's will ask us to leave, then, they can start a religious government, I personally don't give a rats-@$$ what happens to them, I consider the culture barbaric, but thats just my personal opinion. All I care about is misdirected opinions and Idiots saying all my fellow soldiers are dying because of a politician, or because of a hopeless war. No, They died for their country.
  7. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Ok, my brother has BEEN to Iraq, as a soldier, so I think he knows a BIT more than you about this. The Iraqi's (Your run of the mill one.) Wants america to help keep the country a Democracy, and so that someone as evil or more evil than Saddam Hussein will gain power. Then theres your Fundamentalist Iraqi, who believes America is evil and does not need to be there. Thats the guy who grabs an AK-47 and shoots at him.
  8. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Wait, are you saying We are dieing for nothing? Or the Insurgents? My brother tells me most of the Iraqi's he talks to say they want us there. only about 5% of the population are shooting at us. thats not a mojority, and makes for not Endless figures.
  9. Rishon

    The Iraq thread 3

    Vietnam and Iraq are two completely different things. Many of you who compare the two weren't around when this happened. Vietnam was COMPLETELY unjust, we went in because we wanted to stop the spread of communism, prepared to bomb and beat a Conventional Army. We got hit with our first guerilla war. over 100,000 maybe 200,000 died in that war. 900 Isn't anything compared to that. (Not To desrespect my Comrades who died) Iraq was for International Security, AT THE TIME (Note that.) the intelligence lead us to believe Saddam Hussein had nukes. Our intel was wrong, but, as they say, Hind sight is 20/20. We could have gotten UN approval, if Russia and France, Who sold weapons to Iraq, Vetoed it.. Hmm, I wonder why. Iraq had stockpiles of French missles and weapons there, and Russia, well AK's? T-60's? T-70's? Yeah. Also, the war is not going bad: The Insurgency is loosing leaders and men. Have we lost a single general yet? No. This is a chump war. Nothing compared to Vietnam, nothing compared to Korea. It is more than the COMPLETE One-sided victory of Desert Storm, However. This is also interesting: After Vietnam, Americans became INCREASINGLY uneasy about force projection. In World War Two, do you know how much stuff America produced? A CRAP LOAD, infact it was the American Industry that kept us, the Russians (Somewhat.) and the Brits up. After Vietnam, the American Public made America weaker. We never support Wars. We never use Force Projection to help countries. Many actions in other countries never last more than a month. Why? Because they are scared of loosing soldiers. Why? Because Vietnam left a huge scar on that. When we get into wars, we never rile up behind our leaders and support them, NO, we challenge it and the Wars. Why don't we just disband our Army? I mean, It's not like we ever use it, or when we do we get bitten in the ass by the public. We aren't being beaten by the Insurgency, we are being beaten by ourselves.
  10. Rishon

    Ecp released!

    Right but with the Beta you don't need the CD in your drive!
  11. Rishon

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Lmao. Nice Photos.
  12. Rishon

    Terrorist forces in America talk- TFAT

    I totally disagree. The KKK was formed to uphold White´s as a race and to bring those down who are non-white. There is no place for such people anywhere. Even if they should move within the bounds given by law, it doesn´t change their destination that is in no way conform with international law. They have no right to exist and they should be sorted out one by one. An organization that has racial goals should be crushed and all active members should be sent to kingdom come... That is my opinion on how such people should be dealt with. Ditto.
  13. Rishon

    ECP problem

    That unit does not have the set EventHandlers to initiate the ECP Screen, It can stull use ECP effects, you just can't toggle them.
  14. Rishon

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    0.4.3 is already in the works and has been since Saturday. That will tie up a few loose ends. Then I'll take my break. Geez. What'll 4.3 have in store for us? And, Ignore the Squatters who think you owe them BRAND NEW additions and crap. Judging by your posting, I'd say your getting pretty fed up.
  15. Rishon

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Good Job. Hope you get a rest before 0.5..