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Reflective water?

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Looks nice, but I dont think it will ever be released. Look at the video, its finished, but he didnt release it, so I doubt he will ever release it sad_o.gif

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Looks nice, but I dont think it will ever be released. Look at the video, its finished, but he didnt release it, so I doubt he will ever release it  sad_o.gif

It's a huge change to OFP so it will require lots of testing to make it use as little resources as possible.

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Denoir, I love the big sexy words you use, oh yes I do!


You can call my techno-p0rn hotline for only 0.99 €/minute to hear more such words  wink_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]In lamens terms and a general explination, exactly how does this work?  How to pixel shaders work? etc etc.

Simply put shaders are small programs that are executed after the main rendering. They produce some effect that is then superimposed on the original rendered picture. There are 3d (vertex) and 2d (pixel) shaders. Reflection effects being the latter. In directx 8+ gfx boards there are hardware implementations of shader processors. In effect the rendered frame is sent to the shader along with 3d information and the shader makes a reflection image which it then superimposes on the original frame. It's all done on a hardware level within the GPU so it's very fast.

As for how Kegetys actually did it for OFP, it is way beyond my expertise. I would imagine that the solution isn't trivial.

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I dont care how much resources it will use as long as it looks good. He could at least release a beta or something, doesnt have to be perfect.

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P.S.  Does this mean there can be hand held mirrors to check around corners?  wink_o.gif

or maybe car mirrors can work now biggrin_o.gif

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In case it works without lagging too much (My computer really can't stand a 'permanent' hit on OFP performance any more) it could enable car mirrors, reflective sunglasses, helmets...any more applications for it? Well, nothing really useful, but it's...cool.

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Well, I'm not quite sure about what I'm saying now, but is this legal.

Someone said he had used a wallhack ins't that illegal if you realese it? Maybe he have to get permission from BIS first to use it..?  wink_o.gif

I don't really know....

EDIT: Is that police car realesed yet? Is it FDF mod. If not where can I get it?

Maybe a little offtopic, sorry.

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Well, I'm not quite sure about what I'm saying now, but is this legal.

Someone said he had used a wallhack ins't that illegal if you realese it? Maybe he have to get permission from BIS first to use it..?  wink_o.gif

I don't really know....

Hehe.. He said he altered the same thing as wallhacks changes. Kegetys' is very close to BIS so I am sure they already knew about this new feature.

I guess the police car will be released in the next patch which I heard would be released quite soon.

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Well... He hasn't modified the game engine in any way as far as I understand. And it's not a wallhack per sé it just uses about the same method of getting to what you want as a wallhack does. And it has never been illegal to release a wallhack, just silly  smile_o.gif

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Well, I'm not quite sure about what I'm saying now, but is this legal.

Someone said he had used a wallhack ins't that illegal if you realese it? Maybe he have to get permission from BIS first to use it..?  wink_o.gif

I don't really know....

EDIT: Is that police car realesed yet? Is it FDF mod. If not where can I get it?

Maybe a little offtopic, sorry.

Umm.. what law is forbidding the use of 3rd party graphics modifications? The counterstrike act of 2001? tounge_o.gif

And the police car is part of FDFMOD 1.3 which will be released when its done. wink_o.gif

EDIT: Llauma got to it first. sad_o.gif

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It is simply amazing! wow_o.gif

Another great job done Keg!!

I hope there will be a release, it is just too fantastic.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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And the police car is part of FDFMOD 1.3 which will be released when its done. wink_o.gif

ah..... now I know when we will see the water. wink_o.gif

Is 1.3 getting pretty close to release?

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Well, I'm sorry, I didn't have a clue what I were jabbing about, but as I said I didn't know for sure. biggrin_o.gif

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Well, I'm not quite sure about what I'm saying now, but is this legal.

Someone said he had used a wallhack ins't that illegal if you realese it? Maybe he have to get permission from BIS first to use it..?  wink_o.gif

I don't really know....

I said it uses same mechanism as your typical CS cheats do, not that it enables cheating - not that it matters, there are unfortunately already plenty of MP cheats for OFP available. If it makes you feel any better I can say virus protection software also do similar things smile_o.gif

As far as cheats go, they are legal but using them in network gaming shows a very poor character.

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Quote[/b] ]Umm.. what law is forbidding the use of 3rd party graphics modifications? The counterstrike act of 2001?

There is a law against opening the source of the engine, modifying it in a way and releasing it.

It's strictly illegal I believe, but I don't think Keg did it this way.

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Looks very nice !

BIS Team would you like to comment this work that he's done, what do you think so far about it? (...if he's haven't got any help from you in someway...)

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very very nice work, I'd love to hear from the guy himself, go on keg, tell us when we can get out greasy mits on it ;)

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By the way, for you guys who are PMing Kegety about when the release it, just stop, be curtious and let him have some time to do it and release it on his own. Don't be breathing at his neck I should say wink_o.gif

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lol, more than a thousand views in only 3 hours...

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What about HW requirement?If I undrestand it well...this effect will slow OFP two times.It must draw the mirror of the landscape,objects,etc on the water and make smooth effect...I am right?

But nevermind...I think for this I should buy new Graphics card:)

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Well, as feer said, it works as being kindof a "proxy" between Direct3D and OFP, doing various things of its own in between. Fraps for example works somewhat alike. Originally it started as an idea on how to get OFP to use trilinear instead of bilinear filtering, and now it does many more things (I have been working on it with feersum for a few weeks now).

The reflections, with full settings (terrain & objects reflected) are somewhat "heavy", especially on Radeon based cards which seem to dislike frequent switches in render targets. It runs quite well on my GF4 Ti4200 though, and there are some methods to optimize it but implementing those is a bit difficult and will propably take time... Basically it intercepts the drawing of terrain and/or objects and draws them inverted into a texture, which is then used when drawing water as a projected texture with environmental bumpmapping. So everything seen in the reflections needs to be renderd twice, and it doesn't actually use any pixel shaders at all (Even OFP default ones are disabled while drawing the reflections as clipping planes don't seem to want to cooperate with them for some reason). There's some other things to do too, like getting the sky reflected which is going to be quite tricky also.

The dll does a bunch of other things too, like it can force the use of trilinear filtering, it can remove the "black & white" night pixelshader, adjust the mipmap LODbias, display FPS, and apply "postprocessing" pixelshader effects. In theory anything "graphical" is possible, but implementing even some simple things can be very difficult. The only thing the dll "sees" is an endless stream of triangles and Direct3D commands passing through and it needs to analyze those in real time.

Edit: here is a high resolution screenshot with full reflections and a quite strong "hard light" postprocessing effect.

Edit2: Making mirrors would also be possible in theory, but those would also require another pass with everything redrawn and implementing the mirror face detection could be quite tricky.

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No pixel shaders?! amazing duders!


But heavy on radeon cards.. and heavy in general.. erm.. But good work!

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ah, it was about time to buy a new videocard anyway. Just another good reasen to do so. AWESOME work Keg.

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