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North devon terrain

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A small update..

This map is seeing work again and ground textures are moving from the old 256 to 512.

The control tower and Hinaldi hangers are in place, and the doors of the Hinaldi's are working.

New features such as speed bumps are under trial.

If you interested in playing with what is very very much an alpha pm me..

Oh yes.. a couple of pictures of the new fencing...



Yes Falklands Marine, PUKF Rover, RKSL Nets and a few others too small to identify on the picture.

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Looking good mate, the finished version should definately be a true to life representation of an RAF base. biggrin_o.gif

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Nice pics! Cool base.

But is there any chance to use different Hangars? Actually i'm not such a big fan of the green ones. I think they are a little bit too big and not so detailed like some others (just a suggestions from my side). Perhaps something like this [G 8 Aircraft Shelter v 2] (don't know if there are only this desert-camo ones), this [3WX Team's Object Pack v1.0] or this one [Colonel_Klink's Aircraft Shelter ].


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Nice pics! Cool base.

But is there any chance to use different Hangars? Actually i'm not such a big fan of the green ones. I think they are a little bit too big and not so detailed like some others (just a suggestions from my side).

Well the green hangars are very realistic so I think he will keep those wink_o.gif

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Since its british keep it.. go all the way  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

by the way i cant wait for an raf base lol

the falklands marine looks real nice aswell..

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Well the green hangars are very realistic so I think he will keep those  wink_o.gif

Hmm, ok. Was just a suggestion.

Last time i saw this hangars was on the previous version of Skye-Island ... and they didn't really fit (no offence to the island-maker and/or Addon-maker! .. just my oppinion).

But anyway, the screens look really great ... and i think i can also live with the green ones  smile_o.gif

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The hangers in this case are modelled and textured according to the actaul hangers at what was RAF Chivenor.

There will be 4 types of hangers of which you have already seen the 2 largest ones at the base.

Please note this RAF base has not be a front line base since WW2, and has been used in the years since as a training base, its last use while still an RAF base was by Hawks of 19® and 92® Sqdns, 2 months later, after the base was closed it was used in an exercise relating deployment to a field without facilities by Gr 7's of at least No 3 and 4 Sqdn's.

This means no HAS's or simmilar features will be present, sorry if you want a front lien base try elsewhere (although once this is done there is space near the old WW2 dispersal pans for user additions)

The only occupants from the RAF are no the 2 Seakings from 'A' flight 22 Sqdn, the base as such has been greatly modifed and is now a Logistic depot used by another service, hangers closed in, apron built on, runway fenced off, etc....

The base I am building takes some features from the 80's and some from the 90's.  This will mean it will have an interesting look as it still had 2 control towers, one from the WW2 layout, and the new one built as the Hangers now obstructed the view to the new extended runway.

The rest of the map will be a close representation of the surrounding terrain which will include the river Taw and Torridge and its Estuary, as such both these features do include the deep channel which can mean you 'might' if lucky be able to ford across if your quick enough and the tide is low... (if not GLUG....)

Oh yes... my PC SPecs

AMD 1800, 512Mb Ram, Radeon 9600 Pro, and my biggest problem... 95% used on my 80Gb drive... likely not set up ofp right... (shall redo soon)

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Thanks for the comments..  

The interest via pm's has been more than I had expected..

I personally dont think the fencing is actaully that good at the moment and will likely look much better when I get the alpha order sorted.

If you have successfully got the files off me you can distribute as long as you put that bit of text with it that I had in your pm's indicating its status

I also don't mind people using the buildings but please mention the original source as some of these have had lots and lots of time spent on them (that big control tower for one!!).  Also be warned these are very unique and if you wish to use them be also aware that not one building is finished and thus they could be modified in such a way to no longer suit your usage.

Am am also pleased to see interest from certain quarters (and this will mean an increase in work done on this map).

Thanks everyone for encouraging further work on this map.

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o my gosh i tested out this map. for some reson the new ground textures made me feel like i was in a diffrent country,i mean what iam trying to say is that this map is so detailed its not even funny. i say good job and keep up the good work.

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Anyone who has had this map off me... re-download I have updated the ground textures near the hangers along with a slight update to the fencing.

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For those wondering this map is still otw.

Recent developments include enhanced texturing and elevation adjustment to take full advantage of the 5m tide that is in OPF by default and just happens to be the mean height for the Taw/Torridge Estuary which this map portray's

Anyway heres a few pics...

Saunton Sands - showing the affect of the normal ofp waves.



Braunton Burrows - actaully used for military training, admittedly no live ammo as its also a nature reserve..

Basicly sand dunes with grass clumps...



Looking South from Braunton Burrows towards Westward Ho, this is the actaul estuary


Looking East along the River Taw from the southern end of Braunton Burrows, this is taken at near low tide, the river is fordable with care...


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The only thing missing is the sandyacht/ surf crowd. Very nice - I'm trying to see Fremington in the distance to the North...

Makes me quite homesick, even if the shots do look remarkably like where I'm working at the moment (Kuwait).

Oh, and purists might wonder where the "!" after Ho has disappeared to biggrin_o.gif

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I'll get shots of Fremington when I rebuild it, its currently got temporary buildings in and looks quite poor, although RAF Chivenor is coming along nicely.

An yep I was thinking about those nice beaches often used by 'holiday' makers.

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Another update.. (and these pics already out of date)


This images shows the main camp carpark, the berms have now had the shadows removed and they look much better, in fact are hard to notice from air now.  Most of what you see in the form of buildings is made especially for this terrain.  A number of buildings are in long distant lod form and also need elevation corrections.


The runway, the old textures but experimental lighing in place, and its works night and day


The new front sign, this is acurate and shows the correct crests for both The Royal Air Force and RAF Chivenor. (its a pit my visual settings dont do the sign justice)

Yes I am concentrating on the RAF Camp first, then will expand outside having a nice 'base' to work from

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A pulbic releaseable beta is in the works, that is when i happy with this RAF Camp, it has I believe the longest runway in OFP and is ideal for testing planes especially as you must manually land as OFP-ILS dont work on west/west runways.

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Those pics of the Base look very genuine. I.e Now curved roads, etc.

All in all, very impressed. I didn't think you could make a British Landscape with OFP untill now... smile_o.gif

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Sorry to say Falklands work is again takign a priority so work on this has slowed a little, but...

This does not mean work has stopped, just means a delay on my next beta.

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