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North devon terrain

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...constructive.. icon_rolleyes.gif

Will the island and vehicles/units be released as one, or will you release the island, then the units to go with it later?

Nice work smile_o.gif

- Ben

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The bits will likely be released as individual bits rather than waiting for the whole hog.

I amworking on sveral bits for this map and associatted items as well as Falklands work so please do not ask for a release date, its as simple as when I get it done and a rushed job is not worth the time gained...

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Do the vehicles you plan to make include a British Army truck?

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Quote[/b] ]so please do not ask for a release date

I shall never ask, never!

Could you give us a quick list of what you are thinking /working on making. Once again, just interested.


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At the moment 'additionals' include

Landrover 1 Ton.

The only wide body transport the RAF operate

Oldenburg (will let you look this up)

A helicopter specific for the map..

There are many more planned but the above are already under construction..

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Your doing good stuff man. Will really be appriciated by everyone here, especially us Brits biggrin_o.gif

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How detailed an "Oldenburg" are you gonna go for, or is it just wait and see?

Can't wait for your stuff anyway. Good luck!

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Try MS Oldenburg....

..*ahem* thanks, makes a bit more sense icon_rolleyes.gif

Good luck smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Still progressing, a recent beta was released to a small few to see what they thought about soem recent work, time is my biggest problem tho as the Falklands Mod has picked up pace again.

Will try to release some pictures within a few weeks to show just whats been done.

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Ok, cheers for the update. Been waiting for this since the start of this thread.

I'm in Bristol, so i sometimes nip down to devon.

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Just found a couple of pictures I had taken during some recent trials..

RAF Chivenor Main pan

A patch showing the new 512's textures which are unique to this airbase, this is prior to the taxiway markings being aplied so these are not complete yet.

Around the new 512's are the slightly older 256's which are being used to guide building placment and also to ensure that there is somethign to see while in game until the new ones are in place


Fremington Camp

Image showing the road network within Fremington camp, a number of buildings are yet to added but its looking more like a camp now, especially with the AAC pads.

To the left the cycle track (an old disused rail line) can be seen which makes for a number of easy access routes around the map, although as this is to scale there are just 2 lines on the map and they dont even meet.

You can also see the tide is in, and if you have seen some of the previous images you will understand just how good the affect of the using of the OFP default tides has made for this map.


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OMG your really doing some excellent work on the map dude! Lots of really realistic looking pictures. I also like the buildings on the picture with the helipad texture. Unlike other ofp airbases this one actually looks like a military instalation! Which I like allot about this map because I like the flying part of ofp!

Are you also makeing the welcome signs at the gate?

And are there many good ground textures? Because those textures could also be used on other maps to make airbases MUCH better

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If you look back I am pretty sure I put up an image of one of the welcome signs.

Reason for these looking like military installations, well they really are... check out a 1:25,000 map of the area and you will see them for real..

As for good textures, I think they are but the aribase ones will have to be used as a whole as the taxiways, runways and pans are all intergrated into purpose built ground textures

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I have an early alpha/beta of this island and I still prefer it to the vast majority of terrains available for OFP. It's very unique and very detailed. I can't wait for the finalized version.

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Wow man, looks really good. Quick question as our clan may switch over to using your island for training. What sort of training areas does it have, i.e. a range, etc



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Well, looking back into this topic, i reckon it has An Assault course that works, a few target ranges, and probably one or two areas for 5 mile walks.

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There will be 2 ranges on the map when its done, although neither are currently modelled.

Braunton Burrows is used for field traning by both the Army and Cadet forces and Fremington Camp is actaully a real Training Camp, although not for basics but as a base for outward bound training such as walks, canoeing, sailing, cycling etc. It also was used by the AAC as a base for training on Dartmoor and Exmoor (The camp appeared on that TV Prog about the training of AAC pilots a few years ago)

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Honestly can't remember, was a 4-5 years ago at least

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The map looks.. fecking amazing basicly biggrin_o.gif

The thing I find a lot of maps lack is.. mmh.. They rarely feel real.. But from the screenshots it looks like it could exist (As it does tounge2.gif)

From what you've said, it should turn out to be like a proper base, unlike a lot in OFP which consist of a few buildings, and a single permiter fence.

Finaly, two questions. How much of the island is done (Even an extremely rough percentage would be great). Secondly, what (again, roughtly is good) size will the island be? (Say if it's x-MB now, and you've done half the buildings and textures, it'll be twice x-mb).

Would be good to know, as if it's not huge I'll try and get IRDF to use this island tounge2.gif

Anyway. Really good work smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Current Estimate of the 3 files requried for the island will be over 100mb, mainly due to the number of buildings and textures specific for the map.

Current status would estimate at between 15% and 25% done, although many of the buildings still need more work to take them from Beta/Alpha status.

Sorry for the Typo...

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Over 1200 mb worth of files for an island?..  I so hope thats a typo.

It honestly looks like an amazing island from the pics smile_o.gif

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