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Roc mod 3.0 now available!

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wow_o.gif  smile_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  sad_o.gif  mad_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

This pretty much covers my range of emotions since the release and unsuccessful d/load of this mod.


same here man

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Woot woot I have downloaded the mod now but now I am really tired going to bed now cause I almost fall in sleep tounge_o.gif

Keep downloading loosers biggrin_o.gif

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Finished downloading, NOW IT'S TIME TO PLAY!!! WOO HOO!!! or for the US Army guys on here hooah

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I keep getting a damn error that says Internet Explorer cannot download the link. I even right-click and save. crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

can somebody post the .torrent file.

Quote[/b] ]

Keep downloading loosers

I hope your computer gets a virrrus.  mad_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  smile_o.gif

Seriously, can somebody that has the mod upload it to ofp.cz or another site.

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22 kb/s biggrin_o.gif Only an hour to go wow_o.gif

I can't wait to try out htis mod. it looks great! good job OTW


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coming on 50kb/s up 40kb/s down

it is nice to use BitComet wink_o.gif

(would like to see if the PLA mod have same standard as this one rock.gif )

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One more hint for this mod,

Hand grenade will be rebounded when fall to the ground.

Not just stick on the ground.

Check this out if you got it.


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what IS this mod?! So many replies so soon?! Must be good?!

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Is this the one with the campaig where you could choose between four or five careers? I loved that campaign biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: And I'll have it in 4 hours, 30 minutes. By the time I get back from school! smile_o.gif

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One more hint for this mod,

Hand grenade will be rebounded when fall to the ground.

Not just stick on the ground.

Check this out if you got it.


Is there anyway you can provide a mirror just for newssites so we can download it and upload it to OFP websites. I would be glad to upload it to Flashpoint.ru, but I just can't download it at the moment... sad_o.gif

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took less than 45 minutes with BitTorrent, havent played it yet tho, still leaving Torrent uploading a while.

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Wow, it only took 37 minutes. I activated Super Seed now, whatever that is. But there's only two peers. Aren't there more people downloading?

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I'm downloading. Soon to be done. I'll leave it sharing for about two hours, then you're on your own smile_o.gif

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I tried some units in the mission editor for a quick look. One word: Perfect!

From the excellent sounds, to the bouncing grenades, to the rockets with fire behind them, to the burning buildings after being hit with a LAW, to the awsome island with lots of custom buildings, etc.. Great work! biggrin_o.gif

By the way, is the flashbang supposed to work? I tried throwing one in front of me, but only saw a small explosion.

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The flahbag just make somebody get hurt in this mod.

Surly if you throw more flashbag to someone, he will get kill.

That's the only way that we can make currently.


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Excellent work Andylee and TW, just spent the last couple of hours playing thru the single missions, theyre great, the Airhead mission is hard as, the artillery support is well needed.

Great effects all thru the mod, i love the trail launched grenades have.

i had an error show up "missing addon roc_pla.pbo" show up when i picked up a gun on the basic rifle range mission, but the mission continued. an addon dependecy mustnt of been declared.

My only gripe is the robot voices, i wouldve much prefered Taiwanese voices with english subtitles.

again, great work. hope to see more missions from OTW.

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Sounds great!

I can play Taiwan campaign again with a new excellent mod.This is one of my favorite campaign.hehe

Downloading now...can't wait.

Good work ROC Team!  biggrin_o.gif

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