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Total request addon workshop

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Hi Everybody i know its been awhile, me and my associates have made a new addon workshop with no website at the moment, but any request for any addon at the momment will be met with very good quality (scripts, animations, ect.)

Contact at: AIM screenname usmarine408

Demands met but on a feasible basis!


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new AA launchers (stinger and strella)

last thing that needs replaced in OFP is newer better ones (even if jsut better looking models and textures)

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I would get you over AIM but you seem to be offline at the moment, so I'll just post it here. How about a nice SH-3? Like this one:


Maybe with an older style one like this:


Anyway, this is the only bird I like that hasn't/isn't being made. (as far as I know.) It would be cool to have fast-rope and cargo (as in carrying zodiacs underneath etc) scripts and, if possible, a water landing script, as I've heard the SH-3 is capable of that. Or maybe it's just the Coast Guard version that can do that? Whatever.

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I'd like to see a realistic sized BMP1 and BMP2. Perhaps with betters sounds and a few scripts. The default BIS ones are to big.

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I'd like to see a realistic sized BMP1 and BMP2. Perhaps with betters sounds and a few scripts. The default BIS ones are to big.

there a couple already avaliable...check out FDF and CSLA 2 mods

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Yeah but don't they use their own Configbins? I mean you can't them except with those mods right? And certainly not FDF with CSLA?

Correct me If I'm wrong, I haven't had time to dl either of those mods yet.

I suppose if they can't do that perhaps I would then change my request to Anti personel mines. I know Chain of Command all ready has some but they require triggers to use. What I'd like to see is AP mines that work just like the BIS anti tank mines, just place and forget.

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USMarine has hereby been usurped by MSpencer. All questions may be addressed to me. I own you.

That's the scary side!

Actually, he's gonna be working with BDM now with his team. Most of those are currently on our projects list (I think much alike most of you, scary, eh?), and the Arleigh Burke, Orlan, Zodiac, and BMD/PT/BRDM packs will be coming first.

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A C-17 Globemaster III with capabilities of hauling cargo like the BAS Chinook, being able to drive up an Abrams into one of those then flying it somewhere to dropoff would be sweet. Also with some nice paratrooper scripts where the troopers jump out the side doors two at a time.

To go along with the addon, new fully animiated parachutes, from proper anims for jumping out of the plane and the canopy deploying to a proper PLF when they hit the ground.

Also having some new special cargo paradroping thingies, like in this pic. It'd be perfect for paradropping jeeps and HMMWVs out of the C-17, though I don't think that's realistic, but alwell.

A new F/A-18 pack including the C, D, E, and F models with multiple weapons on it. The F/A-18 is a multirole fighter and it meant to have more than one weapon, which I consider the main downfall of Hudson's great F/A-18s. Also getting them in sync with Hawk's Nimitz would be very nice, such as them not flipping over when you fold the wings up.

And some new pilots! East and West, for helos and planes. The BIS pilots are kinda... bland... BAS's pilots are nice but are mainly for the 160th SOAR and especially designed for attack helos, which I would like to see.

Some standard 1985 and 2004 Standard Russian Infantry. I love E&S RNI, but using them as a replacement for the BIS Russians is like using their MARPAT USMC units as standard U.S. Army units.

As mentioned above, remakes of the old BIS heavy AT weapons. Also some more modern guided weapons, I'm not sure what's used today but I think Russians use the AT-7 and I'm not sure for the U.S., and I'd assume that Russia doesn't use RPG-7s anymore so a newer standard AT rocket for them would be nice as well.

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I all ready made a request, but I also second scfan42's request for new pilots. It would be cool also to have new US tank/apc crews to compete with redhammerstudios beautiful East tank crew addon.

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Regarding pilots,

Vektorboson is going to release a new pilot complete with HGU-55 helmet and O2 mask. So far it looks very good, much better by far when compared to the standard BIS pilot. I would be prepared to use this pilot in my config to replace the pilots who fly fixed wing aircraft such as the SU25 and A10, and leave the BAS pilots for flying the helo's.

See his thread about the f117, screenshots included.

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Regarding pilots,

Vektorboson is going to release a new pilot complete with HGU-55 helmet and O2 mask. So far it looks very good, much better by far when compared to the standard BIS pilot. I would be prepared to use this pilot in my config to replace the pilots who fly fixed wing aircraft such as the SU25 and A10, and leave the BAS pilots for flying the helo's.

See his thread about the f117, screenshots included.

exactly what i plan on doing for my config/mod too smile_o.gif

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SH2 & SH3 choppers would go well with your Arleigh Burke as well as any other naval based US stuff (I remember seeing OHP frigate in works).

Also, C5 or C17 with transport capabilities as mentioned above would be very useful.

My personal request is AH64D, one up to BAS standards. I know there's one in BOH mod, but I'd like to have it as a standalone addon, equiped with full range of weapons (not just Hydras and Hellfires). Maybe you could ask BOH mod authors to donate their project, cause it's quite good, it just needs tweaking here and there.

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Grendel at OFPEC has posted a flak script. It's very nice to see.

Maybe you can adapt it to the 'Arleig Burke', to simulate the

Phalanx. Just a thought. As for the BRDM pack: have you the intention

of making a Gaskin or a AT variant ?

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Starting to notice a pattern here...its either US or Russian addons everyone wants!! why not go 4 sumthing that hasnt yet been released ie british units (even tho PUKF is doin a fine job)...US units are getting done to death lets have a change here!!

request 1: British Apache attack Helo (WAH64 I believe may b wrong tho)

request 2: Warrior APC

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- A new F14 Tomcat

- New buildings to place on maps from all over the world

- Cargo planes and MI17, MI8 and MI24 choppers (like mentioned before)

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- A new F14 Tomcat

- New buildings to place on maps from all over the world

- Cargo planes and MI17, MI8 and MI24 choppers (like mentioned before)

I may be the next to sugest new MI-8, MI-17, and a new MI-24, all in a nice pack with different skins, weapon loads, and nice features, like retractable gear for the MI-24.

Ofcourse, you have the Hind A, B C and D.

Have a look to this for a chopper.


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Bloody Days is presently working on a Hind a Variant. Im not sure if we are going to be release a full pack with all the variants though cuz we don't have a lot of guys in the team. We will also be working on an Mi-8 with a few different weapon load outs, MG, rockets etc.

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A sniper rifle whit a Thermal sight like PSV13(cant remember the name).

I know that you would not be able to use the Thermal but it would be cool to run around whit.


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I got one request: Patriot SAM with EWR (Early Warning Radar)

and a whole new Hind Mil-24, the one in OPF is too short and a bad texture.

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No way will I ever touch anything british. There's no way in the world I'm getting NEAR that.

I'm tired of people whining and saying "When will you release british units...", my god, everyone who has done it has quit. I'm tired of the moaning and flaming over a damned addon which is being made already! Gahhh!!!

For the Phalanx, I'm thinking more along the lines of Hawk's, but not explosive.

PAC3/2/1 is already being made by someone else. Yell at jakerod, I put a stinger on the list, he said no, I put a PAC3 on the list, he said no.

F14 is being made already, sorry.

Thermal sights aren't possible in OFP, and I know you know that, so why should we model it?

Mi17s... pff...

Mi8s... yeah we're making them.

Mi24s, yeah we're doing them too, but no C/Ds yet.

BRDMs, yes, but one problem, last time I checked the BRDM was wheeled, so it won't be guided. We might try to do a workaround like WGL and make it wireguided.

We'll do what we can with the apache, not sure if we can touch that.

An ubergunship hind is a good idea, but it might be a bit ungainly for our purposes. I'll do my best to get it on the list.

EWR is a must. I'd like it in CTI personally. Instead of some undestroyable uberupgrade, you have an AWACS flying above which CAN be shot down. Same goes for a land control JSTARS system. A 737 and 707 are both on our list, so we might fit in JSTARS variants. Keep in mind, this is immense planning ahead and speculation.

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I think a nice pack to match HYK US soldiers would be great. Should just have new russian soldiers from `85 and `2003 and some spec nacz.Maybe you could even use the BOH mod excelent model.

All in all I`m one of the guys who are almost satisfied with the amount of addons OF has and just waits for a few more WIP to be released and then I`ll only be intrested in new campaigns and missions.

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Also, C5 or C17 with transport capabilities as mentioned above would be very useful.

A C-5 would be nice, but a problem with it is that an Abrams can't be driven up onto a C-5 due to clearance on the ramp or something, but a C-17 was designed to have an Abrams drive up into the cargo.

Also, a Russian equivilent to a C-17 that can carry T-80s/T-90s/Black Eagles would also be sweet.

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Regarding the MANPADS.

Any high quality US, UK, or Russian MANPAD should be designed so it has a closing rate which is realistic and that it tracks and seeks the aircraft, not just hit and miss like most missile attacks against aircraft in OFP.

The BKM SA-11 is an excellent example of how the missile should close on the target.

An aircraft with a speed of 900 km/h should be able to easily outrun most to all manpads fired at the side or the rear of the aircraft.

An aircraft without Countermeasures would have to perform a high G turn in order to evade a manpad hit.

Also, MANPAD warhead strength should be at LEAST 40% weaker than standard BIS MANPADS.

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