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Martins dc-3 is ready to download!

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Apart from the naval infantry i can see someone else who is also enjoying the planes small dirty toilet tounge_o.gif .

It flys like a angel and with some decent altitude we can turn off the engines and stay up there for quite a bit before turning them on again or crashing and burning. I even feel bad when i crash such a nice looking addon.

No performance drop noticed, i dont know how it is possible to have such a nice big model with outstanding detailed exterior and interior, really has ive seen other models that dont look so good but cause low fps when we look/aim directly at them.

Big thanks to Martin for this great gift, this plane definetly deserves some quality missions smile_o.gif .

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Good one.

I am a modem user, and cannot get it in one second, but screens are cool etc.)) Martin is a real master.

All russian ofp-community awaited this addon very high.

Thank you.

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Just bloody brillliant! wow_o.gif

All that hard work has produced a fantastic piece of kit.

Well done. smile_o.gif

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Beautiful addon... but I really hope someone makes a decent C-47 from it. I always see all these screenshots of C-47's but aside from that really old one released a long time ago (which won't turn and is barely usable as it crashes into mountains half the time) nobody seems to be interested in releasing a decent C-47 that actually flies ok. Since Martin seems to have made a perfect one, I hope he or someone else modifies it into a C-47 if it's close enough.

Anyways, great work Martin! You rock!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Beautiful addon... but I really hope someone makes a decent C-47 from it.  I always see all these screenshots of C-47's but aside from that really old one released a long time ago (which won't turn and is barely usable as it crashes into mountains half the time) nobody seems to be interested in releasing a decent C-47 that actually flies ok.  Since Martin seems to have made a perfect one, I hope he or someone else modifies it into a C-47 if it's close enough.  

Anyways, great work Martin!  You rock!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

yea when he used to have forums he mentioned that in teh final version he is gonna make a C47 too

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Beautiful addon... but I really hope someone makes a decent C-47 from it.  I always see all these screenshots of C-47's but aside from that really old one released a long time ago (which won't turn and is barely usable as it crashes into mountains half the time) nobody seems to be interested in releasing a decent C-47 that actually flies ok.  Since Martin seems to have made a perfect one, I hope he or someone else modifies it into a C-47 if it's close enough.  

Anyways, great work Martin!  You rock!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I44 has a C-47

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Yes that's the old one I'm talking about that doesn't turn when flying and that crashes into mountains... that is unless they have a new one that they haven't released yet. If so, I sure hope they release it soon.

If not I guess for now, mission makers will just have to work around the old version. But if indeed Martin is working on a WWII version of this beautiful DC-3 addon then that is very exciting news.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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this beast is lovely, one of the best

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The attention to detail is incredible, absolutly incredible.

You really have outdone yourself. The model is flawless. Everything about it is perfect. About the only thing the addon lacks is working instrumentation, and a tweak in the handling characteristics for human pilots.

But for a beta, bloody hell, it kicks the crap out of what others would deem a final.

Well done Martin.

Very well done.

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But for a beta, bloody hell, it kicks the crap out of what others would deem a final.

Well put!

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Cheers Martin, another quality add on. This aircraft had been on my 'add-on wish list' for a while, and finally I have one to use, and the detail is incredible!

I was wondering would it be possible in any future updates, that it could be made possible for users to add their own decals/logos to the aircraft to create their own airline company?

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Wow so there's no performance decrease?! If so then this means that the door to FS2K4 quality aircraft skins is wide open ! smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifunclesam.gif

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Wow so there's no performance decrease?! If so then this means that the door to FS2K4 quality aircraft skins is wide open ! smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif  unclesam.gif

No slowdowns/fps loss noted at 1240x1024x32 plus 2x antialising and AF. Amazing has such incredible addon runs so well. Just noticed that if we place one flying in the editor, switch engine off without touching the mouse or any direction keys it stays up there for quite some time.

I still cant believe this is still OPF, oustanding plane, would be great to hear someone would give this addon a proper good mission smile_o.gif .

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Lovely work Martin!! The detail on this aircraft is amazing, really amazing. And someone really had a bad stomach when visiting the aircraft toilet, perhaps caused by the airline food? tounge_o.gif

As stated very nice work! Can we look forward to seeing more versions? Like a cargo version to ship drugs from Tonal? That would be swell wouldn't it?

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Yowzers! Great Plane! BTW; Martins Air Charter used too exsist for real in holland, Now its called....(hey wait a minute!) Martinair.

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Wow so there's no performance decrease?! If so then this means that the door to FS2K4 quality aircraft skins is wide open ! smile_o.gif  smile_o.gif  unclesam.gif

No slowdowns/fps loss noted at 1240x1024x32 plus 2x antialising and AF. Amazing has such incredible addon runs so well. Just noticed that if we place one flying in the editor, switch engine off without touching the mouse or any direction keys it stays up there for quite some time.

I still cant believe this is still OPF, oustanding plane, would be great to hear someone would give this addon a proper good mission smile_o.gif .

I'm working on a mission right now...  You're part of a South African Mercenary team from the corporation "Executive Outcomes" sent in to help the Tonal government troops bring stability by defeating the Rebel army and militia groups.  



You begin in the DC-3 making an approach to the Tonal International Airport.  As you approach your are welcomed by the rebels who are situated at the end of the runway with AA RPG-7's and experience a terrifying landing as RPG's woosh pash and explode overhead and around the aircraft.  Assuming your survive the landing (90% of the time you do) you go get a ride in a civilian Bell helicopter (one of Martin's) to the airport on the far West of the island (its actually on an a small island itself) where the government has a headquarters for its counter-insurgency in Western Tonal.

Teaming up with the Government troops, you are briefed of the situation.  Apparently one of the government garrisons has been under heavy attack and on your first day on the job, you and your poorly trained troops are needed to act as a rapid reaction force to try and keep the garrison from being overrun.   So you then board a government Mi-8 with a Mi-24 gunship escort and head off into combat.....   with some surprises.  smile_o.gif

How the mission ends I'm not sure yet.... still working on that.

smile_o.gif   I'm also going to see if I can script the DC-3 to drop off ammo crates for you and the troops via parachute.  

On a minor note... I notice that for some reason AA guns don't fire at the DC-3.   AA missile crews fire at it, but not the guns.  This may be perhaps because the armor values are too high??   I hope Martin corrects this.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Cool!  Nice pic!!!  One thing I wish is that someone would fix up some of those older airliner addons.  I believe there was a 747 and some type of Airbus addon awhile back... but if I remember correctly they were very buggy.  But I for OFP Martin's DC-3 is perfect especially for that Tonal map and many other nastly little third world conflict missions/maps.

Vit is making a Russian cargo plane so hopefully soon we'll also have something for those Ukranian mercs that serve as a "Rent-A-Airforce" for many African countries.  

Here's a good link to one of the merc crews in Sierra Leone.  I have a friend working down there who has met this crew.   They're a crazy bunch.






Where there's diamonds, oil, or drugs, you will usually find mercenaries.

Here's a cool pic I found on DC-3's in Africa.  It's actually a stamp celebrating the 50th anniversary of DC-3's flying in South Africa.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Get the AI to land it on the Sandy Rocks Island and see what happens.

Shame as I wanted to simulate a hijacking and rescue mission.

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I really hope someone makes a decent C-47 from it.

Take a look at martins page.

Next project is the C-47.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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