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Ecp released!

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what do I have to change in the config if I want the BAS choppers to use vectorboson's chopper dust (I set it as default)?

There was something about exempt some classes, so I think it should be possible to "unexempt" the BAS choppers, isn't it like that?

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I played a bunch of missions with this AI Addon 1.05 from mapfact and none of them broke.

PS. Could some of the other effects be implemented in ECP? E.g. soldiers recognize dead soldiers from their side and call reinforcements, or when they hear gunshots they come to your directions to check what happend?

I just asked Kriegerdaemon from Mapfact if it was ok to use parts of his script in ECP and he gave his permission. You can get it from his site.

Yay KI AI addon is also very good, that one combined/improved with Group Link II 1.54 (author Keycat , http://keycat.no-ip.com/files/Group_Link_II_155.zip ) should give close to realistic thinking AI smile_o.gif. (Now only how modify this react on dynamic ECP weather).

But there should be done some adjustments, like if standalone soldier see player or dead corpse, he can start scream enemy enemy, but if his comrades are too far he will need run for reinforcements (to tell them he saw something ...) or he engage player (this should depends on situation) or he simple hide and waits for best moment to kill player smile_o.gif ... AI also should act more panic (disorientation, fear) when e.g. novice squadron get suddently attacked by enemy.

Also if vehicles are non critically damaged and AI is aware of repair cache in surrounding area, they will try reach it instead of sacrify own lives in damaged vehicle (especially when main gun is inoperable). Also AI should not stand up when under fire (except panic fear attempts), but keep low and hiding.

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Cover fire!!! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

It would be also very nice, if AI reacted to suppresive fire.

There's a bunch of extremly good ideas in the posts above, I'd love somebody to implement all of them in ECP. If not, it's good suggestion for BIS what to FIX in OFP2.

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THANKS for the INQ+DR combo ECP config!!! Ive been waiting for someone to put this together, and it works a treat!

...well -almost- as, for me at least, the AK47 does not seem to use Inquisitors AK47, but rather the standard BIS model. All other weapons seem to be fine except for this one, can anyone else confirm this, or is it just some oddity with my system?

Quickest way to test is just to open the editor and place a standard Resistance soldier on the map and check out his wepaon...



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As soon as Acecombat will upload the file you will nee to download version 1.1 of the ECP_1057_DR_INQ config file.

fixed: Now resistance units use INQ weapons.

added: new sound for smoke shell, beeping sound for time bomb (both from INQ)

Known bugs: the desert resistance medic still carries the ak47CZ from BIS, can't help about it!

The sniper (hunter) resistance soldier carries the Mac-10 from INQ but uses the sounds of the Tokarev pistol. Can't help about 'cause didn't find the unit in the config. If somebody knows about it, tell me, I would change the Ingram to a CZ75 which fits better.

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Are there plans to make AI use and react to suppressive fire?

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Oops sorry forgot to tell you all the files the same as before therefore the links remain same , i overwrote the previous one get it where i posted it a few pages back wink_o.gif

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About 15 of us tested 1.057 on the OGN server. It caused an incredible drop to framerate for all players even while nothing was happening. Seems it is using a lot of CPU.

I am cancelling our BETA testing of ECP at this point, I am a bit disappointed in the lack of MP testing or the lack of efforts in making this suitable for MP.

Good luck with ECP.. i'm not sure why you would focus on making it do amazing things in singleplayer... but then I really never did understand why anything in singleplayer mattered. sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]...but then I really never did understand why anything in singleplayer mattered.

Perhaps because it's fun rock.gif ? Also, anyone can play SP, MP is limited to people with fast connections crazy_o.gif .

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No offense, but I'm pretty sick and tired of "mp this, mp that." Thank god someone finally does something to enhance the sp aspect of ofp. Mp may be fun if you have a good 3 hours to kill, but for the majority of total hours ever spent in OFP, I'm sure the sp aspect is the winner.

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It is fine if you enjoy playing by yourself against the computer.. I find it boring. wink_o.gif But obviously a lot of you do not and the ECP team have headed more towards SP compatability. So we'll play without ECP on OGN from now on.


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@Lt Damage

I will not be loosing any sleep over your negative comments. Again.

Quote[/b] ]It caused an incredible drop to framerate for all players even while nothing was happening. Seems it is using a lot of CPU.

'Effects' are local to clients and can be turned down via either the settings dialog or the settings files. There is more to life than MP play, however the real challenge is making a mod like the ECP compatible for all. I believe that to this point we have done the best we can. There are certain performance issues and these will be addressed in future updates. I think most would agree that we have been steadily improving.

Quote[/b] ]i'm not sure why you would focus on making it do amazing things in singleplayer

We haven't. Everything it does in SP works in MP.

Quote[/b] ]I am cancelling our BETA testing of ECP at this point, I am a bit disappointed in the lack of MP testing or the lack of efforts in making this suitable for MP.

We spend countless hours building something that you can use for free, and you are 'disappointed' at the lack of effort? Give yourself an uppercut.

Quote[/b] ]So we'll play without ECP on OGN from now on

This is the worlds smallest violin... playing just for you biggrin_o.gif

LOL don't forget the big 'BETA' sign hangin on the door at the ECP page. eventually you will be using ECP again.

Thanks to the rest of the community who have been nothing but supportive of what we are trying to do, it is the positive comments that keep us going. smile_o.gif

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I for one am very grateful for ECP. I've only had it on for a few days and the ability to incorporate it in the aircraft for the Falklands mod is saving me a lot of time. Thank you Snyper and Co.

BTW I've never played MP so ECP is fine by me. biggrin_o.gif

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I am cancelling our BETA testing of ECP at this point, I am a bit disappointed in the lack of MP testing or the lack of efforts in making this suitable for MP.

Hey most of the ECP team have been working there @rse of, just to make it work! Ppl are working very hard on this, MP is very much an issue to us, it's just not easy too keep CPU cost down, while making ofp cool, and as snYpir sayz, u can always turn effects of, too cut on CPU cost!

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Yes i dont know why people keep bad mouthing SP , if it wasnt for SP there wouldnt have been enough sales of OFP all together to get it where it is today , not evryone on this earth is blessed with 1 MB connections like you Lt Damage thats why we dont play MP , along with Time problems as Ebud said SP is good for a fast game in MP you have to wait till everyones finished yeah watch me wasting my time in the lobby here some l33t speak crazy_o.gif

Thank you Snyper and Red and all at ECP team youve made my OFP expericne better even if a bit laggy tounge_o.gif , btw Lt Damages has one point right ECP has been giving me somevery low framerates i think you might wanna check out which options so CPU burdening , even with a total of 10-12 units on the empty maps its lagging ... i will test further by disabling and enabling each option.

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Sigh.. i'm sorry but you haven't tested enough for issues in MP. I know this because i'm sure if you noticed every single player getting 3 fps you would of at the very least put something on the website saying this version makes MP very laggy. It would not of taken extensive testing because it happens every single game as soon as the game starts.

And I will clarify, it is not about "turning effects down" we all run quite fast computers we know when the effects are a bit much. What I am talking about is as soon as the mission is started with ECP, without any action at all we get very low frame rate.

Now it is impossible not to pick this up if any MP testing was done, so that is why i am disappointed, not because I paid for this product and it's not doing what i want, but because you guys started off with something really good and i enjoyed it, and unfortunately for us MP guys each release has made it more and more unusable for MP. (Including the version that crashed every single player for days and we had no games running at all).

I think you guys are doing a great job, freshening up OFP and I can see a lot of you are quite bitter and protective as soon as someone says anything bad about it but the reality is, as Acecombat said, it has incredible performance problems which you haven't looked into before releasing it, and if the answer is "just turn the settings off" well whats the point of it then?

Anyway I've had my say, a few of the more adept scripters among us are going to rip ECP apart and cut it down for MP, using one of the earlier more MP friendly releases so all is not lost. biggrin_o.gif And your one can continue making amazing new things in singleplayer mode.


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Lt_damage, did u made some detailed report to ECP team regarding You MP issues ?

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hey guys, i have some probs... cant start the CWC campaign with ECP, just get a wierd CTD, no error or anything... just CTD.

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It is written in readme that i must run ECP under 1.94 or higher. Which version r u using?

BTW, i cant run CWC under 1.75 or higher, because AI behaviour becomes too strange wink_o.gif

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It is written in readme that i must run ECP under 1.94 or higher. Which version r u using?

BTW, i cant run CWC under 1.75 or higher, because AI behaviour becomes too strange wink_o.gif

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What I am talking about is as soon as the mission is started with ECP, without any action at all we get very low frame rate.

That's quite correct. And the good part is, it has been stated by the ECP team. I can't recall where exactely (in this topic IIRC), but it has been stated clearly that at the beginning of a mission the lag can get tremendous because all the scripts need to be started, checks need to be run etc.

I have been hosting MP mission for quite some time on my feeble 128/768 con, and have indeed experienced drastic drops in framerate at the beginning of the map. After that, things were running as smoothly as ever.

I have to admit though that I haven't tested it with as many players as Lt. Damage has. I will try to write up a report as soon as me and my chums have tested MP ECP with larger amounts of players.

As to the matter of validity of SP efforts, I cannot believe these are even called into question. SP is what made this game great, and there are tons of things you cannot do in MP that are possible in SP, for example any simulations of large scale military situations. I think that the FDF campaign is the best example. Try doing that in MP:)



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