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Ecp released!

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hmm I dont know if its a bug or not tough but....

when I ply a mission and press ESC --> ECP setings and turn on expl simulations and then OK  then if I open the option again its disabled  rock.gif  rock.gif  bug ?

EDIT: happend if I open it a little time after I have selected it On, OR ir I restart the mission  rock.gif  crazy_o.gif   same with some other "options" like expl size or something. after I select it "jumps" back to default  rock.gif  rock.gif

I've noticed this too. Changing ECP settings in-game from the menu doesn't seem to save them and they revert back to default as soon as you click OK. sad_o.gif

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What happens if a mod has similar effects, but not all of them, coded into their addons, and you use ECP together with it? (Will the effects somehow be combined in-game, or are some effects overriding the other effects, or what?)

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@Munger: In the new version I am running now (new version) it works fine with no problems, though I am sure the version you have should work.

@iNeo: If a mod has similar effects, their effects will be taken in preference to the ECP effects. If the mod uses the ECP eventhandler standard then the ECP eventhandlers will be used instead (only when ECP is running).


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I just noticed something odd in your scripts:


this shuffles an array every time an explosion sound is needed and this line runs on it:

_boom_sound = ECP_explo_sound_array call ECP_explo_shuffle select 0

why not instead replace it by this:

_boom_sound = ECP_explo_sound_array select random((count ECP_explo_sound_array)-0.5)

I'm not trying to be a bastige, but I have just started looking at the ECP project more closely and for personal use I'll change those lines. smile_o.gif

Actually I wanted to mod the explosion effects for satchels, any info would be appreciated as it may save some time. smile_o.gif

EDIT: You do this shuffle thing in many places... it's not neccesary AFAIK unless you are unable to pass a variable somewhere

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If you want to add effects to the satchels, you could use the script I made a while ago for this purpose (but was removed from the ECP)

Put Large_explosion.sqs in the explosion folder:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; GRM script modified by RED

_unit = _this select 0

_ammo = _this select 4

_bomb = nearestobject [_unit,_ammo]

_bombpos = getpos _bomb

_logic = "logic" createvehicle _bombpos

_logic setpos _bombpos

_compare = _logic distance _bomb



_newnear = nearestobject [_logic,_ammo]

?(_logic distance _newnear) != _compare: goto "bang"

goto "loop"


_spot = _bombpos

_x = _spot select 0

_y = _spot select 1

_k = 0

_sx = _x

_sy = _y


? ECP_explosion_dust : [_logic] exec format["%1explosions\large_explosion_dust.sqs",ECP_path]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 10,random 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 10,random 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 10,random 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 10,random 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 0,random 10-10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 0,random 10-10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 0,random 10-10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[10-random 0,random 10-10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-random 10, 10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-10, -10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-10, -10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround2" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-10, -10-random 10,10+random 5]

_rep1 = "FxExploGround1" createVehicle [_sx,_sy,0+ random 3]

_rep1 setvelocity[-10, -10-random 10,10+random 5]


_velch=random 1.00

_c = 30

_step = 360 / _c


_vel0 = [sin(_i * _step)*(2.5-_velch), cos(_i * _step)*(2.5-_velch),3-random 1]

drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 2.95+random 0.85, [0, 0, 2.75], _vel0, 1, 0.42, 0.384, 0.1, [1+random 4,12+random 18], [[0,0,0,0.1], [0,0,0,0.4], [0,0,0,0.3], [0,0,0,0]], [0,1,0], 0.5, 0.35, "", "", _object]

drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 2.95+random 0.85, [0, 0, 2.75], _vel0, 1, 0.42, 0.384, 0.1, [1+random 4,11+random 19], [[0.8,0.8,0.8,0.1], [0.75,0.75,0.75,0.4], [0.7,0.7,0.7,0.3], [1,1,1,0]], [0,1,0], 0.5, 0.35, "", "", _object]

_i = _i + 1

?_i < _c: goto "Exp2"

And large_explosion_dust.sqs:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;core script written by Babalon

;modified by Goldmember

_object = _this select 0

_redisty = 0

_radius1 = 3+random 2

_radius2 = 3+random 2

_i = 0

_speed = 6


_xs = sin _i

_ys = cos _i

drop ["cl_basic" , "" , "Billboard" , 1 , 3.5 , [(_xs * _radius1), _redisty + (_ys * _radius1), -0.85+random 0.3-random 0.3] , [random _speed-random _speed,random _speed-random _speed,random 1.5-random 1.5] , 1 , 1.95 , 1.55 , 0.05 , [3.5-random 1.5,7.0-random 4,6] , [[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.35],[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.30],[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.25],[0.35,0.325,0.25,0]] , [0,1,0] , 0.6 , 0.3 , "" , "" , _object]

drop ["cl_basic" , "" , "Billboard" , 1 , 3.5 , [(_xs * _radius2), _redisty + (_ys * _radius2), -0.85+random 0.3-random 0.3] , [random _speed-random _speed,random _speed-random _speed,random 1.5-random 1.5] , 1 , 1.95 , 1.55 , 0.05 , [3.5-random 1.5,7.0-random 4,6] , [[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.35],[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.30],[0.35,0.325,0.255,0.25],[0.35,0.325,0.25,0]] , [0,1,0] , 0.6 , 0.3 , "" , "" , _object]

_i = _i + 4.8

?(_i < 361): goto "wave"


You will also need to add this in the eh_fired.sqf:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

comment { Large explosions };

if (ECP_explosions_large) then


if (_unit in ECP_EH_bullet_whiz_man && (_this select 4) in ECP_explosions_large_types) then {_this exec format["%1explosions\large_explosion.sqs",ECP_path]}


Add these two variables in the database.sqs (and settings.sqs, you probably will want to put them under the explosion section):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? [ECP_explosions_large] call ECP_is_null: ECP_explosions_large = true

? [ECP_explosions_large_types] call ECP_is_null: ECP_explosions_large_types = ["PipeBomb"]

The script was never completely optimised so it is not perfect. It will be very easy for you to modify this script.

@Munger: There is no ETA on the new version yet, it shouldn't be too long though.



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Thanks a lot man! That's what I need, I already am sold on the ECP, and as long as I can trigger a script using the fired EH I can play with it's details...

At least during the holidays I get time to play with stuff like this. biggrin_o.gif

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Thanks a lot man! That's what I need, I already am sold on the ECP, and as long as I can trigger a script using the fired EH I can play with it's details...

At least during the holidays I get time to play with stuff like this. biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: Sorry about double post, something is wrong with IB at this end.

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Hello ECP folks i have a request , i just d/lded RHS T-55 tanks , and they come with their own explosions which i want to see by running ECP side by side so is there anyway i can exculde them out of your explosions effects? Like youguys did once with the BAS helos i think in the older versions of ECP.


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ECP_fire_classes_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","RHSclassname"]

ECP_explosion_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","RHSclassname"]

You will need to add the tanks class names to these two vars, then put them in the ECP settings.sqs file (you can put them anywhere) Or you could put them in an init field of a soldier:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ECP_fire_classes_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","RHSclassname"]; ECP_explosion_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","RHSclassname"]


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Thanks a lot Red just what i needed to hear so now i wll be able to view RHS native explos right? smile_o.gif

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I haven't tried the RHS addons yet, but yes I would say you will be able to see them.


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Yes, just put the parachute classes in the exempt arrays. This will be done by defualt in the next release smile_o.gif


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Will the RHS explosions be added by default as well?

Looking forward to the next update. smile_o.gif

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I haven't downloaded the RHS addons yet, I am not sure if any other ECP member has either. We will get back to you.


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Getting back to that exempting RHS classes.

If i add multiple classnames will it still work or not?


Quote[/b] ]ECP_fire_classes_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","RHSclassname","RHSclassname"] etc etc

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You can add as many classnames as you want smile_o.gif


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Hey, how about preventing AA from seeing through smoke like they have done in FDF Mod? ...or maybe that wouldn't make it possible to play with non-EDC'ers. Crap. sad_o.gif

Edit, shit I mean AI not AA. Been playing to much AASF crazy_o.gif

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Ok got that sorted now can anyone tell me is this MOD playable along with GMR too? If i wanna use GMR and run it side by side who will operate where?  smile_o.gif

You can't run them side by side as they both make config changes, it would be pretty simple to merge them together though.


ahem.. i restate:

why only use one? why not be a greedy basterd like me. and replace the OFP configs with this one. and placing the files provided in teh folders marked. (ie: dta contents int eh dta folder) and run BOTH gmr mod and this master super duper spiffyer fantaserific config together    (back up your old ones thou JUST IN CASE  

edit: i did this cuz i was NOT giving up my GMR mod. Goldmember is a god and his godly work must remain on my PC  

so yes.. they CAN be run together.. never ever ever say they cant.. cuz if u say they cant.. that jsut means ur not trying hard enough  smile_o.gif

i am currently running the following Simotaniously with no problems:

INQ Weapons (replace default BIS)


Dynamic Range Soundpack

GMR Explosion Mod (flamer)

Enhanced Configuration Project

@Pappy Boington

Can you please explain exactly how you managed to run all them together?

which one are in mod folders, which config do you use and where is it placed?

I am trying to run this: ECP (with DR and JAM2 plugins) and INQ weapon pack but it does'nt work together.

Please help!

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I am running ECP only and hope ECP and GMR MERGE togther and that GMR shuts down his individual MOD or make it in such a way that his updates , update my ECP mod too.


By me it´s the other way around. I use GMR only and hope that ECP is gonna be merged into it.

I know that ECP (the idea) was born before GMR and maybe GMR is just a wannabe super config....but GMR deserves more gratitude than ECP imo. Think about it, w/o Goldmember we hadn´t had these nice effects at all...he released his cool mod and improved it to the wishes of the community (which works great imo) while the super config team just disappeared and did their own thing sad_o.gif

i don´t say that you ecp guys do not care about the community, i´m sure that all ideas from the super config thread were taken into consideration, but GM did better, he gave us something to play with  wink_o.gif

*not meant to offend ECP team, i really appreciate your work for this mod even if it does not sound like this*

The ECP won't be shutting down just yet, don't get your hopes up smile_o.gif In the future we probably will be merging in some form or the other, but not quite yet.

@Acecombat: We will be doing something bigger and better with explosions soon, if you wait a week or two you will see smile_o.gif I will probably do a INQ version of the ECP for you, I am suffering from an OFP burnout at the moment though sad_o.gif



Please make config file that allows to use the DR plug ins AND INQ Weapon Pack plug ins.

That would make ECP nearly perfect!!

Please help, I'm struggling to get ECP DR and INQ to run at the same time but only ECP with DR works. I'm really missing INQ weapons!

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Ok got that sorted now can anyone tell me is this MOD playable along with GMR too? If i wanna use GMR and run it side by side who will operate where?  smile_o.gif

You can't run them side by side as they both make config changes, it would be pretty simple to merge them together though.


ahem.. i restate:

why only use one? why not be a greedy basterd like me. and replace the OFP configs with this one. and placing the files provided in teh folders marked. (ie: dta contents int eh dta folder) and run BOTH gmr mod and this master super duper spiffyer fantaserific config together    (back up your old ones thou JUST IN CASE  

edit: i did this cuz i was NOT giving up my GMR mod. Goldmember is a god and his godly work must remain on my PC  

so yes.. they CAN be run together.. never ever ever say they cant.. cuz if u say they cant.. that jsut means ur not trying hard enough  smile_o.gif

i am currently running the following Simotaniously with no problems:

INQ Weapons (replace default BIS)


Dynamic Range Soundpack

GMR Explosion Mod (flamer)

Enhanced Configuration Project

@Pappy Boington

Can you please explain exactly how you managed to run all them together?

which one are in mod folders, which config do you use and where is it placed?

I am trying to run this: ECP (with DR and JAM2 plugins) and INQ weapon pack but it does'nt work together.

Please help!

Dude this doesnt work i have tried it , all it does is that it retains some effects of GMR somehow while playing with ECP too but not all of them , maybe its because of the way OFP loads these Mods one after the other ? rock.gif

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Yes you're right I tried it out. (once ECP before GMR in the line then GMR before ECP, then ECP before INQ and GMR and then GMR before ECP and INQ, then INQ before ECP and GMR in the command line, and so on...)

But it doesnt work together. For me I dont need GMR as ECP is now quite good. The only thing I need is INQ weapons pack.

I found a config by quiet_man some post before, downloaded it and tried it out. The weapons work so far but without the INQ sounds and without the pics in the briefing book. Maybe I try to complete this config that quite_man began. I am a little disappointed that ECP does offer DR and INQ as plug-ins but does not offer the config to run all the 3 together. So everyone has to work on his config - and that's but ECP was supposed to solve. I mean if Goldmember is capable of creating configs for GMR, DR and INQ then why ECP is not capable or willing of doing this?

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You can add as many classnames as you want smile_o.gif


Sorry but i get errors when i add all th classnames sad_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

ECP_fire_classes_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","SIG_T55AM2","SIG_T54","SIG_T54d","SIG_T54w","SIG_T55Aw","SIG_T55AM2w","SIG_Ty59","SIG_Ty69II","SIG_T55Agdr","SIG_Ty69IId","SIG_T55dBC","SIG_T55d","SIG_T55Awgdr","SIG_T54R","SIG_Ty59R","SIG_Ty69IIR","SIG_T54dR","SIG_T54wR","SIG_Ty59ExpR,"SIG_Ty69IIExpR","SIG_T55AgdrR","SIG_Ty69IIdR","SIG_T55dBCR","SIG_T55dR","SIG_T55AwgdrR","SIG_T54wrck","SIG_T55wrck","SIG_T55WrckD"]

ECP_explosion_exempt = ["M2StaticMG","SIG_T55AM2","SIG_T54","SIG_T54d","SIG_T54w","SIG_T55Aw","SIG_T55AM2w","SIG_Ty59","SIG_Ty69II","SIG_T55Agdr","SIG_Ty69IId","SIG_T55dBC","SIG_T55d","SIG_T55Awgdr","SIG_T54R","SIG_Ty59R","SIG_Ty69IIR","SIG_T54dR","SIG_T54wR","SIG_Ty59ExpR,"SIG_Ty69IIExpR","SIG_T55AgdrR","SIG_Ty69IIdR","SIG_T55dBCR","SIG_T55dR","SIG_T55AwgdrR","SIG_T54wrck","SIG_T55wrck","SIG_T55WrckD"]

Thats what i have in ym ECP settings....

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