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Bas tonal-tango pack

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b/c the victory conditions do not trigger.

now they do with 1.94. It was a OFP saving error of killed eventhandelrs I think.

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Hmm Cassie did you make the sound tracks for BAS isle?

One question i really wanted to ask was why did you use Quotes from the Quran in the song?  rock.gif

What's wrong with using quotes from the Quran in music?  

Sure, most people here don't understand it (unless they're Muslim), but it sounds very beautiful.   I imagine that the simplest explanation is that almost all the samples of Arabic singing that you can find on the net are almost entirely of verses of the Quoran being sung.  

The only other stuff that I ever run across is occassionally some Rumi poetry being sung in Turkish.... but that has a different sound then most Arabic styles of singing.  

I know some Muslims are completely against the words of the Quoran being put to music, but I would challenge them to find a verse in the Quoran that states specifically that the words can not be put to music.  

Anyways, I like how Cassie used the Arabic samples.  It adds alot more atmosphere to the music and the game I think.

I just wish there were more African drum rhythms in the music.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

No that wasnt my point i just wanted to know whether she put it in deliberately or just thought of it as normal arabic.

Arabic songs are a different thing and Quran being 'Recited' is a different thing perhaps you didnt knew that so i'll give you the benefit of doubt on that.

And yes Quran being used in songs is not a likeable thing , BUT its due to reasons if the song is full of reason nice and promotes something nice and peaceful its ok but if it turn out to be vulgar like we usually see such songs with nothing but the word **** in it ( i guess you understand?) then its wrong.

Offtopic though so sorry.

Yes, of coarse I know the difference between the Quran recitations and regular Arabic music. I was born in Iran, lived in Saudi Arabia as child, and have lived in Indonesia. Currently I'm studying cultural anthropology with emphasis on Middle Eastern cultures.

While I know the difference between Quran recitations and regular Arabic singing, I hear bits and pieces of the Quran thrown into even Arabic pop music all the time.

But I agree that using it in vulgar music is bad but I didn't hear any bad words or anything particularly vulgar in Cassie's music.

To me it just seems to have been used in order to give the missions more atmosphere and bit more of a cultural context even if it's not exactly African music.

Anyways I think it sounds nice and I'm sure isn't meant to be disrespectful to Muslims.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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now that's good concealment ;)

Someone who can't post here has found that bug...

It seems that as far as he has tested it only happens with some white buildings.

first image, t80 and 1.94beta, second one, t72 and 1.92beta

we did a long search thru the forums and bug report page to see if it had been reported already, i hope it's not a repeat...

I know you know there are general lod issues (readme file)but i dont know if all are documented so i posted this one just in case.

edit : seems that the bug report page is down ...

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@ Oct. 12 2003,05:45)]edit : seems that the bug report page is down ...

Thanks for the report Lupus...

And yes, pretty much the whole site is down, as our host, who claimed "unlimited bandwidth" does not offer "unlimited bandwidth" and has clamped our site's bandwidth.

I suppose its understandable, but until we resolve this issue, the site is a wee bit crippled... sad_o.gif

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Guest jacobaby
To me it just seems to have been used in order to give the missions more atmosphere and bit more of a cultural context even if it's not exactly African music.  

Anyways I think it sounds nice and I'm sure isn't meant to be disrespectful to Muslims.

Islam has a major footing in african countries, and is in no way limited to arabic culture.

as you well know Chris biggrin_o.gif

For the others


Oh btw, come grab a game over at my place, were all using ventrilo, and the Ranger was in fine form last night, singing "Self preservation society" as he zig zagged down the hill in his usual gung ho stylee. Most of us couldnt shoot for laughing.


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I was impersonating a South african drug lord in Ixtian when i found this telephone pole in the middle of the street , it blocked my Lincolns way so obviously Nagual its gotta go back tounge_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Anyways, I like how Cassie used the Arabic samples.  It adds alot more atmosphere to the music and the game I think.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I agree, theres plenty of muslim singers singing verses off the Quran , but above all: the sound track is really good (love that Survival track wink_o.gif ) in fact, all the new Tonal/African sounds are an excellent adition to the whole of OFP smile_o.gif

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Bonko, that isn't a bug with the Chinook... you just pushed the chopper a little too hard, and caused a ripple in the Space Time Continuum... unless that is the Army's new Helo Urban camouflage, used to quickly hide from fighter aircraft. biggrin_o.gif

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Tonal-Tango Patch 1


Tonal-Tango Pack Patch 1

by Ballistic Addon Studios, 2003


09 October 2003





Addons :

The Island anim Folder must be placed in Res\Addons\ folder (not everyone has normal addons folder). Overwrite the old file with new one:

* BAS_Isle_Anim - BAS_IsleScene3.BAS_I1

Changes -

* Su25 hitting tree in isle anim fixed.


Single Missions :

Place the updated mission in your Tonal Folder in Missions\Tonal or Missions\Ballistic\Tonal folder:

* BAS_Isle_RebelRoad_v1.1.bas_i2.pbo

Changes -

* Fixed AK74Hd.sqs bug


Campaign :

Overwrite the old campaign pbo with the new file (file name can't be changed to reflect version):

* Insurgency_01.pbo

Changes -

* Non HD magazine for playable Scouts and briefing.

* Ammo dump mission bugs fixed.

* Fade to black on SP KIA fixed.

* Zinaba obectives fixed.

* Missing sound in Holiday fixed.

* Area CAS bug fixed (although not needed).

* Missing addon Su25 in Internal Conflict fixed.

* Weapons available in SP breifing.

* Warpath mission ending early fixed.


MP Missions :

Delete the old files and add the new ones to MPmissions folder:

* co@ 5 scoutpatrol v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 14 closetohome v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 16 militiadump v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 20 internalconflict v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 5 zinaba v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 11 warpath v1.1.bas_i1.pbo

* co@ 17 holiday v1.1.bas_i2.pbo

* co@ 17 rebelroad v1.1.bas_i2.pbo

Changes -

Same as SP.

NOTE: CAS is untested in MP, and most likey will not work in MP (it was added to make SP easier).


Maybe another small patch soon for the addon files, no idea when.

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thanks Nagual it's far better now. I like you missions very much. (although I fought trough the campaign with HD mags and now it's easier hehe)

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The Jungle Op MP mission still doesn't work sad_o.gif

Still missing script Camera.sqs sad_o.gif

Otherwise nice work, Nagual.

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I think you'll find the Jungle Op mission wasn't revised; when I compared the files in my MP folder that were to be updated with the new patch, I noted that there wasn't a new version of that one (ie 9 old missions replaced by 8 new ones).

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Yes, i know. It's still v1.0. Maybe i should have formulated this different, but i actually i alt+tabbed out of the game to type this so i don't forget it and was in a hurry to get back in, players waiting and stuff wink_o.gif

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hmmm... although now I can't seem to get the BAS SOAR pilots to work.

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hmmm... although now I can't seem to get the BAS SOAR pilots to work.

what you mean rock.gif

"cant get to work"

is the problem started with 1.94 rock.gif

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never mind my bad.

I had installed OFPWatch and had it grab some addons. Somehow it wrote over my earlier BAS_SOARpilots stuff.

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I can't figure out what the (AP) means? Anti-personel? Armor-piercing? I noticed (AA) means the AI will shoot at air targets...but the RPG doesn't lock on.

Also I was hoping you could tell us what the FLAGS are? I noticed you use "guba_vlajka.pac" for the Rebels & "\flags\usa.jpg" for the Government in team deathmatch. I was hoping for a flag like the ones on the Shilka or BMP?? How do I reference those textures? What's the name?



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AP targets people, AI will shoot them at enemy infantry and also armoured/soft targets. 'ALL' rockets target both helicopters, people and armour.

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As I have not already had a chance to do so I'd like to congratulate Cassandra, god damn..


That music is something else, can I have permission to burn it to CD and play it in my car? biggrin_o.gif


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Guest jacobaby

Please note the upgrade of the MP missions.

You should be using the v1.1 versions now, and can delete those replaced by a v1.1.

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I think this isn`t mentioned yet...but plz can you change and mix the rebel crewmembers of all vehicles?

I was using a nice camera addon and suddenly thought hmm  hey rock.gif they`re all TWINS biggrin_o.gif

I did not check the governemental crews but if you change them, you`ll notice if they are twins as well.

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