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Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

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First of all - Very much enjoying the DLC for the most part. (Except the fact you added a silly Deagle - Really? No self-respecting military would use a Deagle)

Secondly - Is there a particular area you want us to report bugs? 

My group and I are having issues with persistence in our campaign. Even though we all receive the various 'loadout saved' messages, and 'progress saved to profile' when we head back to the briefing area, whenever we reconnect, despite the vehicles, and overall progress on the map being as we left it, all our XP and loadouts are gone. This really, really kills our motivation to keep playing.

If there's a workaround I'd love to hear it. Thanks in advance! 

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this and the sahara DLC are really good, i've bought a couple other CDLC but tbh i really appreciate that you have made stuff which fits with the 2035 setting, its allows the new content to compliment the base game and i can just always leave them loaded. I haven't played arma for a long time so it was nice to come back to it with some new content.

i'm a little disapointed by the lack of a realistic marshmallow toasting simulation 😞

are there any variables to change the size/intensity of the fire module by script? i've been having a look about but not found anything so far...

Edited by lordfrith
i are spelling gud

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do we need to load a specific template to do reaction forces missions on a dedi server or just run it on normal Atlis template?

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1 hour ago, Bad Whiskey said:

do we need to load a specific template to do reaction forces missions on a dedi server or just run it on normal Atlis template?

What do you mean by specific template?

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Guys can you help,im trying to create an addaction on the cougar for animation of side doors


h3 addAction ["Open side door", {  h3 animateDoor ['door_R',1];   
h3 animateDoor ['door_L',1]}]; 
   h3 addAction ["close side door", {  h3 animateDoor ['door_R',0];   
h3 animateDoor ['door_L',0]}];

It wont recognize the door as "door_R",". or L


Could you please give me the correct naming?

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Should be door_cargo_left and door_cargo_right, you can also find it in the ingame config viewer.

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I really enjoy the new content and making my own little missions here.

I was wondering if somebody can tell me the texture path for following sign:

"Malden Fire Station District 3"

It is located infront of the entrance in "Training Day" and "Fire Season"


Thanks in advance!

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7 hours ago, lexx said:

Should be door_cargo_left and door_cargo_right, you can also find it in the ingame config viewer.

You guys even added audio to the door open and close. Brilliant. Thanks

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4 hours ago, TheKraut said:


I really enjoy the new content and making my own little missions here.

I was wondering if somebody can tell me the texture path for following sign:

"Malden Fire Station District 3"

It is located infront of the entrance in "Training Day" and "Fire Season"


Thanks in advance!

The texture path is



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good evening everyone, I love the CDLC, but I encounter a problem, when I try to lock a target with the rc-40 to be able to launch a missile from the mk41 VLS, the mk41 does not detect the laser while I see the point ir.

any ideas to help?

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2 hours ago, mad-jack-2099 said:

good evening everyone, I love the CDLC, but I encounter a problem, when I try to lock a target with the rc-40 to be able to launch a missile from the mk41 VLS, the mk41 does not detect the laser while I see the point ir.

any ideas to help?


I can only guess that the rc-40 is not equipped with a data link. Therefore it can't share the target with the launcher.

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Why is the Veles rifle only accurate at 300m
I know it's set at 300m, but if I use an MX or SPAR (that also is set at 300m) at 50m or 100m it shoots where I target it.

With the Veles you overshoot like an idiot.
Does anyone else have the same problem, or are you ignoring the rifle because of it (like me).

The HADES.. The reload animation is very nice.

BUT it's interfere with me scoping out where the bullet hits because I'm stuck in the reload animation that takes me out of my scope.
Isn't there a better way to implement it, stop auto reloading, it's not that hard to press R after every shot like you normally do when shooting a bolt action rifle.

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2 hours ago, smootch said:

Why is the Veles rifle only accurate at 300m

I'm too lazy to put up the numbers now, but it's among the most accurate rifles in game, in fact it's way more accurate than ASP-1 Kir. Which is interesting, since IIRC the real-life relation between ShAK-12 (Veles) and VKS (Kir sort of) is the opposite - VKS is the more accurate one. Veles also has "more legs" (higher muzzle velocity, flatter trajectory) than Kir allowing it to hit further targets (not sure how's that in case of RL guns).

2 hours ago, smootch said:

With the Veles you overshoot like an idiot.

Uh... not calling you an "idiot", but do you use zeroing feature? FWIW: the VRCO reticle is not calibrated to Veles' ballistics, so don't use it with that gun (not even sure which gun it fits the most, 5.56 probably). I guess that's a bit of a fail on part of Rotators, as editor-placeable units armed with Veles often have that sight on the gun. With other sights Veles is a tack-driver (of course as long as you range the target right).

2 hours ago, smootch said:

The HADES.. The reload animation is very nice.

BUT it's interfere with me scoping out where the bullet hits

Just keep your finger on the trigg... I mean left mouse button until you wanna reload.


...anyway, I wanted to report that 17 round magazines for Glock are not visible in ACE Arsenal, as opposed to regular vanilla Virtual Arsenal. I'm pretty sure that's because magazine class "17Rnd_9x19_Mag_RF" has "type = 15;" entry - all other pistol mags have "type = 16;" and replacing that entry for RF Glock 17 round magazine via external addon, made it appear normally in ACE Arsenal.

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3 hours ago, smootch said:

Why is the Veles rifle only accurate at 300m
I know it's set at 300m, but if I use an MX or SPAR (that also is set at 300m) at 50m or 100m it shoots where I target it.

With the Veles you overshoot like an idiot.
Does anyone else have the same problem, or are you ignoring the rifle because of it (like me).

The HADES.. The reload animation is very nice.

BUT it's interfere with me scoping out where the bullet hits because I'm stuck in the reload animation that takes me out of my scope.
Isn't there a better way to implement it, stop auto reloading, it's not that hard to press R after every shot like you normally do when shooting a bolt action rifle.

veles - the muzzle velocity is only about 300m/s = very slow and requires precise zeroing at more then 100m
the other ARs which uses "standard" 5.56, 6.5 etc. all have around 750-900m/s muzzle velocity

as for hades, just hold the fire button instead of just pressing it, as long as you hold it the bolting animation wont start

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4 hours ago, smootch said:

With the Veles you overshoot like an idiot.
Does anyone else have the same problem, or are you ignoring the rifle because of it (like me).


i have also noticed this, i tried in arsenal checking the bullet traces, definately seems to hit above where i'm aiming

i noticed this with various scopes, scope zeroing didnt noticably change this for me

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8 hours ago, krzychuzokecia said:

...anyway, I wanted to report that 17 round magazines for Glock are not visible in ACE Arsenal, as opposed to regular vanilla Virtual Arsenal. I'm pretty sure that's because magazine class "17Rnd_9x19_Mag_RF" has "type = 15;" entry - all other pistol mags have "type = 16;" and replacing that entry for RF Glock 17 round magazine via external addon, made it appear normally in ACE Arsenal.

This is already fixed for the patch release soon™️.

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the new heli helmets are perfect for the old go kart uniform

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Just wondering if its a bug or feature,when in an AH11(Possibly all variants) that the freelook is restricted by around 20-30% of normal . 


And some feedback: I know alot of people are asking for FFV for the cougar,i personally think it shouldnt have it. i think it should maintain some semblence of balance against the other helo's. Its armed and can hold more troops in most variants than a Huron or Mowhawk,rendering the other helicopters less appealing from a utility POV. Perhaps the unarmed variant is ok to have FFV in that case. Just some thoughts.


Now a question,is the Reaction forces CDLC going to get more additions at any point? Are you open to requests?

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I want to give a big compliment for some of the detailed care that's put in this CDLC. The original arma 3 pilot suits always looked a bit wrong to me, too big or puffy or something. The ones that are in this CDLC look so much better! I assume it is only a texture and/or rvmat adaptation, but the difference is very much noticable!

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3 hours ago, joostsidy said:

I want to give a big compliment for some of the detailed care that's put in this CDLC. The original arma 3 pilot suits always looked a bit wrong to me, too big or puffy or something. The ones that are in this CDLC look so much better! I assume it is only a texture and/or rvmat adaptation, but the difference is very much noticable!

Agreed. I would love if someday the team worked on improving original game assets suchs as the way their vehicles are customisable in the garage,and giving us a true blufor version of the kuma,strider etc. Its great to set up vehicles and choppers just how we want them.


My cougar is used on opfor and blufor in my scenario as it can look very different and take on different roles. Would love to see more love given to things lie the mowhawk,huron etc.

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My singleplayer Air Control playthrough ended on day 5 with a peculiar bug - at base I got two tasks to transport infantry, however both teams were practically standing on each-other at their starting point. After picking up first team, flying them to LZ, and coming back for second team, I couldn't see "Board" action. After reload (game saved after dropping the first team at LZ), I got a random assignment to pick-up yet another infantry team, however, after using their "Board" action, they wouldn't get into the chopper. I've also noticed that after reloading (again, I was going back to the moment when I was just after dropping first team), the side-doors on my heli wouldn't close, which they usually do after dropping infantry at LZ.


I'm not sure, but my suspicion is that somehow when I've used "Board" action when picking up team 1, it also made team 2 assigned to my heli. They couldn't get in (since heli was full with first squad), so they stayed at base - where they just sit, because they somehow don't notice that heli is empty now. And because they are assigned as cargo, other teams won't board the heli either.

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Iv noticed 2 issues with the cougar now upon more testing.


1) often a touchdown(at least one involving TR unload) causes a hard landing damaging helo to the point where pilots bail.




2) unlike vanilla helicopters,(even with flotation disabled) the helo crashing into the water from heights high enough to cause vanilla helicopters to be destroyed(tested 100-150 Flyinheight) doesnt cause the cougar to get destroyed.


All tests noticed with the Blufor Cougar

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Don't know how people are landing to destroy it on touchdown. Even in my hardest landings everything is fine. And in the harsher ones where I manage to get it damaged, even vanilla helicopters will be damaged. My guess is people aren't landing it straight but angle it or something? In that case the dampers probably won't work their magic correctly, so it's a pilot error? In any case, without repro, nothing can be done.


2. Same here, need repro, else nothing can be done. If I touch down hard from height into the water (even "just" 2 or 3 meters), the helicopter is usually done for.

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