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Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

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Hello all, this is my first post! I got a question, where can I find a config for explo mod, dr and inq? DR is not so important but I would like to play with inq and the explo mod 1.46!

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Yes,to avoid problems I will rename key values and workout different island color values in exp_init.sqs too.

Sounds great GM! As usuall I'm looking forward to your next version of this "must-have-mod"...

I use the plain Smoker version and for thoose who haven't tried it yet I can tell you it adds alot to OFP and I can not play without it now  tounge_o.gif

BTW: Would be nice to have one variable adjusting the dust intensity/volume for the rotorwash effect along with the one that sets the dust color.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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I tried wintercolor on Winter Everon. It is perfect, maybe you could change dust size more bigger?

Do you heard script called helicopter tailrotor failure? It is made by Vektorboson http://home.arcor.de/vektorboson

Very spectacular effect. Just a suggestion wink_o.gif

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Yes the wintercolors are good.

But how do I change the size of the clouds? The helicopter washdown effect should be really big (over the chopper) and also the tankdust should be alot bigger.

If you give me some hep I can do it myself smile_o.gif

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my daydream:Bis implementing this mod in the next patch so we can all play with it on public servers without the modified config message.....

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If you give me some hep I can do it myself smile_o.gif

You will give in PM smile_o.gif


Bigger mess in battlefield! I made a modified config.bin to stay debrises, shrapnels, small rocks longer on ground. You know these thing rising from various detonation of rockets and shells. Differences can be seen well in desert island. I did not noticed big FPS drop.

file: Big_mess_inbattlefield_to_v1.46.zip


ID: ftielemans

PW: dey8p7

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hey gold member can you combine dr with inq, can you extract the guns,gun sound and grande sound from inq and put them into th dr ? that is what everyone is hoping you can do, thanks biggrin_o.gif

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Running "Big mess inbattlefield v1.46"...Damn this is so good!!!...Thanks Gold member. biggrin_o.gif

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Help!! I'm lost again.

GoldMember, can you post a list of what is available so far, I meen, what suported filles you got in there.

For example, InQ+Blood+whatever version you are on now.

I'm interested in the InQ+Blood+ your latest version of the mod, and I think you have made one compatible wit the FDF mod aswell.

All this new things you are doing, I'm not sure if they are compatible with for an instance, the InQ pack with the Blood addon. So a list of what you got so far will save me a confusing trip to your Yahoo briefcase.

Thanks biggrin_o.gif

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Yes, an up-to-date list of the current files would be very appreciated, especially as I have just been able to check this out.

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Yes, an up-to-date list of the current files would be very appreciated, especially as I have just been able to check this out.

Latest full version is 1.46. Following support files availabe:

Dynamcrange -> DR_to_v1.46.izp

Dynamcrange + Blood -> DR_Blood_to_v1.46.zip

INQ -> INQ_to_v1.46.zip

INQ + Blood -> INQ_Blod_to_v1.46.zip

FDF -> FDF_to_v1.46.zip


ID: ftielemans

PW: dey8p7

GMR_mod folder


That "big_mess_inbattlefield" version is just a test. I made it in middle version only, no other mod support yet. We have to decide whether is worth to put in this mod or not and in what form.

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Yes, an up-to-date list of the current files would be very appreciated, especially as I have just been able to check this out.

If I may answer on behalf of Goldmember, the latest version of the mod is v1.46. To run it you need the GMR.pbo in your addons folder and one of the config.bin files in your bin or Res/bin folder. The current versions of 1.46 include config's which combine the explosion mod with:

Dynamic Range + blood  mod

Inquisitor's modified config + blood mod

Just blood mod

Just DR

FDF mod

Once you have downloaded one of the above you can choose between flamer (longer lasting fireballs), middle (standard) and smoker (lots of smoke) config's.

Also, Goldmember just released his Big Mess Battlefield version of 1.46 which makes the rubble etc from explosions hang around for longer. I haven't tested it yet but it sounds great. biggrin_o.gif

Edit: D'oh! The main man got there first. crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Hey GM, I just unzipped the Big Mess In Battlefield version and I'm confused as to which config.bin is which. One is 'middle' and one is 'big'. Is this how long stuff stays around? Any chance you could include little explanatory readme's for things like this? It's a bit hard to know what to do otherwise. smile_o.gif

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LOL Munger, it toke you a bit too long to type all that.

Thanks for the answer to bouth of you anyway.

It was the Big Mess Battlefield thing that confused me, but now I know that it is not implemented with the rest of the configs, yet.

Thanks, again wink_o.gif

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Thank you both for the speedy reply. Much appreciated.

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I just played with version 1.46 of the mod and I really like it (of course) but I was wondering if you could increase the size of the rotor wash and tank shock dust effects as I couldn't really see them too well. The BAS helo dust effect is one of the best I've seen, and with no noticeable lag effect, so maybe you could base yours on this GM? Just a suggestion anyway. Keep up your wonderful work. smile_o.gif

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Tank shockwave in real depends lot on gun type and surface type (and weather)...

e.g. in dust enviroment (desert, sands) is shockwave big ...

I think major problem is to detect what surface is under tank in OFP, so far i know nobody made such script yet ...

on pure isle types (e.g. only desert) will be that simple (detecting name of world/island) ... but rest , no idea

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I am satisfied with my helidust script. tounge_o.gif I do not want to add more dust, because on grass like terrian I think no need more (desert and winter version will be bigger of course). But I help anybody who wants to modify anything. One changes I made, when engine starts and ends dust now fading in and out more slowly.

Another major problem of Tank shockwave that vehicle track/wheel dust is too big, especially on grass. If tank is moving while firing, shockwave effect vanishing in track/wheel dust. I long time ago play OFP with reduced track/wheel dust. wink_o.gif

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Does anyone know how to reduce or change the color of wheeldust?

I dont like when there is brown dust on winter islands...

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I am satisfied with my helidust script.  tounge_o.gif I do not want to add more dust, because on grass like terrian I think no need more (desert and winter version will be bigger of course).

I long time ago play OFP with reduced track/wheel dust. wink_o.gif

I agree that on grass and concrete surfaces there should be little dust kicked up but I tried your effect on the desert island and there was hardly any dust at all compared to something like the BAS effect. So I still think desert and snow surfaces should cause quite large clouds to be produced.

I also agree regarding the track/wheel dust effect - they are definitely much too large on grass (there is none on concrete which is realistic), however I think they are fine for desert terrain as any vehicle can kick up a huge dust cloud on sandy ground. There should probably be very little for snow as well, and certainly not a brown coloured cloud as this doesn't suit snow at all. Is it possible to implement different sized dust clouds for different terrain types for ground vehicles?

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Is it possible to implement different sized and colored dust clouds for different terrain types for ground vehicles?

Unfortunately color of wheeldust defined not in config.bin. Only we can change the size of dust on different terrian types. But not in easy way. The config.bin only handles the four default (desert,malden,kulgujev,everon) islands and contains information of their different surfaces. Other islands if use new terrian types (textures) - like Nogova or Winter maps - have own config.bin and this contains surface definition.

Any config.bin we choose must find that (snapshoot from main config.bin):

class CfgSurfaces


class Roadway








class Grass : Default








class Sand : Default









You see here different terrian classes and "dust" values must be changed.

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Hmm. Looking at that it appears that the different terrain types are already set up quite accurately for the amount of dust generated by moving vehicles. Can you implement this into rotor and tank shot dust as well? rock.gif

Also, will you be making future versions of your mod use the 'big messy battlefield' effects? I think you should. smile_o.gif

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I didn't tryed the batttlefield mess effect yet, but if the thing don't make much difference on lagg issues it sounds like a good option for your next update.

BTW, I opened a topic in the A&M discusion section about BIN folders, if some of you guys wants to bring a light to the issue or give some ideas. Specially Golmember and Anderson. MR Burns showed some interest in that aswell.

Is not much point in starting tallking about it in here, and I hoppe the moderators don't mind me doing some publicity about another topic rock.gif


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Goldmember, I'm getting an error with the 1.46 version when I try to use any of the Air units, official and addons:

Quote[/b] ] script\GMR\check-dammage-chopper.sqs not found

What I missed?

Thanks mate, is probably been said before by the way.

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