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Woodland hummers

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yehs umm those are not so good. They look too neon-ish. Darken them or make em match the Units in that screenshot or just stick with BIS's.

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Thats a bit harsh anyways they look good i agree that they should be a bit darker but id be happy with them as they are

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BD: i guess you never took into account what i said on IRC then rock.gif


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Only thing i can say is its obvious of the following.

A. none of you must be in the military and get to see these daily.

B. WE dont normally take pictures of our hmmwv's in the dark thats why they are the color they are that is what military cammo looks like in the day not night. I

see no point in making them darker although if some prefer it they can keep getting blacker. They look exactly like a military one with a little dirt on it. Fielded equiptment is not dark green or brown fgs.



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I think maybe the problem is not that the camo is not dark enough but that it is sort of 'washed out', as if too much gamma had been applied to it. Hyk's infantry units in the pic for example have good colour balance and fit in better with the surrounding terrain. The actual detail on your textures is good though. I like the X's on the armoured doors, which the BIS Hummers don't have. With a little colour tweaking they could be really good. smile_o.gif

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I don't want to criticise your work that much as you have obviously spent some time making these textures, but judging from screenshots these textures just don't fit the game at all.

As suggested before, they're too bright and dim (even when taking all the dust and dirt into account). If you take a look around, there's a plenty of well textured "dirty" vehicles, that don't look at all like that. Saying that none of you must be in the military is not an argument here.

Sorry, but that is my opinion. sad_o.gif

I hope that you'll stick to the old BIS textures.

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they look good i think.

just may i suggest adding those markings IE "V" "T" i still have no idea how to read them (US Aremy & IDF ones) but they look good.

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just to give us all something to comare it with, a couple of photos from a quick search

one two three

im sorry, bit i do have to agree that the textures do need to be darkened a little bit. One thing that bothers me though, I dont know if thats something you could/would be willing to change is the wheels... they look like black circular disks.

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I do believe the wheels is what is bringing the appearance down. They will be redone. Now about the whole color issue, I will darken them by 20% all around because you guys asked me too. Bu thing is using hte road as a background was a bad idea, but these really do fit well in the actually game , they are alot harder to spot than the bis textures which god knows arent well at all or even in the ballpark of being the right color shades. And also about the whole hyk infantry match thing etc. If you notice in most cases our bdu's do not hardly match out vehicles its just a fact they arent meant to be the same color.



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I darkened the textures by 20% and here is the turnout. I think it looks alot better ingame compared to the bis hmmwv and i do not see any reason what so ever so go any darker because if i do it will start looking way to dark to be proper colors. I think it looks alot better ingame than the bis hmmwv and is harden to spot than the bis hmmwv. Although i got a feeling i am gonna hear bis hmmwv textures forever posts.

here are some pics.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

EDIT: Yes wheel textures will be changed on final texture.



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That looks much better to me! smile_o.gif

Oh, it looks like there's an untextured face on the Humvee with M2 in the 5th picture (far to the right).

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I think he might mean the bit on the rear right door post, although I'm not sure, he must have eyes like a sh*thouse rat to have spotted that one wink_o.gif

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BlackDeath - Any chance of adding a AGS17 and or Tow Hummer to the pack?

Also any chance of an armoured version - like the ones being sent to Iraq?

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BlackDeath - Any chance of adding a AGS17 and or Tow Hummer to the pack?

Also any chance of an armoured version - like the ones being sent to Iraq?

Erm, the russians use the AGS, the american equivalent is the MK19.

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BlackDeath - Any chance of adding a AGS17 and or Tow Hummer to the pack?

Also any chance of an armoured version - like the ones being sent to Iraq?

Erm, the russians use the AGS, the american equivalent is the MK19.

Another person who failed to read the rest of the tread, this is A pack with these vehicles the TOW humve and MK-19 is in the B pack. With two models of medical units and a command units and Avenger. B Pack is on hold while A pack its being fixed. Why have two buggy humvee packs running around? Man I'm gonna have to start spanking people at this rate.. But too many of you are into that kinda stuff.

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Bobcatt Posted above apropriate answers to the questions.

Anyways theres also a suprise that will be in the next pic for those nations or other organisations who dont use woodland cammo. i'll give you a hint. I have great abbs but i like drab. :-) Hopefully you have guessed it if not you will find out when the B pack comes out.



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Status update:

Gave Blackdeath more highres photos of all the humvees he needed to make newer and better textures, from every imaginable postion including from underneath. Cranes are a big help.. =)

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I've just one single question...

Will ist get some shadows someday...?

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What do you mean shadows?

If your meaning what i think you are of you notice the game engine automatically shadows sides etc if there is one side facing the sun the other side has a shadow. and also if i put shadows like for instance in places where overhangs are etc if thats the side against the light for instance and it has that big arse shadow there well thats unrealisic. Thats the reason there will be slim to none in the shadow field on the fact of it looking better without them. But there will be a few in some places but you really wont notice them a whole lot.

If you meant something other than what i'm thinking please let me know.



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