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Woodland hummers

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Let me go on with the explantation lets move inside shall we 1st. I am not going ot put any shadows in the floor of the hmmwv mainly if light is shining in and from the right and there is a shodow on the left it does not look right. Its just that simple with light hitting it and theres a big arse shadow.



EDIT: Ziro was after all talking not about the floorboard of the hmmwv. But the ouside shadows like in pic 5 which will be fixed asap thanks for reminding us Ziro.

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FGS aparently you dont have a clue what we mean.

When you stand in the sun, you make a shadow on the floor.

Your hmmwv's dont.


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I got what you mean now. Dont get all pissy with me boy.

"Check the floor around the BIS ones, then your ones."

You could have simplified my confusion with just saying

"Check the ground around the BIS hmmwv's and yours. Yours arent projecting any shadows then we would have known what you are talking about.



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that was pretty funny. its good to see great communicators at work biggrin_o.gif

just wondering (and i hope this isnt sounding rude?) but is there a release date for the updated cars? with the darker texture, shadows etc etc??

looks great though blues.gif


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@ BlackDeath, are you oficially working in this pack with Flaber and Bobcatt?

I meen, this skins tallk seems to be taking over this thread, and I haven't heard Bobcatt666 or Flaber saying much about them.

But saying that, this topic may become to quiet if it wasn't for that.

Good job anyway.

I like them very much now.


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Yes i am he mentioned earlier about him getting me more reference pics. Very high detail lol he wasnt joking there i think i saw an ant crawling around on the hood :P



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Blackdeath is working with us in the humvee pack, (retexturing woodland pack).

No release date for a new update, we have to fix some things, (first i have to study how fixing, like steering wheel).

Anyway, we couldn't make a release every two weeks smile_o.gif.

We will continue working on this pack. (As we had been doing)fixing errors and if we can improving the pack

Shadows is one of our mainly problems, as we have to make new low detailed LOD for the humvees.(with less than 300 faces) and texture it.


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Sorry mostly spending time working on the addon instead of coming on the forum reporting everything known to man.

We are aware of the shows issue or lack of shadows kind tha last thing on the list of things to fix on this pack. That and having other addons that predated this and wanting to put time in on them.

Of course I work on this junk in real life so kinda eating in my time as well prepping units for deployment, and getting back broken hardwhee when it returns from deployment.

Time Zones shift so linking up with Faber is a bit more diffcult now, as well a number of noobs nagging to get things made their way on the pack.

He's a brief history of the humvee pack, based off the BIS hummwv they were made up for the Operation Gulfwar Crisis mod. by Galcomt, and Quakegamer, that is why they resemble first gen hummwvs. 1990 - 1992. But BIS looks like the used the 1979 HUMVEE prototype from the hood design.

So that is why there are no Avengers or M240 versions. The TOW missile unit came out later as a seprate addon by Quakegammer. The Galcomt yet on to work on a mod after the pack fell victim to the problem of some of Marfy textures being used on the desert units. Both have gone on to updated higher level humvve packs for BAS and OGWC. The choice to go back in and repair this pack mostly to balance out east addons I was working on, everytime one was destroyed in game it crash OFP to desktop. That and being a mechanic on theses vehicles in the real military kinda screamed MUST fix. first of was having to track down all the folks who had done work on this addon and get the permission to carry on with fixing and development. Fix the inital big bad bug the dreaded CDT. Then find a dozen other bugs not noticed cause the main bug not get enough play time to find it.

Going back in repairing the geos, and lods that were out of wack. The replacement of the gunners animations and sound FXs and now textures. Seeing it had become an orphaned pack, CBT was giving the ok to go further and make a realy nice enhancement pack. That would work like HYK's troop pack, spaning from 1985 to current day..

A Pack, which is the current one you guys are playing with.

B Pack: had new M240, TOW mounts, and medical verssions of the humvee as well as a command units and the low top cargo version.

Blackdeath has been kind enough to replace the textures with the referance photos I took of a number of humvees that were left in the different configs.


Nato tri color or known as woodland

OD green

And I want a single M1025 done in nonreflective black. For urban special ops.

Most of are wating textures, and config work. but no use letting out a b pack if A pack still has issues.

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Before anything, I wasn't trying to be funny with my post above, just incase somebody feel like if I was. biggrin_o.gif

Is nice to heard what you guys are going on about this pack, because you reasuring us that its going to be top notch.

Surely, there will be allways a bug somewhere, nobody is perfect, but they will be really good once you lot finish with them.


Gosh, I can be so nice when I want to tounge_o.gif


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Before anything, I wasn't trying to be funny with my post above, just incase somebody feel like if I was. biggrin_o.gif

Is nice to heard what you guys are going on about this pack, because you reasuring us that its going to be top notch.

Surely, there will be allways a bug somewhere, nobody is perfect, but they will be really good once you lot finish with them.


Gosh, I can be so nice when I want to tounge_o.gif


Very well than well let you live. ;)

Otherwise have to dress you up as a clown and leave you in the Texas NRA convention with a sign, stating "I'm Gay and here for your guns."

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Before anything, I wasn't trying to be funny with my post above, just incase somebody feel like if I was. biggrin_o.gif

Is nice to heard what you guys are going on about this pack, because you reasuring us that its going to be top notch.

Surely, there will be allways a bug somewhere, nobody is perfect, but they will be really good once you lot finish with them.


Gosh, I can be so nice when I want to tounge_o.gif


Very well than well let you live.  ;)

Otherwise have to dress you up as a clown and leave you in the Texas NRA convention with a sign, stating "I'm Gay and here for your guns."



Anyway, did you read my PM Bobcatt?


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acctually I did not responded because I'm busy telling the naggers to pound sand and calm down before responding to you. That and working on the real humvees in real life. They come beat up and in need over major work before going, they come back completely trashed after deployment even if not used.

Was taking time to get work on the many east addons that cry for getting closer to completetion. Been working on BRDM1 and 2s for the last year and they still blow major chunks.

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I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but i think that passenger on front seat sits higher than driver or has different FOW?

I have made a test - put 3 Hummers in a row (BIS, Woodland (half top), BIS) in more-less same distances. As driver of Woodland one i was able to see whole (in height) BIS Hummer through side window, as passenger - only part of other BIS Hummer...

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I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but i think that passenger on front seat sits higher than driver or has different FOW?

I have made a test - put 3 Hummers in a row (BIS, Woodland (half top), BIS) in more-less same distances. As driver of Woodland one i was able to see whole (in height) BIS Hummer through side window, as passenger - only part of other BIS Hummer...

Well in the real vehicle the driver sits higher having the only adjustable seat. depending on the year of the humvees production could be as much as a ten inch in hiehg tdifferance.

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I see.

And in R/L passenger has upper edge of side window below level of eyes? I mean he can observe only near surrounding like from Hummers in OFP?

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I must say,Flaber,Bobcat and BlackDeath,a very big thank you cause you fixed this pack and you want to improve it,I'm really looking forward to see these Humvees especially with the new textures.

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I see.

And in R/L passenger has upper edge of side window below level of eyes? I mean he can observe only near surrounding like from Hummers in OFP?

Well I stand at 5' 7" and if the drivrers seat is down in the old seat set up my eyes are just above the steering wheel. The humvees is a very large vehicle inside. You sit lower in the new bucket seats they are postioned back further to grant better leg room so your knees don't hit the dashboard. Rather odd seating arrangement. You also must remember the height of a standard OFP man is close to 7 ft tall. These humvess also use a custom animation for the cargo postions and gunners postions. Its still the BIS model but we have implimented as much of the realisim possable into the trucks. I repair and restore military spec humvees for military and military vehicle collectors. But I'll double check the heights again just to make sure.. Something might have shifted durring an update.

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hey bobcatt, how did you work out they were 7 foot tall?

im not doubting you (as if i'd know), but just wondering what you compared them to.

Its pretty funny though. Isnt Barbie meant to be 7 foot tall or so as well?


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7 feet explains some smile_o.gif

Please check - i do not know if it something wrong with my OFP...

I like your pack very much smile_o.gif and would like it to be even better.

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Hey Ladies and Gents,

Just wanted to keep the thread updated and I have been doing a fair bit of textureing work on the hmmwv pack lately and recently touched up the sides hood and front to bee more matching and more high quality. Anyways i took 10 min and remodeled the hood on the hmmwv to look like an actual hmmwv's hood. Anyways heres a pic.




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Ok i been workin on the hmmwv's abit tonight as i said earlier i redid the hood, and i also added BAS's m240 thanks to DeadMeat| for permission. Anyways enough blabbing heres a pic.




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oo that looks good, will you guys be doing uparmoured version, along with the ballistic shield thingy -ma-jig that goues around the m2 ontop of a hummer?

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I cant say an exact answer to that but i know if it is it will be in the b pack. Thanks for the comment by the way.



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cheers m8, again the cammo looks spot on, just needs a bit of dirtying up.


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