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Woodland hummers

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Sorry I have an internet problem and I have posted twice... how can i deleted the duplicated posts ?

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I have finished the humvee desert doorless firegeometry LOD and added zamerny point (thanks softegg) so now AI can shoot you and kill you with small weapons. (I will make this changes in the rest of the humvees)

I have also change the class inherit from humvee to jeep, I think was Rudedog who suggested to me. I think it was for better performance.

This is because, in a dedicated server situation, if you inherit from another addon like the Humvee, any mission you play on a dedicated server with a BIS Humvee will try to call the des_west addon too.  It will fail since des_west is not declared in the required addons array of the mission.  If you drop it down a class like jeep, which is in the core game, this will not happen. This will also happen if you have the same model names in multiple addons. This is why it is important to use prefixes on models and classes, such as CBT or BAS.

Hope this helps!


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I have to ask, what exactly is "des_west"? I remember when I first played the BAS MH-47E demo mission it drove me insane because I couldn't watch the intro to the mission...

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Thanks for the explanation Rudedog


Quote[/b] ]

I have to ask, what exactly is "des_west"? I remember when I first played the BAS MH-47E demo mission it drove me insane because I couldn't watch the intro to the mission...

des_west is the name of the class for desert humvees units in the addon:

class CfgPatches


class Des_west


units[] =




And that's important, at least for you, after changing the class inherit to jeep, the error in the BAS Intro's Stop, and the intro runs ok. (The error was showed to me also)

If you can't wait for a more completed update (firegeometry LOD update) in the humvees, I can upload a newer version of the pack late tonight.

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Think should be held till most of the known issues are ironed out. Other wise you get spammed by the same bugs over and over again..

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That error you mentioned, shouldn't that be caused by lacking declaration of required addons in the config of the des_hmmwv s cpp?.

As far as i thought if a Addons inherits from a Bis Additional class but doesn't declare this BIS Addon as required in it's own config.cpp(or bin) it will call the error message if that BIS addon it inherits from is used in a mission even if the Addon isn't used or declared in the mission.sqm.

At least that was the problem of the BAS Kiowas, the BIS OH58 wasn't declared as required and thus when a BIS OH58 was used and the BAS Kiowas were present in the addon folders, the error message would pop up saying that BAS Kiowa is missing.


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That error you mentioned, shouldn't that be caused by lacking declaration of required addons in the config of the des_hmmwv s cpp?.

Yes, that is all you should have to do.  But we all know that the bugs still exist in ofp as far as this matter is concerned.  From a mission makers standpoint, there is nothing worse than having to go through and manually edit the misson file to add all the missing addon class names.  If the method I suggested is used, they don't have to do that and it won't interfere with any existing missions.  Since your not calling an official BIS addon or 3rd party addon, this seems to take care of it.

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Yeah its being taken care of as well as the funky class armor values. and other issues I had with the pack that are being addressed in the next update.

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Nice to hear that.

I got a bit confused with all this class names and stuff, but, I supose I can use this Humvees at the moment for a mission as placeholders of the finished version, and once I replace the existing Humvees addon pbo with the to be released one, no errors should ocurr? M I right?



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depends if he changes the class names between now and then mate. I think he might have to change the desert ones because of the des_west problem. Im no CPP expert i just love these damn hmwwv's biggrin_o.gif


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Nice to hear that.

I got a bit confused with all this class names and stuff, but, I supose I can use this Humvees at the moment for a mission as placeholders of the finished version, and once I replace the existing Humvees addon pbo with the to be released one, no errors should ocurr? M I right?



Don't worry, updates will not affect your existing missions.  biggrin_o.gif

cpp changes affect other things, but not class names.

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Nice to hear that.

I got a bit confused with all this class names and stuff, but, I supose I can use this Humvees at the moment for a mission as placeholders of the finished version, and once I replace the existing Humvees addon pbo with the to be released one, no errors should ocurr? M I right?



correct unitl the next guy finds a way to break them again, or I actually update the modles in the files with the new models and units. Mostlike leave then in a seperate pack to save the 56k types grief. For now get them working without major issues.

This is eating into my time working of east helos after all..

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Back rear door now can be openned in desert humvees pack, working on woodland versión.

I have finished desert humvees new firegeometry LOD.

Maybe this weekend I can finsish the woodland version.

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The woodland and dessert versions with the M60 don't have an option in the comand menu to open the back door.

Did you check this aswell, or I'm being impacient? biggrin_o.gif

This addon is going to take longer to release buggless than what people thinks.

Its amazing that they ever released the first version with so many and important buggs and errors.

I'm glad you two are working hard on this and taking time from other things just to please everybody ellse.

Impressive. Well done fellas.


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yes.. it's again implemented and no CTD.

an image better than thousand words smile_o.gif


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nice work, when do you plan to release the fixed/enhanched humvees? biggrin_o.gif

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Sorry Flaber, my bad, I meen the M113, not the HMMWV sad_o.gif

And please, kip the jeeps in the pack, I'm allready using them. biggrin_o.gif


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Sorry Flaber, my bad, I meen the M113, not the HMMWV sad_o.gif

And please, kip the jeeps in the pack, I'm allready using them. biggrin_o.gif


Little problem with the M113 (M60) Don't have the option to open the back door, because, no interior was made for this vehicle, only the other one has, so no way to fix at this case. mabye copy and paste, but don't know if it will make more bugs to them. (Who said I'm going to remove the humvees from the packżżrock.gif me not, is a humvee pack anyway)

But some good new in the other hand smile_o.gif. Killed gunners now ... well see the picture.


And thanks to BobCatt (who is helping me with this stuff) new gunner anim for m249 and m60,


We are testing the anims now, but maybe another beta this weekend.

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Fantastic work Flaber and Hunter, well done.

The ADF Mod S70 has an option to unmount the MAG58 doorgun and use it as a Heavy MG infantry weapon, is this something that can be done with the M60 and M249 on the HUMVEE pack? smile_o.gif

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Well to be honest I'm not enlighted on most of the FDF mods abilities never getting it to work on my system. Heard the crewserved weapons lost ammo when moved a lot of times. Sounds like an intersting idea but no clue how to impliment it into these if you know how I'm all ears. Just a fear everything we fix one thing it this pack it breaks a dozen other things. We put some of the neat things from the BRDM-1 and 2 addons into this to equal them out. Keep from having uber units running around we also have updated the armor stats so a rotten driver can't waste a humvee in the streets rubbing up against buildings.

Can take a fair amount of small arms fire now, and survive a bit closer to how a real hummve is able to take heavy abuse. but the driver or gunner can take a well placed shot now. Replaced the animation for the gunner on the M240 and M60 so it looks better, gunner slumps over the back of weapon when hit. Of course this delays the update cause the addon and beta testing and so on. We would have had an release tonight but were holding it. gonna overhaul a few things, the packs structure its getting huge!!! This are going to be early gen humvees and the BAS desert pack HUMMVVE will be current time hummers. Will add a TOW humvee maybe to match them and a MK19 humvee.

But don't expect them soon, I know there was an MK19 in the BAS desert pack. These are regular unit humvees, like infantry and militarypolice units. Mostly mulling over actually bothering to rip apart and update the models at last or leave em.

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Some News:

Fuel capacity is now bigger, can ride more than half an hour. smile_o.gif I think that now should be about 2 or 3 hours (not fully tested.

Speed is also fixed, you can go faster now when not driving in a road (but not as fast as in the road).

But... and thats the bad new, due to the new anim, we have to postpone the release until fixing the problem we have with the new gunner view.

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After hard work, and thanks to Bratty, who has answer my questions in the addon troubleshooting forum, I have finished the new gunner views for "small" weapons in the humvees.


I'm currently updating the woodland pack. smile_o.gif

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Excellent work on this pack Flaber & Bobcatt666. I love the new gunner anims, but is it possible to lower the left elbow? It looks a bit rigid/uncomfortable.  tounge_o.gif   rock.gif


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Excellent work on this pack Flaber & Bobcatt666. I love the new gunner anims, but is it possible to lower the left elbow of the gunner in this pic? It looks a bit rigid/uncomfortable. tounge_o.gifrock.gif

image deleted Mgr. Fubar SIR!


At this point rather than tie the trucks down for another week to redo every units gunner animation for now its will be left that way. Its a stock BIS animation so no other addon dependency. Were gonna stay focused of getting the addon operational and usuable. Anymore updates tends to cause a week delay of release of the addon. Thats and R & D on our end.

This gunner animation was used from the ill fated BRDM-1s, 2s, BTR-80A that are now on hold due to the humvees. I thought it be better on the gpms were held this way opposed to the gunner looking dorkish pretending a M60/240/249 was a cal. 50. It comes a time where constant working on a annon has to stop otherwise it will never get released till OFP III is out. Besides BAS has far better HUMMVEs coming out, these are just to hold folks off. They are worth the wait by far.

That and my animation programe for OFP is in Der Tounge of der Fatherland. Got way too many addon projects to do this one which was just to repair the old addon is complicating things.

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