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Woodland hummers

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@ Flaber Can you tell what was wrong so I can fix it myself?

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Cool. But I hope Flaber releases his version with both the Cargo and CTD fix.

Flaber any word on approval from GalCom? I'm sure he won't mind because everyone has been tinkering with his Humvee pack. I think the main thing is that he receives credit and that you attempted to contact him.

Since you're doing him a favor he should be quite happy about it.

Personally I'm not interested in the woodland Humvee pack so much as the desert one pack.

But if you could fix both yeah that would be cool.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Andersson...the problem with the ctd is a cpp problem. I have made a custom config.cpp with my own units, give me one day and i will send to you the config.cpp with the standard soldier from the game as driver and gunner, so you could check whats wrong, i dont remember the changes i had made,(few months since fixed, sorry)

if any of you would like to fix the ctd problem by your self, I can upload the config.cpp to my web. (i dont have room to store the hole addon, sorry again.)

Quote[/b] ]There was also a texture error that came up using the M2 sometimes saying it can't find or load the texture

Bobcatt666, i think this problem is caused because the textures of the machineguns where originaly stored in the units pbo that comes with the desert ones, so if i release them i will put both pbos, units and humvees, I dont have this problem with the desert ones (of course are not fully tested, because im alone and i new with those things.)

I would like to have the woodlands, could you send me a copy of them or something? please.


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if any of you would like to fix the ctd problem by your self, I can upload the config.cpp to my web. (i dont have room to store the hole addon, sorry again.)

Could you please do it? Or just send me config.cpp?


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Flaber any word on approval from GalCom?  I'm sure he won't mind because everyone has been tinkering with his Humvee pack.   I think the main thing is that he receives credit and that you attempted to contact him.

Shame Galcom couldn't do the same thing for Marfy...

This pack, IIRC, is the one that caused all the fuss about "stolen" textures, so you MUST get express permission from Marfy before using his textures.

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Oh yes, I remember now, that's why I was so happy having the woodland version, no textures stolen, just BIS standart.



Is the woodland pbo call "rfl_hmwv.pbo"?

If so I find it, somebody let me know so I can send it to Flaver please.

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Is the woodland pbo call "rfl_hmwv.pbo"?


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Thanks DVM, I have the folder but there's no readme or pictures in it, so just a gues by the pbo name, lol.

Flaber, can you PM me and let me know where you wan't me to send the pbo please?



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Thank you Flaber! If you can send it to me ( [email protected] ) you´ll make my day! I use the woodland version but that wouldnt be a problem, I just want to find the error.

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Quote[/b] ]This pack, IIRC, is the one that caused all the fuss about "stolen" textures, so you MUST get express permission from Marfy before using his textures.

Ok DeadMeatXM2, i will try to talk with Marfy. I dont want to stole nothing from no one (whats the meaning of IIRC???).

So at this moment i cant release the addon, but i think i can release the fixed config.cpp, (i hope it doesnt make anyone get angry, if it does, say it here and i will cut the link) so all of you that already have the addon could fix it.

The config.cpp is the original one (i have to rescue it) so it has the original desert soldiers as drivers and gunners.

Links for the config.cpp and an image to show that it works.



For all of you that dont know how to replace the config.cpp (if any) i can make a basic tutorial showing how doing it.

P.S.my apologies for using words like angry or similar, i dont have enough vocabulary to express all the things i would like to say in the way i would like to say them.(but i can give an spanish translation if you want  wink_o.gif )

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whats the meaning of IIRC???

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly

Quote[/b] ]So at this moment i cant release the addon, but i think i can release the fixed config.cpp, (i hope it doesnt make anyone get angry, if it does, say it here and i will cut the link) so all of you that already have the addon could fix it.

Thats not as much of a problem, because you are not trying to "sell" Marfy's work as your own.

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Thanks for the explanation about IIRC, DeadMeatXM2,

Quote[/b] ]Thats not as much of a problem, because you are not trying to "sell" Marfy's work as your own.

i think is clear that  is NOT my work, i dont want any kind of missunderstanding at this point and i dont want any credits for this fix. Is a very good addon but NOT mine. Im not going to release the addon in any web like gamezone or ofp base, only here.

As far as i know, the modeller is GalcomT and the texturer is Marfy? or the creator of the addon is only Marfy ?.

P.S : i have sent an email to Marfy few minutes ago.

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Ive been following this thread closely and i would like to know for which .pbo is the config.cpp u released Flaber, and could u provide a link to them?

Muchas gracias smile_o.gif

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the config.cpp is for desert humvees, but maybe can help finding the error in the other config.cpp.(i put in comments the lines that made the game crash) Anyway, im trying to obtain the woodland version to fix them also.

Quote[/b] ]Links for the config.cpp and an image to show that it works.



only 2 or 3 posts before. ;)

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Quote[/b] ]You can send it to me over MSN, DEVGRU would be happy to host it.

you mean the hole addon not the cpp smile_o.gif ? i supose yes.

Thats great, but i think that first i need Marfy's permision to send it to you, if you are going to host it.(trust me I have the addon... and it is burning in my hands, but if it is as problematic as DeadMeat says,(stolen textures, etc....) I prefer to wait for authors permision.

As i said i have sent a pm to GalcomT (I didn't find his email) and an email to Marfi.

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Hi friend ,

try contact Blackdog too. I fixed config.cpp in July - both versions (woodland and desert work normally), but i recieved e-mail and PM from Blackdog >>> NO RELEASE >>> "Rifleman and Blackdog still working on both packs, there will be fixed config.cpp (I sent to Blackdog my repaired config), geometry and shadow bug (no shadows)". I have still permission from Marfy for release desert Hummers with his textures. I am stil waiting for Rifleman and Blackdog hummers release.



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Quote[/b] ]try contact Blackdog too

mail sended


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What?rock.gif?  Ok... woe...this is getting way too confusing.  Flaber... ok if Galcom made the models and Marfy already gave someone else an ok to use his desert textures, why email Blackdog for his permission?

Somebody am I missing something here?rock.gif

Flaber please as soon as GalCom gives the ok, please send the whole addon pack to whoever is willing to host it.  

Unless Blackdog had something directly to do with this pack I DO NOT see why Blackdog has to be asked for permisson just because he is also working on the same or a different humvee pack.  Its his fault if he's been sitting on a working version and has not released it.  

I just want ONE decent pack of Humvees in desert cammo that actually works... please someone release it with the proper credits as this is getting a bit silly.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I agree with Miles, and reckon that as long as you get GalcomT's permission, then release it. If I remember correctly, then he's already given Marfy credit for the textures and TOW for the Marine models.

This whole "GalcomT stole the textures" discussion almost ended up with him leaving the OFP community. If that had happened OPGWC and the OFP community would have missed out on a very talented addonmaker. Let's leave this discussion in the past where it belongs, since it's starting to get rather ridiculous.

Let's stop the flamewars everytime a new Humvee pack comes out, and then hopefully we'll finally see a decent armed hummer pack.

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Nope. I have no idea who is hosting that old desert pack now.  I'm also curious about those M113's in the pack with the animated doors.  It would be wonderful to see those in the pack.

However I think that the retextured TOW Marines SHOULD NOT be put into the .cpp of the Humvees.  It really should be default BIS soldiers so that mission makers can then choose to use whatever soldiers they wish to with the humvees.

The problem with making the retextured ToW Marines a requirement for the Humvees is that they require both the original ToW Marines as well as the the retextured .pbo GalCom made.  

These also lagged like crazy.   Don't get me wrong, I really loved the ToW Marines at the time they were released and they are good addons, but I don't like unecessary addons required for vehicles when personally I'd rather use more modern units like the BAS US Army soldiers or the Digital Grenade USMC troops.

So for the least amount of hassle, I would highly recommend having the humvees crewed by the default BIS US Army soldiers.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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So for the least amount of hassle, I would highly recommend having the humvees crewed by the default BIS US Army soldiers.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I second that.

At list the addon maker makes drivers, that would go with the vehicles( like RHS tank crew) but in this case they don't require special crew, so default BIS soldier would do.

Quote[/b] ]... I'd rather use more modern units like the BAS US Army soldiers ...

Do I miss something here?


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