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Akm74 released beta of bmd3,btr80,bmp3

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i'm not sure about ZPU-4. But Kord 12.7 and NSV 12.7 will be included in final APC pack (even if they not hmm.., really related to apc's)

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Release the pack already! biggrin_o.gif No, seriously, do you have any estimate of the release date? :P

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Any chance of you making some of the BDRM family of vehicles? I've been wanting a decent looking BDRM-1/2/3 (armed that is) for ages smile_o.gif the one released recently was ok but the textures werent so good smile_o.gif

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yes, BRDM-2's would be very cool. But I think that accurate BMP-1, BMP-2 is more practical.

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Great BMP-3 - love it!

However, I just downloaded the Finish Defence Force Mod (which is, by the way, great and well worth the large download)

It includes much better versions of the BMP-1 and BMP-2 (actually replaces the originals, when you have the mod on). They are the realistic sizes, which looks good, and they have new sound effects (which are really much better), redone weapons systems (more realistic - more deadly), and now the BMP-1 actually shows that ATGM on top, which is nice (and the BMP-2 has better ATGM too) .

The thing is, though I love these new addons, the BMP-2 is actually slightly more powerful now than your BMP-3. The reason is because it has the realistic firing rate for the 30mm of 550 cyclic in bursts/ 200-300 practical (I think is has the practical one). Anyways, I was thinking, since these BMP's work pretty well, the BMP-3, and well as the BMD's, would be better if they had the higher firing rate found in the FDF mod.

I just get the feeling that the firing rate for the BMP-3 in the game is a bit too slow.

Anyway, I recommend that you download the FDF mod and check out what they have done with the original BMP's, and hopefully you'll agree and up the 30mm rate of fire - maybe aty the cost of a bit of accuracy?

But regardless, I love the addons, and I just don't want them to be understrength or unrealistic.

Best APC addons so far, and thanks for making them! Are you working with RHS, because I can't think of them making anything better than this.


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Just heard that AKM74 is getting his computer fixed, so it might take some time until release...

EDIT grammar

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Damn, I've been waiting for these! Well, hopefully he didn't have a hd crash :P

AKM's BTR/BMP 3 + RSS armor + FDF Russian Federation = *drool*

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Damn, I've been waiting for these! Well, hopefully he didn't have a hd crash :P

AKM's BTR/BMP 3 + RSS armor + FDF Russian Federation = *drool*

He didn't...

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Damn, I've been waiting for these! Well, hopefully he didn't have a hd crash :P

AKM's BTR/BMP 3 + RSS armor + FDF Russian Federation = *drool*

I wish we hadnt the prob of several different versions of addons like many BMP3 but we work to slow for AKM74 wow_o.gif

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i only have 2 type of BMP3 in my pack . Regular BMP3 and BMP3 with working "Arena" active defence system. All credit for it go to DKM.

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Wow nice job again biggrin_o.gif AKM74 .

BTW: What Render program is that? ( the 1 AKM74 makes his Pictures with )

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it just standart render preview windows in 3dmax

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1481 in o2 now. Will be 100-300 polys more after i add some detail later.

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Well, at least the thread got bumped tounge_o.gif

That NSV is looking good...

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*DROOOOL* give it to me now!! biggrin_o.gif

christ, that gun looks sweat!

I hope the sounds are just as nice (and LOUD!) as on the apc's.

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I hope the sounds are just as nice (and LOUD!) as on the apc's.


everyone on our server is looking forward for it too.


i hope the sounds are just as nice (and LOUDER!!!) as on the apc´s wink_o.gif

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eh, well I allready scared the shit out of my neighbours. They thought that all hell had broken loose when I started testing these APC's. A moment later a swat stormed my house, knocked down the door and ran up streirs to arrest me.

So the sound shouldn't be louder. I don't like to have an other swat team knocking on the door. wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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hehe tounge_o.gif

actually you´re right. i meant the sound volume from the distance. you can barely hear the sounds from a 500m distance.

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just wondering;

A moment ago I died (in the game) and while I was watching how my mates were doing, a BRT80 showed up on the schene and started shooting.

Hearing the BRT firing it's MG and the BMPs firing their cannons and MG's I started wondering;

could you make a (little!) sound addon that is simular to the batlle ambiance sound from BIS. I would love to hear something like that!

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