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Bas mh-47e released!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (jacobaby @ April 22 2003,22:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to admit guys that I went through today, after reading the posts before I went to work a bit pissed off. In fact I was feeling like jacking in the addon making business apart from private ones for myself and my friends/team mates.

Why? Because of all the negatives coming from people who dont read the notes.

In this whole thread, only 2 things have been mentioned that have really been worth the effort of reading.

Firstly the error that was caused by the CPP2BIN app, meaning that we had to release the BAS_cargo addon again, thanks Lee for that, and the other is the player fast roping away from his rope.

This has been checked and rechecked and rechecked several times, I even had to learn how to make basic models in Oxygen to do it, so I am a bit annoyed at missing that for the final. For the AI it seems ok, so it must be the final adjustments to the hold position that altered it for the player.

That is worth sorting, so next time we release a vehicle that will be stowed (we have at least TWO in the works PLUS a boat that you and an AI team will be able to be extracted in...) we shall probably update that as well.

A REQUEST.  If you think you have a genuine bug, and it is NOT mentioned or covered in the readme, and you can confirm that it does it repeatedly and can provide an example, then please let us know. But read the list of known issues first...you will see that pretty much all of the complaints to date are covered in that.

Regarding the chopper moving in circles. It is trying to get in formation with the leader, probably due to the Roadway LOD in the helicopter, there is nothing WE can do about this, but skilled players would know to give the pilot a WP or a HALT.

Regarding the Hold Position. For me it works all the time. The way it is scripted is this;


The AI pilot will come to a HALT. (gunner leaves group so he can try and defend of his own volition, chopper has to be set to Careless to make it stop).

When the chopper is at 1kmh or less the Chopper will be fully halted, and a hint box will appear, confirming that.

Now you can do as you like, the chopper will not move.

I find it best to Fast Rope myself, and then get the group to fast rope. The chopper will be free to move now without further action from you. If the chopper IS moving around, then it is my guess you have Clicked the action too many times.

I have made it as foolproof as possible without making a huge script base which probably would never have got finished....

However it seems there are some "fools" you just cant cater for..... biggrin.gif

Its the same with the vehicles in cargo. I deliberately made it so there was a bit of a pause in proceedings, in reality loading a Jeep or anything aboard a Chinook is time consuming and tedious. Just be more accurate with your mouse clicks and I am confident your problems will be fewer...

My biggest laugh of the day is the guy who complained he couldnt use the Police Jeep with the cargo sling. I have a crazy imagination, but even I cannot come up with a scenario where US special forces would want to be carrying a police jeep around.....   biggrin.gif

Im surprised we dont get asked for the shopping trolley and UFO to be fitted inside.....

About the flares, I guess I could have put an engine on condition in there, but I didnt really bank on you guys firing rockets at it on the floor........

In reality the CM systems are completely automatic I believe.

The balance of the comments today are more inspiring, so maybe I will do some more scripting in the future.... But I know other addon teams feel the same.... we work our arses off to get these to you..and it seems all you want to do is compete to find bugs and glitches as fast as you can  crazy.gif

So to all you who are just enjoying having the latest addon with ground breaking capability, and who have made comments of appreciation..

YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!     biggrin.gif

To the others.....if you wanna compete, try looking for the extra details we included but didnt mention.....

TJ<span id='postcolor'>

dont worry about improving the mh47e, we know ur not BIS and u dont get payed to dit we appreciate that.. just start working on that damn Mh60!!! i wouldnt care if Fast Rope was the only option it had... just get it done ASAP were counting on you!

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Here's a request: Can we get an option to disable the coughing in the dust bit without disabling the dust itself?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Abrams @ April 22 2003,22:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i have a felling that people arent listing... sad.gif

already told that there is alt bug in the heli its shows alt -1 all the time!

as anyone said above there is texture bug with cockpit<span id='postcolor'>

It's the ofp issue. To let the jeep and klr to drive inside chopper, it has to have "road" layer. Then, having a "road" layer seriously disturbs height measurment.


Something else.... How do I turn my CH47 while being a commander?... I mean... If I want to snipe from the rear ramp, the chopper's ass must be directed at enemy... and... I do not see any good and functional option for a commander to force pilot to turn sad.gif Can anybody help me, if there is any method for it? Thanks in advance...

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Guest jacobaby

No, even if you disable the dust actually you will still blink.

But if you use a BAS guy as your soldier, and when the BAS SOAR pilots are re-released, you will get rid of that by putting your goggles down.

Its not that we think everybody should just be using BAS units.....Oh, no wait, it IS that!   biggrin.gif

For a future release if I remember I will allow it to be disabled.

If you put MPGAME = true into a mission it will disable it anyway, then you can just enable the effects you want. The dust in eyes is called MPPPE if you dont want that, but of course, its all in the readme.

@ CoolCarlos I think it was.....the startup sound, we noticed it plays funny on MP games at odd times, so we disabled it for MP games. This chopper is really geared to AI missions led by the player.


Oh and for this...

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Something else.... How do I turn my CH47 while being a commander?... I mean... If I want to snipe from the rear ramp, the chopper's ass must be directed at enemy... and... I do not see any good and functional option for a commander to force pilot to turn Can anybody help me, if there is any method for it? Thanks in advance...

<span id='postcolor'>

Theres no way to turn it, but I find flying over the enemy site is the trick. Also dont forget you can fire out of the windows and the floor hatch (even a LAW) and from the empty gunners slot.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (jacobaby @ April 22 2003,22:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Truth.<span id='postcolor'>

The problem is that people not listening.

You can say/do what you want, some people won´t listen.

I can say 10000 times: "You need this and that and that addon to play the Map."

They try 5 or more times to connect to the server with getting a message that addon_xxx is needed. sad.gif

So why read a readme....

Please people, go, read the readme and try to understand.

Then enyoy the amazing features BAS is giving to us!

THX again to BAS for your great work!

MfG Lee wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ April 22 2003,23:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No ashtray.<span id='postcolor'>

Amazing addon. Thanks so much for the effort!

I just can't imagine how much work goes behind this beauty.

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Great helicopter, OFP is getting better daily. Okay just one thing, and it isn't big.

It's flown by the 160th SOAR like the littlebirds yeah? So why is it in the BAS - Vehicles with the regular army Kiowas?

If this has been mentioned before and a solution proposed don't bother replying to this.

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i should of said this before u released it.. dam!

well when u get up out of the chopper while its the air.. that u can equipe the other mingun... would that be possible... oh hwo care its too late any way wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dark Knight @ April 23 2003,01:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i should of said this before u released it.. dam!

well when u get up out of the chopper while its the air.. that u can equipe  the other mingun... would that be possible... oh hwo care its too late any way wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

This is no BF1942 the ofp engine does not support 2 guns

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Guest BratZ

The roadway in the chopper messing it up? Don't put a roadway there inside the chopper model...Instead make one as a seperate model the size you need,then you can createvehicle and setpos it where you need when you need and will be seperate of the chopper

I have not yet tried this chopper, I need to patch to 1.91 and I am at 1.90 but in the middle of some projects,cant chance a change,lol

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (343rdBadger @ April 22 2003,21:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hovmand @ April 22 2003,20:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (343rdBadger @ April 22 2003,20wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (pong2cs @ April 22 2003,13:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think my pilot suffers from something, because every time I turn off hold-position, he starts swinging the chopper round 'n round in circles constantly, and when I put it back on, he refuses to hold the chopper still, so it constantly moves a tiny bit.

On a side note, would anyone know why my game pauses 10-20 seconds in every gunfight the instant the first bullet is fired? Say if 10 people come at me, the instant a bullet is fired, game pauses, then it resumes and the gunfight is carried out in a normal fasion, 1-2 minutes later, another group, another pause...<span id='postcolor'>

I moved this from the troubleshooting thread as i thought it was too coinsidental(this being in regards to the lock up upon fireing a first shot):...

Interesting...I've just spent the last few hours trying to find out whats causing the same problem??...i had thought it was maybe the fact i loaded 5 addons at the same time...the new mh47...the new yak 141...the updated king tiger and rocket launcher and the startrooper dropship...i deleted all the addons and still get the same problem...also, i hear a "Swooshing" sound in back ground that loops.maybe we should spread this to another thread to get more feedback??...im willing to bet its the sounds in the mh-47 that may be the culprit on our systems...hopeing im wrong though<span id='postcolor'>

I had the same problem and SkyQuake (bless his sweet ass) from my clan, told me it was the dropship causing this, i deleted the dropship and the crater addon and voila....no more lock up <!--emo&smile.gif

Check in your addon folder to see if you still have that crater addon.

EDIT: Oh and BAS YOU ROCK!!! biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Whew!!!...God luv ya!!!!...that was the ticket!!!...good thing i came back here one last time...i was about to totally reinstall ofp!!!...the dropship was the culprit...gonna see if i can narrow it down to the crater or dropship itself...so the MH-47 is good to go on my system thank god...thanks again

badger mutters off ....  boy that was a close one.......whew!<span id='postcolor'>

Praise you Hovmand! biggrin.gif

And Badger, the swooshing sound is actually the bullet flying past you.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ April 22 2003,23:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here's a request:  Can we get an option to disable the coughing in the dust bit without disabling the dust itself?<span id='postcolor'>

Yes you can disable the dust read the readme that's what its for

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I think it goes without saying that this is a very nice addon. A LOT of work has been put in and it is acceptable that you would be slightly annoyed, after all that work, to have people find bugs so soon.

But hey, BIS deal with that all the time, and without throwing tantrums. biggrin.gif

I *always* read the readme. And I certainly read the readme before posting a bug on a forum.

This is a great chopper, but it is very hard to get it to work in multiplayer, the readme was frankly, lacking in installation information and overabundant in features and technical descriptions of the chopper. Which is all good I suppose, but this is the readme for installation:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">



There are 3 PBO files in the zip file. Installation files are different depending on which version of OFP you are running.

**** 1.91+ ****

Put the following in your addons folder:



<span id='postcolor'>

Which addons folder? Res\Addons, OFP\Addons? Does BAS_Cargo also go in here?

This is a great addon, and I'm sure everyone's wrapped, but I'm also sure mission designer's must be having the same problems I am experiencing for multiplayer games.

I will try moving all BAS addons to Res\Addons and see if theres some fix for the missing addon errors.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (jacobaby @ April 22 2003,22:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to admit guys that I went through today, after reading the posts before I went to work a bit pissed off. In fact I was feeling like jacking in the addon making business apart from private ones for myself and my friends/team mates.

Why? Because of all the negatives coming from people who dont read the notes.

In this whole thread, only 2 things have been mentioned that have really been worth the effort of reading.

Firstly the error that was caused by the CPP2BIN app, meaning that we had to release the BAS_cargo addon again, thanks Lee for that, and the other is the player fast roping away from his rope.

This has been checked and rechecked and rechecked several times, I even had to learn how to make basic models in Oxygen to do it, so I am a bit annoyed at missing that for the final. For the AI it seems ok, so it must be the final adjustments to the hold position that altered it for the player.

That is worth sorting, so next time we release a vehicle that will be stowed (we have at least TWO in the works PLUS a boat that you and an AI team will be able to be extracted in...) we shall probably update that as well.

A REQUEST.  If you think you have a genuine bug, and it is NOT mentioned or covered in the readme, and you can confirm that it does it repeatedly and can provide an example, then please let us know. But read the list of known issues first...you will see that pretty much all of the complaints to date are covered in that.

Regarding the chopper moving in circles. It is trying to get in formation with the leader, probably due to the Roadway LOD in the helicopter, there is nothing WE can do about this, but skilled players would know to give the pilot a WP or a HALT.

Regarding the Hold Position. For me it works all the time. The way it is scripted is this;


The AI pilot will come to a HALT. (gunner leaves group so he can try and defend of his own volition, chopper has to be set to Careless to make it stop).

When the chopper is at 1kmh or less the Chopper will be fully halted, and a hint box will appear, confirming that.

Now you can do as you like, the chopper will not move.

I find it best to Fast Rope myself, and then get the group to fast rope. The chopper will be free to move now without further action from you. If the chopper IS moving around, then it is my guess you have Clicked the action too many times.

I have made it as foolproof as possible without making a huge script base which probably would never have got finished....

However it seems there are some "fools" you just cant cater for..... biggrin.gif

Its the same with the vehicles in cargo. I deliberately made it so there was a bit of a pause in proceedings, in reality loading a Jeep or anything aboard a Chinook is time consuming and tedious. Just be more accurate with your mouse clicks and I am confident your problems will be fewer...

My biggest laugh of the day is the guy who complained he couldnt use the Police Jeep with the cargo sling. I have a crazy imagination, but even I cannot come up with a scenario where US special forces would want to be carrying a police jeep around.....   biggrin.gif

Im surprised we dont get asked for the shopping trolley and UFO to be fitted inside.....

About the flares, I guess I could have put an engine on condition in there, but I didnt really bank on you guys firing rockets at it on the floor........

In reality the CM systems are completely automatic I believe.

The balance of the comments today are more inspiring, so maybe I will do some more scripting in the future.... But I know other addon teams feel the same.... we work our arses off to get these to you..and it seems all you want to do is compete to find bugs and glitches as fast as you can  crazy.gif

So to all you who are just enjoying having the latest addon with ground breaking capability, and who have made comments of appreciation..

YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!     biggrin.gif

To the others.....if you wanna compete, try looking for the extra details we included but didnt mention.....

TJ<span id='postcolor'>

Well said TJ.....I only textured this baby back in the day when it was a TJP helo and haven't worked HALF as hard as you have on it.

And I was a little dissapointed as well....reporting bugs is important....but I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that the perception of people clammering over each other to report the first bug is what is most disheartening.

Guys....I know most of you didn't mean to show any disrespect....but please....for the good of all addon makers....show a little appreciation for the hundreds of hours poured into these new units that get created it for you.

And for god sake read the README.....believe it or not...a lot of time gets put into these as well....and it is VERY frustrating when people ask questions and point out errors that are expressly addressed in the README.

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Regarding 1.2:

Removing the need does not necessarily mean that one day you will not have use for an ash tray.


No complaints, but questions regarding AI implementation of the new commands.

No I haven't got that far yet, but is the new stuff available to DOCOMMAND?

Thanks for the ramp, BTW smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ April 23 2003,02:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But hey, BIS deal with that all the time, and without throwing tantrums. biggrin.gif

I *always* read the readme. And I certainly read the readme before posting a bug on a forum.<span id='postcolor'>


I believe TJ was merely expressing his frustration.

As for BIS dealing with it. You would be correct in your statement if it weren't for one thing.


In fact....these addons COST US to make for you. In TJ's case...as he is self employed, he took several days off and therefore did not get paid.  In my case...bills for websites, phone calls, tools and software to make better addons...for every BAS member...time away from family/friends, girlfriends...wives plus tools and software to improve the quality of what they do.

You may say that not working is TJ's choice and for every BAS member making those sacrifices is our choice....true....but here is the kicker...we make those choices for YOU...the community...we do it because we love to make addons....and we love for people to enjoy them.

Unfortunately....as we are not employed to this.....it is very difficult for us swallow some of the comments thrown our way when so little appreciation is shown into the cost of making the addon to all the team.

I know BIS deals with this...but their livelihood depends on it...we buy the game for them...and them improving it means more sales and loyal customers who will buy their next game

For BAS...we could close it down tomorrow and everyone would be a lot happier with more time and less pressure added onto their already busy real life committments.

I found your comment Lt. Damage particularly offensive. Everytime I hear this "BIS deals with it" argument my blood boils. Perhaps we should start selling these things....then you could throw shit at us and we'd smile the whole time. But  we DO NOT want to sell them...we also can't due to license agreements in O2.

In fact......I think BAS is gonna start producing developer diaries....just so you all can appreciate just how much blood, sweat and tears go into these things. We do the best we can with the advanced knowledge and toolsets BIS have...and some cases we are doing it better (who ever thought an helo would rappel in OFP)....and still it's not enough.

These addons are as perfect as we can make em....but as we are human...they are not perfect. And it is pushing the boundaries of what we can do with OFP. Let's all recognise that and back off a little.....some things dont work perfect in MP...OK....don't accuse us of being sloppy....recognise that with advanced capabilities like this comes advanced scripting and there may be problems. I've seen this happen time and time again with all kinds of addon makers. DKM's RAH-66....pushed the limits...and peeps shot it down.

I think I've vented enough....bottom line....bugs are fine.....but exercise a little better judgement when posting and articulating them. Addon makers want to improve their projects....but not when people are being so negative.

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I know its hard to deal with, if you look at my Toyota Hilux thread, first addon I ever made and you can see the reaction I got, I dealt with it. I imagine the work involved in your addon is equivilent to how much hours I spent on mine, to the power of 10 or maybe a 100. And I did not mean to offend you, BIS do get paid, so maybe thats where they draw their strength from? Maybe.

I guess you were really expecting a lot more praise and less bug reports and I think I'll just wait until you are ready to deal with the business side of this addon release.

Tigershark: I think everyone is getting a bit too complacent, there are many addons coming out and some pretty groundbreaking stuff.

This would of had people in convulsions on the floor if you hadn't already released the fantastic addons that set the benchmark.

Don't be disheartened, look at it this way:

The better the addon = More people use it = bugs are tracked down much quicker = more bug reports.

They aren't crawling over each other to report them, you have simply drawn a LOT of players due to the quality of the addon. smile.gif

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@ Tigershark

mm, now i have to say the following: I´m very glad that there is BAS. Your addons were always of top quality and believe me: WE, the community are very happy with them. There are so many people like me out there who download these wonderful addons but don´t say anything about it. But we like it like the ppl who give permanent (good) comments here. I don´t think that bug-reports are so bad. Sure if it was clear in the readme you are totally right. But i think the most of them want to help you.

Please don´t be so pesimistic, you (BAS) have many many fans out there.

And I am one of them


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@BlueFlight...thanks...it's hard not to be a little cynical after the various experiences BAS has gone through. Never said don't report bugs..or that we don't want to hear about them....just making the point make sure they are legitimate AFTER reading the Read me file...and perhaps phrase them positively and not in a negative manner.

@Lt. Damage. For the record...I thought the treatment of your Hilux addon was appalling....and the only reason I didn:t post in that thread was because I believe someone else stepped up to the plate and asked everyone to show a little consideration. I know you meant no harm in your previous comments....but it did provoke a reaction from me...I apologize.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

I had to edit a lot of missions because for some reason the choppers do not add the required names to the addon list at the top of the mission.sqm.

This means if I add a MH47E to a mission I have to add the following names manually:





Thats for every mission I want to use the MH-47E in.

Now I dunno about you but to me that just seems wrong

In some missions, even manually adding the names does not allow the mission to load, i then get "missing addon : bmp2"

Now I want to clarify, this is only after adding this one addon to the mission, the mission functioned fine before that.

If theres any more information you need that would help I'll see what i can do.


<span id='postcolor'>

That was my original report, I made it out of desire to have the problems resolved and allow the players on OGN to experience this wonderful addon.

If it wasn't a good addon people wouldn't bother to report the bugs, your time and effort and money is definately appreciated. I think all of us who are reporting issues just want some help so that we can enjoy the work you've put into it.


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I had actually missed the stuff about the fast rope in the read me file even though I read it. sad.gif However one little thing that I find annoying... not being able to open the rear ramp if I'm not grouped with the helicopter. I actually like being able to open the rear door while riding in back. That way I can get a nicer view. No big deal if people play with the doors while flying. Gives everyone something to do anyways.

Anyhoo... other then that and stuff others have mentioned, this addon is indeed ground breaking and really amazing so don't think we don't appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into it. As for the DKM Commanche, I don't remember everyone shooting it down. There were a few people who were a little overly critical, but I think most people really enjoyed the Commanche. You guys need to remember to take all the knitpicking (including mine) with a grain of salt and remember that you can never please everyone. Even if nothing is changed on the MH-47 I'd be happy with it as it is. In fact I was pretty happy with the old BAS MH-47. smile.gif But this one is 10X better.

To TJ, I hope you stick with script writing because you do some of the best (if not the best) script writing (addon and mission scripts) in the OFP community. You should be a computer programmer or something.

Also look on the bright side... at least the techniques developed for this helicopter can be used in many other helicopters and aircraft. I would love to see a C130, C-17, or the Antonov An-124 addons with the ability to carry some vehicles. That ability in this MH-47 addon truly is groundbreaking.

So anyways hats off to everyone in the BAS crew and all others who helped. Keep up the excellent addons!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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You shouldn't need the kiowapack.pbo, i cant recall any trouble with that in the sqm since betas of the 1.0 chinook, ages ago. None of the demos have the kiowa in the sqm.

The bas_cargo.pbo entry has to be entered manually for the time being. Unfortunately the addon sqm system doesnt always work, so once you add it, the editor often deletes it. For the demo missions i added the soar, mh47 and cargo entries manually, then pboed them with makepbo, so the editor couldnt alter the sqm when saving.

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CONGRATULATIONS this chopper is a MAGNIFICENT AND very very well detailed work, i stayed all the afternoon playing with the chinook and i love it

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