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CSLA, its prognosed low sales and future of Creator DLC's

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I will  support the CSLA Mod Team as well. I always enjoyed the content they have created since OFP times and it was always quality work. The Arma 2 CSLA mod was great as well I have fond memories. They have dedicated lot's of time during all these years to create their Mod for free to let community enjoy it. now that they have the possibility to get maybe it little but more then only recognition I will happily support them. I'm mostly into Single player and CSLA has always provided SP content. Looking forward to it.

Just my 2 cents.


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As a leader of a community of that size, I think that your analysis of the problem is spot on, even as I don't agree with your conclusion.  
It is hard, if not impossible to justify adding GM and CSLA to our mod repository for the reasons you outlined. For all practical intents and purposes CUP and RHS offer adequate, comparable or superior assets.  Assets which are inherently compatible with existing Arma3 universe. 

I think the underlying problem is this: Global Mobilisation is everything Arma3 should have been on release: specific in scope and having an inherently interesting scenario/setting. The cognitive dissonance arises because GM is fundamentally and thematically not compatible with Arma3. Example: If a 7.62 from a GM rifle performs radically different from vanilla, RHS or CUP weapons it is incompatible. If the vehicles added in GM do not fit out-of-the-box into the default A3 sandbox, they are incompatible. All of this translates into a confused message.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is an easy solution. I will continue to buy and support Bohemia products, but I don't expect to see massive use of neither GM nor CSLA anytime in the future. 


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That's right, and to add to the dissonance, a cold war era DLC in in the same niche as the numerous cold war era mods available for free.

And the underlying problem is simple as 2x2: the creation of free content for whole life time of the game, to the point when there is so much variety of it, that noone would want to buy anything because it's replacable by a compatible free pack from another modding studio. The modding community has forced this situation upon itself, unconsciously - because it loves to make content for free. The consequense is that nobody can sell anything in this case. Situation is terrible, but it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Solution also seems obvious - if you want to sell something, make something which has no alternative in the mod sphere at all, Apex DLC is a good example of this, no surprise it's the most widely-accepted DLC out there.

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  On 12/13/2020 at 6:16 AM, sv5000 said:

I loved CSLA in the OFP days and I'm happy to support them now.


Oh, and maybe we need to get an 'Old Farts' forum achievement?

Yes, us old farts do recall the original days. CSLA was fun. 20 years of BI. I played that OFP demo so damn much and often.....Think I even keep the tower that it is on.

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I remember a 1 hour long intro to a campaign.

and a car with a subwoofer. But that might of been FDF, not to sure now.

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  On 9/23/2020 at 4:48 AM, scimitar said:

Personally, I'm glad that CSLA is the next CDLC. I hear people complain all the time about the problems with the CDLC concept and multiplayer but some of us just don't care about multiplayer. I only play SP and  enjoy official and user made campaigns and dynamic missions such as those created with Hetman War Stories (over 70 ports on the SWS) and Dynamic Civil War. There are actually a fair number of players that do the same and a lot of us will be purchasing CSLA just as we did GM (over 80 mods for it on the SWS). Also, as an older gamer that's a Cold War era military veteran, I'm looking forward to it immensely. I've always felt that A3's jump to 2035 was an immense mistake and I'm glad that there are CDLC and mod makers bringing the game back to it's roots. As for those complaining, I suggest that they don't buy it but shut the hell up about it not being free or an integral part of the game. They're just whining because they don't want to spend the money for it. When you consider the price of getting into PC gaming and the upgrade costs along the way as well as the price for new games and gaming accessories, $20-30 for a new CDLC is negligible. There are also those that only complain about GM or the compatibility files being a 30GB download that they don't want taking up space on their drives and cite that as the reasons that they don't buy it or download the compatibility files. I wish they would shut the hell up too because their complaints are irrelevant and contribute nothing. If they don't want to play on servers that also run GM, then they should find other servers to play on. I would also suggest that everyone lighten up on the CDLC negativity. No one is forcing anyone to buy or install anything that they don't want to and complaining about it is useless and tiresome.



NO KIDDING!!! Just can't wait for its release!! I have posted this before I keep reading, lol. In our house, we have to buy 3 copies of everything for Arma... so this new Creators DLC is no different. Price lower would be nice, but if you look at what comes with it like GM did... that was rated way low in my opinion...it should have been more like Apex... I think we paid 35 each for GM.... it was forth it though.. and this is USD. Also, if it is like 30GB... so be it... that is like buying a new game in some cases. CDLC... we have been waiting since its announcement! 🙂

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I fail to see how having LITE packs is an improvement over the current solution of compatibility data packs that give you the content in high resolution and a reminder on screen.

As for who has an appeal for CSLA, some people like to run clean games with as little unnecessary data as possible, so swapping out mods for smaller CDLCs that focus on a couple factions is something they might like, also from my knowledge there's no mod that currently provides a cold war Czechoslovakia faction.

Do mods cut into the revenues of these DLCs? Likely, but at this point arma 3 has been out for 8 years and its a game with an active modding community, had the program started earlier things would've probably gone differently (but we'll never know, guess we'll see what happens when a new Arma game rolls out).

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  On 5/16/2021 at 6:09 PM, Chairborne said:

...also from my knowledge there's no mod that currently provides a cold war Czechoslovakia faction...


Not to detract from your points but there are at least two mods that provide a Cold War CSLA faction. Neither are as comprehensive or as accurate as the CDLC will be but from what I can tell, both were primarily created and released as temporary CSLA mods until the CDLC or a more comprehensive Czechoslovakian CW mod is released. I'm aware of these mods because I spend a lot of time on the workshop and on the Arma Cold War Discord server following CW mods, as it's my primary area of interest. I haven't tried the "Cold War Overhaul" mod as I consider the dependencies to be a bit much but the "Cold War: ČSLA" mod is fairly good as a stand in until the CDLC is released.






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i stand corrected then, i didnt know about either one

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  On 9/23/2020 at 5:35 PM, SzepyCZ said:

personally i’m afraid that the assets wont be on the same level of "quality" as GM’s are, i might be wrong, i made this assumption based on  the screenshots from annoucement/videos CSLA made from their playtests

Oh god, just as i thought, it’s true.
vanilla A3 weapons sounds(and some of them are poorly configured), totaly wrong RoF on some weapons, poorly configured gearbox/physX on some vehicles, wrong missile/rocket speeds, bolt action rifle without hand anim (seriously, 2 minutes of weapon framework implementation), wrong anims on some weapons, and a few other things.

atleast the map looks somewhat okay/usable with ai(the sog one is really bad at this).

yes, vehicles looks nice texture-wise, but that’s all, and fortunately in arma funcions/gameplay is more then graphics.


sorry, but this is just not enough in 2021 for a paid "mod" (CDLC), especially when things like GM or RHS managed to set the bar so high,  function, gameplay and asset quality-wise


and before some of you says that it was just released and things will be fixed/improved, remember that it was already delayed multiple months, it was supposed to release before SOG

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Seen the stream of this CDLC owner. Putting an airplane with the cockpit of OFP-era middle level quality in 2021 payware DLC? Are you serious?

BTW this CDLC has even smaller amount of assets than in freeware CSLA mod for A2:OA. Come on, guys...

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