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Major Fubar

What is you preferred file type for addons

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So, what type of files do you think addon makers should distribute their addons in?

Personally, I prefer ZIPs, or maybe RARs. Self installers really annoy me.

So whaddya waiting for - VOTE! crazy.giftounge.gif

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Plz no EXE files crazy.gif

I installed ofp in the root so it always points the wrong way, besides i like to see what gets installed.

Some exe's you have to point to the addon folder, others to the flashpointfolder .... so it s confusing most of the times.


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It's becoming an annoying trend, a lot of the better known addon teams are using self installers now... mad.gif

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ZIP - most used, most comfortable.

Self-installers are nice, but as it was already said here, I want to HAVE CONTROL over the addon I am installing (I always tell it another path to see what the beast unpacks;)).

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ZIP or RAR,doesn't matter.Self-installers are pretty annoying,maybe only for packs,it's handy if missions,templates,islands,mp,and addons all get to their correct folders without hassle...

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Zip or Rar, i dont care, powerarchiver takes them both smile.gif

Please stop using .exe files, it might look "cool" and all, but they are not very practical, i usually point them to my desktop so i can see what gets installed.

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Zip or self-extract from zip. Without folder or path and for the readme I like txt or html file. Please no PDF.

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I like zips, I open the with powerarchiver (a very good program, like hovmand mentioned before).

One thing that annoys me a lot is the fact that when I open addons by right clicking the file and choosing "extract to" and select the addons directory, almost every time a pop-up comes and asks if readme.txt is to be rewritten.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cam0flage @ Jan. 15 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like zips, I open the with powerarchiver (a very good program, like hovmand mentioned before).

One thing that annoys me a lot is the fact that when I open addons by right clicking the file and choosing "extract to" and select the addons directory, almost every time a pop-up comes and asks if readme.txt is to be rewritten.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah I get those overwrite messages also. Of coarse that could be easily remedied if addon makers simply named their .txt files something other then "readme". smile.gif

At any rate, I agree with others... ZIP THOSE ADDONS PLEASE!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Addonmakers, are you getting the message here?

Seriously, after the polls been open a few days, I am going to email some of the bigger mod teams with the results. I just don't think they relaise how much EXEs bug people.

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I like Rar and ZIP , cuz winrar can handle everything, i HATE .exe! they are really annoying!!

Plz dont use .exe Addon makers


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Maybe 2 versions of the addon file...a zipped pack and an exe...that way both camps are satisfied.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cam0flage @ Jan. 15 2003,13:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like zips, I open the with powerarchiver (a very good program, like hovmand mentioned before).

One thing that annoys me a lot is the fact that when I open addons by right clicking the file and choosing "extract to" and select the addons directory, almost every time a pop-up comes and asks if readme.txt is to be rewritten.<span id='postcolor'>

Use winrar instead.

He doesnt prompt for txt files and does zip and rar too smile.gif

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I voted zip. It's the most universally accepted and familiar format in the Windows world. Great for noobies and it shouldn't be an embarrassment for tech nerds (though they seem to think it is).

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I don't care what other addonmakers use. Personally I prefer these little installer applications (not Self-Extractors) for the addons I make.

I tell you why! In my eyes it gives the addon a more professional look. Also you can add goodies like images that show up while installing or soundfiles that play in the backround (I just love it smile.gif ).

I can live with the fact that I don't know exactly what the installer installs to my addon folder. Also I think it's a more comfortable way for "noob's" (no offence against them). If the installer is set up correctly (with registry search for OFP) it finds the addon folder automatically and it cannot happen that it installs the files into the wrong directory. I just have to click "next" for a few times and the file is installed. No copy and past waste of time.

Also I prefer PDF's instead of TXT files. You can add sounds, images, a good layout, and the overall look is just better.

Only my two cents though. smile.gif

PSC smile.gif


Btw., I did not vote because as I said - I don't care what others use.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PSC @ Jan. 15 2003,18:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">soundfiles that play in the backround (I just love it smile.gif )<span id='postcolor'>

I hate things like that the most, I pretty much always play music and if something else plays over it its just all screwed up. (And yes, I hate the OFP installer too tounge.gif) Plus any sound playing during the install is just extra size for the download.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Jan. 15 2003,17:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hate things like that the most, I pretty much always play music and if something else plays over it its just all screwed up.<span id='postcolor'>

biggrin.gif You can be happy then that the Clickteam InstallerMaker Pro does not allow soundplayback in the backround while installing (or that I did not find out how to play them yet) wink.gif


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"I can live with the fact that I don't know exactly what the installer installs to my addon folder" Lucky man smile.gif

If it's an installer like clickteam it's ok for me if you don't use the uninstall function. But I see some addons (1 pbo) in exe and the result is 1 shortcut to desktop, 1 folder in my program file with uninstall option, 1 file in windir (the uninstall.exe), 1 infofile for uninstall...  crazy.gif

If the reason is to force peoples to read your info or listening your sounds you can do html page with images and sound instead of pdf with a button at the bottom of the page say: I AGREE before the download  tounge.gif


no offence m8

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Whats the point in all that soundcrap and images, it only takes like bloody 2 seks to install the .pbo anyway. crazy.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hovmand @ Jan. 15 2003,20:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Whats the point in all that soundcrap and images, it only takes like bloody 2 seks to install the .pbo anyway.  crazy.gif<span id='postcolor'>

It delights my heart smile.gif

Isn't that a reason?


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